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[SP]Dynamic Universal War System (DUWS alpha0.1)

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i have a dedicated server and i cant use this mod because im not the ( host ) im the owner i rent a sever and the admin should have the ability to do hq stuff as well for if im not loged in and my friends want to join because i have to be a admin on the serve too theres nothing elss i can be i would love to use the mod so if you would please try to make this request happen i would love it

It's a big overhaul I am looking into modding now...it's kind of a pain though.

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I've got a noob question.

I didn't capture a zone yet but I'm doing side missions.

My question is how I can get ammo.

Only with the supply drop? There is not everything I need...

So, where I can get an ammo box with all weapons?

Sorry for my English.

Best regards.

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I've got a noob question.

I didn't capture a zone yet but I'm doing side missions.

My question is how I can get ammo.

Only with the supply drop? There is not everything I need...

So, where I can get an ammo box with all weapons?

Sorry for my English.

Best regards.

You need to access the Armory (Red coloured option) either by pointing at your commanding officer and scrolling with the mouse wheel or if I'm not mistaken even the at supply box (the one that you get air dropped).

---------- Post added at 11:52 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ----------

Nice to see the 'manual placement of HQ' bug removed.

A few suggestions for the next version:

1. Buyable Tank platoons, Tank sections, SP gun Platoons and sections and also the MLRS section.

2. Task Forces to have more variety rather than just Mech infantry. Tank Platoons, etc. might be a nice addition to TF types.

3. Ability to buy speedboats, if near a medium to large sized port or jetty.

4. UAVs should be available, especially when occupying an airbase or just the ground UAVs.

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Thank you very much.

I didn't see this.

Another question.

Is it possible to use the laser designator together with the JDAM or something else?

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Only with the supply drop? There is not everything I need...

The supply drop uses the VAS. It should contains every weapon, ammo and equipment item.

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You have to unlock the armory first. Then newly dropped supply crates will have the VAS.

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I have been running this mission with my m8s for the past few days and man is it addicting. I have added in ALLINARMA + TMR and some other goodies, So we can play it on cherno. I also edited the recruit vehicle script to produce a mix of A2 and A3 vehicles. Cherno Shines in the A3 Engine.

Anyone who gets this working on dedicated will be my hero. Please let me know ASAP.

Kudos to the mission creator.

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Just played 4hour and finaly won war on Altis. Great mission. One problem I encountered is transport heli support needs some failsafe fallback as in once case after landing on LZ after pickup noting happens and heli never became available again, next once it took alt and stay in hover and last once we got shotdown and autorotate landed, squad and crew survived. Heli crew left heli and heli support was never available again. Beside that great mission.

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I have a small request which I think will improve this mission 100-fold: PLEASE make the Squad Manager accessible anywhere, rather than just at the headquarters, it is annoying when I need to micromanage my high command divisions and to force mobile infantry squads to dismount their vehicles. I want to be able to do this everywhere.

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Its such a shame but I can no longer play this mission because of the AI fail bug.

Question to those who can successfully play through the mission: do you use any mods/scripts or addons?

General question: does anyone know of any mods that may help with AI processing?

I'm quite knew to using community created content and haven't tried any extra mods yet.

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Alright, Bit of an issue.

I am incorperating BTC revive into this. Unfortunatley, if a member of your team cannot come to your pos you must respawn. If you choose to respawn at base, it puts you into the ocean.

I have defined base as the following without success: _hqblu , and PosOfBLUHQ

What is the actual name of the base that i need to use in the BTC script...i cannot for the life of me find it.

Thanks Ki

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Alright, Bit of an issue.

I am incorperating BTC revive into this. Unfortunatley, if a member of your team cannot come to your pos you must respawn. If you choose to respawn at base, it puts you into the ocean.

I have defined base as the following without success: _hqblu , and PosOfBLUHQ

What is the actual name of the base that i need to use in the BTC script...i cannot for the life of me find it.

Thanks Ki

Your better off asking that on the BTC Revive forum thread.

I actually implemented the BTC revive system, but ended up taking it out in favor of a revive system that works for SP and MP.

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So i made some changes, using clients AI settings seems to be working so far atleast in Singleplayer.

Also removed some options like infantry special training(since i dont know if it will actually effect anything at all since the settings is from the client)

AI difficulty at startup (since you can define it yourself in options/cfg)

Still needs some more testing tho, not sure if it will actually work in MP i guess the host can define the difficulty and stuff.

Gonna do some more testing tonight

Thanks kibot for the awesome mod keep up the great work :)

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Your better off asking that on the BTC Revive forum thread.

