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Tutorial - How to make a Zeus mission

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as I haven't found any tutorials online yet, I have decided to make my own and I would like to share it with you :)

English version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syuAwOCXsi0

German version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06tZ6qsz8uQ (in den Kommentaren ist ein Link zu einer Ergänzung gepostet)

I hope this can help you make your own missions.

P.S.: Who hopes that final Zeus DLC gives us 3D Editor? :D

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Nice one going to be helpful I'm sure, the BI Wiki page has some pretty good info on it also.

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Yeah,it has useful info on the script commands, which I don't have in my tutorial.

But I think it's always easier to follow a video than reading something.

Also, for some less experienced guys, the wiki might not be as helpful.


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What does "@OP" mean in this situation? :D

I guess you mean me...

Well, of course I could do more and I love making tutorials.

But I don't know about what, I could make another video about the Zeus scripting, but I'd have to figure that out myself before xD

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Thanks for watching!

It's amazing, 100 views in 1 day, I'm normally happy when I get 10 views a week :D

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Awesome video, very helpful. This will help our group a bunch in making some new missions utilizing Zeus.

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Hello. First post on here. Just wanted to ask if it is possible to post a map with all this already completed on steamworks. Or does it still require tinkering outside the game that steamworks wont cover


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Some new Info:

1. The way I described how to enable Mods DOES NOT WORK!

I tried activating the addons before (as written here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Curator) But it didn't work, either I did it wrong or it just won't work. (Could someone check?)

2. The latest Update brought some kind of error, you will always get a "Entry "xyz" not found" message.

3. I'll release my Mission (including 2 Zeus, both also footsoldiers, and an empty mission) on Steam workshop if you don't want to make one yourself :)

-> Here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=230045744

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Thank you for the update! I have tried it out, is it for Stratis only? Ill see if I can edit it from this!

Thanks again.

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Use a de-PBO tool then you can edit the files.

Sure, that would work, but where the hell are those .pbos? I didn't find them, so I thought let's upload the editable files :D

Altis version of Mission now available: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=230156481


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The PBO's are in %appdata% local>Arma 3>SteamMissionsCache.

Do you, or anyone, know how to make a Zeus mission on a dedicated server? When I just add the module etc, the server crashes.

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I got Zeus to work but I can't figure out how to get it to work with custom mod. In my case I want to use SFP (Swedish Forces Pack). I have tried everything I can think of following guides that I find but they all seem to be very outdated. Any ideas?

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any clues how to put multiple UID's in the game master "owner" box?

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Thanks for the great tutorial! I have been mostly successful with my multiplayer Zeus mission. I am having one problem, while in game I can only place units, I can not place modules.....do you have any advice?

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Hey, thanks very much for this, saved me a google or two. :)

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Is there a way to hide the 3d waypoint markers for Sector Control and Attack/Defend objectives? They are awful distraction. Also, the neutralize the target points exactly at enemy position, that's too easy.

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P.S.: Who hopes that final Zeus DLC gives us 3D Editor? :D
Thanks to Moricky and Filip "sadovsf" Sádovský, it happened!

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