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UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

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14 hours ago, tmp95 said:

Is UPSMON still going?  If not, what is a good alternative to simple AI patrols, and such?

I still uses upsmon in some of my missions, as far as i know, it still works fine. I have no trouble or errors in my missions.

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Just want back to some old missions and attempted to use UPMONS can't get it to work now. Did the last update break the script? Could anyone confirm or deny if it still works with Arma3. Thanks Avibird.

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Could anyone confirm or deny that upmons  is now broken for Arma 3. I have multiple missions that seems to be broken now and I can't get my demo of this script to run now!!! 

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@pokertour do you know what version you're using ? I have multiple versions that are not working and I even redownload it from armaholic still not working. I've used this script for years so know how to implement it. 


Could you give me a simple demo Mission with the script version you have on your PC. I have a dozen missions that I can't get to work now because of the script not working for me. Avibird

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@pokertour by the way thank you for the link a little late response from me lol.

I am still having issues with the script it works but a very long delay before the units start with the waypoints within the UPmons zones via markers. It was never like this before. I don't know with all the updates if something needs to be correct it so the units will move at the start of the mission we are talking about a few minutes here before the groups get activated. Also In the demon you link above there is a additional folder/file called

 Filename:   fn_fasttravel.sqf
 Author:   Kellojo
 Description:  Fast Travel main function - Part of the ETG script collection

	Filename: 		fn_fasttravel.sqf
	Author: 		Kellojo
	Description: 	Fast Travel main function - Part of the ETG script collection

_mode = [_this, 0, 0, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_dest = [_this, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;

//Modify these to change the price, travel time and the locations you can travel to
_distPriceMult = 0.005; //(price = distance * _distPriceMult)
_distTimeMultip = 5; //(time = distance * _distTimeMultip)

//lb sel change
if (_mode == 1) exitwith {
	_index = lbCurSel 147413;
	_Parentdisplay_FastTravel = findDisplay 147410;
	_ctrl = _Parentdisplay_FastTravel displayCtrl 147415;

	//Refresh price and travel time
	// + 8 (cam intro/outro)
		if ((lbData [147413, _index]) == _x) then {
			_posDest = getMarkerPos _x;
			_ctrl ctrlMapAnimAdd [1, 0.05, _posDest];
			ctrlMapAnimCommit _ctrl;
			_distance = player distance2D _posDest;
			_Price = round (_distance * _distPriceMult);
			_Time = round ((round _distance / 1000) * _distTimeMultip) + 8;
			ctrlSetText [147417,format ["%1 tabs",_Price]];
			ctrlSetText [147419,format ["%1s",_Time]];
	} forEach Citys;

//setup dialog
if (_mode == 2) exitwith {
		if ((position player distance2D getMarkerPos _x) > 20) then {
			_index = lbAdd [147413,markerText _x];
			lbSetData [147413, _index, _x];
			lbSetCurSel [147413, _index];
	} forEach Citys;

if (_mode == 3) exitwith {
	//Check for bad data / abuse of the script						
	if !(vehicle player == player) exitWith {
		_txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>You can not travel while you are in a vehicle!";
		hint _txt;
	if (side player == west || side player == east || side player == independent) exitWith {
		_txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>Your side is not allowed to travel.";
		hint _txt;
	_destPos = getMarkerpos _dest;	
	_damagePlayer = getDammage player;
	_posPlayer = position player;
	_distance = player distance2D _destPos;
	_waitTime = round ((round _distance / 1000) * _distTimeMultip) - 8;
	_Price = round (_distance * _distPriceMult);
	_txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>Your journy is going to start in 10 seconds.";
	hint _txt;
	sleep 10;

	//Check for even more abuse...				
	if !(_posPlayer isEqualTo (position player)) exitWith {
		_txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>Do not move while traveling.";
		hint _txt;
	_curDamage = getDammage player;
	if !(_damagePlayer >= _curDamage) exitWith {
		_txt = parseText "<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>You can not travel while being in a fire fight.";
		hint _txt;

	//Start travel
	//You can add additional code to remove money etc. here
	//_newPoptabs = ExileClientPlayerMoney - _price;
	//ENIGMA_UpdateStats = [player,_newPoptabs];
	//publicVariableServer "ENIGMA_UpdateStats";

	player allowDamage false;
	showCinemaBorder true;
	_camera = "camera" camCreate [position player select 0,position player select 1,3];
	_camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"];
	_camera camSetFOV 0.700;
	_camera camCommit 0;

