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i was wondering what exactly would have to be modified. ("In both technical and artistic reasons.")

First of all, caribou uses arma2's objects. All of those objects would need to be converted for A3. With *converting* I don't just mean "move this addon here to there", but to have them in equal quality and function level as arma3's default content is. (<- technical & artistic reasons)

Second, Caribou is made for A2, A2 shaders in mind. Caribou just doesn't look the way I would want it to look in A3. A3 version would need a totally new satellite image, textures, clutter and so on... (<- artistic reasons)

Third, my way of doing level design is to create a whole, finalized product and then move on. I rarely come back to my old works, as I feel they may loose that *something* which makes them look good in my eyes... (<- a bit crazy artistic reasons)

But in this ^ I might bend if a good reason is given (like godlike new terrain tools for A3 (very unlikely I fear)).


I'll be doing new a3 terrains when there are *a bit* more interesting nature content in the game (made by bohemia / me / community). Unfortunately objects found in Altis aren't very inspiring...

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on the technical side: i guess its still a bit unclear how backward compability or forward porting will be resolved?

on the quality: why would it need a new satelite image, too low resolution as it is now? (just curious), one thing i feel about arma2 content of the quality level of caribou: aside from too many unenterable buildings the content of the terrain itself and the vegetation has no or little significant quality deficit compared to altis/stratis and the question if the shaders are better or worse might be a bit subjective (in general). My feeling is that id like to cherrypick the a2co terrains that are still within a desireable range of quality and enjoy them with the advancements that arma3 made (if we assume that shaders are subjective, for me at least the infantry movement is indisputably supreme to a2 and a good reason to choose this plattform for pvp over a2co), otherwise it would be a pitty to have quite a repertiore on spectacular and fit terrains obsolete and lost to the past.

on artistic reasons: i can fully understand that you are following your personal frame of quality, artistic expression and imagination for your end product, thats perfectly reasonable.

in case you are interessted, i have been playing around with arma3 island shaders and skyboxes a bit (e.g. i made the skycolor tweak for a2 terrains that is now included in AiA) and i came to the conclusions that it should be possible to achieve an authentic lighting setting for arma2, basicly only by tweaking the regarding lightingshaders color palettes and light intensity. I also combined a2 sky textures with 3d clouds and some results where stunning! Im just implying that since you must have put a lot of work into the map, it might be worth a consideration to put some little extra effort into tweaking and porting if the result could become something new and maybe not worse than the original product and the extra work is of reasonable proportions.

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Yes, I'm sure that satisfactory settings for A3 version of the island is possible to find. But I really can't make any final conclusions about the subject w/o seeing A3 tools first, and carefully investigating the affects of the conversion.

I'd love to see Caribou in A3, but it must be done with A3's rules and feel.

So right now we just need to wait a bit longer...

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Yeah until A3 tools are released we're all waiting to update our mods! :cool:

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Thank you for this amazing map. Ive spent so long just wondering around! There is one ambient sound on the island that made me think Predator was stalking me though O_O

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Thank you for this amazing map. Ive spent so long just wondering around! There is one ambient sound on the island that made me think Predator was stalking me though O_O

omg, maybe there are Predators? :eek:

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You know, A2 had plenty of zombie mods which are boring. Too bad we never had an alien invasion mod. Sort of like this

A javelin against a big alien walker = dart effect hehe.

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Still seems to be an issue with GPS not working, at least in the mission "Arms Dealer" (not sure who made it). Additionally, in this mission we destroyed 3 missiles, but the "Destroy Missiles" action never completed. Also, no other missiles were able to be found.

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Still seems to be an issue with GPS not working, at least in the mission "Arms Dealer" (not sure who made it). Additionally, in this mission we destroyed 3 missiles, but the "Destroy Missiles" action never completed. Also, no other missiles were able to be found.

Played on a dedicated server. The same GPS problem was also on Vanha's missions but he was able to fix it.

