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AH-64D Apache Longbow for ArmA2 by Nodunit and Franze

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I have been trying to spawn this mid air with AI flying using bis_fnc_spawnvehicles but it always just drops down from the sky. I know AI can fly it if taking off from the ground. I have searched everywhere (google) but can't get a good answer. Help.

Don't, just add to editor empty put down yourself and a gunner, launch the mission, order the the AI to board as pilot or gunner, use way points to fly around the map or attack markers for the gunner to engage.

i cant select any of the knobs or switches to save my life in A3

Did you configure your user custom 20 key? Look at mechmodels.com/mas/downloads/ah64v2/manual/ah64dv2_operation.html for more info.

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Don't, just add to editor empty put down yourself and a gunner, launch the mission, order the the AI to board as pilot or gunner, use way points to fly around the map or attack markers for the gunner to engage.

Thanks. I can do this already. My mission uses trigger by radio...can be used repeatedly. Its a much better effect for the style/pace of mission to spawn flying ready to go.. I do this with the stock AH-99 blackfoot attack helicopter but prefer the AH-64D on every level.

Edited by sttosin

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Try using this switch in your mission: fza_ah64_cem = false

It will turn off complex startups which may be the issue you're having.

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Try using this switch in your mission: fza_ah64_cem = false

It will turn off complex startups which may be the issue you're having.

Thanks Franze. I used the switch in the init of the mission, as on act of trigger at start of mission with no luck. Not sure how to use during spawn exactly. I tried turning off simulation. _newVeh enableSimulation false; to keep it in the air but no luck. I tried setting velocity [x,y,z] with no luck. Appreciate your help.

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The problem is that bis_fnc_spawnvehicle looks for the HelicopterX simulation. We use Helicopter simulation because HelicopterX messes up the click action capability. You'll have to create/use a different functionality to spawn with crew on board and in flight.

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The problem is that bis_fnc_spawnvehicle looks for the HelicopterX simulation. We use Helicopter simulation because HelicopterX messes up the click action capability. You'll have to create/use a different functionality to spawn with crew on board and in flight.

Ah OK. I learned something through this experiment. Thanks to both of you for an amazing mod and for releasing a playable one for A3 recently.

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Guys i've the Warthog Hotas and Custome use 20 is not working with me at all

any help

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Hey guys, Going back to the PNVS:

Suppose you are using it at a low lighting scenario (maybe night), can the pilots see anything with their left eye? If so, is there an addon to simulate some kind of IR NVGs? I think that would be a good idea for using the pnvs in a heads up manner. Anyway, I was just wondering if it was possible.

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hey there downloaded your mod today.

really nice! the online manual statet that you guys will also release a "A" Apache. is there any release date or timetable when it will be released. im a a 80´s guy^^ and if im looking on the A it has much more sexapeale than the fat "D" apache :-D

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A2 version is still on the table for at least one more version but more focus will be toward TKOH over A2.

I love you guys. Can't wait for TKOH version.

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It can be compatible with ace mod? and nothing seems from the gunner's not 'running since the launch of missiles with the optical viewfinder, with the system if it works IHADSS missile launch and talk about laser-guided missiles in tads mode.


Edited by Metralla

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Probably the most well made vehicle mod out there in the arma series. You've also inspired a great A-10 mod with a clickable cockpit in Arma 3. Has anybody gotten the campaign working in arma 3? They don't seem to work for me.

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You would definately need AiA as the campaign requires Chernarus, and Utes for training missions.

Edited by NodUnit

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It already does. If you go to the arming menu, the second munition from the bottom are wingtip mounted stingers. place them in the loading bay and then into the green "ATA" slot above the helicopter.

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He means the Alpha model, current build features only the Delta, and I'll talk to Franze about it but yeah we could probably work something out.

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yeah, would be cool^^ ithink i saw a movie 10years ago with the Alpha model and ATAs. i think it was called airborne^^

neverless i cant wait for the old lady(ah-64a) but for now i´m happy with the D modell(and it works quiet well in Arma 3 thx for the hard work over years guys!

played your apache´s also in the good old OFP days^^

is there a ETA for the A-Apache? only if known right now. if not its also okay

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There is no ETA at this time, also for any C&C Fans, Renegade X has been released and plays VERY much like the original renegade but with a few touch ups, if you enjoyed that game then I highly recommend you try it.

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Thanks for releasing this awesome mod!

We're trying to use the SOFLAM/VECTOR to lase a target from the ground but can't seem to get a lock.

Does the mod support any way of having a JTAC lase from the ground?

Many thanks,


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Hi Nodunit,

many many thanks from me, too. This mod is awesome and i was completely insane after playing it the first time. 15 Hours non-stop.

But i am playing it with Arma3 - do you still refuse to work on the arma3 model? Dont understand me wrong, your work is usable to 95% but there are some tiny pieces disturbing the fun.

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I'll try and answer a few questions:

ACE Mod: Sorry, too busy with other things to even get into ACE compatibility.

AH-64A will have ATAS option. ETA on AH-64A can't be given due to the major differences in modeling and functionality.

Laser targets: Yes, but only works with SAL missile types.

ArmA3: Beyond the released controls file, ArmA3 versions are not happening. ArmA3 broke too many basic features of our aircraft.

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To shed some light on the "basic" problems Arma 3 caused..the weapon system has cases of lagging behind its cursor and has lost pin point accuracy, in order to quickly solve this the whole of the targetting system would have to be scrapped...that means no gun tracking and not being able to aim the gun via HDU as the pilot. (Luckily this problem only seems to appear in multiplayer in a two person helicopter sometimes, not always..we're still not certain what the cause is however)

The other big thing has to do with the flight model, the center of gravity for whatever reason shifted towards the center of the model, located behind the main rotor as opposed to being between the rotor and cockpit in Arma 2. I don't know if using the next version of O2 could fix this but it was assumed that this might be a PhysX issue. The problem is that when helicopterX is activated, the framework of interaction nodes is thrown into dissarray, this essentially means that you would have to rely on keybinds and action menu as opposed to being able to interact with the cockpit directly while on the move.

I'd also like to point out that Franze did work on the issue with the gun scripts for the Arma 3 version but the problem seems to be something deeper and more engine related.

Edited by NodUnit

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hey guys,

thx for the write up.

played trough the campaign u delivered with the ah64.

man, there were some nasty suprises, but got trough it with only one try. maybe i got the wrong job :-D

cant wait to have a way harder time in the A-Modell without all the fancy longbow stuff^^ (if it will be to the same degree as the D-Modell compatible with arma 3 i will be happy^^)

regarding arma 3

you are right. in flight its hard to push the buttons on the MPD´s, but normaly me and my buddy flying as CPG configure our chopper before lift off so the problem is minor for us and we dont use track ir for now so the gun problem didn´t appear for us. only "real" problem for me, i stumbled across is for whatever reason, sometimes the PNVS didnt work for me as a pilot but thermal imaging works fine for the gunner

the problem is that the view doesn´t switch to the pnvs it only zooms in closer into the cockpit view.

this problem appears in single and multiplayer for me.

PS: with which one of you guys i have to sleep to get in the testing team? :-D

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The interaction should be functioning the same as it is on Arma 2, what I mean though is that with helicopterX any interaction on the move is impossible, its a bit tricky now right but its certainly doable especially if you use the Head Tracking mode set to on, allowing the X cursor to move with the mouse and thus not have to use freelook at all.

The PNVS is another wierd one, one of those "sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't" oddities.

As for sleeping around, how experimental are you?

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