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[SP]Dynamic Universal War System (DUWS alpha0.1)

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Yes thanks...please just get it at my steam workshop for now.

Yes, was able to get it. Thanks a lot. However, I'm facing a new problem. Everything seems to be fine until I unlock armory and use armory vas. It seems that I can't take any weapons from it. As a matter of fact, when I open VAS, I can't do anything with it. What seems to be the problem? Thanks in advance.

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support is over at the steam workshop (common questions forum)...just make sure you read the rules and do not post about any issues that cannot be reproduced with zero mods/addons enabled.

That being said, it sounds to me that you probably just need to learn how to use the VAS system. Most things you do not know how to use in arma can quickly and easily be found by searching on Youtube:


Edited by BigShot

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Played around quite a bit. None of the UAV terminals in the list work.

The only thing that does work is saving your loadout as a UAV operator with the UAV terminal that comes with that basic loadout and then loading that loadout up on other soldier "classes".

None of the UAV Terms work in the VA's. Same is true of the backpacks for things like mortars... I have never had any of that stuff come up to assemble at all.

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Ok...guys...this has little to nothing to do with Duws the mission...it is just how arma works...and most of what you are talking about DOES indeed work...you just need to learn how to use it. I assemble the static weapons all the time from the backpacks in the VAS...same goes for the UAV terminals which work fine in the VAS as long as you choose the correct one. If you read my post above it already states that the "VA" is the one that places the limitations upon you...do NOT use the VA (it is only there for those who asked for it)...use the VAS instead. It all works as its supposed to, trust me.

...just get the first terminal from the "VAS" into your inventory, then buy a darter from bottom of the requests menu...done.

Edited by BigShot

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Is it possible to increase the size of bases ? Or are they the size they are due to some other limitation (like randomly finding smooth ground) ?

Is there a way to download your modified version outside of steam ? TBH I cannot even find where steam puts this.

Edited by thefinn

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Is it possible (or necessary) to add MCC's GAIA script to DUWS? I'm not sure if there is something already like it built into DUWS--mainly the GAIA part--but having an AI "commander" with all the features I've seen with the limited time I've had with the MCC addon (I just started tinkering with it) would make the AI extremely awesome. I'm playing your mission with it now using the MCC console and just manually adding everything to GAIA with the little MCC console button, but that gets tiresome and reveals all the AI's locations. I'm wondering if the GAIA functionality can be built into your mission using something like this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183056-Mission-Template-Stand-Alone-GAIA-Make-missions-FAST-by-using-MCC-GAIA-engine

Apologies if this has been asked before, I've been searching for more info and answers all evening and haven't found anything.

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I am familiar with MCC as it is a good cheating tool for helping mission makers with things that they have to test many times over...but I am not familiar with that GAIA stuff. After reading that link you posted, however, it seems to me that Duws Modified already does all of that already (except for the caching part and not having access to the cheating interface of MCC). So I dont see how it would change anything about the mission. Maybe you need to play the mission some more to know it better?...not sure really.

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Bigshot, AFAIK, DUWS is far from implementing the high level AI system included in GAIA.

The cool things is that is extremly easy to give a group to GAIA to managed it.

Example (with "zmarkerstr10" being the marker):

_group = [getMarkerPos "zmarkerstr10", EAST , (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup ;
_group setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["zmarkerstr10","MOVE"]];

In DUWS, IIRC, you need to make the list of markers global (I don't think it is by default) to be able to reuse them later in the different sqf spawning opfor.

GAIA can be included through the MCC addon or as sqf to be integrated directly in the mission file.

Of course, if you want GAIA to use its "advanced" support features (artillery and transportation), this kind of units needs to spawned by DUWS.

At one time I toyed with the idea to create a DUWS/GAIA version but my inability to understand how marker are really working in Arma stopped me in my dreams :)

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well again...what does it actually do that duws does not? All that explains is that it uses the standard spawned AI and assign it waypoints...which is what duws already does, except duws is alot more dynamic about the way it assigned waypoints/where it assigns them and when...and to who/when. So why would I want to install a simple spawn system that seems inferior to whats already in the mission? There must be something more special about it I'll assume for arguments sake. Anyway adding more AI will only hurt duws, not help. You would have to do an entire rewrite for it to work well inside the scope/s of duws.

Perhaps you could explain something it offers that duws does not?...If it's a feature that's something not already there in duws and that interests me...you never know...im all ears but just don't have the time to install and play with that stuff myself right now because im knee deep in duws code.

