TeTeT 1523 Posted August 2, 2018 12 minutes ago, Rydygier said: I found a reason, weird one. Well, my code checks item's config entry "DLC", that for DLC stuff, as I assumed after checking many of them, holds a name of DLC, it requires. Vanilla stuff, as I saw, doesn't have DLC config entry. This way (well, it's a bit more complex) my code distinguish vanilla from non-vanilla and from which DLC given object is. ... Hi Rydygier, maybe this command helps: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/modParams : _modSource = modParams [<class of object>, ["name"]]; Cheers, TeTeT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted August 2, 2018 Hi, thanks, I'll check it, one of the commands introduced, when I was looking elsewhere. BTW I wonder, if my or any other way allows to distinguish between free part of DLC stuff and the part hidden behind a paywall... Quote _modSource = modParams [<class of object>, ["name"]]; Is it indeed useable this way, with object class? In the description I see there only name of the mod (CfgMods class), not object class. Also this looks promising: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/configSourceMod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted August 2, 2018 55 minutes ago, Rydygier said: Is this empty vehicle? Yes and shown as abandoned. (blue circle). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted August 2, 2018 OK. This: configSourceMod (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "B_AFV_Wheeled_01_cannon_F"); returns "tank", so succeeds, where "DLC" entry way fails. Promising. Still in worse case, free DLC content, if any, will be sifted together with actually paid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a2012v 30 Posted August 2, 2018 18 hours ago, alky_lee said: ...Doctors seem to be too rare, especially when you are suffering from the breathing sounds that you can't get away from. ... Hello to all pilgrimage! I have one method file JR_fnc.sqf Replace string RYD_JR_Wait = { if (RYD_JR_inStealth) exitWith {hint "You can't wait - enemies nearby."}; RYD_JR_isWaiting = true; _health = (floor((1 - (damage player)) * 1000))/10; //Health in % from 0 to 100 _items = items player; _txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; if ("FirstAidKit" in _items) then { if ((_health >= 75) and (_health < 100)) then { player setDamage 0; player removeItem "FirstAidKit"; //player addItemToBackpack "FirstAidKit"; _health = 100; //100% } }; //_txt = format ["Waiting...Health %1 %",_health]; 0.5 fadeSound 0; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK OUT",0.55]; sleep 1; skipTime 1; 0.5 fadeSound 1; TitleText [_txt,"BLACK IN",0.55]; _txt = format ["One hour later...Health %1%2",_health,'%']; sleep 0.6; TitleText [_txt,"PLAIN",0.55]; RYD_JR_isWaiting = false; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted August 2, 2018 17 hours ago, Rydygier said: and reworked vehicle inspecting, so no more one red tire indicator changed into orange everything etc. (no longer based on damage/setDamage). Was playing a bit more and shot the passenger side tires out of a Strider, killed AI, repaired for 1000 twice and tires are orange. Wheels are inflated. Might your changes affected the steering? The Strider pulls really hard to the right, hard to keep straight, don't recall this being a big issue before.. The two passenger side tires are partially sunk in the road the driver side are not when parked. If not I assume I simply need a repair kit or it's a Arma thing. I'm on the latest version of Arma. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted August 3, 2018 Quote repaired for 1000 twice and tires are orange That's OK. Amount of reduced damage wasn't changed, so even few times may be not enough, if part was seriously damaged and rolls not so lucky. The change is, now it is randomized and applied to each part separatelly. Previously code was using global vehicle damage as a base, reducing it, then applied globally new damage value to the vehicle. That could produce weird results, like one red indicator before and all orange after - one part repaired, but the rest damaged. Change's aim is to eliminate such results. Fankly not sure, how new way - applying reduced damage to each part separatelly, may affect steering. A theory: previously damage distribution after repair was even (?), so each tire was damaged equally, now it isn't the case. Perhaps pulling to a side is a result of different tires being damaged in different degree? I'll try to test that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted August 3, 2018 Tested using Hunter. Steering behavior, you described, appears, when at least one tire of the one side is damaged > 0.9. If you damage > 0.9 2 tires of two sides, their influence are mutually cancelled. Applying repair code doesn't affect that directly. But, if you repaired twice, it is unlikely, tires have still >0.9 of damage, unless you've played on HARD difficulty, where repairing effectiveness is ten times lower? As for the toolkit, on Difficulty below H having it during repairs boosts