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AI HALO Jump Example Mission

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While going into para_pilot animation it removes the backpack, if you attach it to the vehicle itself it will attach.

http://imageshack.com/a/img824/719/lkxb.jpg (129 kB)

can you clarify this? attach to which vehicle?

also, in that picture the backpack was upside down, did setvector fail to work with this method?

---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

for backpack upside-down try this:

_packHolder attachTo [_unit,[-0.096,0.0,-.73],"pelvis"]; //attach empty holder to unit
_packHolder setVectorDirAndUp [[0,-1,-0.1],[0,0,-1]]; //set the vector and direction of the empty holder

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Okay guys version 1.5 is released first post updated.

Change Log

Version 1.5:

  • Added: the parachute will now attach to the front of the unit when in animation state para_pilot.
  • Added: sound for when you are in free fall
  • Changed: the chemlight is now attached to the head.
  • Fixed: using spawn is no longer neccessary. Example: [this] call COB_fnc_HALO
  • Added: more examples to the mission, flagpole and helicopter. Keep in mind that a C130 sound will play when exiting the helicopter, HALO usually doesnt involve helicopters.
  • Fixed: AI and players will no longer get hurt, if you do land really hard which should technically hurt you anyways, it will set your damage back to zero. If you hit the ground hard enough it will kill you. AI though are god mode until they get out of their chutes.

I'm uploading a video to youtube, going to take an hour for a 6 minute video, time to go drink beer and watch the walking dead.

---------- Post added at 04:49 ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 ----------

can you clarify this? attach to which vehicle?

also, in that picture the backpack was upside down, did setvector fail to work with this method?

---------- Post added at 21:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

for backpack upside-down try this:

_packHolder attachTo [_unit,[-0.096,0.0,-.73],"pelvis"]; //attach empty holder to unit
_packHolder setVectorDirAndUp [[0,-1,-0.1],[0,0,-1]]; //set the vector and direction of the empty holder

No, I intended for the backpack to be upside down, if folks want it the other way shouldnt be an issue. Yes the vector from the other thread will no longer work, I spent some time playing with numbers to get things in place.

You guys were trying to attach the pack to the unit while in para_pilot. I attached the pack to the vehicle, in this case the parachute. What a pain in the ass.

---------- Post added at 04:51 ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 ----------

Please test in MP, I am unable to at this time. Please post feedback, gripes, complaints and I will try and do what I can. I have not really got into messing with MP yet, mostly singleplayer, if anyone has ideas on how to make this work on singleplayer, MP, and dedicated Im willing to learn.

Edited by cobra4v320

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I not use a developmente update, and my game crash when i tounch the ground. And the exemple mission the characters start whit underwear.

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I not use a developmente update, and my game crash when i tounch the ground. And the exemple mission the characters start whit underwear.

LOL, yeah Im using DEV Branch. Go into the cfgRespawnInventory and paste the code below:

class CfgRespawnInventory
class jumpMaster
	displayName = Jump Master Loadout;
	show = "side group _this == west";
	icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\weaponicons\srifle_ca.paa";
	weapons[] = 
	magazines[] = 
	items[] = 
	linkedItems[] = 
	uniformClass[] = {"U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"};
	backpack = "B_Kitbag_mcamo";

class student1
	displayName = Student One Loadout;
	show = "side group _this == west";
	icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\weaponicons\srifle_ca.paa";
	weapons[] = 
	magazines[] = 
	items[] = 
	linkedItems[] = 
	uniformClass[] = {"U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"};
	backpack = "B_Kitbag_mcamo";

class student2
	displayName = Student Two Loadout;
	show = "side group _this == west";
	icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\weaponicons\MG_ca.paa";
	weapons[] = 
	magazines[] = 
	items[] = 
	linkedItems[] = 
	uniformClass[] = {"U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"};
	backpack = "B_Kitbag_mcamo";

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I keep dying when I HALO from the flagpole?

Dirty Haz

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It seems that the units intended equipment is erased and replaced with the equipment in the respawn file. Is there anyway to just keep the equipment on the unit? I know in the 1.4 version they were able to keep the regular equipment

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It seems that the units intended equipment is erased and replaced with the equipment in the respawn file. Is there anyway to just keep the equipment on the unit? I know in the 1.4 version they were able to keep the regular equipment

I want that too, how i get this ?

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i have the problem that when using this addon and i start in a MP session, the other players don't have a chute. if they are ai then they have...

anyone an idea?

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Here is an updated version with no MP stuff, went back to playSound rather than 3d, also flagpole should be fixed. The flagpole and heli HALO are made to move the entire group at one time not just a single player. There are a number of scripts out there that do flagpole HALO and onMapSingleClick.


I will update the 1st post once the bugs get worked out.

Edited by cobra4v320

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if i want to player make the halo whit a "special" mask, how i puch another helmet in the backpack, for him change that when he come in the ground.

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You just use the normal method of adding gear and equipment to your unit. If you want to start out with a parachute you can. Once you hit the ground just use a trigger to readd your backpack and loadout. I will look at some more options later tonight.

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Thx for the answer Cobra. Just another question. How i keep the original gear of unit when he hit the ground ? (whitout use the respawn gear metod?)

