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UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

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Does anyone know if this parameter is working in the ARMA3 version.



With this parameter, each units of the group will patrol (independently from each other), sit

and talk within his marker area.


Hi, I have it in Antistasi and in the past I had the chance to see some civvies around campfires, but I think it does not work (not giving any error) as I see no different civ behaviour.

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I never seen anything with the dorelax so I just use the Bohemia waypoint of dismiss works well.

Has anyone had an issue with some of the upsmon units do not generate waypoints for some units. They just stay where they were placed in the editor.

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having issues with AI not getting in vehicles, any known fixes?

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Is there any way to disable all the AI Improvements that were added to UPSMON during the conversion from ArmA 2 -> ArmA 3 in 2013? 3 years later it really seems to break the AI more than help it, they run around in circles / spin in circles, engage then break engagement and run away or lay down facing the other direction (post-engagement), etc.


ALiVE spawned AI and normally spawned AI do not have these issues, only UPSMON spawned units, and none of these issues occurred in the ArmA 2 version.

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I suppose it should be possible by editing the following files (ie commenting almost everything):




There are probably more, but from a quick glimpse these should change something at least.

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how do you use UPSMON_Creategroup? I saw this in the pdf but don't know what to do with it or where to put the code, it didn't seem to work in a trigger.

_grp = [position,side,[unitsarray],[min units,max units per group],3,["markername","SAFE","COLUMN"]] call UPSMON_CreateGroup;

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Avibird&&Barbolani :

The Dorelax should work only for civs, for campfire it only works during nighttime.


Jdmt :

Do you initialize scripts before UPSMON ?

It should be solved with the next version.


Asdonnik :

It's not an error just debug lines. It should be gone in the next version.


CorAx :

I need more informations (vehicles types, situation ? )



kvntvan :

Can you show me what you wrote ?


Thanks for all yours reports,



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nevermind I got it to work with _grp = [(getMarkerPos "spawn1"),WEST,["FP_Faction_TakiMilitia_MAT", "FP_Faction_TakiMilitia_AR","FP_Faction_TakiMilitia_Rifleman"],[15,20],15,["upsmonzone1","AWARE","WEDGE"]] call UPSMON_CreateGroup


just had to dig around


but now I'm noticing that only 3-6 units are spawning even though I specify ,[15,20],15, in the minimum/maximum unit vallues. did I get that part of the code wrong?



Just to bring something else to your attention. The admin who does quality assurance for our missions had a look at mine with -showscripterrors and he was getting a constant stream of the same repeating error with UPSMON.

14:47:25   Error Type Any, expected Number
14:47:25 File C:\Users\kevin\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Afgantsy.fata\Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Cover\fnc\UPSMON_fnc_find_cover.sqf, line 33
14:47:25 Error in expression <
if (_spawn) then 
_pos2 = _unitpos findEmptyPosition [1,25];
_x setposATL _>

Neither of us understands what that is, and it isn't particularly mission breaking, because the AI seems to work fine and react and fire back and move around and communicate with eachother but its just odd that theres this error repeating over and over in the background and I thought you may want to know about it. The mission is on PR FATA so maybe its an issue with the map not being vanilla and UPSMON not knowing how to interact with PRFATAs terrain considering it has something to do with UPSMON_fnc_find_cover.sqf, findEmptyPosition and setposATL.

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Guys i cant get this to work i have a square marker, and nul = [this,"Insurgence"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; in the leaders name. Yet they just stand still and just chill and never move. Am i missing something i used this mod about 9 months ago just fine any help?

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Unable to get respawn working, this is my init line.



nul = [this,"area0","NOWP2","RESPAWN:",10] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";


no errors are given, group is never respawned once dead. 

running ACE with AI medical off.  

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Is there any particular reason the script uses markers for defining areas instead of triggers? Triggers seem like the flat out better choice to me, since you don't have to fiddle with visibility settings to make them invisible to players and you can define triggers that do nothing so they shouldn't have performance issues either.

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It's not exactly hard to "fiddle.."


Put this in your init.sqf

{_x SetMarkerAlpha 0} forEach ["area0","area1","area2","area3","area4","area5","area6","area7","area8"];

where area0 - area8 are your named markers.

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It's not exactly hard to "fiddle.."


