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I hope so too, and the community as well. I mean I did a lot of good work (I think and others thankfully) and we'll have to see how it goes with Arma 4 and the like. And thanks

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EricJ Helicopter Pack


- Made a custom icon for the map for the MH/UH-92s
- Added flares for the Flare Gun for the MH-6J and AH-6J
- Tweaked the config entries for the AH/MH-6J
- Adjusted max speed of the MH/UH-60s and MH/UH-92s
- Added a "TF 562 MULE UGV", which is a Stomper UGV able to carry some backpacks and magazines for the TF562 element. It can carry up to 100 magazines (already preloaded for the TF562 elements), and 16 backpacks. Note that this can be lifted by the MH-92F (Insertion) only, along with the other Stomper UGV variants.
- AH/MH-6J now has spotlight in the front of the helicopter


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EricJ Helicopter Pack



- Thanks to C. Eagle, the pylon issue is more or less fixed. The pylon weapons will default to the Co-Pilot (and the cannon armed helos will still have the cannon only for the pilot) so due to manning issues for milsim units, you will be able to fire the weapons from the Co-Pilot slot.



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Update: After some advice from HorribleGoat and clearing out some memory points I managed to get the vehicle to sit on the wheels finally... It runs and needs some more work, but it drives and steers. I'm having issue with the model.cfg and so on, need to specify my own classnames so it doesn't conflict with the game as I'm getting an error already. Missing some textures and the like, since it's an A2 port. Also don't drive fast and hit the steering wheel too hard, or you'll tip over. Right now with its problems (only worked on it for a day or so) I probably won't release it for a while as it's got some things to work out obviously. This may just be a personal mod for future know how to do vehicles and drones, as I have an idea on a drone and may go through with that instead of releasing the Armored SUV (that's what I call it anyway for right now) and so on. Still a lot harder than a helicopter now, but I'm learning.

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G'day @EricJ,


Glad to see you're branching out and learning new things about modelling.  That shot of the upside down SUV gave me a laugh.


Looking forward to seeing what you bring to the game next.

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8 hours ago, wansec_6 said:

G'day @EricJ,


Glad to see you're branching out and learning new things about modelling.  That shot of the upside down SUV gave me a laugh.


Looking forward to seeing what you bring to the game next.

I mean it is funny, but also kinda annoying. I managed to fix it, now gotta figure out how to stop it from rolling over at high speed when I do turns.

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Here's the major problem I'm running into. I tried editing the Physx settings and that doesn't work. I don't know what's causing this issue:



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After some help on the Rotators Collective Discord channel, I got some help with the M119A3. It fires but as you can see in this pic the minimum range circle is bigger than the fireable area. It fired and didn't tip over, so that's a win for me. But need to figure that out so I can get it to where it's useful for players.



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And another WIP thing. Reaction Forces had a cool Container mortar, and since I have a container lying around...




The tube doesn't animate how I want, and I've spent some time trying to figure that out for a few hours, but nothing is jiving. But I'm also having the same issue as the M119A3, the range circle and the allowable firing area isn't practical, so I asked somebody on Discord if they can help with it. Other than that it'll be in the EricJ Helicopter Pack and the EricJ Cherokee Containers mod. I know it doesn't look as awesome as the Reaction Forces version, but it's all I had on hand, and does the job, just needs some tweaking and the like.

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Update: The SUV is improved, and thanks to HorribleGoat on the Arma Discord, was able to get the vehicle to stay upright without rolling over. It drifts a bit at high speed (especially if you turn sharply), so I'm trying to get that sorted, and so on. Overall it'll be at the end of the week I'll release it, just to see what people think and how to improve it.

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Current progress of the Armored SUV:



I don't know what's causing the issue, but if somebody knows how to fix this, please let me know.

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Current status of the Artillery projects. A user on Discord has helped me figure out ranges for the artillery, and I don't know (I have to test it on Altis at least) to see if I have the appropriate ranges dialed in. That should take some trial and error to at least get a realistic range, got it. The issue I'm having is that the mortar for the Mortar Container doesn't have that much of a fireable area, not at least something to make it worth it. What's going to happen is that I'll probably leave the Mortar Container (and it's faults) in the next update, which isn't much (so far two things I fixed), but overall not really worth releasing for now. We'll see as the days go by, but overall not much on the Helicopter Pack as I'm working three projects, the Armored SUV, the M119A3, and the Mortar Container. So once I get stuff worked out I can release as they come along. Of note I changed the glass on the Armored SUV and got the headlights working and have yet to get the rear brake lights working. Right now I'm trying to figure out the drifting and releasing it. The M119A3 and the Mortar Container will be the problems, as there doesn't seem to be much documentation (where's a dev when you need one?) on how to do artillery. I'm sure somebody in RHS knows, but they don't talk to me anyway.

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Update: So far no progress with the Armored SUV. Right now haven't solved the drifting problem. If you keep the speed low and don't turn sharp, you'll be fine. I may release it as a beta and let the community help me fix the issue. I'm sure that it's the Geometry LOD, but I don't know exactly what I should do. I think if I give the wheels in the LOD some more weight I can solve the issue. But again I'm not an expert on cars as that's not what I do normally, seems guns and helicopters is my forte so far, not so much cars right now.

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Armored SUV


- Initial release


KNOWN ISSUE: For some reason it drifts a lot when at high speed. I don't know what the fix is for it, but that is it's glaring issue. If you know a fix please comment below and I'll fix it, as I have asked around and nobody has helped.



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Armored SUV


- Fixed Handling of the vehicle, doesn't drift as much

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Armored SUV


- Added some features including rear-view mirrors on the side

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Update. Trying to get the PIP stuff working on my Armored SUV. So far I have the side mirrors "working" while the rear view mirror remains elusive to me right now. As far as the M119A3 and Mortar Container just waiting on responses from people in the Editing subforum on here to see if they can't help or not. I'm waiting on the Mortar Container to get working properly, then I'll release an update to the EricJ Helicopter Pack. Then when I get the PIP stuff working properly I'll update the Armored SUV.

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Armored SUV


- Added some side mirrors via the Samples model, and it seems to work and then it doesn't work but it's done the same way. Also added some exhaust and tweaked the steering/handling a little bit.

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Well things are going slowly, no response for the artillery question I asked in the Editing forum, and may take awhile for somebody to help. Anyway, I've run into the issue with the UH-92s and S-94s. They simply can't lift some things, which I assume is most objects, like trucks and vehicles. They recognize something as liftable and that works fine, it works. But when I try and lift anything but the containers that come with the EricJ Helicopter Pack, they violently resist and essentially forces you to unhook from the load you want to lift. This doesn't happen with the MH-92F (Insertion), which has no real problem lifting vehicles and such. I don't know what causes this issue, as I'm sure it's fairly generic to do with the game default or DLC vehicles. So if anybody knows how to fix this, I'd appreciate it, or point me to what I can do to fix it would be nice.

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Here's the issue that I'm having in visual terms:


The first is the UH-92, and as you can see, I can't life the Stomper and have issues simply trying to get it to lift. Then the MH-92, which even though I have some issues, it finally lifts the drone.

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Armored SUV


- Tweaked config and PhysX settings
- Possibly removed error message for the model.cfg since it seems to be the same as the BIS model.cfg

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