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Still seems to be an issue with GPS not working, at least in the mission "Arms Dealer" (not sure who made it). Additionally, in this mission we destroyed 3 missiles, but the "Destroy Missiles" action never completed. Also, no other missiles were able to be found.

Lufti's mission. The missiles are there. Did you check the second level of containers? (use construction stand for climbing). They might be a bit tricky to find...

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Lufti's mission. The missiles are there. Did you check the second level of containers? (use construction stand for climbing). They might be a bit tricky to find...

No, I don't think we did... How many missiles are there?

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No, I don't think we did... How many missiles are there?

I don't remember exactly, maybe 5? Just check every container on the yard.

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Hi Raunhofer,

Some time ago I used to bug you (unsuccessfully ;)) about releasing an updated version of Thirsk, and here I go again, this time asking you to reconsider releasing a pondless version of Caribou island so that it can be used in A3 with AiA.

I did read your exchange with Fabio earlier here, and I do understand your reasons for not working on a proper port, but perhaps you'll reconsider your decision and release a working/playable (without the floating pond bug) version, an "as is"/"hotfix" release that would not be feature complete (shaders and so on) but that would at least allow A3 players to enjoy your addon without the game-breaking bug. Sure, it would not have the ponds and you'd compromise on your vision, but I'm afraid that A3 won't see the island at all otherwise. Pretty please :)

If you are too busy to look into that, would you mind granting permission (to me or a more capable and willing person) to remove the ponds from the island (to be clear: a permission that would not extend beyond fixing the floating pond bug)?

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speak of the devil, while i was testing a new lighting config on some terrains, by accident, i notied that the pondline wasnt there anymore on caribou, but only when i load a certain set of mods (all mods i have lol), by that occasion i could enjoy the map a lot, very nice!




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How can I install this on a hosted dedicated server (NFO Servers)?


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You have to upload the mod files/folder via FTP to your gameserver then adjust the command line parameters to load the map on server start. Your provider should have instructions on how to do this or check Terox's excellent server thread:


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You have to upload the mod files/folder via FTP to your gameserver then adjust the command line parameters to load the map on server start. Your provider should have instructions on how to do this or check Terox's excellent server thread:


Unfortunately, the host can't offer any help.

I uploaded the files to the "expansion\addons\" folder.

I guess, all I have to do now, is know what the startup command should be. I take it, it's something like "-mod=arma2;expansion;"

If so, does anyone know what the rest of it should look like?

There are four "caribou*.pbo" files. Which one is the one to load in the startup?

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Create a folder called @CaribouFrontier

Create a sub folder of that called Addons

Move all the caribou .pbo files and .bisign files to the @CaribouFrontier\Addons folder

If there is a .bikey file move it to your server's \Keys folder

Add @CaribouFrontier to your -mod line

Profit!! :p

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Create a folder called @CaribouFrontier

Create a sub folder of that called Addons

Move all the caribou .pbo files and .bisign files to the @CaribouFrontier\Addons folder

If there is a .bikey file move it to your server's \Keys folder

Add @CaribouFrontier to your -mod line

Profit!! :p

Thanks Savage! I followed your instructions. Then I rebooted my server (hosted on NFO).

But when I try to run the game on my computer (I already have the Caribou Frontier expansion checked, enabled),

I get a long winded message about deleting a bunch of "dayz epoch" files, in order to play this.

Do I have to disable the Epoch expansion before being able to play Caribou Frontier?

And, what's the difference between Caribou Frontier, and DayZ Epoch Caribou?

Is that just the Caribou map for epoch?

Thanks in advance.:)

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Yes you will need to disable Dayz stuff on your client as your server is not setup for Dayz and is probably kicking you for having it loaded. You could also disable verifySignatures in your server.cfg file (which would turn off the mod-checking feature) however I do not recommend it for security reasons. Besides you are better to not run DayZ stuff unless you are actually playing on a DayZ server.

I'm not sure what the differences are between the two I have not played DayZ since it was still a small mod. I assume DayZ versions are modified somewhat to better support the mod.

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