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[SP] Pilgrimage

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BTW, does Tanoa have strongholds and teammates to liberate?


Of course, everything you know about the "Pilgrimage" is also in Tanoa version.

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One more thing about spawning AIs/vehicles in the default "map center" position one on another. It happen, when code fails to find suitable position across the map, which may happen especially for small maps, or those with low amount of flat/empty, not taken yet spots. For such maps good idea may be to lower amount of spawned stuff compared to Altis. The limit for garrison/all groups (per side) is defined in init.sqf:

RYD_JR_GLimit = floor (142 - (RYD_JR_ACIntense/2));

While for hidden camps:

_expression = "forest + trees - houses";
_value = selectBestPlaces [_mapC,RYD_JR_mapSize,_expression,200,24];

(24) and empty vehicles:

_softVAm = 30 + (floor (random 20));//soft: 30 to 49
_armVAm = ((3 + (floor (random 2)) - RYD_JR_Difficulty) max 0) min 3;//armored: 0 to 3

in JRInit.sqf.


EDIT: forgot about check points. Same, as garrisons are based on amount of proper locations, checkpoints are based on amount of crossroads (taken from static array of predefined positions, that need to be filled one way or another during porting, I have script for that) by default except the towns (not in urbanized area), so both should be somehow immune to overcrowding effect (the smaller map, the less locations/crossroads), thus also aren't 100% remedy for that overcrowding problem, but still here is check points limit:

 _cnt = ceil (((count RYD_JR_AllCheckpoints)/4) * RYD_JR_CPDensityM);

Of course one can also control some of these vaules from init settings menu. 


My crossroads finder (executed with call or spawn, leaves the result in the RPT):


RYD_AllCross = 
	startloadingscreen ["Pilgrimage","RscDisplayLoadCustom"];
	_RandomAroundMM = 
		private ["_pos","_xPos","_yPos","_a","_b","_dir","_angle","_mag","_nX","_nY","_temp"];

		_pos = _this select 0;
		_a = _this select 1;
		_b = _this select 2;
		_b = _b - _a;

		_xPos = _pos select 0;
		_yPos = _pos select 1;

		_dir = random 360;

		_mag = _a + (sqrt ((random _b) * _b));
		_nX = _mag * (sin _dir);
		_nY = _mag * (cos _dir);

		_pos = [_xPos + _nX, _yPos + _nY,0];  


	_mapSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "mapSize");
	_rds = _mapSize/2;
	_mapC = [_rds,_rds];

	diag_log format ["mapS: %1",_mapC];

	_nR = _mapC nearRoads (_rds * 1.42);

	_nC = nearestLocations [_mapC, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],_rds * 1.42];

	_crossr = [];
	_cnt = count _nR;
	diag_log format ["cntNR: %1",_cnt];

		_con = count (roadsConnectedTo _x);
		if (_con > 2) then
			_pos = getPosATL _x;
			_pos resize 2;
			_tooClose = false;
				if (_pos in _x) exitWith {_tooClose = true};
				if ((_pos distance _x) < 500) exitWith {_tooClose = true};
				_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _pos;
				if ((_pos distance _nBuilding) < 50) exitWith {_tooClose = true};
			foreach _nC;
			if not (_tooClose) then
				_type = str _x;
				if ((((_type find "race") < 0)) and {((_type find "invisible") < 0)}) then
					_pos set [2,0];
					_crossr set [(count _crossr),_pos];
					//diag_log format ["road: %1",_x];
		progressLoadingScreen ((_foreachIndex + 1)/_cnt)
	foreach _nR;

