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Fix the animations - bring the game to life

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@ Gattobuono and in your footpatrol video you can see it ;)

arma has the problem, then he haves only the animation for soldiers with protected fully loaded vests for all figures ;) that is why look civilians or light loaded people, csat with his light belt ,looks like monkeys

Edited by JgBtl292

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They need variety.

Variety in the way characters walk, hold weapons, run and stand.

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and different animations for different load ;) vests, belt, protected ,heavy or light or nothing ;) mg or rifle ^^ and differend animation for mg or rifle on careless. carless it the mg on on the long arm. for this are the carry handle .

and then the animation style coupled with the equipment on the torso ;)

Edited by JgBtl292

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and different animations for different load ;) vests, belt, protected ,heavy or light or nothing ;) mg or rifle ^^ and differend animation for mg or rifle on careless. carless it the mg on on the long arm. for this are the carry handle .

and then the animation style coupled with the equipment on the torso ;)

I agree.Alternatively they could use different mo cap animators for each faction - that would add

factor that would make you really feel well this is OPFor, this is Bluefor for example.

Bohemia have capture studio, I feel like it doesn't look right because of just 1 or 2 mocap actors.

If they would hire 3 different professionals for a day work record animations and put them in

it would absolutely feel fresh.I wouldn't mind additional size for animations.

But yeah if they would go for different carry position depending on the weapon that would

be really cool!

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I use this mod: Unused Animations V5 by Bogatyr Voss, and it's a big improvement. Check it out: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23337

climbing coupled with the equipment weight - that is a feature for an infantry based game ;)

nice ^^ this are all things for the vanilla version then only can use all this in MP

Edited by JgBtl292

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So sick!

Jumping feature and getting over big walls is a big plus in my opinon. Instead they put these everywhere.


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climbing coupled with the equipment weight - that is a feature for an infantry based game ;)

nice ^^ this are all things for the vanilla version then only can use all this in MP

Some of those were good, it could have worked if it only worked on infantry with very light equipment, else it seemed a bit too much at times.

But thats something i dont like about arma, and that is that i feel Infantry is too attached to the world, and every animation stops you up and then plays.

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Well the movements and animations are a bit of clunky system for me too, which is why i messed with the animations removing the limit of not being able to interupt an animation till its ended. The way it was setup and designed is kinda strange imo i can see why they did it this way so the animations plays smoothly and fades into the next animation so it looks better but imo it was horrible, because some of the animations were 1.5 secs so if you wanted to do something else you coundnt till it played the entire animation cycle and then qued it to playafter, what it does imo is break the relationship bewteen you and the game. It feels constantly that you are programming a robot ingame to follow instructions insted of actually controlling that unit in real time. Once i removed all these limits in the animations, and made some of them much much faster the ability to play the game felt much less clunky.

Although i released the fast-animations mod which was a very early crude wip as i wanted to showcase to some people what its like not to be able to have to be restricted to rules the game applys, ive been working on the mod since then and has become much more refined. Although im taking a break atm i will proberly pick it back up again and turn it into something alot more stable.

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I wonder if they still have the parachute/prone animation which is obviously broken.

changing weapons on the fly is another animation someone did that is truly amazing.

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Well the movements and animations are a bit of clunky system for me too, which is why i messed with the animations removing the limit of not being able to interupt an animation till its ended. The way it was setup and designed is kinda strange imo i can see why they did it this way so the animations plays smoothly and fades into the next animation so it looks better but imo it was horrible, because some of the animations were 1.5 secs so if you wanted to do something else you coundnt till it played the entire animation cycle and then qued it to playafter, what it does imo is break the relationship bewteen you and the game. It feels constantly that you are programming a robot ingame to follow instructions insted of actually controlling that unit in real time. Once i removed all these limits in the animations, and made some of them much much faster the ability to play the game felt much less clunky.

Although i released the fast-animations mod which was a very early crude wip as i wanted to showcase to some people what its like not to be able to have to be restricted to rules the game applys, ive been working on the mod since then and has become much more refined. Although im taking a break atm i will proberly pick it back up again and turn it into something alot more stable.

... go for it Opticalsnare ... I'd use it for sure!

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what for a programm is need for animations ? can i made animations for A3 with blender ?

Edited by JgBtl292

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climbing coupled with the equipment weight - that is a feature for an infantry based game ;)

nice ^^ this are all things for the vanilla version then only can use all this in MP

Definitely some very cool mods there, especially the tree-climbing although it would obviously need some kind of mechanic to be dangerous and/or likely have terrible scope wobble or esle we'd never be out of trees! Quite a few of them seemed a bit too speedy and flawless, though. The clambering took less than a second, when I can guarentee that if I tried to climb 1 storey with a leap and pulling with my arms alone I'd probably take quite a lot longer or simply not be able to get high enough! Of course, they were simply examples of the game being able to handle these sort of mechaics and as such 100% endorse their showing. It would make combat a hell of a lot more dynamic to have to check rooftops and not have a 6ft wall mean you're impervious to attack!

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I think they need to add the old 'clunk' sound from OFP when you hit someone with a bullet.

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I think they need to add the old 'clunk' sound from OFP when you hit someone with a bullet.

Which would improve the animation how exactly?

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Another thing that would be possible in upcoming arma 4 in upcoming years (wild guess)

is having different animation when you are accessing gear - you should not point

weapon out there for nothing in the world.Each props you are interacting should

have it's own animation.Opening crates, accessing vehicles,

interacting with someone and so on.

To extend on that only when you are taking something from specific source hand

animations should play

Vehicles:hands leaning on vehicle / taking item hands make grabbing motion

Crates: hands open crate / taking items grabs specific item

Bodies: Hands searching through body / taking item grab animation

Another thing is fixing attachments on guns should be its own animation rather then

settling on appearing and disappearing.

But none should be done before fixing years old issue with switching weapons on

the move, switch between swim and walk, switch between movement speed.(eliminating stutter)

Edited by enex

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Another thing is fixing attachments on guns should be its own animation rather then

settling on appearing and disappearing.

If you look around the animation browser, there are some unused animations for fixing scopes and side attachments to weapons. They look really good but I guess some issue prevented them to be used.

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If you look around the animation browser, there are some unused animations for fixing scopes and side attachments to weapons. They look really good but I guess some issue prevented them to be used.

I could use your help in animation editor.Where can I find attaching scopes on weapons or similar anims?

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Under <Unknown>/<Unknown> DismountOptic, MountOptic, DismountSide, MountSide (and their prone variants which appear to be the same)

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Under <Unknown>/<Unknown> DismountOptic, MountOptic, DismountSide, MountSide (and their prone variants which appear to be the same)

This are so nice!Thanks for finding them for me.

Bohemia did lots on animation side, while some areas are still left unfinished.This would be one where I would love

to see change.Mounting sights/attachments animations working in game.waw.

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Post a video of you using the unused animations enex please

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I can post video of aforementioned animations, but I'm not using them anywhere

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