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Sham's US Armament Pack

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Good Day!

After months of working on these, I am proud to present to you: Sham's US Armament Pack! This is meant to add conventional weapons used by the US Military today to your game! These weapons are all made by yours truly and parts may come from other members of the community aswell with their permission ofcourse. This is my first real models so please go easy on me if they don't live up to your standards! I tried my best and continue to do so as this mod is not complete yet. I'm releasing it just to see reactions. I will improve the models as you point out the problems with them if you are interested to do so and will also add features you'd like me to add to them as long as they are reasonable and up to my ability. This mod will overtime, replace my M16 pack that I have provided before.

- Different Forms of Grips
- High Quality sounds thanks to Ollie
- Visible brass on magazines
- Different little visual perks for each weapon
- Supports ASDG Joint Rails so you can attach any optical or side attachments you want!

Don't worry, there will also be GL variants. I plan on adding many other weapons to this mod and some of these are already under development and therefore, will be added. Some weapons will be readded to the game with my ideas added to them!

To Be Released


M16A2 M320
M16A4 M320
M4A1 and M4's (with handguard and also M320 Variants)
G36C (simply because I like that weapon ;) )



Screenshots (with NB-USMC & RHS Units)



Again this mod is at alpha stage so please go easy on me! lol If you'd like to download it, here is the link!

Download Link

You will also need ASDG Joint Rail System to use this mod which allows you to use other side and optical attachments provided by the community with my weapons



This link is updated roughly daily. I suggest you use this link



-and whoever I may have forgotten!
Have a nice day! :cool:

Edited by shammy2010
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Thanks for sending us the release :cool:

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Thank you Shammy. I really like the grip placement on the mag.

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Thanks! hopefully this wasn't a complete waste of time xD I'm working on cosmetic issues. I fixed the railings and made them look sharper, working on material issues aswell and plan on making changes to the fire selector switch which will work when I'm done with it and plan for the distant future to add a script to this weapon pack to simulate weapon jams along with an animation of the guy and the weapon clearing the jam. This has been a concept for a long time and i really wish to bring it to life! but it will take some time.

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The M82 Sniper Rifle has got to be a part of this pack, for sure!? :D

Really like those BF3-inspired M16's with tapes on them, cheers m8.

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I always ask this when it comest to M4's....Add some Magpul items to them. (Stubby grip, Angled foregrip, Buttstock, Sights, Etc)

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Thank you for your feedback guys, I'll try to add the m82 when I have time. Currently I'm working on the one's I already listed. Then there are some cosmetic issues that needs fixing for the current m16 and m4 and same for the magpul items, I'll get to them when I have less on my plate lol

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Thank you for your mod, fantastic textures using and the sound is awesome :)

Would be cool if you could add a Sniper Rifle to the game, maybe a different as the M82 (there are some releases of the M82) why not something new. Maybe Barret M90/95 or Barrett XM500 would be awesome





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I agree with the above. Maybe the M82 has already been overused, but that rifle or hand-cannon should I say certainly never gets old for me. :)

The McMillan Tac-50 is also another good contender.


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Agree man, TAC is a beauty :)

The Steyr IWS2000 is cool too, fires the 15.2mm Steyr APFSDS :o


Steyr 15.2mm cartridge compared to 7.62mm NATO (.308 Wichester) cartridge


That must hurt a little when hit by it ^^

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  LSD_Timewarp82 said:
Agree man, TAC is a beauty :)

The Steyr IWS2000 is cool too, fires the 15.2mm Steyr APFSDS :o


Steyr 15.2mm cartridge compared to 7.62mm NATO (.308 Wichester) cartridge


That must hurt a little when hit by it ^^

ok this one is OTT ;)

look at the size of da BEEEEEWWWWWLEETTTT

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Alright, I think thats what Ill call a portable hand-cannon. :D

I dont think that gun was ever in service with any US military branch tho.

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nah, I plan on releasing 1 or 2 weapons at a time lol. I can only do so much. But it is on my to do list for the future. They are probably 4-5 updates away lol

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I like these Mr. Sham - nice with a few personal touches. Just need a fire team's worth of shooties and we are good to go!

Might I suggest a bit of grit on them as well, adds to the atmosphere if they look a little worn.

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If by grit you mean like scratches, discolorations and dirt, then that is actually a pretty good idea! I will have to test though. I've fixed alot of visual problems with the weapons, only thing I really need to do is finish a couple weapons before I release it. I figure I do the simple weapons and give you guys some substance before I go on to the extremely complex ones.

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  Shammy2010 said:
(...) scratches, discolorations and dirt (...)

Yup, thats the stuff.

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These are looking really good Shammy. I'll be following these closely and look forward to seeing them progress.

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I just did a bit of evaluation with a couple of weapon mods and found these M4s and M16s to be rather skinny. Perhaps fatten them up a bit? Also Iansky's Leupold Deltapoint isnt properly calibrated on this gun.

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@Modder I'll try to fatten them up but currently I'm working on m27 IARs. the model is done and everything, just need UI pictures and a cool hand anim to go with it! Also the delta point I believe is for a different weapon, even though my weapon does support it being on the top railings, it is ultimately for a different gun like a ump or something with smaller sights I believe.

EDIT: On a side note: i do plan on making a foldable ironsight for the m16/M4 much like the m27 IAR has and maybe then you can just fold the ironsights down to attach that delta point scope. Maybe in the next update hopefully

@TritonV8 Thank you for the positive feedback, I hope not to dissapoint anyone!

Edited by Shammy2010

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