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AH-64D Apache Longbow for ArmA2 by Nodunit and Franze

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Major Boggie, one of the people who cooperates with Armaholic to create videos for the Armaholic Youtube Channel, released a review video of the early wip version of the AH-64D Apache Longbow for Arma 3 you recently released :)

We hope everyone will leave their feedback in the video comments, like the video and/or subscribe to our channel!

In case anyone sees this and he/she makes videos and is also interested to cooperate with Armaholic feel free to sent me a message here or on Armaholic!

Ah glad to see that the start up sequence will be widely covered, I wanted to make a video to show how it worked amongst other features but eh....I don't care for my voice in microphone and I think this works better as it reaches a far wider audience.

Nice review and I think I actually blushed when he was complimenting the textures.

Hope he doesn't mind me hopping over and doing some Q&A.

Edited by NodUnit

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How do you switch to the SAL Hellfires. I'm doing the tutorial in Arma 2 and it just says to switch to them but it doesn't explain how T_T

Derp. If anyone is wondering, it's F

Edited by ohheyitsniel
Figured it out.

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Hi folks, are you tired of flying the US ARMY banner on the side of your apache, spreading freedom through the world? Well with the addition of the skin system you can fly as anything you want! But maybe you are lazy and don't want to, fret not, for as an american I fully understand. Doing things is effort and time consuming, better to let someone else do it right? Or perhaps you do not have access to the tools you need to free yourself? Fear not! America is here to rescue and liberate you from America!

Decided to make a pack containing more national schemes, do keep in mind that this is not yet official and as such you will need to extract the texture files to some place on your hard drive and then enter that path into the boxabove "Test" in the arming skins menu (then click test and ok)






Sorry about the crap quality, apparently I forgot how to take pictures and also how to not make them artifacted to hell.

Other variants I plan on making







Netherlands Solo display

South Carolina "White"


and whatever other nation I can find some pictures of.

Also planning one some others just for the fun of it such as agressors, camo,

fantasy variants.

Edited by NodUnit

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Hey Nodunit-i finally got your and Franze amazing chopper off the ground today,and after just reading Ed Macy's "apache" this is just what i need!I am having a problem though:The moment i take off in the Apache my frame rate becomes almost unbearably choppy.i have never had this issue before to this extent and was hoping you or someone could help/thanks for the amazing work!

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Are there any surrounding units, is it a scenario of any sort? Are you playing on stable or dev branch? If it's dev branch we probably won't be working too hard on bug fixes because something could change every day, its just not feasable.

Also went ahead and made a very simple and poorly cut video to demonstrate the skin system and how to use it since it appears to be causing confusion.

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Hi-no I literally just spawnn the chopper on first stratis empty map then Takistan as they are both very light on framerate.I have tried it with no mods running and have tried 1 or 2 scenarios.Everything is fine until I start up the bird then my FPS starts bouncing around from 50 down to less than 20.this happens every second or so making the whole thing really stutter.I have even tried landing and getting into a vanilla chopper parked next to your one and my FPS goes back to its normal 60ish smooth.I think it is the interactive cockpit causing it.I am not on dev branch.Hope you can help because this mod is INCREDIBLE!!(i have even turned all settings to low-no improvement.)

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Hmmm interested in knowing the outcome on that one nod as id like to do the soar birds interactive cockpit. Keep us posted on your findings/solutions

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Hi-no I literally just spawnn the chopper on first stratis empty map then Takistan as they are both very light on framerate.I have tried it with no mods running and have tried 1 or 2 scenarios.Everything is fine until I start up the bird then my FPS starts bouncing around from 50 down to less than 20.this happens every second or so making the whole thing really stutter.I have even tried landing and getting into a vanilla chopper parked next to your one and my FPS goes back to its normal 60ish smooth.I think it is the interactive cockpit causing it.I am not on dev branch.Hope you can help because this mod is INCREDIBLE!!(i have even turned all settings to low-no improvement.)

Shouldn't be the interaction method, if that were the case then you would be lagging well before the aircraft took off since it is live as soon as you get into the aircraft.

Is this Arma 2 or 3? (I'm assuming it is 3 since everything A2 worked spiffy fine last we checked). Can you list your specs as well? I've been on dev branch since it started including testing with the aircraft and have never seen something strange like that happen.

Have you also tested the aircraft from the get go in flying formation rather than from the ground and can you test it with the AI flying in the air with it?

If it is something local then you should be just fine with the AI flying it and you out of it, if it persists then that would tell us its something else entirerly.

If it doesn't occur when you start off flying then that starts leaning to suspicion with the start up sequence or something to do with it.

I'd like to help more but this is literally the first I've heard of it so I or we will likely be asking you to try a few things.

Edited by NodUnit

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Thanks for the info about the paint schemes :)

Paint schemes news frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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hi Nodunit thanks for getting back so fast.I'll try those ideas and get back to you with some feedback.(I'll also redownload the mod as I got it a while ago and have been updating on PWS maybe a fresh download would be better)

Spec:17 4790,GTX 760,8GB RAM- I know they could be better but in single player i can play on Very high at smooth 60fps most times,except when it gets very crowded or in the middle of large towns,etc

Edited by ineptaphid

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Major Boggie, one of the people who cooperates with Armaholic to create videos for the Armaholic Youtube Channel, released an updated review video of the early wip version of the AH-64D Apache Longbow for Arma 3 you recently released :)

He read the comments on his

and improved the video based on the recieved feedback.