		_i = "cMark_" + (str _x);
		_i = createMarker [_i,_x];
		_i setMarkerColor "colorOrange";
		_i setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_i setMarkerType "mil_box";
		_i setMarkerSize [0.6,0.6];

		diag_log format ["%1",_x]
	foreach _crossr;

	diag_log format ["liczba: %1",count _crossr];
	hint format ["done: %1",_cnt];
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Thanks for the tips @Rydygier. :)
In Tanoa, I have not seen "pile" of vehicles for now; but when I was doing some testing about density of "Syndicat"  patrols on the map, in one of the airport (Aeroport de Tanoa, is in the center of the archipelago), were about 8 groups of enemies, 2 or 3 groups of each faction from ArmA; but since then I have never seen such a situation.
I noticed that the number of hidden camps is quite low, most are on the main island, but in the small islands they are very few, sometimes none. Also, I have not seen two or more hidden camps in the same place (this is not a problem for me, just something I noticed). 
One problem for me is that in three of the buildings set as "BetterLootBuidings" (when I play with the setting "realistic" regarding the loot distribution) loot does not appear, but when playing with the setting "abundant" then loot appears. In the editor these buildings are as part of military buildings.  :confused:
"Land_PillboxBunker_01_big_F", "Land_PillboxBunker_01_hex_F","Land_PillboxBunker_01_rectangle_F",

These are those Japanese bunkers from WW2. 

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Define when the code can not find the right position on the map is impossible.
Several cycles with the condition do not give guarantees.
I suggest to all spawn in the center to remove.
The question is how?
вы знаете руÑÑкий?

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One problem for me is that in three of the buildings set as "BetterLootBuidings" (when I play with the setting "realistic" regarding the loot distribution) loot does not appear, but when playing with the setting "abundant" then loot appears. In the editor these buildings are as part of military buildings.  :confused:



Well, that's weird, because that means, these are treated as civilian houses then. And what's stored in RYD_JR_BetterLootBuildings should be treated as military buildings. One thing to remember - the check, if class is there is case sensitive. So string in this array must be identical with real class name, also as for capital letters. Question is, if the same problem appears also for the rest of military buildings, or only for these three? 

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Just these three, I added a building that is part of the industrial buildings, and loot appears; So, it's very odd...  Classes are correct, I checked, this was the first thing I thought about.




вы знаете руÑÑкий?



Yes, I know a little, I learned at school


(Я знаю немного, Ñ Ð½Ð°ÑƒÑ‡Ð¸Ð»ÑÑ Ð² школе)

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Define when the code can not find the right position on the map is impossible.



But I explained, how. Measure distance between position returned and this predefined map's center position. If is 0/near 0 - right position wasn't found. 



Several cycles with the condition do not give guarantees.


True, it may be even more, than several. If after reasonable amount of tries still nothing - you can ommit the spawn (nothing will be spawned). Thing is, findSafePos is used in several places in the code, all of them has to be edited to cover every case, thus I can't give you handy code snippet to copy/paste. 


Deleting, what's spawned around center pos is possible, of course, but not recommended. First - redundant work for CPU (first spawn, then deletion). Second - These groups are added to some pools and counts and I can't give 100%, removing them at this stage just like that will be without any side effect. But if you insist put this:

_mapDefPos = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition");

	if ((_x distance _mapDefPos) < 50) then
		_crew = crew _x;
			deleteVehicle _x
		foreach _crew;
		deleteVehicle _x;
foreach vehicles;

		if ((_x distance _mapDefPos) < 50) then
			deleteVehicle _x;
	foreach (units _x);
	if ((({not (isNull _x) and {(alive _x)})} count (units _x)) < 1) then
		deleteGroup _gp
foreach allGroups;

	if ((_x distance _mapDefPos) < 50) then
		deleteVehicle _x;
foreach allDead;

RYD_JR_allEnemy = RYD_JR_allEnemy - [grpNull];

in the JRInit.sqf, just before these lines:

diag_log format ["EG: %1 IG: %2 All units: %3",{(side _x) == east} count AllGroups,{(side _x) == resistance} count AllGroups,count AllUnits];

_allEnemies = +RYD_JR_allEnemy;

It's not tested, so beware possible syntax typos. 

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Just these three, I added a building that is part of the industrial buildings, and loot appears; So, it's very odd...