	[_waitTime + 8] spawn {
		_countdowntime = _this select 0;
		_countdown = 0;
		33 cutRsc ["FastTravelSystem_Dialog_Countdown","PLAIN"];
		_ctrl = (uiNamespace getVariable "FastTravelCountdownHUD") displayCtrl 147432;
		while {_countdowntime > _countdown} do {
			_countdown = _countdown + 1;
			_countdownTimer = _countdowntime - _countdown;
			_ctrl ctrlSetText (format ["%1s",_countdownTimer]);
			sleep 1;
		33 cutText ["", "PLAIN"];

	_camera camSetTarget player;
	_camera camSetRelPos [20,20,350];
	_camera camCommit 4;
	sleep 4;

	_randomposition = [_destPos, 0, 5, 0, 0, 2000, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
	player setPos _randomposition;

	_camera camSetTarget player;
	_camera camSetRelPos [-15,-18,250];
	_camera camCommit _waitTime;
	sleep _waitTime;

	_camera camSetTarget player;
	_camera camSetRelPos [6,6,3];
	_camera camCommit 4;
	sleep 4;
	playMusic "";

	_camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"];
	camDestroy _camera;
	[] spawn {
		sleep 5;
		player allowDamage true;

	_txt = parseText (format ["<t shadow='true'><t shadowColor='#ff0000'><t align='center'><t underline='1'><t color='#15FF00'><t size='1.8'>Fast Travel System</t></t></t></t></t></t><br/><br/>Welcome to %1 %2!<br/>The journey costed %3 pop tabs.",markerText _dest,name player,_Price]);
	hint _txt;


Did you added this because I don't have this in my demo ?


Has anyone have this issue with the waypoints in the upmons zones being very delayed following the start of the mission.

I have a lot of old missions that use upmons that I am attempting to update but have this issue now.  Avibird

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at one time this was a great AI mod. Not too sure about it now. You may want to consider using other patrol scripts if this has not / will not be updated. I use a combo of different AI scripts to do what i need. 

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Yes I know I  use a  bunch of different ones as well. Here are my top ten not in any Particular order they are all good for different things and mission designs.


1.UPMONS by Monsada

2. Urban Patrol Script  by Kronzky  

3. Ultra Simple Patrol Script  by JW Custom

4. Jebus by DreadPirate

5. AI spawn script

6.Enemy Occupation System by BangaBob

7. Dynamic-AI-Creator [DAC] I Don't think this works anymore

8. SLP_spawn  created by Nomad

9. mauk_spawn by Murklor  (editor spawn by trigger waypoints) very similar to JEBUS by very simple

10.Mission Template Stand Alone GAIA - Make missions FAST by using MCC GAIA engine By spirit6


 What do you use ?  The issue is I don't want to have to editor over a dozen missions that have UPMONS in it. IT still works but over 2 minutes until the groups gets its first waypoints then all good.  

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The good news after all the Arma3 updates the script still works. The bad new there was a proximately 2 minute delay before units will initiate any waypoints within the UPMONS zones. This is not a mission killer but air units  and armor could be somewhat problematic in a initiation delay for some Mission designs. There are a few error messages I'm receiving perhaps that is the culprit. It's probably over my head but I am going to give it a shot ?

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I would like to hear from anyone who still using the script. 


There is a significant delay with script initiation approximately 2 minutes before anyway points will be generated at mission start.


Infantry units work good with all the bells and whistles that the script had AI units use smoke to cover their tracks. End of infantry units will Garrison buildings infantry Patrol units work as they should.


Most armor unts will not work. Armor units with only two crew members will. 


Mechanized units the crew will abandoned the vehicle and moving to formation with the rest of the group when contact is made.



Could anyone else confirm or deny this.

I know there are new Patrol scripts out there but I would like to keep my old missions intact. Avibird

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Is this script still working? i tried to use it but iam getting:


_unit = _this select 0
_grp = |#|group _unit;
_Leader = leader (_grp);

Error group: Type Group, expected object
file c:\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Group\fnc\UPSMON_SetLeaderGrp.sqf..., line 16

And the markers on map do not disappear, and the units dont do what i would expect them to do.

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Ok the script still works somehow , but it gives an error and takes about a minute after the mission init, to initialize the script. I think iam going to try GAIA for my next mission instead.

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the only problem I'm getting with the last version of UPSMON_6095 is with spawning units; it always says divisor error line 48 of the upsmon_pos_fnc_isinellipse.sqf   something about Error Zero divisor,


Anyone know of a fix?


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Sadly UPSmon now seems very buggy these days.


For me it does not seem to work with ACE & often even without ACE,  if you use some of the extended options in a mission, then the units just stand in place & dont move at all.


Pity whoever first made this has sopped maintaining it


Does GAIA work OK Mirek?

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