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[SP]Dynamic Universal War System (DUWS alpha0.1)

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How about a Selectionbox about the pattern and size of created zones across the map?

That would be pleasant. :)


Pattern 1 220px-LoveparadeLogo.svg.png

Pattern 2 400_F_3599939_dv6OG6nJyildDhbadJyHCCmIuFryfbP9.jpg

Pattern 3 moderne_grosse_kreis_muster_tucher_schwarz_weiss_geschirrtuch-r8ce767fc02a2416b8e960b4255571581_2c81h_8byvr_512.jpg

Pattern 4 (For Random) einfaches-blaues-kreis-muster-2120262.jpg

What do you think?

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Is it something in the settings, or the presence of enemy vehicles is very low. I would love to be challenged by a few vehicles. Also would love access to UAVs.

I also want to say I love your mission. I play it a lot.

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Is Kibot still active on these forums or is he "on holiday"? His last post was on the 24th of August.

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I'm not speaking for Kibot. But i talked to him yesterday late in the night and so far i know he's working on the Multiplayer Part of the Mission. So stay tuned because it will be awesome. :-)

BTW: He need's more prefabs (Camps). If you want to make one but don't now how to create one, you can contact me and i show it to you. Or i can give you at least the Links to the needed stuff. :-)

Oh and if you want vehicles increase your zone to at least 1000 meters minimum radius. If you want Helicopters too you need a minimum radius of 2000 meters.

Or you load the Zip file from armaholic and extract the directory SP_DUWSv0.6.stratis in C:\User\YourUsername\Documents\Arma3\missions\ .

Then you can rename stratis to altic, koplic or everyelse mapname you want to play on.

Now you edit the createzone.sqf in C:\User\YourUsername\Documents\Arma3\missions\SP_DUWSv0.6.stratis\initZones or SP_DUWSv0.6.altis\initZones or SP_DUWSv0.6.koplic\initZones.

Search in the File for

if (_size < 101) exitWith

Add a Line under the next found


with following

_vehcreate = ["OPF_F","armored",_trigger,_size] execVM "random_veh.sqf";
waitUntil {scriptDone _vehcreate};
     sleep 10; 

Then search for the next


and add a line before with

["OPF_F","armored",_trigger,_size] execVM "random_veh.sqf";
sleep 10;
["OPF_F","air",_trigger,_size] execVM "random_veh.sqf";

Save the File. Then start arma3, go into editor and load the mission. Click on Preview and have fun.

If you want i could send you my modded File. But beware the enemy is a little bit stronger than before. ;-)

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Thanks a lot LiveDeath. That helps.

Glad to know that development continues, but would the SP version stagnates? I enjoy this mission like no other but it's missing a few things after Altis and UAVs. I could try and add UAVs in the code but I am sure he has better plans for that.

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I'm thinking about a Heavymetal mode. Instead of Hunting Infantry you encounter armored and aired vehicles. But would you like it?

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That's not a bad idea. What's better though is to have some zones have more armor. Like a vehicle factory zone that needs a massive anti armor measures to take over. Also the longer the zone stays standing, the more the AI gets armor.

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Good ideas. I would just love to see an actual enemy presence on Altis, contacts for me are few and far between with the majority of enemy forces stuck hanging out at their respective OPs.

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Is Kibot still active on these forums or is he "on holiday"? His last post was on the 24th of August.

I'm reading all the messages, but I get quite a bit of user feedback, I can't really answer all of these (interacting with people wanting to help/testers is already taking me some time). Plus, I'm focusing on the MP port and debugging right now(wich is not really super fun), answering to all of the messages could take me a lot of time.

Just keep the feedback coming, you can be assured I read all the messages.

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I'm reading all the messages, but I get quite a bit of user feedback, I can't really answer all of these (interacting with people wanting to help/testers is already taking me some time). Plus, I'm focusing on the MP port and debugging right now(wich is not really super fun), answering to all of the messages could take me a lot of time.

Just keep the feedback coming, you can be assured I read all the messages.

Happy to hear that buddy!

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I'm reading all the messages, but I get quite a bit of user feedback, I can't really answer all of these (interacting with people wanting to help/testers is already taking me some time). Plus, I'm focusing on the MP port and debugging right now(wich is not really super fun), answering to all of the messages could take me a lot of time.

Just keep the feedback coming, you can be assured I read all the messages.

Good luck with the MP version. Always a super pain in the *ss to work out all the kinks.

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The MP part is stable and playable, I'm trying to fix a few remaining bugs, but as Delta99 said:

Always a super pain in the *ss to work out all the kinks.

That's for sure dude...

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Hello guys! Yesterday I started playing this mission and have a silly problem cuz I am quite new to A3.

How can I rearm my AI guys if they run out of ammo? For example snipers. At that crate for 5cp u do not have sniping ammo and I don't know what to do.

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Hey guys and girls,

i made a little enemy reinforcment script for Version 0.6 Singleplayer part. It adds every 10 Minutes a armored vehicle stuffed with driver and gunner in the farest zone of players HQ. It ends if the enemy has no more zones under it's control.

Just replace the existing WARCOM_init.sqf File with the file provided in the Download Link.


Edited by Livedeath

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Thanks for the script Livedeath, anything that makes this mission more enjoyable. I will give it a try.