At least that means, code determining, what loot spawn where is working fine. Has to be something around these three classes/military buildings array, but no idea, what. Such issues has to be nailed down by diag_log debug flags put in the crucial places in the code, returning to RPT helpful data (chosen variables values). The check itself is in the mainLoop.sqf:

_isMilitary = (typeOf _x) in RYD_JR_BetterLootBuildings;

Simple as that. If these three are excluded, but works for the rest then, I guess, typeOf _x has to return something else for these three, than array content. Or I don't know. 

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In order to transport the corpse without car is necessary:
1. Install a machine gun near a dead body
2. put the body in a tripod
3. disassemble tripod (Dismembered carcass, put the pieces in a backpack)
4. mark the place on the map if you are one
5. transfer with a partner 2 backpack with dismemberment to the boat
if you are one of the two times
6. install a tripod near the boat
7. dismemberment move the boat
8. Mission Accomplished

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Nice exploit. :) Should I exclude statics as potential body carriers in 1.95, as logic says, or leave it as is? Transporting the body in the two backpacks sounds... disturbing. 

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What if you play without a partner or he gets killed?

Body should fit in a carryall. :)

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Transporting the body in the two backpacks sounds... disturbing.

Imagine someone creating an animation for this !!!...Sheesh   :wacko:

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Nice exploit. :) Should I exclude statics as potential body carriers in 1.95, as logic says, or leave it as is? Transporting the body in the two backpacks sounds... disturbing. 


Leave it as it is. If someone wants to transport the body on foot and without the backpack as ammo storage, then more power to them. It makes the scenario even more rich with possibilities than it already is.


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I made the following changes

You are a doctor friend of yours engineer.

The island has only infantry and civilian vehicles.

The cost of repairs,

and purchase information above.

The corpse has a UAV terminal.

Perhaps buy loot from civilians.

Civilians are more aggressive, not kill them.

Tanks and other military vehicles blocked the use of the player

The number of places to look, you can choose from the menu

anyone interested?




Prompt can be written adventures


RYD_JR_Footsteps in an array

at the end of the mission show the map

with the points of the array

very interesting?

Thank you a2012v! I love this Tanoa variation where one can purchase weapons loot from civilians (and sometimes get cheated). However version 0.36 breaks this function on my machine, had to re-install 0.28 for it to work again. Thanks again.

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Thank you a2012v! I love this Tanoa variation where one can purchase weapons loot from civilians (and sometimes get cheated). However version 0.36 breaks this function on my machine, had to re-install 0.28 for it to work again. Thanks again.

Meh, I completely missed that one. I hope we may have an updated version for Apex release.


Maybe you guys who are branching from "official" Pilgrimage, like vafana and a2012v and probably others I forgot (sorry), you could make your own threads with your branches? If Ryd agrees of course, I have no idea about the legal implications. But I'm pretty sure that I've read about some other variants at a time I didn't have any time to play, but was it on page 128,134 or 112? :) And is this link for the latest version or there are others in the couple dozen pages that follow?

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If Ryd agrees of course,



No problem for me, could be useful to keep links to the newest versions easy to find or, if creators of these other versions prefer, I could add links to their versions in the frist post of this thread (but no promises as for immediate updating). Or leave it in the current way, the choice is yours, (Ladies and) Gentelmen. 

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Maybe you guys who are branching from "official" Pilgrimage, like vafana and a2012v and probably others I forgot (sorry), you could make your own threads with your branches? If Ryd agrees of course, I have no idea about the legal implications. But I'm pretty sure that I've read about some other variants at a time I didn't have any time to play, but was it on page 128,134 or 112? :) And is this link for the latest version or there are others in the couple dozen pages that follow?


Personally, I'm not interested in another thread with "Pilgrimage Tanoa" is @Rydygier`s work. My contribution is too little to grant this to myself. 