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I have been testing all versions of your addon to date. Very good work buddy, keep it up. Once we can get some cargo aircraft ingame this will be killer. This addon is the first time I have used the chemlights, mine appear extremely bright during the mission. Is anyone else having this problem or is it fixable somehow?

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I have been testing all versions of your addon to date. Very good work buddy, keep it up. Once we can get some cargo aircraft ingame this will be killer. This addon is the first time I have used the chemlights, mine appear extremely bright during the mission. Is anyone else having this problem or is it fixable somehow?

Thanks, and yes the chemlights are really bright. Once I moved them to the helmets they were not as bad.

---------- Post added at 07:08 ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 ----------

Future Updates:

The HALO function will now only be HALO.

[unit, altitude, add chemlight, auto open] call COB_fnc_HALO

The saveLoadOut function will only do that, save your loadout that you had in your backpack.

[unit] call COB_fnc_saveLoadOut

The addBackpack function will add the backpack to the front of your unit and it will automatically change position depending on the units animation. I was able to get the pack attached while sitting in helicopters, however, you cannot see the pack from inside on your chest. When looking out the open door the pack is stay puft marshmallow sized and looks stupid. I will leave it in regardless and see how many people like or dislike it.

[unit, backpack classname] call COB_fnc_addBackpack

Hopefully I can get an update out tonight if not tomorrow.

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OK, some odd results from more testing this morning. For some reason the game seems to break

here and there just out of the blue when nothing has changed. This has been going on since Alpha.

What the heck? Very frustrating!

This time around, using your system the Blur Immersion Effects for the Chute Opening stopped

working. Reset back to your original halo.sqf and re-booted the game. Nothing. No effect. Why

does the game do this? Everything else still works great, but that Blur Effect for the actual opening

does not execute for me now. Grrrr

Anyway. Wanted to update you (and everyone) about current status. Your 1.5 release does not

work in Editor. Guessing you use Dev Build? Standard version we get an error and can not open

the Map/Mission to see how you setup your Jump/HALO System. Object Error (blue lights?).

Also get an Error of: Script functions\COB\fn_functions.sqf not found when loading mine

from the Editor. Using a bit different setup and also using Tonic's VAS so had to put the

#include "COB_HALO\functions\cfgFunctions.hpp" in the class cgfFunctions of VAS setup.

It still works though...

If anyone is interested, here is a basic system that you can use for PARA/HALO Insertions:

1. Name your Unit T1 (my testing dummy is always T1)

2. Place Trigger where you want to start your Jump Option


CONDITION: T1 in thislist

ON ACT: HALO1 = T1 addAction [onMapSingleClick "vehicle player setPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1,

(_pos select 2)]; true; onMapSingleClick ''; true;"]; hint "C-130 - Prepare for takeoff... Equipment Check.

O2 Supply ON. OPEN MAP: Click anywhere to Select your HALO Jump Point. Oxygen Required! System Check.

Jump Alt: 36,450+ft. Temp: -43*";

ON DEACT: _nil=[T1, 11111, false, true, false, true] execVM "COB_HALO\functions\fn_halo.sqf";

_nil=[T1] execVM "COB_HALO\functions\fn_saveLoadOut.sqf";

This way you guys can setup several locations and heights with just the Triggers.

And remember kids, its NOT a HALO if you're not jumping extremely high. A HALO

is a specific 'type' of Jump/Technique that usually requires an O2 Supply.

Now all we need is a perfectly good C-130 to actually Jump out of. Hooyah! :bounce3:

Edited by Goblin
OCD / Spelling / Not yet tested in MP

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I switched back to standard version and there were some errors that I fixed. In the next version I will include a fix for paradrop with AI also.

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An interesting find:

If you create a groundweaponholder, then use action dropBag into the groundweaponholder, you can then attach your dropped backpack with all of its contents onto your chest using attachTo and setVectorDirandUp commands. The issue is this doesnt work while already in HALO because it cant play the animation. Unfortunately I could not find any other ways to detach the backpack.


Edited by cobra4v320

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Version 2.0:

  • changed: I removed fn_saveLoadOut and just added it directly to fn_halo.
  • Fixed: If you jump out of a helicopter the C130 sound will no longer play.
  • Fixed: when in para_pilot the flapping sound will continue to play until you are approximately 10 meters from the ground, it loops every 7 seconds so if you land just right you wont notice.
  • Added: When you are above 3040 meters in elevation the helicopter crew helmet is automatically added, its more fitting for a HALO jump, plus your old helmet is added to your backpack automatically so when you land you can pull it out and put it back on.
  • Added: I added a paradrop function to fix the AI.
  • Changed: the example mission no longer has tasks or anything MP related.


Edited by cobra4v320

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This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

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When I HALO-Jump from the flagpole, I just get teleported (on the ground) there?

Dirty Haz

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I´ve the same problem than Goblin with this new version. I dont know why for some reason it breaks. It breaks when the mission starts at the mohawk.

Do you know any solution?

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Im using no addons standard branch, so Im not sure why you guys are having problems. I read somewhere that ALT+F4 fixes everything.

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It seems to work if I have a backpack... Nice try about the Alt + F4 but I am too clever to try that! ;)

Dirty Haz

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