effectiveness x2, on H and above - x5. On HARD without toolkit effectiveness is reduced 1/10 comparing to lower Difficulty without the toolkit, while on VH and above - impossible without a toolkit. As for DLC issue, implemented alternative code based on: configSourceMod (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "B_AFV_Wheeled_01_cannon_F"); (thanks again, TeTeT, I'm adding you to the credits :) ) and as far, as I can pretend in the script, I do not own DLCs, it seems to work - I see no DLC vehicles on the map nor DLC loot. Thing is, don't know if possible free content introduced with given DLC is kept, or filtered out too. I guess the latter is the case. Anyway, new betas with this change should be prepared soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted August 3, 2018 1.95 beta 4 ready for testing. Links: Dropbox (1.95 beta4) Dropbox (1.95 beta4 Altis) - open folder DropBox (1.95coop wip9b) Changes: - alternative way of filtering DLC content (thanks to TeTeT, changes, where previous was + new function at the very end of JR_fnc.sqf); - small tweaks in credits (depending on particular port); - removed code error from the ports preventing proper placing of AI mortars (JRInit.sqf, below this line: _cl = ["I_Mortar_01_F","O_Mortar_01_F"]; Altis version not affected). I see, coop still has serious issues, I've little patience for MP voodoo, but I'll have to do something about it after 1.95 release... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted August 3, 2018 Just an FYI, I was playing on normal. I should be able to speed up testing the DLC changes if I use debug=true....right and play in the editor? I'll try to test that way today. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted August 3, 2018 Thanks, yes, debug will greatly speed up tests as for empty vehicles (used it today). Loot can be tested fairly quickly too in the editor, if you set AI hostile presence on 0 and use alt+LMB teleport. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted August 3, 2018 Dropbox (1.95 beta4 Altis) - open folder Panning around the map and spawning at abandoned vehicles I did not see anything DLC. Looks like you fixed it. As far as COOP, I wouldn't worry about it but that's your call. Also, as far as spawning near other players in COOP when killed, I made a workaround for that using ADV_moveRespMarker.sqf. Plus may want to take a peek at my COOP missions using this script as I made further tweaks. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Al4irMhnXznahUBk-XATwTj29P-A 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted August 3, 2018 Nice to see the classic free roaming mission getting some fresh love. Currently enjoying a new playthrough with some added elements from haleks Ravage mod, mostly the survival aspects. Having great fun! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted August 3, 2018 1 hour ago, EO said: Currently enjoying a new playthrough with some added elements from haleks Ravage mod, mostly the survival aspects. Hi EO would you care to share what you've done? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted August 4, 2018 9 hours ago, pvt. partz said: ...would you care to share what you've done? Spoiler Pilgrimage settings...(edited to try and keep military/civilian aspects to a bare minimum) Ravage Survival Module settings...(activates Health, Nutrition, Hydration systems) Ravage Loot System settings...(adds Ravage survival loot to outdoor trashpiles, dumpsters etc) Ravage Settings module...(enabled holster function to utilize the Ravage "auto-walk" feature) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted August 7, 2018 Beta 5 ready. Links: Dropbox (1.95 beta5) Dropbox (1.95 beta5 Altis) - open folder 1.95coop_wip9c Changes: - added green exclamation mark 3D icon to indicate recruitable POWs positions (a corrected code, I proposed in the Pilgrimage - ported thread); - improved setting initial direction of the boat; - blue-3D marked civilians offering special services will not loose their icons after asking them for the intel; - ?. The last one for now will stay unrevealed. A little surprise. :) I'll discuss technical details of it, after someone discover, what it is and show us a screenshot (reward - a satisfaction of being first one, who spotted this :) ). For now I'll say only, it is a new feature, nothing big, but should be nice for some players, statistically rather rare, but should be typically encountered at least once during a gameplay of average length, although it depends... As for changes locations, this time are too numerous and spread across several files to point each of them, instead I would recommend for ports authors to use some app for comparing two text files, like KDiff3 for example and compare files of this beta 5 with beta 4 files. 