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Community Voice Dubbing

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Just testing the water here - but how many of you out there would be interested in reading scripts for mission making, recording your voice, and emailing it to other members in the Arma community? Are there any native Greek speakers out there? :) Farsi speakers even? Does anyone fancy doing some recordings if provided with a script? There's some great things you can do with 'Audacity', including radio-like speech effects.

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I remember seeing a Thread just on this topic somewhere. There were numerous

volunteers. Can't remember what it's called. Can't find in search...

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Thanks guys - the A2/Arrowhead thread is very interesting. I myself am looking for some voice actors - should have a script very soon. Particularly need a Greek speaker (or at the very least someone with a very good Greek accent). Sends us a personal message if you're interested!

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If you find someone, Kydoimos, please ask them if they'd do a few lines for me too?

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I feel like a pimp here, but...my wife has a sexy telephone hotline voice (if you ask me). She'd make a great voice for a news anchor or something to that effect.

If you have a script, let me know....the worst she can say is no, and my couch is comfortable enough to be sent to for a few nights anyways :)

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Lol - ah thanks Raptor! But I think you'll be safe in your bed - I've already got my mrs. involved with her plummy English accent! But you know, maybe in a later mission, I might need a second female voice? We'll see. I'll post a link to the script when it's done on this thread. Thank you very much for the offer! :)

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Looking for a British accented speaker now - two lines of dialogue for a pilot. Here's the script:

PILOT: [yelling] Knight, prep for insertion – green light in 30 seconds. PILOT: [yelling] Alright – it’s go time. Good luck out there, lieutenant.

. Obviously, if you're interested in dubbing this, don't 'yell' too close to the microphone. Also, let's not forget - lieutenant's pronounced 'leftenant' here in England :p Looking forward to some interesting responses. Full credits will be given, of course. Feel free to contact me - or add me as a friend on Steam, or whatever.

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If someone needs an voiceactor with scandinavian accent i'll do some :)

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Anthony - thanks man! That's great! If you fancy one more - it'd be great to get lef-ten-ant (British pronunciation) rather than lieu-ten-ant :)! If not, no worries! Thanks!

---------- Post added at 22:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:20 ----------

Feel really bad nit-picking :p Sorry, major perfectionist here!

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Im not sure what you mean, might just be regional accent difference. Im from the east of england and thats how I have always known lieutenant to be pronounced, but if you give me an example on youtube or something I can try again.

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It's not a regional thing. The British pronunciation is 'lef-ten-nant'. I fear that Brits pronouncing it loo-ten-nant are victims of the affects of the American media.

---------- Post added at 07:37 ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 ----------

I know it's not evidence I'd use in court, but wikipedia has a good article on the subject.


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Here you go Anthony,

. Thanks again, mate! If anyone else wants to have a go, please do - I have multiple English roles coming up and it'd be good to hear some voices, so as I can maybe find a fitting role. So far, the mission's shaping up really nicely: Opening_Gambit_Screenshot_Small_zps7722536d.jpg?t=1382431482 Edited by Kydoimos

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sounds fun! If anyone needs an american, I might be interested in doing it. I have some nice audio recording stuff, and I can do the radio effects myself.

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I might be able to wrangle an American character into the campaign at some point! Could still do with a few more speakers with English accent... if anyone's up for it!

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So here's the script again:

PILOT: [yelling] Knight, prep for insertion – green light in 30 seconds. PILOT: [yelling] Alright – it’s go time. Good luck out there, lieutenant (lef-ten-nant).
; I'd like to get a few different people's recordings - if possible - and, though it's difficult to record, I'd like to get something a bit 'shouty' / 'intense'. Thanks everyone! :)

---------- Post added at 12:28 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ----------

Also - are there any Farsi speakers out there? :p A long shot, I know, but still!

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I might be able to do it later today. I think I may be able to get the shouty-ness haha.

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Great stuff - thanks, looking forward to it! I'm more than happy to return the favour for anyone who submits anything. I could either do some voice dubbing or help out with User Textures. I've got quite a library of objects now!

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Hey hey! Great stuff Anthony - again, thanks very much! :) Really appreciate it!

---------- Post added at 22:06 ---------- Previous post was at 20:58 ----------

And Demongod - If you still fancy doing a recording, that'd be great too! Not sure which I'll use, but it'd be great to get some options! Thanks guys!

---------- Post added at 22:30 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

Here's a recording of Knight to give you some context: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/73485099/OG_Insertion_02_Knight.ogg and https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/73485099/OG_Insertion_04_Knight.ogg. Also, here is a sample of the pilot (but can't use because same speaker as Knight!): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/73485099/OG_Insertion_01_Pilot.ogg and https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/73485099/OG_Insertion_05_Pilot.ogg. If anyone would like to give it a go, then please do. Again, big thanks to Anthony! Really appreciate it mate.

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Hey guys, I'm back

I know you wanted a british guy but I made some recordings here myself. I hope they're "shouty" enough.

Check out the folder "Knight" in the link above

inside are 4 .ogg files, knight_prep, knight_go, knight_prep_radio, and knight_go_radio. the first two are the raw recorded files, and the second two I have turned into radio transmissions. Enjoy :) I hope you used them.



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Hey Demongod - brill, thanks very much! I like what you've done with the radio transmission! I have my own variant, using the static and beeps from the Arma3 audio dubbing .pbo - so I'll probably use the 'clear' recordings if I do use them! I have had a lot of interest with this (and had some brilliant recordings!). I have had interest from a seasoned voice actor too, which is quite exciting! Anthonyfromtheuk and Demongod, would you be interested in doing future recordings, for later episodes in the campaign? It won't be anything too heavy - probably just a few lines here and there? And it wouldn't be until after Christmas, I imagine? I'll have new roles and the returning role for the pilot. You've both provided me with some top notch material - cheers!

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