We hope everyone will leave their feedback in the video comments, like the video and/or subscribe to our channel!

In case anyone sees this and he/she makes videos and is also interested to cooperate with Armaholic feel free to sent me a message here or on Armaholic!

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Awesome stuff Nodunit!!! Although one thing I noticed with these, is that they are clientside. I flew a couple of tests with Patchwork and I put the Jaws skin but he couldn't see it. I did all the steps you mentioned in the tutorial. Did we miss something?

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hi Nodunit thanks for getting back so fast.I'll try those ideas and get back to you with some feedback.(I'll also redownload the mod as I got it a while ago and have been updating on PWS maybe a fresh download would be better)

Spec:17 4790,GTX 760,8GB RAM- I know they could be better but in single player i can play on Very high at smooth 60fps most times,except when it gets very crowded or in the middle of large towns,etc

Just in case, make sure you're downloading the ArmA3 version and not the ArmA2 version (dumb advice I know, but have to make sure). If that doesn't fix it, try turning the AFM off. If turning AFM off fixes it, let me know what AFM settings you're using.

Awesome stuff Nodunit!!! Although one thing I noticed with these, is that they are clientside. I flew a couple of tests with Patchwork and I put the Jaws skin but he couldn't see it. I did all the steps you mentioned in the tutorial. Did we miss something?

The skin system was designed to be client side only unless a skin is set by the mission designer/creator. It was done this way to counter potential client issues with skin paths and cheating (trying to make/use a transparent skin, etc).

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Awesome stuff Nodunit!!! Although one thing I noticed with these, is that they are clientside. I flew a couple of tests with Patchwork and I put the Jaws skin but he couldn't see it. I did all the steps you mentioned in the tutorial. Did we miss something?

I believe both clients need any custom skins not included in the pack to be able to see them on a server.

hi Nodunit thanks for getting back so fast.I'll try those ideas and get back to you with some feedback.(I'll also redownload the mod as I got it a while ago and have been updating on PWS maybe a fresh download would be better)

Spec:17 4790,GTX 760,8GB RAM- I know they could be better but in single player i can play on Very high at smooth 60fps most times,except when it gets very crowded or in the middle of large towns,etc

Hmm, never had any problem with the sixuploader before and they are up to date last I checked but a download from armaholic couldn't hurt. Also do you have any other major mods running alongside it?

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Brilliant job on the bird! Any chance you are going to make a Viper or Cobra with the same features? It would be awesome. Again, great job on your bird.

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Brilliant job on the bird! Any chance you are going to make a Viper or Cobra with the same features? It would be awesome. Again, great job on your bird.

Depends on how things work here first, since we're technicaly not into "official' release territory, more or a public beta (so congrats everyone you get to be beta testers)

In truth I'd rather make a Mi-28N so that OPFOR gets something on the same level but also to scrub my mind of the nightmares of an apache cockpit in a havocs body.

It would definitely be doable as references photo's are not difficult to find and I think I've found enough page info to make something of a rough draft (unfortunately they don't show their electronics off on TV) but the biggest problem is I have no clue what anything in the cockpit says.

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My favorite ArmA2 addon in ArmA3 <3

Loving this. Relearning the FCR mechanics now! :P

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I believe both clients need any custom skins not included in the pack to be able to see them on a server.

Hmm, never had any problem with the sixuploader before and they are up to date last I checked but a download from armaholic couldn't hurt. Also do you have any other major mods running alongside it?

Hi-I went and tried the chopper again-no mods running,view distance and graphics settings all on low,new download from Armaholic and im still getting the same FPS issues.It's so wierd.the chopper being on the map is fine -its just when i get in it.

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Hi-I went and tried the chopper again-no mods running,view distance and graphics settings all on low,new download from Armaholic and im still getting the same FPS issues.It's so wierd.the chopper being on the map is fine -its just when i get in it.

Did you try turning AFM on/off?

ETA: You might also try turning off picture in picture and see if that has an impact.

Edited by Franze

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Hey guys, I was wondering what keybindings you use for which actions. I am just not sure what keys to use for the custom actions that won't interfere with the default controls.

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Since I also use some on a stick, this won't apply for everyone but this is what I use:

FCR toggle - \ key

Sensor select - numpad / key

Cycle right MPD - Shift + >

Cycle left MPD - Shift + <

WAS - On my throttle, one of the thumb switches.

Crosshair interaction - ; key

IHADSS mode - On my stick, top left button (same area as the real thing)

Gun tracking mode - Shift + G

Weapon fire mode - default B key

RF and IR jammers - On the throttle, same switch, back for RF, forward for IR

Manual/Auto jammers - Don't have it bound, I use the crosshair action on the ASE page

ASE autopage - same as above

TSD filter - Shift + E

TSD range - Shift + R

TSD mode - Shift + T

PFZ selection - Ctrl + P

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When I'm in gunner's seat the pilot immediately empties the whole arsenal on the first target he sees. Is there a way to override it?

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When I'm in gunner's seat the pilot immediately empties the whole arsenal on the first target he sees. Is there a way to override it?

I can't replicate this. Are you using any other mods?

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Just having some fun with the skin system.

Holy shit a Brotherhood of Nod Apache skin. That looks unbelievably badass. If this mod is really coming to Arma 3 then I'm definitely going to start playing it again.

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Got this bad boy working, however I am all over the sky. Anyone have recommendations on controller settings? The chopper seems to pitch up a lot and the trim is all wacky...

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