All my links with "Pilgrimage Tanoa" containing the new version; at most, I can add a link in my signature. (Done)

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At least that means, code determining, what loot spawn where is working fine. Has to be something around these three classes/military buildings array, but no idea, what. Such issues has to be nailed down by diag_log debug flags put in the crucial places in the code, returning to RPT helpful data (chosen variables values). The check itself is in the mainLoop.sqf:

_isMilitary = (typeOf _x) in RYD_JR_BetterLootBuildings;

Simple as that. If these three are excluded, but works for the rest then, I guess, typeOf _x has to return something else for these three, than array content. Or I don't know. 


I got this in RPT file, every time I get close to military buildings, including Japanese bunkers. Has someting to do with diag_log "--2"?


13:54:56 Starting mission:

13:54:56 Mission file: Pilgrimage (__cur_sp)

13:54:56 Mission world: tanoa

13:54:56 Mission directory: missions\__cur_sp.tanoa\

13:55:03 Mission id: 4c1ee157e5fb868d777b2e558b586e4c8f3d3028

13:55:05 class Steam::Query::PublishedFilesByUserAction query failed

13:55:05 class Steam::Query::UserSubscribedContentList query failed

13:55:05 Loading movesType CfgMovesBird

13:55:05 MovesType CfgMovesBird load time 38 ms

13:55:06 Loading movesType CfgMovesButterfly

13:55:08 MovesType CfgMovesButterfly load time 1997 ms

13:55:09 "--2"

13:56:17 "--2"

13:56:28 "--2"

13:57:56 "--2"

13:58:37 "--2"

13:58:48 "--2"

13:58:59 "--2"

13:59:10 "--2"

13:59:10 soldier[i_C_Soldier_Bandit_3_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

13:59:10 soldier[i_C_Soldier_Bandit_3_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:01:14 "--2"

14:01:25 "--2"

14:10:03 "--2"

14:10:14 "--2"

14:10:24 "--2"

14:10:35 "--2"

14:10:46 "--2"

14:10:52 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented

14:11:02 "--2"

14:11:13 "--2"

14:11:25 "--2"

14:11:35 "--2"

14:11:44 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented

14:11:51 "--2"

14:12:02 "--2"

14:12:12 "--2"

14:12:23 "--2"

14:12:25 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started.

14:12:25 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully.

14:12:34 "--2"

14:12:45 "--2"

14:12:55 "--2"

14:13:06 "--2"

14:13:17 "--2"

14:13:23 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented

14:13:34 "--2"

14:13:45 "--2"

14:13:56 "--2"

14:14:08 "--2"

14:14:19 "--2"

14:14:30 "--2"

14:14:41 "--2"

14:14:52 Error in expression <0 + (speedX/1)>

14:14:52 Error position:

14:14:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: speedx

14:14:52 Error in expression <0 + (speedY/1)>

14:14:52 Error position:

14:14:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: speedy

14:14:52 Error in expression <0 + (speedZ/1)>

14:14:52 Error position:

14:14:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: speedz

14:14:52 Error during compilation of bin\config.bin/CfgCloudlets/CannonFired2.moveVelocity

14:14:52 Error during evaluation of expression _moveVelocity in cannonfired2

14:14:52 Error in expression <0 + (speedX/1)>

14:14:52 Error position:

14:14:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: speedx

14:14:52 Error in expression <0 + (speedY/1)>

14:14:52 Error position:

14:14:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: speedy

14:14:52 Error in expression <0 + (speedZ/1)>

14:14:52 Error position:

14:14:52 Error Undefined variable in expression: speedz

14:14:52 Error during compilation of bin\config.bin/CfgCloudlets/CannonFired3.moveVelocity

14:14:52 Error during evaluation of expression _moveVelocity in cannonfired3

14:14:52 Error during evaluation of expression _moveVelocity in cannonfired3

14:14:52 "--2"

14:15:03 "--2"

