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[SP Campaign] M.E.R.C.S. - mercenary expendable ruthless covert selfish

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Decided to get into the creation of whiteboards. Every cool project here has whiteboards. So I need whiteboards too!


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But you need them! Whiteboards are the new... uhm... blackboards! The new blackboards! Instead of cheap chalk you have to buy expensive markers and you can see every fucking scratch! But it's totally worth it, believe me! :D

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Just two quick development snapshots from the 10th contract mission "An Eye for An Eye". Looks like ION is deploying the good stuff. I raise to you: "Betty the Bobshell"

m04c_load_source4ss2i.jpg m04c_overview_source94s6j.jpg

In other news we're all anticipating the Arma 3 update 1.20 by the end of the week. Since BIS is changing some stuff regarding adding uniforms to units I expect parts of the shop system / uniform changing to break. I'm aware of this issue and will release a fix ASAP after the update. Stay tuned! :)

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LOL, I guess I'll have to start killing everyone in town. LOL.

Downloading the update, hoping to capture the second mission today to put on youtube.

It's so good that I actually enjoy playing it a second time. But I wouldn't mind new missions tho.

Keep up the good work :)

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Hey, great to hear, looking forward to the next vid!

Killing everyone in town? - I assume you're talking about "Riot Control". I'd keep my eyes open for the FIA, they're taking massacres on innocent civies really seriously.^^

New missions are in the making! :)

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Nah, I just meant killing everyone that worth (or carrying) any cash, like any decent mercenary would :)

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That's a good attitude! Well, at least for a merc... Please stay away from society. ;)

---------- Post added 06-02-2014 at 12:51 AM ---------- Previous post was 06-01-2014 at 11:12 PM ----------

Latest news from the science lab!

Our specialists have been experimenting with a combat enhancement drug called "alcohol". Their results show a vast impact on combat efficiency. Sadly, not in the expected way. Nevertheless, our test subjects enjoyed the case study. ;)

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Proud to publish the latest development snapshots. Our protagonists take a break to enjoy the cheap Alitan bars. Is there a better view for a post-party-piss than the old Kavala castle? ;)

m05_load_sourced3kon.jpg m05_overview_source7jj11.jpg

I'm also working on a "corporate ppEffect" like The East Wind has - only in more extreme. Below some (unedited) screenshots of what I humbly refer to as "Glow". I like the unnatural, "insanely hot" look for M.E.R.C.S. and it matches my image filter. Maybe still a little bit too bright for good gameplay though.

2014-06-03_00003kizuq.jpg 2014-06-03_00005gny0d.jpg 2014-06-03_00006n2zml.jpg 2014-06-03_00007y1z8l.jpg

Oh, and the shots also show Black Arrow's (ION's strongest competitor) new uniforms - thanks again to Surfer for creating the awesome flag patch!

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So alcohol made'em pretty much invincible!?

Looks awesome! It's like playing drunk without the drinking. Wait... no... Wooot?

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In Germany, we have the saying that drunk people can't hurt themselves.^^

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Yay! Whiteboards! Welcome to the club! :cool:

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Thanks, finally one of the cool kids. :D

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Proud to present some insider information about ION, Inc. I was able to get into my hands. Don't ask how I got that info but thanks to my informants you're now able to get some classified insights about the organisational structure of our fellow mercenaries:


Pic related: Looking forward to the custom insignia thing Moricky mentioned on twitter. I hope it also allows us to add some custom rank insignias to our characters' uniforms. :)

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Finally had time to finish all missions on v0.52, I am addicted, IndeedPete gimme gimme gimme some fix ;)

Hope to see some paybay for those Black Arrow basterds and in the end a showdown between Raif and the human traficker (are you planning some sneaky sabotage missions too?) 8D


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Glad to hear!

More is in the making. I hope I manage to finish the update by this weekend to release v0.53 before I go on a little vacay next week. It should feature some major fixes regarding the Glass system (users should be able to use it on all interface sizes, I remember you had some issues too), some assets (textures, customisation), a new custom rank system (hence the chain of command picture two posts up) which has ties to Glass, Conv and Shop systems, some changes regarding the mission rewards (they're now partly based on the custom rank system), some minor changes in the Conv system, a new "corporate" ppEffect, three new missions (Drunk Mode! :yay:), one more ending and (hopefully) a good cliffhanger to let you guys really suffer until Beta release.

I don't want to spoil too much but Black Arrow get what they deserve, it also kind of involves explosions. :)

There are also some sneaky scenarios in the planning, keyword: "trawler".

Now I've spoilered enough, need to get back to work. ;)

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I just played the Sauerland Express mission, and I'm kinda stuck.

Hit the ambush, rush through (the AI actually manages to rush through unharmed, but I guess that's more or less because they're set to invincible :P), park the trucks infront of the commander. I talk to him, and get the engineer (I don't even know why, because the trucks were fine - but it was the only option, so whatever). Now at this point nothing works. I went back up and cleared out every enemy using my invincible friend, but nope. Nothing. NOT rushing through the ambush is kind of impossible because you're pretty much attacked from all angles, giving you zero cover anywhere. But yeah, after clearing out the enemy, parking the trucks both infront and behind the commander gives me no options after I get the engineer.

Any idea what that's about?

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Hey tryteyker,

I've looked into it and must admit that I've made a mistake; a local var within the missionFlow.fsm was undefined if the mission was played the way you did. I'm sorry for that and it will be fixed in the next update.

