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SGT Fuller

United States Air Force

Do you like the Air Force mod  

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there IS a way to fly orbits around known points, the radius is fixed at 1km at the moment, so what you can do is:

1- mark the general target area,

2- then mark another point in the map that is 1000km from the first mark,

3- imagine a 1km of radius circle around the first mark,

4- align to the second mark so that your heading is tangent to that circle,

5- hit AP when u intercept it.

Try to stick as much as you can to 1000m AGL when u hit AP.

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I've just noticed I put the distance to the second mark "1000 km" where it should be 1000m, but that's kinda obvious :p

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I collided with a rock when flying fast in the b1 (Afterburners and swept swings) but I survived, for a moment anyway. The plane seemingly "bounced" off the rock before hitting the ground and exploding. I suspect this is a bug because the damage indicator didn't change (it remained white), now I am unsure if this is a game engine limitation or if it is a bug with the plane but I thought I would let you know.

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Anyone have any idea how to get an AI B-1 to carpet bomb without targeting anything in particular?

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This is the first project I took on since starting ACE with Pheaden [uSMC] a few years ago, as it was stated previously there are a lot of aircraft in this mod that the community has wanted since the Operation Flashpoint days and we hope see a majority of them in A3 this time around. But they still need a lot of love, but progressing nicely.


Edited by Sig [USMC]

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Great mod its really impressive, I thought I would just post my feedback.

First of all would it be possible to reduce the sound of the Gatling guns because their currently really loud and finally would it be possible to get a stand alone version of the AC-130 to reduce the overall mod size?

Anyway great mod, will be keeping any eye out for new versions if you need help testing stuff then my clan "guerrillas of liberation" are happy to help.

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Yes, I do agree. I personally think that all mod authors should attempt to make their mods/addons in a modular way, much like modular power supplies xD. That way if you want to create a modpack, but you only want a certain asset from a mod that is only 12mb out of a mod that is 1.2 gb it kinda hinders you from actually doing it. I realize this is not possible for some mods but the mods that it is possible and does use this modular system OMG I LOVE THEM!!!!

Yay, my 100th post at BI Forums...YAY ME!!!!

-Black Viper

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Shockley, your textures blow my mind, good wokr

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Front page updated with v0.2.1 Hot Fix: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wpzv7d24ivwqkoz/@USAF.rar

V0.2.1 Hotfix

-Berets added back in for Security Forces members

-Fixed B1 menu flickering

-MC-130J Texture issue fixed

-AC-130U Howtizer zeroing has been fixed

-AC-130U TV moniter zeroing has been adjusted

-AC-130U Weapons damage increased

-AC-130U Vehicle_W_MG.paa and any RSC issue resolved

-C130 Series White square issue resolved

-AC-130U sounds lowered

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C-5 Nose and Carge bay opening sonud & AC130's gun fire sound is too loud.

PLS turn down the volume at Next Release ?

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thank you fullerpj,

I download and test it all on server.

friendly =]FF[=Walt71.

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C-5 Nose and Carge bay opening sonud & AC130's gun fire sound is too loud.

PLS turn down the volume at Next Release ?

I did turn them down..I'll check again

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hi fullerpj,

I get an error on the c130 Gunship (No entry 'bin \ config.bin / RscinGameUI') when I take the controls of a weapon and the sound arms still a bit high.

Could you provide the keys for test files on dedicated server.

Thank you for these changes fullerpj, friendly =]FF[=Walt71.

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hi fullerpj,

I get an error on the c130 Gunship (No entry 'bin \ config.bin / RscinGameUI') when I take the controls of a weapon and the sound arms still a bit high.

Could you provide the keys for test files on dedicated server.

Thank you for these changes fullerpj, friendly =]FF[=Walt71.

Are you sure you have the correct version? Those errors were fixed and i opened the game and switched to all the weapons and did not receive the error you specify

edit: disregard i see it now..

Edited by fullerpj

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Thanks for informing us about the updated release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Was the MC-130's missing memory points solved for refueling?

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it is the 0.2.1 hotfix because berets are corrected, I did the test server without changing the established mission with the earlier version, I would do a test by replacing and replace with C130 Gunship Version 0.2.1 hotfix . I keep you informed.

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Question: Any reason why if one person is in the gunner in the AC130 when the pilot engages the autopilot the pilot sounds like he is under water to the gunner while talking , when auto pilot is dis engaged its back to normal

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Question: Any reason why if one person is in the gunner in the AC130 when the pilot engages the autopilot the pilot sounds like he is under water to the gunner while talking , when auto pilot is dis engaged its back to normal

I have not experienced this issue. My pilots all sound normal

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thank you for all the hard work and for the new hotfix

just had that idea is there a way to make a Support Requester module Support Provider_CAS_Bombing and one for the other addons ? would be so cool if you no what i mean

Edited by ICE_AGE0815

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Hello, Im currently serving ANG as a SFS, I have done some modeling and scripting a while back for a few Arma 2/3 Communities. It is nice to see some USAF Addons implemented into the game, and i would be more than happy to create some On-Base Law enforcement vehicle models which are used currently around a select few bases (minot, lackland, Ft.Worth, Elemdorf, etc) I would just need some assistance putting together the config files and lightbar/siren scripts. Other than that, this addon pack looks great! Forgot to mention. Would it be possible to add Dress blues? and quite possibly the ABU Blouse with sleeves down and sleeves up?

~A1c Holland

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Glad to see that the Hotfix has fixed majority of the issues. Will have the 2nd hot fix out soon

---------- Post added at 03:05 ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 ----------

thank you for all the hard work and for the new hotfix

just had that idea is there a way to make a Support Requester module Support Provider_CAS_Bombing and one for the other addons ? would be so cool if you no what i mean

Ya id like to impliment that somehow

---------- Post added at 03:12 ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 ----------

Hello, Im currently serving ANG as a SFS, I have done some modeling and scripting a while back for a few Arma 2/3 Communities. It is nice to see some USAF Addons implemented into the game, and i would be more than happy to create some On-Base Law enforcement vehicle models which are used currently around a select few bases (minot, lackland, Ft.Worth, Elemdorf, etc) I would just need some assistance putting together the config files and lightbar/siren scripts. Other than that, this addon pack looks great! Forgot to mention. Would it be possible to add Dress blues? and quite possibly the ABU Blouse with sleeves down and sleeves up?

~A1c Holland

Your name sounds really familiar..but ya if you can model some impalas and flight line trucks..(make them as shitty looking as possible to show the world what are vehicles look like LMAO) i can get someone to help with the light bars and such. As far as the in garrison uniforms. the dress blues maybe and the ABU blouse that can happen but sleeves up im not to sure..how often did you see us or even us being allowed to wear them..what whos that? CMsgt coming rollem down lol

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just tryed it with the B1B lanzer but it is not working with the arma module realy to bad you guys got that far you may find a nice way to make it happen some time

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