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N'Ziwasogo A3 terrain (Released)

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Hi m.akhno, thanks for continuing to update this fantastic map, especially to keep up with the 1.60 update. I know the ground textures are a WIP, but I have noticed that the dirt textures are bright yellow in the medium distance and red up close. Might be a satmap issue? Anyway, thanks again for your hard work on this and all your other excellent maps. Any chance of Daryah getting a 1.60 update? 

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Hi, makhno! I've enjoyed playing on N'ziwasogo, though the last time was the version right after you plucked and roasted that obnoxious bird (which made me laugh) where, through no fault of yours, ALiVE kept tasking me with blowing up dirty lamp posts that were crucial to OPFOR's military objectives. Now I keep seeing little things that I clearly remember not being there before -- most notably more ground cover and bushes. It was a LOT easier to spot enemies before, hiding on bare ground and leaning out from behind only tree trunks. Volumetric fog is abusive to my frame rate, but that plus 1.60's early morning sunlight burning god rays through the mist make me tear up a little at the magnificence of it all. I really don't remember the dappled shadows being so awesome under the tree canopy before -- so I guess the earlier lighting fixes and now 1.60 of course must be really making the difference.


So I have zero map requests or bugs to report. But you said earlier that it be pretty easy to mass-replace whole classes of vegetation objects. Is it a 3d modder's equivalent of find/replace or cut/paste for class names and maybe some other parameters (like a coordinate transform in the Z axis b/c tree.old's center or origin point was in the middle of the trunk, but now tree.new's model is centered at the bottom of the trunk, or whatever)?


I'm just curious, b/c it takes me 30 mins to 3 hours to learn enough convoluted BIS scripting commands to hack a solution for each mission-maker concept I think up in 30 seconds. As a newbie, I'm interested in hearing what you find tedious or struggle with in map-making (e.g. working against a dearth of recent, high-quality palm trees!). Has there ever been any interest in the requests/offers forum?


Not now, of course -- it feels like the calm before the storm, with a lot of projects waiting for Tanoa to shake out.


The Armalite vs. palm tree disparity made me laugh, sorry! :)


Too soon to say.


But Mass replacing Vegetation in an existing map is something that can be done in one afternoon.

So I could keep Version 0.9 ( the last version to use BRG_africa) available, and in parallel continue developing the map using all available ressources.

I indend to use if possible vegetation, and more importantly buildings from Tanoa when their style suits the setting of the map.


BRG_africa is a great addon, It allowed us to create African/Tropical maps for Arma, but it's about 10 years old now.


3D modders are more inclined to develop weapons than vegetation objects, so one can choose between hundreds of armalite Rifles and i'm stuck with 5 outdated palm trees for now.

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There seems to be a conflict with this map and Icebreakr's Panthera.


If both maps are run together you get this error message which breaks Panthera


Warning Message: Addon 'A3_Map_Panthera3' requires addon 'CUP_ibr_plants'


I suspect it is caused by one or other mod overwriting the ibr object class names?

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What do you mean run together? You mean just having both in the Arma 3 root folder?

EDIT: I saw your post in the Panthera thread. Your explanation would make sense.

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Run together as in both loaded:


-mod=@cup_terrains_core; @cup_terrains_maps; @nziwasogo; @panthera_a3;

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Where did you download your version of N'ziwasogo and Panthera from ?


I'll get panthera and see if I get the same error.

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The problem is probably that you have an outdated version of IBR_plants in the N'ziwasogo folder.

You may also find IBR_Dtowns, in the same folder.

Both can be deleted, they are no longer necessary.


I haven't got this problem if I use my original Download and Panthera from Armaholic.


Let me know if this solved the issue.

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The problem is probably that you have an outdated version of IBR_plants in the N'ziwasogo folder.

You may also find IBR_Dtowns, in the same folder.

Both can be deleted, they are no longer necessary.


I haven't got this problem if I use my original Download and Panthera from Armaholic.


Let me know if this solved the issue.


Yes, the problem is with the PlaywithSix download of N'Ziwasogo which is completely different from your dropbox version.


Dropbox v094 - works with Panthera



PlaywithSix (downloaded fresh today) - breaks Panthera


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Never trust PWS for mod dependencies or mod updates. It's usually a few days late. You should contact them (ie PWS) and fill in a bug report.

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Hey Makhno. Just wanted to give you a heads up that I think the grid is messed up.

When my players callout enemy locations, they use the first two digits of the grid number then stop with their command. I've never seen this before, actually. It's a very odd issue. I seem to recall this being an reported on some of your maps before from reading through the forums so I figured I'd give you a heads up that the AI can't report grid location properly.

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Hey makhno


Is the full CUP Terrains Complete a perquisite for N'Ziwasogo, or will just CUP Terrains Core suffice?

I've just done some testing with only the Core pack and N'Ziwasogo appears at face value to work fine with it, at least I didn't see any errors pop.  The CUP Maps pack doesn't appear to be needed?

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Well, I haven't tested with CUP Terrains Core alone.

But it should indeed be enough.

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Seems like the mod isn't up to date on playWithSIX. It still shows the 0.94 version. Also it says the size is 898Mb, while Armaholic is 378Mb, any idea what's up with that or is it because of the old version?

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On 2/19/2018 at 12:36 AM, Zantza said:

Are there any plans to update this to APEX vegetation?


For info, Makhno was really kind in sharing the source files to me. I was able to swap the brg_africa vegetation to the apex one.


You'll find this version here:



PS: at BI moderator, thanks for reopening this thread 😉 

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On 5/7/2020 at 7:30 AM, 1212PDMCDMPPM said:


For info, Makhno was really kind in sharing the source files to me. I was able to swap the brg_africa vegetation to the apex one.


You'll find this version here:



PS: at BI moderator, thanks for reopening this thread 😉 

Oh my god yes.  I've been hoping this map would get the APEX beauty treatment.  Probably one of my favorite maps out there.

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