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FPS worse after latest stable update - BIS seriously why_

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I've had to go back to 720p, that helped massively. Settings on very high, but clouds particles and shadows on low/disabled. All post process off.

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Changing resolution does nothing for me, I'm guessing because my GPU isn't really under a heavy load because usage is generally only in the 40-70% range. I went from an average of around 35 fps single player to about 22-25 fps single player now. I don't even test multiplayer anymore cause it's almost assured that I get around 5-12 fps in multiplayer no matter what. In all honesty, ArmA for me is not really playable unless running 30fps or higher because below 30fps it gets very sluggish and stutters quite a bit.

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BIS whatever you did please change it back to what it was before the latest update. I don't think that the new light shafts or the rain is the problem , something else must have been changed.


Just in case, did you use cloud detail on disabled because lowest now is low? There has happened many things between the stable patches so they could low together your fps by 3-5.

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got a fps hit me too...

and a bit more stuttering then before the update....

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Wel, the stuttering for me is gone when i set Video Memory to Very High instead of Default. Worth a try.

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Wel, the stuttering for me is gone when i set Video Memory to Very High instead of Default. Worth a try.

I can't find the video memory setting in Arma 3. I thought that setting is only available in Arma 2.

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I can't find the video memory setting in Arma 3. I thought that setting is only available in Arma 2.

Mine doesn't have one either. I run the -maxVram=** startup command however I can't really tell a difference. Running my cfg GPU_ =1 settings helped a lot since the update. also running -nologs startup command made a big difference for me. I have an Eight-Core and decided to take out my cpuCount= startup command, made a huge difference in performance and stability(lower temps). I have very high - ultra settings and average around 20fps during a heavy AI combined arms battle in the city (while pouring rain). View distance can make all the difference, I've stayed around 2700 with objects around 1300. In the end though I think we are all going to have to spend some cheddar on higher end graphics cards. :(


AMD 8120FX 8Core CPU (mild overclock at 3100mhz)

ASUS 870 Extreme3 MOBO

ATI HIS IceQ 6870HD 1gb GPU

16gb Kingston Ram

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Ugh, this new update has dropped me more than 30fps. In Single player i could get ~70 - 80 fps on ultra with a few tweaks ( view distance etc ) now i can barely pull 50fps in a showcase and on the new campaign i regularly drop to 20fps and i wont even mention how poorly it performs on multiplayer. It does look better but id rather be able to play the game !

---------- Post added at 13:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:09 ----------

Mine doesn't have one either. I run the -maxVram=** startup command however I can't really tell a difference. Running my cfg GPU_ =1 settings helped a lot since the update. also running -nologs startup command made a big difference for me. I have an Eight-Core and decided to take out my cpuCount= startup command, made a huge difference in performance and stability(lower temps). I have very high - ultra settings and average around 20fps during a heavy AI combined arms battle in the city (while pouring rain). View distance can make all the difference, I've stayed around 2700 with objects around 1300. In the end though I think we are all going to have to spend some cheddar on higher end graphics cards. :(


AMD 8120FX 8Core CPU (mild overclock at 3100mhz)

ASUS 870 Extreme3 MOBO

ATI HIS IceQ 6870HD 1gb GPU

16gb Kingston Ram

High end graphics cards are no help when the utilization is so poor. Maybe, MAYBE if you have 4 x Titans in SLI it would help, but i doubt it.

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High end graphics cards are no help when the utilization is so poor. Maybe, MAYBE if you have 4 x Titans in SLI it would help, but i doubt it.

When the fps is low and GPU not fully used then the problem is not the GPU power or how it's utilized. 32 x OC'd Titans would raise your FPS since the bottleneck is something else.

My performance got better with the last update. At least in my AI performance test, with big groups fighting in small town, FPS raised from 23-26 to 33-35. So something has improved. No idea what though.

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High end graphics cards are no help when the utilization is so poor.

i already said it, your reply has no point

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I got exactly the same problem like this one who started the topic, and some other guys here.

I'm currently play in some Group's, and no one get the same problems there.

First i thinked it was my GPU or something else, but this can not be a coincidence.

I reinstalled Arma III completly after the Patch, where i got 3 - 5 FPS in MP and 15 - 20 FPS in the Singleplayer Campaign.

I'll played the Dev Branch some Days before, and got no FPS problems there.

After reinstalling Arma III i have now 20-30 FPS in SP and around 5 - 15 FPS in MP.

I can change all things, from resolution to AA Textures it will change rly NOTHING by the FPS.

Tryied higher than 1080p resolutions too, but it will not lower my FPS anytime.

I think something was wrong in this build.

Be happy if u have no troubles, i rly hope for an Hotfix soon there wanna

troubleshoot this .... -.-'

Sorry for my bad english, english is not my motherlanguage.

Some specs:

I5 2500K,

570 GTX,

16 GB Ram.

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High end graphics cards are no help when the utilization is so poor.

i already said it, your reply has no point

Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you meant the game is bad at utilizing the GPU.

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Yeah, multiplayer is unplayable after latest patch. Fps runing with all settings low 5-20, before something more like 30-50.

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Running my cfg GPU_ =1 settings helped a lot since the update.

What does this setting do?

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What does this setting do?

I'm not absolutely sure. But i tried it now.

And helps to fix temporary this problem, u got a small fps boost, but it's like running over ice or something else, non smooth animations. It's

fluid by low fps, but we need a Hotfix. :(

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What does this setting do?

I myself haven't totally figured out what it does. Something to do with how hard the graphics card is working.... I'm still testing various settings but it did make a good solid performance impact for me

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FPSholics, look what you have done to us BIS :o

HAHA I know right?!!! Has anyone tried the -winxp startup command line? It forces the game to run DirectX9 and I've heard others use it with A2 successfully....

Edited by WarLord554

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Performance is good for me.

Startup line: -nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -nologs

Edited by EDcase

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Launching game after latest patch gives me 30fps as if fps was capped. After ALT + Tab out and back into game fps has its normal value. Dont know why but then its playable like before the patch.

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HAHA I know right?!!! Has anyone tried the -winxp startup command line? It forces the game to run DirectX9 and I've heard others use it with A2 successfully....

It's not better with DX9, same issues.

But thanks for sharing. :/

Meanwhile i tried so many things, from patch down my Graphiccard driver, over many parameters, over reinstalling Arma 3, so many settings ingame, playin' with the arma3.cfg, defrag. my HDD.

I'm tryin' now the new dev build.

lovin' you BI, dev build fixed it for me now. =)

/edit: I'm not absolutely sure, but i'll hope. Had a Server with above 30 - 35 fps again. :/

/edit 2: Confuse, some Servers run with good performance, another one again with 7 fps ~ :(

Edited by displaceD

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I just turned to Dev Build and the performance is much better (+3-4FPS) than the latest stable update.

So I guess this will be fixed with the next stable update.

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People with performance issues need to be as clear and concise about their problem as possible.

Reading posts I see multiple separate issues being mentioned and people are confusing them/treating them as the same issue.

  • The multiplayer server performance linked to client performance issue.
  • The bad client scripts performance issue.
  • The client side AI performance issue/CPU under-use issue.
  • The view distance/object loading causing serious CPU strain issue.

I've probably missed out a few but there's a quick list.

You may have 2 or more of the above issues at the same time, they do however need to be treated as separate issues if we want BI to investigate and fix.

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