PS - im not really into instant spawning stuff for free...that doesnt do anything for the mission but make it a cheat. If it provides genuine services that are not cheating and are NEW (not already in duws) then please elaborate so I can better understand. Thanks guys

Edited by BigShot

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Sorry, I didn't explain that quite correctly...the MCC addon has a separate aspect of high level AI control that acts like a brain to command HC AI units as if a player was playing ArmA strictly as an RTS. This includes reinforcing, flanking, support, and defensive movements/actions (and more) for each AI group/unit under GAIA's control. When using MCC with DUWS, you can open the MCC console and click all AI units in high command and "give" them to GAIA to command. They become autonomous and objective oriented to obtain a single goal, in DUWS case it'd be capture or defend the generated zones. The MCC cheat console isn't needed for GAIA to be implemented, as far as I can understand (I'm not an ArmA 3 mission maker)...with that link/template in my post GAIA functionality can be built into the mission itself, not as an addon.

I agree that spawning stuff for free is not cool and would completely ruin the experience. That's not what I've been using MCC for. I've only been using it for GAIA's feature set, but it becomes cumbersome to constantly have to go into the console and give GAIA every new unit that spawns, plus that reveals enemy units' locations and ruins the immersion/surprise for me. Sometimes I want to get a small 4 man squad and just follow the DUWS spawned Task Force squads so that I can enjoy the combat/scenery instead of micro-manage my own assaults. GAIA is perfect for this and it's a dedicated AI commanding feature set that seems much more fleshed out than the DUWS AI command set...not to say that DUWS isn't a beautiful piece of work, it's literally a game changer and the only way I play Arma now. Also note that adding GAIA wouldn't take away functionality, as when you manually assign a command to a HC squad GAIA automatically relinquishes control...so players that do want to micro-manage still can.

So it's not the MCC cheat console that my question is about, it's the implementation of a higher level feature set for AI unit commanding that GAIA affords...which is modular to the MCC addon and can be used independent of the MCC cheat console.

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I'd like more details...hit me up on Steam with a friend request so we can chat more about it on voice over there, instead of here on the forums...

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@AbortedMan: there's an MCC settings telling GAIA to take control of all units. I don't know if it's working in DUWS but it's worth to try it.

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@AbortedMan: there's an MCC settings telling GAIA to take control of all units. I don't know if it's working in DUWS but it's worth to try it.

Yeah, I've tried that but it doesn't seem to work (there is no [G] next to the unit when viewing through the MCC console to signify it belongs to GAIA, not sure if that matters when using that "catch all" setting, though). I'm not sure if GAIA is catching the spawned units properly...even the ones spawned from MCC as a test.

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Yeah, I've tried that but it doesn't seem to work (there is no [G] next to the unit when viewing through the MCC console to signify it belongs to GAIA, not sure if that matters when using that "catch all" setting, though). I'm not sure if GAIA is catching the spawned units properly...even the ones spawned from MCC as a test.

EDIT: Did some research...that feature only assigns attack orders to units that are not specifically given to GAIA, so it's a pretty limited feature set when handled this way. No patrols, support, reinforcing or flanking orders.

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There's a bunch of changes/additions and also some fixes so please make sure to read through the change notes on the Workshop very carefully as well as taking your time re-reading the in-game manual which has been updated.

New As of November 08th, 2014: version 1.75:

- New: official FFV (fire from vehicles) is now active for the following vehicles in Duws Modified:

1. CH67 Chopper

2. Mi290 Chopper

3. MH-9 Chopper

4. UH80 GhostHawk Chopper

5. M-900 Civilian Mini Copter

5. Off-road truck

6. HEMTT Transport

- New: official BIS DLC added:

1. additional Helo Taxi support options avialable to unlock in the Requests menu: Mi290 Taru Bench Taxi, CH-67 Taxi w/animated door/ramp sequence, MH-9 Taxi(not DLC).

2. new sling loading CH-67 transport chopper now available for purchase via the requests menu.

3. new sling loading Mi-290 chopper now available for purchase via the requests menu at HQ & FOBs.

4. new M-900 Civilian Mini Copter now available for purchase via the requests menu at HQ & FOBs.

- New: Recon Camera System available as a new Support Unlock in your Requests menu. Basically a 60 second free-roam camera that lets you view any location on the map that you wish with a 5 minute wait period in between uses. 10cp to unlock/5cp per use/175AP required for camera to function. See in-game manual for details.

