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Simplest way to record gameplay video?

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Thanks Andy. Did anyone came up with a way to trick Shadow play to record audio input only on PTT press?

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Shadowplay if you have recent nvidia gpu, otherwise I'd recommend msi afterburner.

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From Fraps, i converted to Bandicam. Very Nice.

Bandicam is quite nice. It doesn't kill your FPS like Fraps does. You might loose 1-5, depending on what you are getting. 115 FPS in iRacing without, 110 FPS with Bandicam running. In Arma 3 I loose 1-2 fps, barely noticable. I haven't checked the audio stuff but there is recording available of 2 audio devices, one is by PTT.

I don't stream, just record for the fun of it and share em if something funny happens.

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Thanks Andy. Did anyone came up with a way to trick Shadow play to record audio input only on PTT press?

There's an option to toggle it on and off. If you want PTT functionality, you should ask for it on the nvidia/geforce forums.

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Many interesting choices here.

I currently only have Afterburner installed since it measures fps, temps, graphs all of this, does screenshots and videos and more (overclocking) all in one.

I’ll have to compare Afterburner, Bandicamp, Dxtory, Fraps and maybe some of the others (Evolve, Mirillis Action, Obs, Overwolf) some time.

Shadowplay sounds boss. Too bad you apparently need GeForce Experience to use it though.

I haven’t tried Experience but anything that wants me to have one extra program on at all times (Steam, Origin, and Uplay) is bad and Experience seems to be a Razer Game Booster (which doesn’t do shit naturally) copycat and when you’re copying Razer you know you’re bad.

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I downloaded and tried the version of TuneFab Screen Recorder and it seems to record gameplay with no issues, I'm considering to buy the full version since the trial version only allows me to capture within 2 minutes.

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13 hours ago, gigijones said:

I downloaded and tried the version of TuneFab Screen Recorder and it seems to record gameplay with no issues, I'm considering to buy the full version since the trial version only allows me to capture within 2 minutes.

Hey Welcome to Bis forums!

My answer to what you just said is...No!

Dont waste your money, get OBS------> https://obsproject.com/

OBS - Open Broadcast Studio, is a free program that allows you to record or stream anyway you want without limits, no timers, and its continually updated, i record all my vids with OBS.


You can record your desktop or any game, please just trust me this is the best program imo to use, my last vid seen here---->  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA3E11d63JE

I recorded with a 5000 bitrate which seriously upped the quality of the video, i have over 200 videos on my channel, and the last I'd say years worth of videos is because of OBS.

        What im saying you can do anything with this program, dont waste anymore money on recorders, i used to do that long ago,

then i discovered OBS after my fraps stopped working, and was looking for answers, i read on the fraps forum, a comment from the developer of fraps and he said "Fraps is outdated use OBS instead"

so i looked up OBS, at first i had no freaking clue on how to use it, then i looked up a vid on utube on how to use it, followed the guy's guide and i was good to go.


Two weekends ago i learned some new things as well, trust me you cant go wrong with OBS, when you record there is no lag whatsoever ingame, its as if your not

even recording, anyways if you need help with it let me know i used it just yesterday to record a coop, so im working on my next vid ;)


Hope that helps! Again welcome to Bis forums!


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Yes you can use OBS. What graphics card do you have ?

Nvidia has ShadowPlay and AMD has ReLive. These programs and OBS allow you to use your GPU to record a movie and stream and archive your video stream. Using GPU allows you to reduce the load on your CPU. You can also use the integrated Intel graphics chip in your processor or motherboard if your system has such an integrated graphics.
Do not look at my settings :dummy:


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