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LIFTER for ArmA 3

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Hey Raven Big thanks great Mod!!

Just wanted to add o vote for non-empty UGV Stompers to be able to sling load. I read your post #90 and understand, but have been trying to custom load a Stomper then have it deploy with my team in a mission.

Ehh just my little vote. :)

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Many thanks for the addon. I need to make this first post before I can make my testing results. Love the mod!

---------- Post added at 03:17 ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 ----------

There we go.

I have spent the past 4 days attempting to get lifter to work after respawn in a sandbox map. From my testing it appears there is some sort of issue when using 'respawn="BASE"'

Test Condition:

1. Attempted to get it working with AH-47 mod, on Stratis Sandbox map. Works once, and on occasion, just leaving a vehicle will remove the capability of dropping cables (however quickropes still seem to work as mentioned on page 26-28)

2. Stripped every script and mods out of arma using only Lifter and the required other package

3. Cut out everything even init.sqf

4. Cut down Description.ext to one single variable, removed respawn point (respawn_west)

5. I then made a new map (incase it was a script within the map) fresh putting only this within the map

Map Setup:




Results: Provided one dies from falling, or being shot by being killed by Player or NPC (not in a helicopter), the cables would still work even after death. If one dies in a helicopter, with instant respawn it stops working after the first death.

After death from impact (not in vehicle:

http://i.imgur.com/hmagPG6.jpg (310 kB) (310 kB)


After death from Player:

http://i.imgur.com/TVkeeAq.jpg (311 kB) (311 kB)

After death in vehicle (sorry i think i missed it, but its not working, here's the screen anyway):

http://i.imgur.com/KJQwkdB.jpg (306 kB) (306 kB)

6. I then took this map, re added the respawn point, and set the descriptions.ext:

Map Setup:




Results: Upon first entering, the mod works flawlessly. After death, of any sort (and sometimes just getting out of the heli, cant reproduce it regularly so no idea why)

At map Start:

http://i.imgur.com/nlblTr6.jpg (298 kB) (298 kB)

After Death from impact (not in vehicle):

http://i.imgur.com/vuCHhZP.jpg (270 kB) (270 kB)

After Death in heli (seen on fire in distance ;D):

http://i.imgur.com/1lKnQuO.jpg (341 kB) (341 kB)

Conclusion: Somehow the default respawn base seems to not work correctly. This was a clean install of Lifter (and required other addon). Clean map. No scripts. Defaults all around. I found also, that if one spawned in the helicopter, and got out on occasion it would remove the cables option.

I hope this helps in clearing up what the previous posters were addressing. Hope it helps fix!

Edited by noguns

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I made some tests:

- I noticed that there was a problem with ammocrates, I lift one: OK

- I drop it: OK

- then i the menu I still cant pick one, even if I'm at 500 ft high

- I pick it > it appears under the merlin

- I drop it > it get stuck in altitude

I disabled Blastcore / C17 and C130J > no more problems, except with CH-47 (from arma 2 helo ported to arma3).

I thought it was an issue with Igiload, but I tried without it, and i have the same behavior.

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Thanks for taking the time for such analysis. v1.06 I delayed because I'm changing the system restoration actions. Currently the set of actions the player moves in and out of helicopters. The variety of types of respawn scripts and type "revive" are causing some inconsistencies. I hope that with the recoded are resolved.


Thanks for the feedback. I'll check. Since v1.18 of arma3 are reporting problems with physical in servers (affecting the mod).

Edited by RAV_RAVEN

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This is an amazing piece of work, well thought out and constructed. Kudos to you sir.

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I have the same issue . The action to lift is gone after getting out of the chopper

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Hi Raven, just wanted to ask if you had time to take a look at the possibility to load the module directly ingame with Zeus?

Because I just thought of a lead you could follow, it is not exactly the same idea as loading the module with Zeus, but in the end we still could be able to play the mod without having to edit the mission to place the mod module.

I know MCC Sandbox generate Zeus directly ingame when you load a game, even if the Zeus module wasn't even placed before in the mission editor. And correct me if I am wrong, but Zeus is normaly generated by placing a module in the mission editor. So I guess that any mod could load a module directly after loading a game just like MCC Sandbox do, right? Maybe you could ask the MCC Sandbox author about it, or I can do it for you if that can save you some time, I am willing to help for that.

It would be really great to be able to play the mod without having to edit the mission to place the module in the editor. (especially since you have to extract the .pbo to edit it) Once again, I am really not a modding specialist and don't know anything about it, so I am really not sure of anything I've said in this post. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you for your time, and your beautiful mod!

PS: Sorry to bother you again with that. I just think that it would be a real plus for the mod :p

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Hi! I suggest that human player can fast rope without action(AUTO);you can set boole in init;somebody maybe like fastrope with action;somebody maybe fast rope without action(like me);thanks

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Is it at all possible to set the script for AI to fastrope from a higher altitude? The current default is not nearly enough when using the MH-47

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Is it at all possible to set the script for AI to fastrope from a higher altitude? The current default is not nearly enough when using the MH-47

Actually the maximum height of the string (by design) is 30 meters, but I put a default height of 20 to fast-rope from script because reaching extremes, the point of release of the player in the rope becomes imprecise and sometimes the unit is damaged.

but reading your comments, I think I can make a different height (with SetVariable command) in the same way that the destination (fastRopePos) is scheduled to be configured.