I actually implemented the BTC revive system, but ended up taking it out in favor of a revive system that works for SP and MP.

I got it working, its nice nice. Now to see what we can do about getting it working as dedicated via pre populated config.

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Another nooby question.

How can I play on Stratis when I subscribed DUWS on Steam?

Where is the .pbo I have to rename?

Edited by dfsgdcfa

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Hi Kibot! There's a lot of code repetition going on in the request_vehicle.sqf file, so I broke down the logic and compacted the code quite a bit. Instead of the switch-do performing the same branches over and over again, all the switch-do does is assign variables, and then the very bottom of the script handles the execution. As a bonus feature, because the vehicles list was getting a bit long, I sorted it in order of cost and added "dummy" lines to the selection box that help organise the information (and do nothing when clicked).

Note that I hacked it a bit to include a couple new unit types -- specifically both the open and covered HEMTT trucks (the covered truck has a nice cloth canopy over it), as well as the Warfare-style repair/refuel/ammo trucks (I wanted to salvage one of our MBTs that lost a track in the field but was otherwise fine, but couldn't because there's no repair functionality built into the scenario for recovering vehicles (only vehicle refit at a base)). Since the repair trucks in particular are rather gamey, if you didn't want them you'd have to remove that part of the request.sqf and adjust the switch-do order as normal to accommodate the new "case" numbers in request_vehicle.sqf, but the new format is so much cleaner and more compact in my not-so-humble opinion, so it shouldn't be too difficult to make the switch -- or to add new vehicles anytime you like, in case they introduce a few more vehicles during the Fight and Win episodes. =)

Next on my list is coming up with the simple ammo drops request I specified earlier -- where you get a single ammo box containing a single package of necessary items, such as Titan AT rockets since the only way to get more of those presently is to abuse the Armory system.


                                                            // case #

 _handle = createDialog "ressourceheader";  
 waitUntil {dialog};
 ctrlSetText [1000, format["%1",commandpointsblu1]];
 ctrlSetText [1001, format["%1",zoneundercontrolblu]];
 ctrlSetText [1002, format["%1",WARCOM_blufor_ap]];

// UNITS  
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "Rifleman (2CP)"];                  // 0
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "Grenadier (3CP)"];                 // 1
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "Automatic Rifleman (3CP)"];        // 2
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "AT Rifleman (3CP)"];               // 3
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "Medic (4CP)"];                     // 4
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "AA Specialist (4CP)"];             // 5
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "Repair Specialist (4CP)"];         // 6 
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "AT Specialist (4CP)"];             // 7
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "SF Diver (3CP)"];                  // 8 
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "Marksman (3CP)"];                  // 9 
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "Sniper (4CP)"]; 	                 // 10 	
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "Spotter (3CP)"];                   // 11	
   _index = lbAdd [2100, "Explosive Specialist (4CP)"];      // 12	

 lbSetCurSel [2100, 0];

   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "Fireteam (8CP)"];                   // 0
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "Rifle Squad (16CP)"];               // 1
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "Weapons Squad (18CP)"];             // 2
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "AT Team (12CP)"];                   // 3
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "AA Team (15CP)"];                   // 4
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "SF Recon Team (12CP)"];             // 5
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "SF Recon Squad (20CP)"];            // 6
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "Divers Team (12CP)"];               // 7
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "Sniper Team (8CP)"];                // 8
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "Medical Team (10CP)"];              // 9
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "Motorized Scouts (28CP)"];          // 10
   _index0 = lbAdd [2101, "Mechanized Squad (46CP)"];          // 11
 lbSetCurSel [2101, 0];

   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "-- Light Vehicles --"];            // 0 (dummy)
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "ATV (1CP)"];                       // 1
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "Hunter Unarmed (5CP)"];            // 2
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "Hunter HMG (18CP)"];               // 3
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "Hunter GMG (25CP)"];               // 4
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "-- Trucks --"];                    // 5 (dummy)
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "HEMTT Open Transport (2CP)"];      // 6
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "HEMTT Covered Transport (3CP)"];   // 7
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "HEMTT Fuel (10CP)"];               // 8
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "HEMTT Ammo (25CP)"];               // 9
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "HEMTT Repair (35CP)"];             // 10
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "-- Armoured Vehicles --"];         // 11 (dummy)
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "CRV-6e Bobcat (28CP)"];            // 12
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "IFV-6c Cheetah (30CP)"];           // 13
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "AMV-7 Marshall (35CP)"];           // 14
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "IFV-6c Panther (35CP)"];           // 15
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "M2A1 Slammer (55CP)"];             // 16
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "-- Transport Helicopters --"];     // 17 (dummy)
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "MH-9 Hummingbird (15CP)"];         // 18
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "MH-80 Ghosthawk (22CP)"];          // 19
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "-- Attack Helicopters --"];        // 20 (dummy)
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "AH-9 Pawnee (40CP)"];              // 21
   _index1 = lbAdd [2102, "AH-99 Blackfoot (75CP)"];          // 22

 lbSetCurSel [2102, 0];

