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GOS Enemies (EUP) (Formerly FSF Enemies)

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I'm pleased to release GOS_Enemy_Units_Pack, which I hope despite the terrible name could enhance your Arma Experience while playing in the Jungle of N'Ziwasogo or elsewhere.

This adds 12 factions (6 Opfor and 6 Independant) each with a unique camo more or less typical of those found in Africa (AFR), Latin america (AML) and Asia (ASI).
Also contains various camos used in Russia.

French Lizard (Various)
Many Russian variations.

Note on Weapons :
These units are equiped of high quality weapons, I needed them to be effective at quite long ranges for gameplay reasons rather than reality.

Download :

Dependencies :
RDS Static weapons pack
RDS tank pack

Media :

credits :
GOS_Kitoon Configuration.
AndyMarley (Russian camos.
The respective creators of the base textures found here and there on the net.
GOS_Makhno Textures (French Leopard, portugese, Woodland).

Clan G.O.S :

Edited by makhno

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Yeah old camo are awesome i dl ASAP thx;)

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You should use the FN FAL for the main weapon. The camos are great also !!

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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This is excellent, just what I've been waiting for. I especially like the Asian camo for my SE Asian missions.

I agree that having the FN FAL would be a good primary rifle for the Rhodesian like factions, I will have to find one :).

No classnames listed :(.

Edited by Dr@gon

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Great mod !!

I noticed one issue: the MCC mission generator is unable to use the FSF Enemies factions. Could you check that and make them compatible with the MCC generator ?

Thx !

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Nice work, we need more opfor type re-textures. The more, the merrier.

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Just Dl'd. Looks very cool! Can't wait to dig in.

Any thoughts on making this ALiVE-compatible?

alivemod.com Dev setup info here.

This would make great pak for most Maps/Climates

in concert with ALiVE's populate-map system.

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just tried again the AFR troops (both army and guerrilla) on Dariyah and got a weird visual glicht:


Being closer or farther away makes the blue line disappear.

Mission time was around 3 or 4 PM (could it be a shadow bug ?).

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I get that too.

That seems to be some glitch with the SUD_russians weapons,

post in the SUD_russians thread and see if they can help you.

Doesnt seem to be a problem directly with this mod, since those troops use the weapons from sud_russians.

Hopefully this helps. fyi tho I get it on all shadow (times) I think.

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There seems to be some sort of conflict between this mod and HLC weapons packs, causing HLC scopes to appear inside the bodies of the guns, or not at all, with the sign axis aligned with the bore axis. I first understood this to be a problem with SUD Russian weapons, but it seems that I can operate the sud_russians mod along with hlc mods with no conflict.

I'm not unduly worried, but I thought that might just be worth your attention.

nb, I'm not posting this in the hlc thread since a poster already brought it up there.

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I'll check it out.

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I used to be able to find the faction classname (or similar) for use with ALiVE and now I'm at a bust. It worked fine too.. Sad face. Is there any way we could get that posted up again?

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Updated mod v1.0.0.1 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey Makhno , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

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To learn more, follow this guide.

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With Sudden no longer supporting his pack, could we get this changed to use an alternate weapon pack ? RHS for instance ?


Would be great to get these guys back in the Jungle...



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I'd support that...

Anything that works basically and gets maintained.

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An update for this would be awesome now that Icebreakr has released Lingor. CUP or RHS, either one works for me! :lol:

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I'll publish new version ASAP.

But I must first get permission from the authors of some of the camos i used.


At the moment, this addon (the version we use within my clan) relies on the following addons :


RHS (svd, RPG, Armalites, generaly only those weapons not available through HLC AK pack)

RDS assets ( Armor and Static Weapons).


I won't change this as is suits our needs, and my taste, but if anyone wants to make an alternative config to use RHS or CUP, or any other addon instead of the original ones, i'm perfectly ok with that.

Config is quite easy to read and it shouldn't be much trouble.

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I'm looking for units for my Island Thunder campaign but trying yo reduce mod dependencies.

Would be great if this only had dependency on CUP or RHS.

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