14:15:10 Error during evaluation of expression _moveVelocity in cannonfired2

14:15:10 Error during evaluation of expression _moveVelocity in cannonfired3

14:15:10 Error during evaluation of expression _moveVelocity in cannonfired3

14:15:14 "--2"

14:15:25 "--2"

14:15:37 "--2"

14:15:48 "--2"

14:15:59 "--2"

14:16:10 "--2"

14:16:21 "--2"

14:16:32 "--2"

14:16:43 "--2"

14:16:55 "--2"

14:17:06 "--2"

14:17:17 "--2"

14:17:28 "--2"

14:17:40 "--2"

14:17:51 "--2"

14:18:02 "--2"

14:18:13 "--2"

14:18:25 "--2"

14:18:36 "--2"

14:18:47 "--2"

14:18:59 "--2"

14:19:10 "--2"

14:19:21 "--2"

14:19:32 "--2"

14:19:43 "--2"

14:19:54 "--2"

14:20:05 "--2"

14:20:13 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented

14:21:33 "--2"

14:21:45 "--2"

14:21:45 HideBullet_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:21:45 HideBullet_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:21:45 HideBullet2_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:21:45 HideBullet2_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_JTAC_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_JTAC_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:45 HideBullet_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:21:45 HideBullet_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:21:45 HideBullet2_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:21:45 HideBullet2_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_M_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_M_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_Exp_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_Exp_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_LAT_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_LAT_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_Medic_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:45 soldier[O_V_Soldier_Medic_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:21:57 "--2"

14:22:08 "--2"

14:22:19 "--2"

14:22:30 "--2"

14:22:41 "--2"

14:22:45 Road not found

14:23:21 "--2"

14:23:21 Road not found

14:23:24 Road not found

14:23:32 "--2"

14:23:34 Road not found

14:23:43 "--2"

14:23:54 "--2"

14:24:05 "--2"

14:24:16 "--2"

14:24:29 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented

14:24:33 "--2"

14:24:34 soldier[O_T_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:24:34 soldier[O_T_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:24:34 soldier[O_T_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:25:16 "--2"

14:25:28 "--2"

14:25:39 "--2"

14:25:50 "--2"

14:26:01 "--2"

14:26:12 "--2"

14:26:23 "--2"

14:26:34 "--2"

14:26:35 Road not found

14:26:45 "--2"

14:26:46 Road not found

14:26:56 "--2"

14:27:08 "--2"

14:27:21 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented

14:29:03 "--2"

14:29:14 "--2"

14:29:25 "--2"

14:29:32 Road not found

14:29:33 Road not found

14:29:36 "--2"

14:29:39 Road not found

14:29:41 Road not found

14:29:46 Road not found

14:29:46 "--2"

14:29:47 soldier[i_C_Soldier_Bandit_3_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:29:47 soldier[i_C_Soldier_Bandit_3_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

14:29:58 "--2"

14:30:08 "--2"

14:30:14 Road not found

14:30:18 Road not found

14:30:19 "--2"

14:30:20 Road not found

14:30:22 Road not found

14:30:30 "--2"

14:30:38 Error: EntityAI SubSkeleton index was not initialized properly (repeated 0x in the last 60sec)

14:30:38 name: Land_Shop_City_03_F, shape: a3\structures_f_exp\commercial\shop_city_03\shop_city_03_f.p3d, index: -1, matrices: 4

14:30:41 "--2"

14:30:51 "--2"

14:31:02 "--2"

14:31:07 Road not found

14:31:13 "--2"

14:31:24 "--2"

14:31:35 "--2"

14:31:45 "--2"

14:31:56 "--2"

14:32:07 "--2"

14:32:18 "--2"

14:32:28 "--2"

14:32:39 "--2"

14:32:50 "--2"

14:32:57 Sound: Error: File: .ogg not found !!!

14:33:01 "--2"

14:33:11 Sound: Error: File: .ogg not found !!!

