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Need Helping Porting Chernarus To Arma 3

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Hello Guys.

Me And another dev is Making A Gamemode For Arma3.

We Cannot Disclose Of The Exact Gamemode We Are Doing.

I Am Looking For Anyone With The Knowledge And Willpower To Port Chernarus To Arma3.

Please Note That I Know You Can Just "Copy The A2 Addons Files To A New Modfolder To A3" But That Gives Lots Of Script Errors and The Textures Do Not Load Correctly In A3 ( Grass, Trees etc )

I Do Also Know That Alduric Has Made A Mod (@A3MP) But I Do Not Have Permission to use this so I Have To Port Chernarus Myself aswell as continue developing the gamemode at the same time.

I Do Have A Lot Of Scripting Knowledge Myself, But When I downloaded the sample files and had a look I just simply do not understand where to start with something like that.

Anyone who is willing to help out with this will obviously be in the credits of our gamemode, and will also have the option to become a dev with us if they so wish ( I'm Sure They The Would Love To Help Us Test It Out )

Please If Anyone Has The Knowledge And Is Interested Please P.M Me Or Add Me On Steam ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/Steeo3/ )

Thank You,


Edited by Steeo3

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Anyone who would like to help please p.m me or add me on steam.



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Have you ACTUALLY looked anywhere on these forums prior to posting ?

A3MP has Chenarus already. Please do a search!

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I think he's tried that route already and been refused permissions to use it in his mod.. so he has to do his own port.

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Kremator, If you actually read all of the post it explains about @a3mp mod there.

Please read all of the post before you make a sarcastic comment about it.



---------- Post added at 20:45 ---------- Previous post was at 19:03 ----------

Anyone ????

Even is someone could tell me where to start with the sample files it would be greatly appriciated.



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A) can you not just require @a3mp as an addon, and not reproduce the entire map? is it simply a gamemode, or are you drastically changing the map?

B) read all licenses, all the time: you may find @a3mp is APL SA - did they say you couldn't use it?

Edited by dr_strangepete

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Hi all sorry for late reply, spend 12 hours fixing clutch on car :D

@ drstrangepete > The map in @a3mp is perfect, I do not wish to edit it at this time as the gamemode is the important thing atm. Yes I've asked the author ( Alduric ) could I use his map but he said no and will not give me permission, even though he used the APL-SA license in making his mod ( You have to do this with the sample files ). As far as i'm aware though it's up to the author to give people permission to use their addon.

@ Fabio_Chavez > Thanks for that link mate, I'm looking at the page as I speak I will join the skype group and see if they could maybe help me out.

Thanks for all the help guys, If anyone has more input please provide as it will help.


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Yes I've asked the author ( Alduric ) could I use his map but he said no and will not give me permission, even though he used the APL-SA license in making his mod ( You have to do this with the sample files ). As far as i'm aware though it's up to the author to give people permission to use their addon.

No, they can not say you can't use it. if its under APL-SA (different from APL) you are required to provide attribution, and if you release a derivative you must also release it under APL-SA, but without further restrictions...


{ edited, APL-SA confusion ensues )

Edited by dr_strangepete

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Steeo3 just build your gamemode and ensure that players need to run the A3MP pack to get the map - simples.

If your mod is simply based on a map... then that's what ALDRIC designed it for. What he almost certainly doesn't want is for you to package the map as part of your mod. But you don't really need to do that.

Reading between the lines here perhaps you've been asking the wrong questions ? I know your project is secret squirrel, but perhaps if you allowed us a little more information we could clarify what you need to get it to work and without stepping on other's toes


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If the addon is released to the public, everybody are free to use it, so you can use the @A3MP addon just fine, as long as you dont start editing it and re-releasing it mate.

Alduric cant tell you, you arent allowed to make a mission with his mod and make the mission depend on it, he can only tell you not to edit the mod, but you can use it all you want tbh.

You might have misunderstood how it works, with the mods and licenses, but if we (missionmakers) cant use the mods for missions, without editing and re-releasing it, why do we have mods in the first place? :)

So if you have no plans on editing the map, at all, and just using the @A3MP mod, as is, you should use it to create your mission mate.

At least it would get you started and you can always work on your own version of Chernarus, later on, if you need to start editing the original map.

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Maybe Aulduric might have said no if you are entering the MANW competition. Is your game-mode for the competition?

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@serjames > The @a3mp addon's filesize is too big (5.4gb i think ). If i'm making a gamemode it would require somebody to download 5.4 gb just for the map, then whatever size my own part is going to be ( probably around 800 - 1.6 gb )

What f I were to strip all of the other maps out of a3mp and just have chernarus and then upload it but still give credits to Alduric - a3mp ? is that allowed ? As far as i know it's around 2.6 gb just for the chernarus part.

I could also add map notes where the players tab does be and add a tab called attributions and add alduric a3mp to it.

I'm sorry but I simply cannot release any details of the project.

I'm 100% sure that we need to use chernarus.



---------- Post added at 13:25 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ----------

@Byrgesen > I could make the gamemode work with a3mp, but i'm afraid when I release the project, people might not want to use it as they will have to download a3mp first, which is a large file, and would then have to download my released part aswell ( As i said roughly 800-1.6gb )

I would just like to know would this large mod size scare the public away from downloading it ?



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@serjames > What f I were to strip all of the other maps out of a3mp and just have chernarus and then upload it but still give credits to Alduric - a3mp ? is that allowed ?