// Supports  !!! CHECK TO ADD AT INIT
             index_support_supply = lbAdd [2103, "Supply drop (5CP)"];                // 0
             index_support_arty = lbAdd [2103, "Artillery strike (20CP)"];            // 1
             index_support_mortar = lbAdd [2103, "Mortar strike (10CP)"];             // 2
             index_support_paradrop = lbAdd [2103, "Airborne troops (20CP)"];         // 3
             index_support_jdam = lbAdd [2103, "JDAM strike (15CP)"];                 // 4
             index_support_armory = lbAdd [2103, "Armory (8CP)"];                     // 5
             index_support_pFLIR = lbAdd [2103, "Personal FLIR display (20CP)"];      // 6
             index_support_uavrecon = lbAdd [2103, "UAV Recon (10CP)"];               // 7
             index_support_refit = lbAdd [2103, "Vehicle Refit (3CP)"];               // 8
             index_support_helotaxi = lbAdd [2103, "Helicopter Taxi (3CP)"];          // 9
             index_support_cluster = lbAdd [2103, "Mk.20 II CBU (25CP)"];             // 10
		  index_support_training = lbAdd [2103, "Specialized Infantry training (20CP)"];//11
		  index_support_boattaxi = lbAdd [2103, "Boat Taxi (2CP)"];				  //12			

//  lbSetCurSel [2103, 0];

        if (support_supplydrop_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 0, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_arty_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 1, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_mortar_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 2, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_paradrop_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 3, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_jdam_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 4, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_armory_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 5, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_pflir_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 6, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_uav_recon_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 7, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_veh_refit_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 8, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_helotaxi_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 9, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_cluster_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 10, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
        if (support_specialized_training_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 11, [0, 1, 0, 1]];
         if (support_boattaxi_available) then 
             lbSetColor [2103, 12, [0, 1, 0, 1]];


_index = lbCurSel 2102;

_spawnPos = getpos hq_blu1;
_spawnPos = [(_spawnPos select 0)+20, _spawnPos select 1];

_unitCost = 0;
_unitClass = "";
_unitName = "";

switch (_index) do {
case 0: {objNull}; // -- Light Vehicles --
case 1:	{_unitName = "ATV";
	_unitCost = 1;
	_unitClass = "B_Quadbike_01_F";
case 2: {_unitName = "Hunter (Unarmed)";
	_unitCost = 5;
	_unitClass = "B_MRAP_01_F";
case 3: {_unitName = "Hunter HMG";
	_unitCost = 18;
	_unitClass = "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F";
case 4: {_unitName = "Hunter GMG";
	_unitCost = 25;
	_unitClass = "B_MRAP_01_gmg_F";

case 5: {objNull}; // -- Trucks --
case 6: {_unitName = "HEMTT Open Transport";
	_unitCost = 2;
	_unitClass = "B_Truck_01_transport_F";
case 7: {_unitName = "HEMTT Covered Transport";
	_unitCost = 3;
	_unitClass = "B_Truck_01_covered_F";
case 8: {_unitName = "HEMTT Fuel Truck";
	_unitCost = 10;
	_unitClass = "B_Truck_01_fuel_F";
case 9: {_unitName = "HEMTT Ammo Truck";
	_unitCost = 25;
	_unitClass = "B_Truck_01_ammo_F";
case 10: {_unitName = "HEMTT Repair Truck";
	_unitCost = 35;
	_unitClass = "B_Truck_01_repair_F";

case 11: {objNull}; // -- Armoured Vehicles --
case 12: {_unitName = "CRV-6e Bobcat";
	_unitCost = 28;
	_unitClass = "B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F";
case 13: {_unitName = "IFV-6c Cheetah";
	_unitCost = 30;
	_unitClass = "B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F";
case 14: {_unitName = "AMV-7 Marshall";
	_unitCost = 35;
	_unitClass = "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F";
case 15: {_unitName = "IFV-6c Panther";
	_unitCost = 35;
	_unitClass = "B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F";
case 16: {_unitName = "M2A1 Slammer";
	_unitCost = 55;
	_unitClass = "B_MBT_01_cannon_F";