The non-breaking way would be to really eliminate every one of the ambushers (they're running away sometimes, maybe you didn't get all of them), followed by a small dialogue and then it should continue. Getting the engineer is one way to fix the trucks if they get disabled and you don't carry a repair kit with you. You can always approach the officer for help

or go to the civie who's working on a car in the village you pass on the way, he will borrow you a tool kit

. In case you don't want to replay the whole mission, hit Esc while you're in it and paste / execute

["Hub01", true, true] call IP_fnc_endMission;

into the debug console, it will take you back to the hub with mission accomplished.

Thanks for notifying me and have fun!

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Just started the mission. Not sure if I should trust my new "friends"...


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What the-?! Quick, call the exorcist! I shall walk through the valley of death and fear no evil... :D

Yes, some animations are a bit bitchy sometimes. Same goes for the lean-on-table-stuff. My AI is always one metre up in the air or their legs are buried in the ground. Tried some stuff, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. :/ But thanks for reporting the issue. ;)

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Good morning!

Worked way too long on the second ending which will be part of the coming update but I'm proud to present two new development screenshots which I will leave without comment:

mout_quit_load_sourcerbdwc.jpg mout_quit_overview_soo1izm.jpg

Additionally, some shots of a few assets which will also be part of the update. In case you miss them ingame:

2014-06-08_00001elilm.jpg 2014-06-08_00002ncczj.jpg 2014-06-08_00013rnixe.jpg 2014-06-08_00003vtd5k.jpg 2014-06-08_00005pni0x.jpg 2014-06-08_00010wfi70.jpg 2014-06-08_00011jidgp.jpg 2014-06-08_00012tpd52.jpg

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Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen!

First, two new development snapshots from the brand new mission "Hereford Calling":

mtrans01_load_sourcel2e1c.jpg mtrans01_overview_souizfim.jpg

And now, to the important stuff. We've all gathered here today to celebrate the new update, v0.53 with some cool new content, features and fixes! :yay: But I'm also a bit sorry because I will try to make a cut here and won't provide more content in following Alpha updates. The last mission of the new content marks the end of the first stage of the campaign and I will now continue building a second hub, expanding the shop system and evaluating new mission ideas. That will require some time but don't worry, I'll keep annoying you with boring and ugly development snapshots. ;)


0.53 Alpha - 10.06.2014

  • FIXED: Glass System, should now work properly on all interface sizes and resolutions.
  • FIXED: Glass System, Detail now ignores animals.
  • FIXED: Glass System, task marker positioning fixed.
  • FIXED: Glass System, various minor issues.
  • FIXED: Some typos.
  • FIXED: Sauerland Express, mission wouldn't end in some cases.
  • CHANGED: Glass System, approximation of life sign monitoring improved.
  • CHANGED: Mission rewards now partly rely on rank.
  • ADDED: New ranks as sub-system of the custom factions.
  • ADDED: Several custom textures / ambient stuff.
  • ADDED: M.E.R.C.S. PP-Effect prototyped in all missions.
  • ADDED: Three new contract missions. Players from versions 0.51 and 0.52 should be able to continue / revert from the last hub save.
  • ADDED: Second ending implemented.
  • ADDED: Transit mission to second stage of the campaign implemented.
  • ADDED: Use of some assets from the Arma 3 Karts DLC. Shouldn't be an issue if I got BIS' new DLC policy right.

Known Issues

  • The use of DevBranch or mods may impact playability, especially AI driving skills are fundamental to make some missions work. I recommend to run this campaign in stable branch! (Tested with Arma 3 v1.18)
  • Developer console is enabled. In case you encounter a game breaker you can always execute ["Hub01", true, true] call IP_fnc_endMission; In a contract mission this is causing you to be transported back to the hub, with the problematic mission accomplished.
  • This campaign has not been uploaded to the steam workshop as there is no option to add campaigns yet.
  • This project uses TPW civilians. Players using the addon version will face problems. Officially, this campaign does not support any mods.
  • Home Sweet Home: The ambient shooter at the range sometimes shoots the bystanders. This is caused by a messed up aiming AI which constantly drifts away from the assigned target.
  • Home Sweet Home: The gambler mentions BlackJack as possible gamble but it is not implemented yet.
  • Ransom Demand: The fleeing car might be crashing against something or the passengers disembark randomly and walk instead. I'm researching ways to rebuild this mission.
  • Checkpoint Charlie: The incoming cars sometimes crash into or stuck at the bar gate. If they can't continue they get deleted sometimes which breaks the mission flow.
  • Very Important Pickup: Performance might suffer under many ambient AI units.
  • Riot Control: Performance might suffer under many ambient AI units.
  • Panzerfaust: There's always one AI from the player's group stucking at the briefing desk. Sometimes he follows after a few regroup commands. In case he doesn't, step away from the table and type into the debug console: {_x setPos (getPos player)} forEach (units group player);
  • Panzerfaust: Other parts of the battle group go funny ways.
  • Glass System: Usage in an environment with lots of objects might affect performance. I recommend turning down the core functions first.

Credits & Thanks

  • Bohemia Interactive Studios for this great game!
  • aeroson for his get/set loadout and repetitive clean up scripts!
  • Genesis92x for his VCom AI!
  • mrflay for his explosion detector!
  • SHK for his SHKPos script!
  • Surfer for his help regarding the awesome M.E.R.C.S. logo and several textures!
  • tpw for his ambient civilian script package!
  • And all the great people on the BI-Forums who helped out with answers and feedback to so many questions!


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