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Been playing this. Excellent work. It's actually quite addicting.

Some thoughts:

- If you've played Men of War Assault Squad (similar to Company of Heroes), you know how they do their command points. You gain strength overtime (like DUWS) and buy assets to deploy. The other team counter-attacts in waves, so it's important to fortify your positions quickly. It'd be cool if you enhanced on the DUWS attack waves by allowing the FOB to be upgraded or for the purchase of fortified/defensive weapons/objects. Simple stuff like a gun emplacement. I've read from your previous posts that the minimum radius must be like 2km for there to be certain vehicles. Maybe incorporate that into the FOB? As you upgrade an FOB in a zone, it gives vehicle patrols, aerial patrols, etc. as you progress.

- Ability to recruit random AI friendlies. I sometimes wander across them on the map just laying there, usually from a previous AI firefight. Nothing I can do to get them to come with me at the moment. I've tried candy and strippers (my go to), no luck.

- FOB fast travel has already been covered as a request, would be nice to have the ability to request troops/assets from FOB's as well. Only fast way to get guys to cover a zone is either with an FOB or paradrop.

- This is more of a polishing suggestion for later, but it'd be awesome if the ordinance had corresponding deliveries. For example, a cluster bomb being dropped from a jet that streaks over. A gunship run (helicopter?). A JDAM being dropped from a jet. Etc.

- Gunship run support [jet] --> It'd be a support request. I could imagine it'd work by requesting with the usual click on a map. How about, for a twist, this could be done with two clicks? You click once to designate the start of the run, the second time to designate the end. This gives the direction (ie: A strafe up a valley).

Not sure if it was by design or not, but you've created a heck of a strategy FPS.

Bugs? These might be BIS AI coding, not sure.

- When requesting various fireteams, I've noticed they tend to dwindle after spawning. I'll start with like 9 guys, then it'll be 6 within a minute. The rest run off and do their own thing. This is at HQ with no enemy.

- Lots of guys spawn and complain of "no ammo".

- Is there a way to spawn helicopter pilots? I've tried putting a rifleman in the gunner seat, but they just yell out guys and never shoot (even when given the ok to fire). Is there a trick to getting the AI to open fire?

- Task forces tend to get stuck easily.

- If you take a full load of guys (7 AI + you) on a taxi, some of them will get out of the chopper on landing then disembark from your squad, the chopper will reland about 200m away, these deserters will board it and fly off. It's funny to watch, but kinda annoying. I left as a squad of 8 and arrived with 4.

Edited by KyleK29

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Behold !

The v0.7 is up, with coop support !

Keep in mind that due to the nature of the DUWS, if you want to play in MP, you must run it on a listen server, with the host actually playing.

See inside the in game manual for the MP notes for the gameplay changes.

Now that it's released, I'll go back to adding new features and refining the mechanics of it. As I've already said, the lasts weeks were only debug/fixing stuff for MP, I've had enough of this.

As always, see the first page of the topic for the changelog and the download links.

edit: By the way, can a moderator change the title of the topic so it says that the mission is also multiplayer ?

Edited by kibot

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Hi, love the mission. Still some (many) grating spelling mistakes ("dinamic", "conditionning"... etc) but whatever, you'll eventually sort those, right? Right?

More pressingly, 0.7 seems to have introduced a bug regarding high command; in that it no longer works. You can request squads for high command, and they will arrive as usual, you can even switch to high command mode and see the squads in the unit list down the bottom left of the screen, but selecting one and telling them to go somewhere yields no results. For some reason, you cannot tell them to do anything.

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I concur with the above; I can no longer give squads move orders. Regardless, this is the best mod I've played for Arma 3 so far. Hopefully, this particular bug is easy to fix. Keep up the good work.

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Should be fixed now. (version is 0.7a)

Regarding the spelling mistakes, my English is not that great, so that would nice if someone could take the time to tell me the spelling mistakes and PM me the corrections.

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that's great news Kibot thank you!

realy enjoying this

altis is the perfect terrain for generating plenty of zones.

had a great time earlier on version 0.6,took a side mission 15km away from hq...had to pass a few enemy zones to get there

got fired at by enemy while passing along the edge of one of the enemy zones and damaged my hunter trying to avoid the fire

so ended up having to travel the last 5km on foot,sneaking through enemy lines.

had a few encounters with infantry on the way!....was great fun!

#pos bug

I have a played a few times including a coop game v0.7 with a friend earlier this evening and we encountered a few enemy vehicles patrolling the zones but they never seem to engage us!

we even stood up in the open and fired at them with our rifles from a few 100m's away just to try and get them to return fire but not once have the vehicles opened fire!

Wondering if they are being spawned with just a driver in maybe?

no gunner or commander!

how about adding revive version for coop?

Edited by BiGGiBs

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Hey. i fixed some spelling mistakes and adjusted the price of the sniper squad back to 7. Otherweise a Player would buy a sniper and a spotter, tag them as yellow group and disband them to a highcommand squad. Only to safe 1 CP.

Files: gui_editor_format.txt request.hpp request.sqf request_squad.sqf

I also changed the listing in the Request menu but not the Script behind them. It's more a proposal.

File: request (changed listing).sqf

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8ko3jd7q28q0x7v/pWguZ51Tkl

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