3 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted August 7, 2018 5 hours ago, Rydygier said: The last one for now will stay unrevealed. Spoiler Looks like you added a shop of some kind. If you do another release can you mix up spawn point locations to help get it fresh. I've changed to... Spoiler case ("R") : { RYD_JR_Starting = [ [[28329,25187,0],[28347,25187,0]], [[26082,23859,0],[26076,23872,0]], [[19926,20110,0],[19911,20116,0]], [[15372,22424,0],[15383,22442,0]], [[9725,22322,0],[9732,22339,0]], [[2701,22079,0],[2687,22057,0]], [[21652,9205,0],[21676,9217,0]], [[22798,13811,0],[22792,13825,0]], [[25704,19497,0],[25718,19483,0]], [[21652,9205,0],[21676,9217,0]], [[22798,13811,0],[22792,13825,0]], [[25704,19497,0],[25718,19483,0]], [[6269,10646,0],[6286,10638,0]], [[7893,7658,0],[7893,7672,0]], [[12469,12797,0],[12486,12799,0]], [[15817,11393,0],[15835,11453,0]], [[6269,10646,0],[6286,10638,0]], [[7893,7658,0],[7893,7672,0]], [[12469,12797,0],[12486,12799,0]], [[15817,11393,0],[15835,11453,0]] ]; }; case ("N") : { RYD_JR_Starting = [ [[28329,25187,0],[28347,25187,0]], [[26082,23859,0],[26076,23872,0]], [[19926,20110,0],[19911,20116,0]], [[15372,22424,0],[15383,22442,0]], [[9725,22322,0],[9732,22339,0]], [[2701,22079,0],[2687,22057,0]] ]; }; case ("E") : { RYD_JR_Starting = [ [[21652,9205,0],[21676,9217,0]], [[22798,13811,0],[22792,13825,0]], [[25704,19497,0],[25718,19483,0]] ]; }; case ("S") : { RYD_JR_Starting = [ [[6269,10646,0],[6286,10638,0]], [[7893,7658,0],[7893,7672,0]], [[12469,12797,0],[12486,12799,0]], [[15817,11393,0],[15835,11453,0]] ]; }; case ("W") : { RYD_JR_Starting = [ [[3837,17165,0],[3823,17154,0]], [[3851,15517,0],[3837,15507,0]], [[3026,12363,0],[3024,12349,0]] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted August 7, 2018 Also. Beta 5 SP mission.sqm is binaried. Nm, worked around it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted August 7, 2018 11 hours ago, Rydygier said: The last one for now will stay unrevealed Are Civilian population required? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted August 8, 2018 12 hours ago, Rydygier said: The last one for now will stay unrevealed. A little surprise. :) I'll discuss technical details of it, after someone discover, what it is and show us a screenshot (reward - a satisfaction of being first one, who spotted this :) ). For now I'll say only, it is a new feature, nothing big, but should be nice for some players, statistically rather rare, but should be typically encountered at least once during a gameplay of average length, although it depends... ...Awesome,....just what we need keep this mission fresh. btw, I don't even know if it has ever been mentioned, maybe a veeeery long time ago. Coop ending doesn't work. We can load the body but when we try to transfer to the (a) boat, it's a no go. "A little surprise" ...SP or Coop,...or both? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted August 8, 2018 I'm sure, there are more problems with COOP. New issues may appear after last, not tested in MP changes. Frankly, not sure, when this could improve, my feelings about MP scripting, aren't warmer, than earlier :) . Quote Are Civilian population required? Yes. I see, you already roughly guessed by checking the files, but let's wait for proper screenshots. :) Quote ...SP or Coop,...or both? SP for sure. if this work in COOP - I don't know. Code is there too, but... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted August 8, 2018 Ryd 2 things I've found so far in Beta 5. I saw 2 T-140 Angara tanks occupied. I assume those are DLC? One time I unpacked a hideout, the fire pit was about 2m above the ground. Another time I unpacked there was no fire pit at all. This shows no fire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted August 8, 2018 Hm. configSourceMod (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "O_MBT_04_cannon_F"); returns properly - "tank", so Angara must be due to a gap in the my logic. If these was occupied, I know, where to look (AI patrol groups or Ambient Combat), thanks. Also I'll check these hideout fireplaces, but not sure, if I'll be able to fix this, may be a terrain/object glitch. Not touched this code lately, so if worked previously... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted August 8, 2018 I was not playing with AC if that helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vidikk 10 Posted August 8, 2018 On 8/7/2018 at 2:58 PM, Rydygier said: A little surprise. :) OK, I think I found it and it is awesome! (4 screenshots warning) Spoiler Just the thing that was missing Especially considering you're earning more money than you can spend very quickly. Now I can stop looting every city in hope of finding a better looking armor and uniform. A few questions: Spoiler After we were done trading he walked out of the house but I was still able to initiate trading dialog. So are his services one time only? Should I try to buy everything I need because I might never see him again? I take it his inventory is completely random, correct? On a different note I want to thank you Rydygier for this amazing scenario that keeps getting better and better. Out of 2k hours in game I'm pretty sure at least 1000 I spent in Pilgrimage and the ports (so shout out to Major Stiffy, Alky Lee and others!) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites