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WW AIMenu (complimentary commands)

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What about the ability to Eject and maybe use parachutes?

and can the WayPoint system be expanded to be similar to the UAV Controlling system and reset to normal group functions when you regroup?

Yay ideas! Lol!

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Feint had a great system for UAV control, but even a basic one here would be just amazing (very like your helo control, but with the ability to jump in and look around)

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Feint had a great system for UAV control, but even a basic one here would be just amazing (very like your helo control, but with the ability to jump in and look around)

Oh, I meant being able to send waypoints such as search and destroy and guard and stuff to both ground units and air units.... LOL

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Right now I am working on a waypoint system that will have a number of good commands. Here is a breakdown of what I have in mind.

Units will be given waypoints similar to how the mod is already doing it. There will be a line drawn between the unit and the WP it's going to. Also lines between the waypoints to link them up. This will make it easier to separate waypoints since u will get the ability to have multiple sets of waypoints for different units.

From there I will make the waypoints interactive in the sense that u can click on one waypoint to make the units hold position there till u click on the WP again, allowing synchronized attacks. Also commands like board the nearest empty vehicle or clear the nearest buildings will be attached to the WP in the same manner.

However this is an ambitious move from me and it will take time.

I like the eject command. Will add that.

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Right now I am working on a waypoint system that will have a number of good commands. Here is a breakdown of what I have in mind.

Units will be given waypoints similar to how the mod is already doing it. There will be a line drawn between the unit and the WP it's going to. Also lines between the waypoints to link them up. This will make it easier to separate waypoints since u will get the ability to have multiple sets of waypoints for different units.

From there I will make the waypoints interactive in the sense that u can click on one waypoint to make the units hold position there till u click on the WP again, allowing synchronized attacks. Also commands like board the nearest empty vehicle or clear the nearest buildings will be attached to the WP in the same manner.

However this is an ambitious move from me and it will take time.

I like the eject command. Will add that.


Sounds good, do you know if AI automatically use parachutes?

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Sounds good, do you know if AI automatically use parachutes?

Not sure. However I can deploy it through code.

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More Ideas WindWalking. I know your plate is full but even if you place these in your someday/maybe category.

1. For the Garrison, Clear building commands, can you allow those to be used via the map as well?

2. A new infantry command to mount a checkpoint. User would click a road on the map where checkpoints and AI defends the road/bridge without pursuit and no fleeing. Shooting any non-blufor trying to cross. If AI has technicals, tanks, they park at checkpoint.

3. A new infantry command to mount an ambush. User would click a road on the map where ambush would occur and infantry would setup around it, plant mine, IED, etc if packing (skip planting if not), then holding fire, hiding behind cover, attacking enemy patrol when close.

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Another "missing-since-OFP" AI command would be suppressive fire on object/area. Maybe creating and then setPos an "Invisible Target Soldier" to the pointed area and then doFire on that would be a simple but workable solution? There are one for each faction in the config...

class B_TargetSoldier: TargetSoldierBase


scope = 1;

crew = "B_UAV_AI";

typicalCargo[] = {"B_UAV_AI"};

side = 1;

faction = "BLU_F";


class O_TargetSoldier: TargetSoldierBase


scope = 1;

crew = "O_UAV_AI";

typicalCargo[] = {"O_UAV_AI"};

side = 0;

faction = "OPF_F";


class I_TargetSoldier: TargetSoldierBase


scope = 1;

crew = "I_UAV_AI";

typicalCargo[] = {"I_UAV_AI"};

side = 2;

faction = "IND_F";


Anyway, just and idea if you are looking to improve this great addon!


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Great mod for my missions on sp, love the way the menu is the same as the standard menus. Thank you.

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Is there a way to delete way points you have set for your AI squad?

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Another "missing-since-OFP" AI command would be suppressive fire on object/area. Maybe creating and then setPos an "Invisible Target Soldier" to the pointed area and then doFire on that would be a simple but workable solution? There are one for each faction in the config...

