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Parachutes shouldn't take the ability to use a backpack away!

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A big issue I found with parachutes currently is that putting on a parachute removes any ability to carry a backpack. This needs to be adress by the full game or shortly after. When you equipt a parachute, your backpack should be placed on your chest or other part of your body as in real life. With the current situation in game, parachutes are rarely used because of this issue.

Link to issue: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12334 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10651

Edited by ProGamer

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It's possible i guess. Wonder how troublesome it would be to implement though. They could also make the parachute harder to control if you do that because of the weight.

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I agree, this would be a nice feature. And it would look very tacticool. :)

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Guess then you would have to loose your chest rig instead??

Or then BIS would have to put in an additional slot for you to add the chute to your body?

Presume the most logical option is to make the parachute an item with no size value which could then be placed in your existing backpack or chest rig to be disposed of as a one time jump??

Just my 2p :)

And just seen someones suggested it already in the FBT :)

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Or you just can do it WW2 fallschirmjaeger style, jump out of the aircraft just with your chute, then scramble to your weapon box on the ground... But yeah, we need a backpack slot and special equipment slot (rebreathers/chute/ anything else?)

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When they do this, they have the backpack between their legs. Once the parachute deploys, they pull a wire so the backpack is dangling 2-3m or so below their legs.

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Yes, like kylania stated here we finally got the HALO thing squared away (for now).

Hopefully this will be officially supported in the full release next month.

Make sure you read all the way through the entire thread as there were other issues, updates,

and different styles of the setup. I prefer to start in the air (until bigger planes are ported

over), but most seem to prefer starting on the ground and implementing a MP/spawn setup.

Another teaser:

<a  href=http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5547/9467148565_50dde5f3e8_o.jpg' alt='9467148565_50dde5f3e8_o.jpg'> HALO_Project1 by richardvonquest, on Flickr[/img]

Edited by Goblin
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Make it 6 meters of rope that a gear Container is attached to that's the distance you need to not smash to fast into the ground...nobody is able to parachute in full Infanrty gear. Paras use quite light and spartanic gear. Tat's why heavy gear including big rucksacks of more than the 35L daypacks have to be dropped separately. often in ctrates. 30kg is the Maximum you can put on that Extender rope...anything more and the chute gets to small.

Edited by Beagle

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I have jumped full c.e.f.o ( combat equipped fighting order) and it is ***** amazing, fast, scary, cool. Didnt know that mod existed, thanks guys.

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They could dev it so you can put you're back pack insie the parachute so when you land its a case of just swapping out back pack for shoot?

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