14:33:12 "--2"

14:33:23 "--2"

14:33:34 "--2"

14:34:32 EPE manager release (2|48|0)

14:34:32 Number of actors in scene after release: 2

14:34:32 EPE manager release (0|2|0)

14:34:33 [weapon arifle_MX_SW_khk_F]: item[bipod_01_F_khk] does not match to this weapon!

14:34:34 HideBullet_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:34:34 HideBullet_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:34:34 HideBullet2_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

14:34:34 HideBullet2_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving

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Yes, it's just harmelss debug flag, one of several, I was using to follow main loop flow during tests. But for me it's commented out (inactive). 

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I did activated in connection with the issue that loot does not appear in Japanese bunkers. From what is seen in RPT, it means that the bunkers are still recognized as military buildings in "BetterLootBuildings"?

diag_log "--2";
			_loot = _x getVariable "RYD_JR_Loot";
			_isMilitary = (typeOf _x) in RYD_JR_BetterLootBuildings;

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By itself it barely says, code reaches that line. Perhaps modify the code around this way:

			_loot = _x getVariable "RYD_JR_Loot";
			_isMilitary = (typeOf _x) in RYD_JR_BetterLootBuildings;
			diag_log format ["type: %1 isM: %2",typeOf _x,_isMilitary];

Then try to approach these bunkers and after that show, what RPT says. We'll now, what exactly class is tested with what exactly result. 

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I placed the code, I approached 7 Japanese bunkers and 3 military buildings; buildings are seen in RPT, but not bunkers ...