Anyway, just and idea if you are looking to improve this great addon!


Thanks a lot this is helpful. I would love to add that yeah.

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This is amazing work Windwalking!

I have wanted to see better teammate control in Arma for a very long time. In fact, after having a little time to play around with it, I now consider this a 'vanilla' addon of mine, it's never leaving my mods directory, I wont play Arma without it.


My own 'little' request;

Would a command that dismounts passengers (non-essential personal) from a vehicle be possible? I would love to be able to dismount an apc or similar vehicle to allow infantry to engage while still maintaining the firepower of the vehicles weapon systems. This of course can be done manually now, but it's extremely cumbersome.

Keep up the incredible job!

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This is amazing work Windwalking!

I have wanted to see better teammate control in Arma for a very long time. In fact, after having a little time to play around with it, I now consider this a 'vanilla' addon of mine, it's never leaving my mods directory, I wont play Arma without it.


My own 'little' request;

Would a command that dismounts passengers (non-essential personal) from a vehicle be possible? I would love to be able to dismount an apc or similar vehicle to allow infantry to engage while still maintaining the firepower of the vehicles weapon systems. This of course can be done manually now, but it's extremely cumbersome.

Keep up the incredible job!

Thanks a lot.

That's a very nice idea! That always annoyed me too. I will add this.

I have so much to add and I am working on the waypoint implementation which most likely will result in more requests. If anyone wishes to contribute to this mod please contact me.

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You have the loiter for aircraft but it would be useful to make it generic for footmobiles, land and air to patrol with a particular radius mate. Whaddyathink ?

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You have the loiter for aircraft but it would be useful to make it generic for footmobiles, land and air to patrol with a particular radius mate. Whaddyathink ?

I thought about that. But vehicle patrols will not work very well because I won't be able to calculate a smart patching easily to cover an area. Going in a circle won't help I think.

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What about just placing 4 points at the corner of a square (length to be set by player) and see how vehicles go ?

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What about just placing 4 points at the corner of a square (length to be set by player) and see how vehicles go ?

Wouldn't that be the same as setting a waypoint with cycle for vehicle? I am working on that :D

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Control AI vehicle when not in commander position

What's this going to be? Does it mean we can drive the tank like the driver (without the "commander" delay), but operate the main weapons (turrets)? Kinda like Battlefield? I've always wanted that for singleplayer.

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What's this going to be? Does it mean we can drive the tank like the driver (without the "commander" delay), but operate the main weapons (turrets)? Kinda like Battlefield? I've always wanted that for singleplayer.

Me too! However I am lost as to how to tackle that.

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Thank you, wonderful mod!

Any chance you can make this work with High Command? Especially landing choppers? They only have a move to command right now, and would very much like to have a land chopper feature for it.

On another note: is it possible to "force" land? When the chopper / pilot is being shot at, he just freaks out and ignores any orders.

Edited by gerwim

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^^ Choppers land EXACTLY where you want them now, with this addon. You need to select the pilot (in your team) and press the menu action key (that you set) then Vehicle actions.

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The AI wouldn't follow my orders to turn the IR lasers on? Anybody else have problems with this?

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The AI wouldn't follow my orders to turn the IR lasers on? Anybody else have problems with this?

I think the AI won't use their IR unless they are in combat mode "danger". Even when I force it on.

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Would it be possible to exclude the stair position for the AI's when ordered to garrison a building? When you send in a squad one of them will pick that spot and block you from getting to 2nd floor.

Love the garrison feature :)


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Would it be possible to exclude the stair position for the AI's when ordered to garrison a building? When you send in a squad one of them will pick that spot and block you from getting to 2nd floor.

Love the garrison feature :)


Will try.

Anyone having trouble running the mod? I was about to upload the new version of the mod, but then noticed the current version is not working for me. Did something break or I am too tired?

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