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SGT Fuller

United States Air Force

Do you like the Air Force mod  

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  1. 1. Do you like the Air Force mod

    • Yes, I love it
    • It's meh
    • No I hate it

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Lovin the mod bro. Keep up the awesome work!

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I love the mod fullerj, and appreciate what you and your team are doing, keep up the awesome work.

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Hey Bro, the mod kicks asses! Thanks a lot. But I've got a problem: I put the files on my dedicated server, copied the bikey to the keys dir. I restarted the server and tried to connect but I get an error that the signed pbo's are incompatible with key.

Did I mess up anything? Thx!

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Great work on the mod so far I've really enjoyed using it.

The Gatling guns on the ac-130u are really loud, I am sure they're loud in real life but in game they seem a little to loud. I have also found a problem with autopilot. While testing your mod out on a dedicated server I found that the plane would teleport from one side of the map to the other. I have taken a screenshot of the map, but just looking outside I could see features from both sides of the island as I was quickly teleported. There is also another sound which is like static, it happens everytime I get into the AC-130 and than randomly while inside, also when I jump into one of the gunner seats there is an missing file error or something. There is no error for the static sound I was talking about.

Cheers guys looking forward to future updates.


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Great work on the mod so far I've really enjoyed using it.

The Gatling guns on the ac-130u are really loud, I am sure they're loud in real life but in game they seem a little to loud. I have also found a problem with autopilot. While testing your mod out on a dedicated server I found that the plane would teleport from one side of the map to the other. I have taken a screenshot of the map, but just looking outside I could see features from both sides of the island as I was quickly teleported. There is also another sound which is like static, it happens everytime I get into the AC-130 and than randomly while inside, also when I jump into one of the gunner seats there is an missing file error or something. There is no error for the static sound I was talking about.

Cheers guys looking forward to future updates.

I've got this same teleportation issue. I'll set the autopilot, then disengage it, then when I re-activate the autopilot, it'll keep transporting me around the old arch.

If you could just put a marker on the map, and have it orbit that, that would be nice.

Over all though, I love the addon.

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never had that problem be for have to test it and see if it teleports and that is with 0.22 ?

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yes, the new update made the Ac-130 basically unusable.

I will try to recreate this issue. Me and my unit tested the ac-130 before release and had no issues..especially not a teleportation issue. If anyone else is receiving this let me know.

Is this issue only happening on dedicated servers? Also I will replace the signatures

Edited by fullerpj

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Great work with the mod, everyone involved. I believe I saw someone post earlier that there will be other USAF unit types made, is that going to be included in the next update? Just wondering! Awesome job guys!

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Seriously, this mod is absolutely fantastic. Thank you for bringing some more jets to Arma and giving us pilots something to look forward to!

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Great Mod . I tried the C5 and the Rear Ramp went it unfolds is not laying flat . Didn't know if anyone else notice this ?

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I've got this same teleportation issue. I'll set the autopilot, then disengage it, then when I re-activate the autopilot, it'll keep transporting me around the old arch.

If you could just put a marker on the map, and have it orbit that, that would be nice.

Over all though, I love the addon.

I have the same issue. I would really like a simple map marker auto pilot system. I love the mod though.

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I've got this same teleportation issue. I'll set the autopilot, then disengage it, then when I re-activate the autopilot, it'll keep transporting me around the old arch.

If you could just put a marker on the map, and have it orbit that, that would be nice.

Over all though, I love the addon.

To be clear, it works the first time and teleportation only occurs with second use?

@Fuller: If that is the case (teleportation only occurs with second usage), it should be fixable. As I've said though, the current implementation is a dumpster fire and other problems may emerge in testing.

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The teleportation issue happens with the second use. For example you fly to the first target set the auto pilot, do work and then take back control of the aircraft. Then you fly to a second target at a different part of a map and when you set the auto pilot again the aircraft begins warping back and forth between the first and second targets. If you fly to a third point and set the auto pilot the aircraft will warp between that third point and the very first point you set the auto pilot too.

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Yes, TaskForceRadio Integration would be cool, we use it the hole time. Also compatibility of igi_load_script, because we use it too (and several other clans we know of). as soon as 0.3 is out with the new c17 we will start first missions with your mod! ;)

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Update: V0.3 is now complete and is entering Final testing. We are also looking over the AC-130 to fix its Dedicated Server issue. According to the poll a good number of the community members love the USAF mod. While only two hate it..the meh part of the poll grew in one week. We here want to bring you great quality mods with great features. So i want to ask the community for things you would like to see that we are not providing you.Please be rational with your requests as in stuff that are feasible. Not all requests will be honored but if its something that we can do we will definitely try to make it happen. Units to Aircraft let us know. Also i want to take the time to welcome new USAF team member Dezkit to the fray. He has already helped enormously with the refueling script makeover to other things. Im glad to have him with our team. We are also looking for a master scriptwriter and a person who is good at MP config write ups, and a weapons guru that can make weapons like the M4 etc. If you want to help out shoot me a PM. I will post some Pics of the new CV-22 Osprey and the AFSOC unit members soon. Until then let us know how were doing and what you would like to see. On behalf of fellow team leader peral who is busy with RL, Shockley, Randomslap, Dezkit and myself. Thank you for using our Mod and we look forward to serving you with this project and our future projects.

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Maybe for a future asset the MH53 Pave Low?(if you want to maybe you can PM this guy, http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13949)? i know its retired and everything but i know a lot of people like it, just a suggestion, i love the USAF mod.

If anything there are Pave Lows here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6879

More suitable than those Super Stallions.

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Could there be a Script wrote to have the Wings on the B1 swept back while they are park at base ? Could there be a M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) Vehicle somewhere in the future ?

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If I could make one request. It would be to just focus energy on completing the current aircraft before introducing more. It seems to me you have a great thing going on already with the current and announced aircraft. I think 5 quality aircraft do a lot more than 15 mediocre ones. And that's absolutely not saying that the current aircraft are mediocre, quite the oppesite, they are really shaping up and not only bing eyecandy but also being very usefull. So I'd like to see what they can become if they are developed even further.

I'd like to see some more funcitionality added to the B1 for instance, give it a GPS-INS system, maybe an AI bombing script that allows it to be used as assets by Jtacs, give it more weapons to deploy besides regular MK82's, and perhaps improve the engine effects a little. A lot of these functionalities could perhaps be carried over directly to the other aircraft aswell. It would be pretty sweet to be able to call in an AI AC-130 as Jtac operator and watch it do its thing :P.

Then again I wouldn't want to hold you back, if you feel you can accomplish that and make more aircraft than by all means, go ahead.

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Great job on the mod once again! My request would be to eventually see an A10, HH60 Pavehawk, and an F15 Strike Eagle! Thanks for your hard work guys!

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Great job on the mod once again! My request would be to eventually see an A10, HH60 Pavehawk, and an F15 Strike Eagle! Thanks for your hard work guys!

Perals A-10 is released http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24582

the HH60 Pavehawk i saw a few pages back heres a pic i guess they are working on it also http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/155/2/5/2014_06_04_00003_by_atinakiri-d7l2yxu.jpg

and dezkit is making the F15 Strike Eagle http://i.imgur.com/A1hbiiA.jpg

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