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1-2 FPS on Altis and 60 fps on stratis.

Is your average framerate on Altis LESS THAN 5 FPS? Do you run a 32 or 64 bit OS?  

253 members have voted

  1. 1. Is your average framerate on Altis LESS THAN 5 FPS? Do you run a 32 or 64 bit OS?

    • NO, average FPS >= 5 (32 bit OS)
    • NO, average FPS >= 5 (64 bit OS)
    • YES, average FPS < 5 (32 bit OS)
    • YES, average FPS < 5 (64 bit OS)

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So my brother can't seem to load Altis without it giving 1-2 FPS he can play on stratis with 60 fps. He has a way better system then me and I can run altis with 4km view and it doesn't lag at all. He has a 2gig Video Card 8gig on board ram I7 processor. No idea what the problem is. Anyone else have this happening to them? Any ideas on how to fix it. I am trying to get him to post here with his system stats. he is pretty lazy though.

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Try adding -nologs and -exThreads=7 to startup parameters.

Details Here

Lower the view distance, it kills fps on Altis.

Overclocking may be a good option if your i7 is of an older variant, Bloomfield etc.

Edited by Furret

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There are a lot of players experiencing that problem,... me included.

-nologs doesn´t work for me. Dafragmetation and that steamcache thing either.

I think your brother has also to wait for a hotfix :rolleyes:

Regards Culti

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He says it is glitching. When he goes 3rd person the character looks all buggy and the trees look glitched too graphic errors and such. Def can't be the view distance cause I can be at 4k and run no problems. His system is beast compared to mine. Thinking he has to wait for a hotfix as well. Thanks for the info though guys as you know any information in a situation like this is welcome. And his PC is only about a year old. So his I7 is newer. =/

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Make sure Any lashplayer like Youtube etc is shut down in task manager , it helped mine significantly

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Yeah he ran taskmanager and shut down everything non essential. That wouldn't cause glitching though.

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Glitches could be related to graphics driver bugs, RAM failing, heat damage to the CPU or GPU, corrupted game cache as well as other reasons I can't quite think of right now.

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Not if it runs fine on Stratis... Which he gets 60fps on stated in the start of the post. Graphic drivers and ram failing or heat damage would not be specific to Altis. Corrupted game cache is not the issue as he has done a full re installation as well and verified cache.

Edited by SpacemanSpiff

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  SpacemanSpiff said:
He says it is glitching. When he goes 3rd person the character looks all buggy and the trees look glitched too graphic errors and such. Def can't be the view distance cause I can be at 4k and run no problems. His system is beast compared to mine. Thinking he has to wait for a hotfix as well. Thanks for the info though guys as you know any information in a situation like this is welcome. And his PC is only about a year old. So his I7 is newer. =/

Ah, LODs switching (being able to count pixels and polygons on objects) and the player model disappearing in 3rd person?

I have a friend with the same issue; Get him to send you a Dxdiag report (Windows Key+R, Type in 'Dxdiag', then 'Save all infomation') then put it somewhere like on pastebin.

Get him to download HWMonitor (For tempretures) as well and update his GPU's drivers.

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I will see if that sounds right and post back in case other are having the same issue as well as if that isn't his actual situation.

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I wouldn't turn on -exThreads=7 in your launch options, if it does the same thing as in ARMA 2 since it makes more things run on the CPU that should be ran on the GPU. Here is the source. I am also having this issue just when Previewing the mission from my computer in the editor. IF I put the map onto my Dedicated server I can run the map and exact mission just fine and dandy.

Also just noticed this issue messes up the whole game when I leave the editor it performs just as horribly as it does in game after trying to preview my mission.

Edited by PvtDancer

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Does this happen to you on both maps? Has it happened in the past. His issues are only on Altis and have never happened before.

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Have this problem too. Even at minimum viewdistance of 500 I get 4-5 fps and near-LODs do not load. Have good enough FPS on Stratis and Chernarus even on my dated Phenom II and GTX660

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  PvtDancer said:
I wouldn't turn on -exThreads=7 in your launch options, if it does the same thing as in ARMA 2 since it makes more things run on the CPU that should be ran on the GPU. Here is the source.