Put this in your init.sqf

{_x SetMarkerAlpha 0} forEach ["area0","area1","area2","area3","area4","area5","area6","area7","area8"];

where area0 - area8 are your named markers.

Or you can put this in your initPlayerLocal.sqf:


private _markers = allMapMarkers;

    if (toLower(_x select [0,4]) == "ups_") then {
        _x setMarkerAlpha 0;
} forEach _markers;


That doesn't change the fact that if the script used triggers instead you wouldn't have to do anything.

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Change it to execVM "\A3\Structures_F\scripts\fn_DoorClose.sqf" or use the function call BIS_fnc_DoorClose


Just looks like they renamed it to match the rest, thinking no one would reference the file.




Also to fix a recompile error at the beginning of mission one should remove "Recompile=1" lines from a bunch of files. Searching the UPSMon folder for "Recompile=1" will show a list of files that includes this line.


Any other fixes floating around?

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I know this is probably a long shot since the OP hasn't been around in a long time, but I'm wondering if there's a way to fix the latest issue I'm having with UPSMON where spawned units are now spawned halfway into the ground.  As a result, the units get stuck until you shoot them.


I know this isn't really supported anymore, but wasn't sure if someone had come up with simplified version that's out there.  I don't even need all of the extra AI enhancements, just the random patrol function within a set area and with respawn areas.

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What is the current status of UPSMON ?


I'm looking at a rather simple scenario, where I have a supply drop I want guarded by a squad or 2 of AI.  I could use T8 or LV, but I never tried UPSMON, so I was curious if it's still working.  


Any other alternatives to setup my little scenario are appreciated as well ofcourse.  I like T8 but this might be to heavy for just what I want and LV is a bit to random to my taste.

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UPMON still works very well however the only issue I am having is when I use a mechanize Squad and the waypoint gets called close to the action  and all the units disembark from all the vehicles including the drivers gunners and Commanders and move on foot towards the action. WTF the armor  vehicles are useless but if you add no units into cargo then the vehicles engage target's with guns from the vehicles. Help.

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I am having issues with unit movement. Even when I type

 this setBehaviour "SAFE"; nul=[this,"Alpha","NOSLOW"] execVM "ups.sqf"

for example, the units will still be "aware" and running around with their guns raised

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NOSLOW is no possible parameter.

Try this:

nul=[this,"Alpha","LIMITED","SAFE"] execVM "ups.sqf";

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5 hours ago, belbo said:

NOSLOW is no possible parameter.

Try this:

nul=[this,"Alpha","LIMITED","SAFE"] execVM "ups.sqf";

Depends on which version of UPSMON you're using.


It is supported in the last original Monsada version up to v5.0.9 but not the later cool=azroul13 verisons.


By the way, you've used "ups.sqf". This is a call for use with Kronzky's v2.03 UPS.sqf

For UPSMON it would be

nul=[this,"Alpha","LIMITED","SAFE"] execVM "upsmon.sqf";

UPSMON was based on Kronzky's UPS.sqf script.


There should be links posted previously in this thread to working version of Monsada's v5.09 version and also to cool=azroul13 verisons.


If you're stuck, I'll dig out my old copies.


Failing that, see my alternative suggestion posted on 13th Feb above.



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Can someone help me please. Im trying to make a defend mission for unsung vietnam. Im trying to make friendly blufor AI to respawn 10 times when they get killed. But it does not work my coding is correct because it works with enemy AI vietnamese units they respawn right back up. One thing i have noticed as well is that when the vietnamese units respawn the units lose their weapons except for their leader.. other units just throw grenades at me but no firearms. Help me solve please thanks

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Getting script errors with some of the the upsmon transport sqf's    C:\Users\YOUR PC HERE\Desktop\ARMAIII-3-stuff\UPSMON_6095\UPSMON_6.0.9.5\scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_Transport\fnc

some are the } being the wrong way round but if you fix one sqf another sqf shows errors,



Was there ever a version after

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Hey cool=azroul13 I am using this package heavily and I see some improvements can I could make. Could you fire up a github repository with your latest version of UPSMON so that we could all contribute to it? If you do not know git/github, you can create an account and talk to me via discord Golias#2739, that I will set it up for you and provide any help you need. Great effort pushing it to A3!



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Is UPSMON still going?  If not, what is a good alternative to simple AI patrols, and such?

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