case 17: {objNull}; // -- Transport Helicopters --
case 18: {_unitName = "MH-9 Hummingbird";
	_unitCost = 15;
	_unitClass = "B_Heli_Light_01_F";
case 19: {_unitName = "MH-80 Ghosthawk";
	_unitCost = 22;
	_unitClass = "B_Heli_Transport_01_F";

case 20: {objNull}; // -- Attack Helicopters --
case 21: {_unitName = "AH-9 Pawnee";
	_unitCost = 40;
	_unitClass = "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F";
case 22: {_unitName = "AH-99 Blackfoot";
	_unitCost = 75;
	_unitClass = "B_Heli_Attack_01_F";

}; //end switch

if(_unitClass != "") then {
if (commandpointsblu1 >= _unitCost) then {
	_vehic = _unitClass createVehicle _spawnPos;
	commandpointsblu1 -= _unitCost;
	ctrlSetText [1000, format["%1",commandpointsblu1]];
	hint (_unitName + " has been delivered!");
else {
	hint "Not enough command points to acquire " + _unitName + ".";
}; //end if _unitClass != ""

publicVariable "commandpointsblu1";
//hint format["index: %1",_index];

Edited by jtgibson
Whoops! Forgot to actually deduct the CP cost in the final block. Otherwise this is tested and working fine. One quick fix.

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Yeah so the AI still fucked up after a long while, gonna look thrue the error log more tommorow too tired right now, also noticed my FPS going from 30 to 10 right before the AI stopped working.

Also tried manually defining AI/difficulty/skill settings for my team and use the game settings for the other and they still stop at the same time, also the bug usually happens between 5-7 fobs and 4-5 areas taken, with or without requested squad members (default settings except my ai/difficulty/skill settings whatever you wanna call it tests) only 2 things i unlock is armory and heli taxi most of the times.

Cant really narrow it down more atm

Also noticed while i skimmed thrue the error log radiochatter4.ogg errors ones in awhile its trying to load from a diffrent folder Cannot load sound 'missions\__cur_sp.altis\sounds\support\radiochatter4.ogg' not sure why anyway gonna do a full error log next time will continue my tests tommorow or so. :)

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This is allot of fun.

I have a couple of suggestions tho, would it be possible to have the Officer in the command post standing still, he moves about stepping forward from time to time which makes him hard to interact with and is it possible to have zones over each city as well as the random ones?

City fighting is more fun imo there is less greenery to mess up you LoS

anyhow awesome stuff.

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Can someone please tell me how I can add green-force vehicles like the strider or gorgon to kibot's DUWS

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first of all thank you for this mission. I'm a long time Arma fan but everytime a new Arma game was released I preferred to wait until its improved content would give me a reason to purchase it. That said, I was convinced it was to early for Arma 3, furthermore I still enjoyed the rich content available for Arma 2. But I tried your mission on a friend's PC, also a big Arma fan, and what I did afterwards was going home, purchase Arma 3 and download your mission.

This is kind of scenario I was waiting for since Arma 1. A dynamic war in a polished package that doesn't easily give away its artificial nature. I've tried the version 0.75 and while it's still not perfect I think it's what Arma game was made for. :)

I really hope you keep working on it! Thank you again, I can't wait for the 1.0 :)

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I'm really enjoying this mission but I have a question? The wind on this map seems quite extreme, because I'm zeroed on a target thats 800 meters, but for some reason I miss? Like my round goes 3 mil dots to the right

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I'm really enjoying this mission but I have a question? The wind on this map seems quite extreme, because I'm zeroed on a target thats 800 meters, but for some reason I miss? Like my round goes 3 mil dots to the right
Did you pay for a proper copy of the game? Apologies for raising it if so, but if not, that might well be your answer.

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It ok, Yes I did buy the game, it's in my steam profile. Is there any other reason why my rounds are so off?

EDIT: NVM found out it was the Fire-fight improvement mod

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my new problem is I can not use the support after loading the savegame when Im playing with another guy.

I have to unlock a new support everytime and then I can use the "old" supports again.

After loading a savegame there is NOTHING in the menu of communication. It is empty.

Sitrep is even not there.

Is there a workaround for this or I have to do like I wrote everytime.

The problem is, someday there wont be any supports to unlock.

Can you help me with this?

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