@The Hebrew Hammer

Why do you think the MH-47 needs a higher altitude?

Edited by Hoobie7

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I saw someone who made an "operation redwings" mission on the steam workshop and immediately knew that Altis couldn't possibly recreate it. I'm doing it on CLAfghan and it involves an MH-47 fast roping the SR team onto a mountain ridge with lots of trees. The given script demands that the chopper flies too low, it crashes into the tops of the trees and crashes. I need another 5 or 10 meters of altitude.

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Okay, so I had to do a work around to get anything working here. But STILL with an AI pilot the player cannot fastrope out of the helicopter, I'm using the MH-47E here. It's amazing because I tested it earlier and it DID eject me automatically when trying this on flat ground. So in 4 hours I finally have everything, but the player... great.

I think it's possible that you have the mod set so that above 100m above sea level that the player cannot use the action. The map I'm playing on has me at over 1200m in elevation, but the chopper reading is only like 10 above terrain on the altimeter

Edited by The Hebrew Hammer

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Am I able to utilize the fast-rope function of this mod with a human pilot and an all-human crew? As of currently I have only been able to get it to work with AI pilots and way points. Is there something I am missing? Or does this only work with AI pilots? Thanks!

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Am I able to utilize the fast-rope function of this mod with a human pilot and an all-human crew? As of currently I have only been able to get it to work with AI pilots and way points. Is there something I am missing? Or does this only work with AI pilots? Thanks!

Yes, to do this, the people in the cargo spaces need to select "repel" and once they are considered "readied" the pilot needs to deploy the ropes. Once the pilot deploys the ropes, and after the cargo people have readied up, it will auto deploy them down the rope.

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Would it be possible to change it so that instead of an action menu prompt, it just automatically ejects the player? I figured out the problem and it fails mostly because of that action menu prompt. On approach to the LZ you must press it early, otherwise it will ignore you and not lrt you repel if you try it 3 seconds later.

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New version (v1.06) in first post!.




-Add: Version control between client and server mod.

-Add: If Zeus,Alive or MCC is present in the mission, LIFTER starts automatically as if it has been included in the design of it.

-Add: You can not make a fast-rope while hanging object takes external slings.

-Add: Ability to change the height of helicopter in deployment of strings (fast-rope) between 5 and 30 meters (default is 20 meters) (See About_fastrope.txt).

-Add: Compatibility with Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement by RichardsD (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25658).

-Add: Compatibility with Australian Defence Force Uncut by Pastor399 (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20585).

-Change: helicopter CH-47 family can deploy up to 3 ropes for fast-rope operations depending on the number of troops deployed.

-Change: Revised control respawn of player for assignations of actions (I hope this solves the problems reported).

-Change: helicopter AI controlled, reaches the deployment area (fast-roping) more precisely (see example missions in this pack).


Edited by RAV_RAVEN

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I'm already bugging PlayWithSix to add it.

Or can you update it there?

Thanks for all the hard work Raven!

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Really Thanks Raven for your job is a great Mod

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Even when set to fast-rope helicopter LIFTER not recognized, the module must exist on the map. As for the customization of the anchor points, you can do in the v1.07 ( still in development ) and only using the addon CONFIG.FP the proposed method by pastor399.


The issue of allowing load Stompers "not empty" is in treatment. The best alternative would allow them but nullifying its weapons as long as the journey "hook" to make him difficult cheaters. (reviewer? )


I have retouched the system shares rehearing before the player respawn. I hope the new version solves the problem.


The new v1.06 LIFTER starts automatically if detected Zeus, Alive or MCC running on the mission. You do not need to have the module included in the mission but if it is mandatory to have it enabled as mod.


The "human" players should indicate -through menu of actions- whether or not to go down when you start the fast-rope . This is to make inserts subgroups at different sites on the same mission helicopter. The AI always descends . The only ones authorized to initiate a fast-rope are the pilot of the helicopter and any group leader who is in traveling in it.

@The Hebrew Hammer

- Expanded the height , dimension and speed at which humans can assign (or not) the next operation fast-rope .

- You can now set up to fast-rope through the variable "fastRopeHeight" (range is 5 to 30 feet above the position indicated as destination -example: ceilings- ) .

Example: myhelo SetVariable ["fastRopeHeight", 18.5] ;


You can use any combination possible. Just remember that if the pilot is AI, you should schedule their deployment actions with the control variables (fastRopePos , fastRopeHeigth , fastRopeOn) as indicated in the about_fastrope.txt file contained in the package release of the mod.

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That's awesome!

In the next version if you could make a variable that forces all non-crewmembers to fast rope without an action menu dialogue that would make things even easier.

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Thank you for sending us the updated version and for keeping us up to date :cool:

Update frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Just a quick Bug report

Lifter seems to compromise my ability to talk using the Tactical Radio mod when im flying from the 'Pilot' seat, its fine in the 'copilot' seats or other seats but in Pilot I cant broadcast on Long or Short range radio, I can only talk in local

Event description:

-Get in Pilot of (example) MH-63E

-Press Short range radio button

-Short Range radio starts to broadcast (same for long range)

-Short range radio immediatly cuts out (same for long range)

-Attempt to talk in non radio chat to those onboard

-Others onboard can hear me fine but those out of the helicopter confirm that they do not recieve radio messages from me

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