19:10:11 "--2"
19:10:13 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented
19:10:26 "--2"
19:10:37 "--2"
19:10:47 "--2"
19:10:58 "--2"
19:11:47 "--2"
19:11:58 "--2"
19:12:08 "--2"
19:12:16 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented
19:13:32 "--2"
19:13:43 "--2"
19:15:52 "--2"
19:16:03 "--2"
19:16:14 "--2"
19:16:25 "--2"
19:16:51 "--2"
19:17:01 "--2"
19:17:12 "--2"
19:17:21 Road not found
19:17:23 "--2"
19:17:23 soldier[O_T_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:23 soldier[O_T_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:23 soldier[O_T_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:34 "--2"
19:17:34 soldier[i_C_Soldier_Para_5_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:34 soldier[i_C_Soldier_Para_5_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:34 HideBullet_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving
19:17:34 HideBullet_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving
19:17:34 HideBullet2_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving
19:17:34 HideBullet2_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving
19:17:34 soldier[O_V_Soldier_JTAC_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:34 soldier[O_V_Soldier_JTAC_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:34 HideBullet_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving
19:17:34 HideBullet_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving
19:17:34 HideBullet2_001 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving
19:17:34 HideBullet2_002 - unknown animation source codRiverMuzzle_revolving
19:17:34 soldier[O_V_Soldier_M_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:34 soldier[O_V_Soldier_M_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:34 soldier[O_V_Soldier_Exp_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:34 soldier[O_V_Soldier_Exp_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:35 soldier[O_V_Soldier_LAT_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:35 soldier[O_V_Soldier_LAT_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:35 soldier[O_V_Soldier_Medic_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:35 soldier[O_V_Soldier_Medic_ghex_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:17:45 "--2"
19:17:56 "--2"
19:17:56 "type: Land_Barracks_01_camo_F isM: true"
19:18:07 "--2"
19:18:18 "--2"
19:18:45 "--2"
19:18:55 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented
19:20:30 "--2"
19:20:41 "--2"
19:20:52 "--2"
19:21:02 "--2"
19:21:13 "--2"
19:21:24 "--2"
19:21:35 "--2"
19:21:45 "--2"
19:21:56 "--2"
19:22:07 "--2"
19:22:18 "--2"
19:22:28 "--2"
19:24:55 "--2"
19:25:03 "--2"
19:25:13 "--2"
19:25:24 "--2"
19:25:35 "--2"
19:25:46 "--2"
19:25:56 "--2"
19:26:07 "--2"
19:26:18 "--2"
19:26:28 "--2"
19:26:58 "--2"
19:27:09 "--2"
19:27:20 "--2"
19:27:31 "--2"
19:27:41 "--2"
19:27:52 "--2"
19:28:02 "--2"
19:28:13 "--2"
19:28:24 "--2"
19:28:34 "--2"
19:29:08 "--2"
19:29:18 "--2"
19:29:30 "--2"
19:29:40 "--2"
19:29:51 "--2"
19:30:02 "--2"
19:30:12 "--2"
19:30:26 "--2"
19:30:36 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented
19:30:53 "--2"
19:31:04 "--2"
19:31:14 "--2"
19:31:25 "--2"
19:31:25 "type: Land_GuardHouse_01_F isM: true"
19:31:36 "--2"
19:31:47 "--2"
19:31:57 "--2"
19:32:08 "--2"
19:32:19 "--2"
19:32:30 "--2"
19:32:41 "--2"
19:32:52 "--2"
19:33:02 "--2"
19:33:13 "--2"
19:33:24 "--2"
19:33:35 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented
19:33:59 "--2"
19:34:10 "--2"
19:34:22 "--2"
19:34:33 "--2"
19:34:44 "--2"
19:34:53 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented
19:35:03 "--2"
19:35:14 "--2"
19:35:26 "--2"
19:35:37 "--2"
19:35:48 "--2"
19:36:18 "--2"
19:36:29 "--2"
19:37:03 "--2"
19:37:14 "--2"
19:37:26 "--2"
19:37:36 "--2"
19:37:37 soldier[i_C_Soldier_Para_5_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:37:37 soldier[i_C_Soldier_Para_5_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:37:37 soldier[O_T_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:37:37 soldier[O_T_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:37:37 soldier[O_T_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
19:37:41 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented
19:37:53 "--2"
19:38:04 "--2"
19:38:14 "--2"
19:38:25 "--2"
19:38:36 "--2"
19:38:47 "--2"
19:38:57 "--2"
19:39:36 "--2"
19:39:47 "--2"
19:39:57 "--2"
19:40:07 "--2"
19:40:11 "--2"
19:40:18 "--2"
19:40:29 "--2"
19:40:39 "--2"
19:40:39 "type: Land_Barracks_01_camo_F isM: true"
19:40:40 "type: Land_Barracks_01_camo_F isM: true"
19:40:51 "--2"
19:41:02 "--2"
19:41:09 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented
19:41:19 "--2"
19:41:30 "--2"
19:41:51 Serialization of Display variables is not implemented

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OK, no information is also an information. That means, those bunkers aren't even added to the tested buildings array. I looked at their classes in config viewer and the reason seems to be as follows:


Code looks for potential buildings to spawn some loot this way (around line 153 in the MainLoop.sqf for official Pilgrimage version):

_blds = _pos nearObjects ["House",_radius];

That means - all near objects of "House" kind in given radius. Thing is, those bunkers aren't even of "House" kind, thus omitted. IIRC you said however, bunkers are filled with loot with abundant loot distribution setting? That would stay unexplained for now, because if not "House", building shouldn't be filled no matter, which distribution is chosen.


Anyway, for now you may try to modify quoted code this way:

 _blds = (_pos nearObjects ["House",_radius]) + (_pos nearObjects ["BagBunker_base_F",_radius]);

And see, if that makes any difference. 

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My version is also fully merit Rydygier.
Question answer.
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.

The different themes all is lost, including the communication on the forum.


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 IIRC you said however, buners are filled with loot with abundant loot distribution setting? That would stay unexplained for now, because if not "House", building shouldn't be filled no matter, which distribution is chosen.


Yes, if it is activated "abundant" then the loot appears in bunkers. But I remember that in Chernarus, appear loot in a wall hole, also with "abundant" enabled, and I suspect that also was not in the "House" class


I will try with the code you provided, thanks a lot :) .

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