- Improved: Restructring & partial rewrite of all Warcom scripts (including the AI Limiter) for better balance of armor, air assets and troops as AP & Time increases. You'll now see enemy attack aircraft at lower AP and sooner than before (150ap+ needed for attack aircraft to spawn for either side), but no more armor and aircraft cluster frucking after 2+ hours since there is now a cap on how many armor,aircraft and troops will autospawn into the mission. The AI limiter cap has been increased a little so fortifying FOBs should be easier now if the AI Limiter is enabled.

- Improved: Tweaked "Assassinate Officer" side-mission so it's more challenging and notifications work with MP.

- Improved: Tweaked "Sabotage" side-mission so it's a bit more challenging and notifications work with MP.

- Improved: Tweaked the Gorgon & Do-or-Die missions so the time-bombs can be defused by any player (previously only worked for the host).

- Fixed: Rescue side-mission's trigger was accidentally broken...now the troops you rescue will join your group as they should.

- Changed: "Do or Die" side-mission's AO size has now been moderately increased for a better challenge, although the area is still not as large as when it was originally introduced into Duws.

- Fixed: "Do or Die" side-mission now fixed/adjusted so it still functions & ends correctly when played with the new mission-end parameter if officer gets killed during that side-mission.

- Fixed: logic bug in support unlocking/re-locking which caused 0-8 menu stacking when re-locking certain items before they returned to the 0-8 menu after use. After using a support you must now wait until that support is returned back to the 0-8 menu before you can re-lock it and receive a refund.

- Fixed: group halo bug cuasing various issues when using it with human players joined in the same group together (the group at bottom of unit selection screen). Works perfect now.

- New: added action "Detonate Taxi" which appears in yor action menu after you call one of the chopper taxi's. Chopper will self destruct on a 5 second hint timer with its use and taxi service will return to 0-8 menu if you need to re-call it. Usage is intended for times when taxi chopper gets unexpetedly "stuck" or "broken" and you need to recall it again.

- Changed: changed name of the "Request Units" menu to "Requests Menu" (makes more sense since you can do and request alot more than just units here, its really the heart of the entire mission).

- Changed: some of the mission start screen 'defaults' have been changed to now offer better spread & balanced play when using default settings.

- Fixed: some rpt errors introduced from recent game patches have been squahed.

- Duws in-game manual updated.

Get it at my Steam Workshop...just SUBSCRIBE & Have Fun!!


Edited by BigShot

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yo can we get rhs escalation for this that'd be cool Aas fuck

Good idea as it's the first real faction with all the required assets (ie troops, armors and choppers).

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Will the Virtual Ammobox system be replaced with the Virtual Arsenal anytime soon? Or did I miss something in the thread?

Edited by Victruso

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The Escalation mod I will not decide upon until it has had more time to evolve. As it stands right now it has too little vehicle content that is really different than what we've already got in vanilla (as far as the nato stuff anyway). I will wait and see how it matures before deciding one way or the other.

Anyone remember who did the RACS mod for Arma2?...and if they have converted it to Arma3?...that used to be my vehicle mod of choice in A2.

@Victruso - you have much catching up to do with your reading and playing duws :-)...sounds like you are at least a few updates behind.

Edited by BigShot

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Bigshot, don't hold your breath waiting a conversion...

Any chance this will be ported to ArmA 3? I'm a sincere fan of this mod and would love to see it evolve. Thanks
No. Unfortunately i will not participate in the filthy, disgusting, lousy, and abortive mess that arma3 is. Plus i hold a lot of contempt towards the Steam gimme now crowd the community has become.

This post is only a month old.

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The Escalation mod I will not decide upon until it has had more time to evolve. As it stands right now it has too little vehicle content that is really different than what we've already got in vanilla. I will wait and see how it matures before deciding one way or the other.

Anyone remember who did the RACS mod for Arma2?...and if they have converted it to Arma3?...that used to be my vehicle mod of choice in A2.

@Victruso - you have much catching up to do with your reading and playing duws :-)...sounds like you are at least a few updates behind.

I had a feeling...

I just had that feeling.

Anyway, thanks for the reply, I'll start looking deeper into threads from now on.

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... I'll start looking deeper into threads from now on.

You can start with this one---> (all duws players: keep an eye out for santa's sled come xmas eve :p )

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could use a couple players tonight to help me test a few things in MP for v1.8...give me a shout out quickly, either here or on steam if you're interested.

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