What are you talking about?

From the wiki:

-exThreads=<number> Change to a number 0,1,3,5,7. This will override auto detection (which use 3 for dualcore and 7 for quadcore). Details below.
-exThreads= is option to define extra threads.

All file operations go through a dedicated thread. (CPU) This offloads some processing from the main thread (CPU) , however it adds some overhead at the same time. The reason why threaded file ops were implemented was to serve as a basement for other threads ops. (CPU) When multiple threads are running at the same time, OS is scheduling them on different cores. (CPU) Geometry and Texture loading (both done by the same thread (CPU)) are scheduled on different cores (CPU) outside the main rendering loop (controlled by the CPU) at the same time with the main rendering loop.

All it does is generate up to 3 more threads for the texture loading/gemoetry loading / fileops in the CPU to load it from the game data files in parallel. It's the CPU (and not the GPU) who loads that data into the RAM or video memory.

Edited by Vixente

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Having serious issues on Altis. (Stratis works great)

For the first minute or two everything runs normally. CPU usage ~50%, GPU ~60%. Available RAM on both. Steady 60FPS. -noLogs on. Component temperatures ok.

Then in a few seconds it grinds to a halt. CPU usage stays almost the same, while GPU and FPS drop to near zero.

Doesn't recover with any action consistently. Alt+Tab worked once, messing with settings once, flush-command worked once.

Every other game and stress test runs without problems.

The issue seems to appear when the game is loading something heavily; flew over simple and open terrain: 60fps then flew into a city: 1,3fps. On another occasion placed myself in the middle of a town, look around and get 50fps. Then walk for 30 seconds and a lot of new objects starts loading until 0fps.

It doesn't seem like a lack of processing power since I can run the game with high fps, for a minute. It's like a memory leak.

Win7/32bit, 4GB, i5-3450, GTX460 768MB

Edited by greenfister

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Yeah im having this problem aswell 1 fps anywhere at the map except at the flats and there i only have 10 fps. so there is deff something up, ive been reading and it might be because of 32 bit? i have that. Op do your brother have 32 bit?

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  Vixente said:
What are you talking about?

From the wiki:

All it does is generate up to 3 more threads for the texture loading/gemoetry loading / fileops in the CPU to load it from the game data files in parallel. It's the CPU (and not the GPU) who loads that data into the RAM or video memory.

Then I misunderstood it when I read it a while back. I remember I read something that said it used the CPU Instead of the GPU and for most of would be bad because as we all know our GPU's are far more powerful then our CPU's.

And yes this issue is not present on stratis just on Altis and my friends are having massive stability issues. Glad I'm not alone though.

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So, how is it? does this issue happen only on 32bit OS?

So far i know about approx. 20 computers (which differ in HW, including gfx card maker/type) which does NOT have this problem for sure - all of them running Windows 7 64bit.

btw. anyone tried using different memory allocator? does it make any difference?

(more info in your Arma3 DLL folder: c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Dll\readme.txt)

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  5133p39 said:
btw. anyone tried using different memory allocator? does it make any difference?

Good point. Definitely worth trying different allocators.

  5133p39 said:
So, how is it? does this issue happen only on 32bit OS?

Unclear. Probably not.

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  5133p39 said:
So, how is it? does this issue happen only on 32bit OS?

So far i know about approx. 20 computers (which differ in HW, including gfx card maker/type) which does NOT have this problem for sure - all of them running Windows 7 64bit.

btw. anyone tried using different memory allocator? does it make any difference?

(more info in your Arma3 DLL folder: c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Dll\readme.txt)

Just checked with my friend, he's on 32bit (Unclear which windows OS)

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  MadDogX said:
Unclear. Probably not.
Well, the problem with that poll might be that MAYBE many votes are not about this issue.

I wouldn't be surprised if there would be lots of votes from people who just got low FPS, but not due to this issue, but only because their HW isn't powerful enough to run Altis (much bigger, more detailed => more strain on HW) with similar/same FPS as Stratis?

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