I'm hesitant to say yes, i'd much rather a mod or BI employee confirm that, but i'll share this link that more people should read:


i'm not sure if modders completely realize what they are getting into if using certain content released by BI...granted thats on them for not reading the license...

Edited by dr_strangepete

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If you strip out other parts of his mod then you are editing it. You would need permission from Alduric to do that (You could always do it anyway for private use but to release on forums and Armaholic you would need his consent).

I didn't want to know any details of the project, just to know if is for the competition. If I wanted to help, then that would affect my decision.

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@ Das Attorney

No, I am not making this gamemode for any sort of competition. This is a gamemode for the public to play, nothing more.

It would be nice to try and enter a competition, but This is really far from even being in alpha or beta and this gamemode has nothing to do with this competition.

It may take a long time to even think of releasing this, currently only me and one other developer working on it, So things are slightly slow moving at the moment.



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If you strip out other parts of his mod then you are editing it. You would need permission from Alduric to do that (You could always do it anyway for private use but to release on forums and Armaholic you would need his consent).

I didn't want to know any details of the project, just to know if is for the competition. If I wanted to help, then that would affect my decision.

Yap, files are under Bi licenses, but its still my work and time. Also i remade many things + use few of some1 with permisions.


@serjames > The @a3mp addon's filesize is too big (5.4gb i think ). If i'm making a gamemode it would require somebody to download 5.4 gb just for the map, then whatever size my own part is going to be ( probably around 800 - 1.6 gb )


My 1st version was of A3MP was only Cherno, not released QQ and it have 4.1gb So its not that easy

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Yap, files are under Bi licenses, but its still my work and time. Also i remade many things + use few of some1 with permisions.

im really not trying to be a dick, but you're really missing this concept:


With this licence you are free to adapt (i.e. modify, rework or update) and share (i.e. copy, distribute or transmit) the material under the following conditions:

*Attribution - You must attribute the material in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the material).

*Noncommercial - You may not use this material for any commercial purposes.

*Arma Only - You may not convert or adapt this material to be used in other games than Arma.

*Share Alike - If you adapt, or build upon this material, you may distribute the resulting material only under the same license.

-"Remember that you can only choose one license for your work. "

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*Share Alike - If you adapt, or build upon this material, you may distribute theresulting material only under the same license.

We can be interpreted as lawyers 4ever :)

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@ Das Attorney

No, I am not making this gamemode for any sort of competition. This is a gamemode for the public to play, nothing more.

It would be nice to try and enter a competition, but This is really far from even being in alpha or beta and this gamemode has nothing to do with this competition.

It may take a long time to even think of releasing this, currently only me and one other developer working on it, So things are slightly slow moving at the moment.



Thanks for reply - I'm in the process of porting Cherno over for the MANW competition but it is low priority for me at the moment (lots of other things to sort out first). If I can get it sorted, then you can use it. I can't promise when (or even if I can get it into a playable stste), but you're welcome to use it in that case.

Maybe as Byrgesen suggested, just use Aldurics one for now and if me/you/someone else can get Cherno working as a standalone, then plug theirs in at that time.

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We can be interpreted as lawyers 4ever :)

well 'may' means you're not force to share. you can keep it hidden on your computer. 'only under the same license' means if you do decide to share, it can, :) only be under the same license. I can understand if there are language differences. in english tho this is quite clear

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Hey Steeo, i really don´t understand your Problem.

Most people which might play the gamemode have A2 and then can use AiA. If not ... they can still use A3MP or buy A2 and then use AiA. You have to understand that it can be quite annoying if you have released something with a general approach and then ppl come and just want to use and re-release parts of the mod saying it´s too big and i only need a small part. In the end all the players have to download two or threetimes because every mod and mission is using and containing some parts of the original mod.

No offence ...

but my opinion is just AiA for the ones who have the full arma anyway and a3mp for the ppl who don´t want A2 on thier hd for different reason.

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well quality-wise there is no comparison a3mp to AiA, depends if you're willing to compromise - what i mean is alduric is actively improving the assets (and doing a great job btw), where as aia is just importing as-is

Edited by dr_strangepete

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Thanks for reply - I'm in the process of porting Cherno over for the MANW competition but it is low priority for me at the moment (lots of other things to sort out first). If I can get it sorted, then you can use it. I can't promise when (or even if I can get it into a playable stste), but you're welcome to use it in that case.

Maybe as Byrgesen suggested, just use Aldurics one for now and if me/you/someone else can get Cherno working as a standalone, then plug theirs in at that time.

Hi mate.

Thanks for replying.

It would be great to see your version whenever you get it working and stable, thanks for thinking of allowing me to use it when its in a playable state.

I would love to help you port over chernarus, but i'm afraid I know nothing about texturing at all :(

Thanks You and good luck porting it over !


---------- Post added at 13:55 ---------- Previous post was at 13:51 ----------

I'm hesitant to say yes, i'd much rather a mod or BI employee confirm that, but i'll share this link that more people should read:


i'm not sure if modders completely realize what they are getting into if using certain content released by BI...granted thats on them for not reading the license...

After a more in-depth read of the license, It wouldn't be great to strip all other part out and just leave chernarus.

That would be modifying Aldurics Mod And Then re-releasing it with just chernarus without permission. I don't think the license allows that.

I was also speaking to a bi moderator a week ago and he said it's completely up to the mod author to give permission to modifiy his content.

I will say that I DO NOT want to physically edit the chernarus map whatsover, I want to keep it standard.



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