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Drongo's Toolkit (command engine, artillery, AI, objectives, more)

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HMM, Trying out the demo missions and I get a hint when i click on command that says "No Radio"

I check my inventory and i have a radio..

Did you make any changes to the mission? What mods are you running?

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So it seems that Command loses effectiveness if an AI group already has a set of waypoints - meaning you may pull them away from their intended waypoint by issuing Move commands (usually takes a few tries) but it is impossible to get them to Halt as they want to get back to their waypoint. Im trying to give Player the option to take control of AI or let them run their own routine :)

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Not really sure about this, but maybe you could try editing DT\Command\ServerMove.sqf. Instead of using addWaypoint, use

_group move _pos

Let me know if this doesn't work.

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Yes, expect an update by the weekend. Features:

  • Integration of Beta vehicles
  • Fixed artillery dispersion
  • Dynamically generated civilians
  • Tweaks to the personal menu
  • Possibly a new command mission

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Not really sure about this, but maybe you could try editing DT\Command\ServerMove.sqf. Instead of using addWaypoint, use
_group move _pos

Let me know if this doesn't work.

Sorry I need a little hand holding

if ((_x == -1 AND _y == -1)) then {_group addWaypoint[(getPos (vehicle (leader _group))),0]};
if NOT ((_x == -1 AND _y == -1)) then {_group addWaypoint [_pos,0]};

should be

if ((_x == -1 AND _y == -1)) then {_group move _pos [(getPos (vehicle (leader _group))),0]};
if NOT ((_x == -1 AND _y == -1)) then {_group move _pos [_pos,0]};


Also the Hide command tells them to Hold Fire rather than Take Cover.

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I just tested this code, it seems to work:

if ((_x == -1 AND _y == -1)) then {_group move (getPos (vehicle (leader _group)))};
if NOT ((_x == -1 AND _y == -1)) then {_group move _pos};

Edit: The idea of the Hide command is to make the group take cover and refrain from firing (for setting up an ambush, hiding from a superior force, etc). The Stealth command should make them take cover, but allow firing.

Edited by Drongo69

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EDIT: There was a bug in the last version I uploaded, please download it again from the link on the first page.

First post has been updated with the download for version 0.3. Features:

  • Updated the scripts to use the Beta classnames
  • Changed ICM missions to use a submunitions script instead of the BIS cannon round
  • Fixed a bug with artillery dispersion
  • Added simple generated civs and civ traffic
  • Added a "Patrol" button to the personal menu (Column, Safe, Fire at will)
  • Added a Skill module to allow the setting of every unit to a certain set of skills
  • Added a new array of types: dtTypesCivilianVehicles (currently only used by the civilian module)
  • Added some new functions (refer to DT\Core\Functions\LoadFunctions.sqf for details)
  • Added two new arrays: dtPlayers and dtPlayerGroups

Also, the command mission now features IFVs and gunships. For the next version I would like to include voices for the artillery chatter. If there are any Persian native speakers out there up for some voice-acting, please PM me.

Edited by Drongo69

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I think the last Beta killed the friendly markers being shown -maybe the changed classnames?

Also, I'm unable to keep enemy from using artillery despite having changed them all to false in basic Preferences

dtArtillery = false;

dtCommand = false;

dtComms = true;

dtInfoShare = true;

dtObjectives = false;

dtAI = false;

dtWeather = false;

// Comment out to disable these functions

// Activate artillery module?

dtArtillery = false;

// Activate command modules?

dtCommand = false;

//Activate comms?

dtComms = true;

//Activate infoshare?

dtInfoShare = true;

//Activate objectives?

dtObjectives = false;

//Activate AI commanders?

dtAI = false;

//Activate random time and weather?

dtWeather = false;

would you mind explaining exactly what enabling both Command and Comms does?

Sorry to be such a pain, only cause I love this :yay:

Edit: Also seems that the Command screen can only be opened once now

Double Edit: Friendlies report in twice when "man down" making it seem as if double the casualty.

Edited by froggyluv

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Command enables the command engine, comms simply allows messages to be played on all clients. Mostly this is used for the artillery sidechat, but if you look at the code, you will see that you can use it to broadcast any sidechat to all clients.

Disabling the artillery module in DT\Preferences.sqf only disables it for players. If Infoshare is active, AI can call artillery. To disable this, check DT\Infoshare\Preferences.sqf for the following lines and simply comment out the "true" entries as follows:

// Can the AI on these sides call in air and artillery support on spotted enemies?
dtAIsupportW = false;
dtAIsupportE = false;
dtAIsupportR = false;

//dtAIsupportW = true;
//dtAIsupportE = true;
//dtAIsupportR = true;

Does the "can only be opened once" bug with command happen every time? It happens sporadically with me, but I don't know how to reproduce it. The reporting a casualty twice happens when the squad has lost a lot of members (75% or more from memory) and an extra message is triggered. I'll look at fixing this.

Not sure about the markers issue, they seem to be showing up for me, but obviously it is a more up to date version. Anyway, I'll release an update soon.

Sorry to be such a pain, only cause I love this

Ha, without your posts I'd pretty much be talking to myself in here :p

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Ok, that solved the artillery :)

Yes, the Command screen will re-open if I don't interact with it but once I use any features IE Switch/Cam/Move than that's it. Friendly markers aren't showing for some reason -disappeared the day that SideChat went missing in the Dev build so maybe related??

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You are using the Dev build? I haven't touched it, so I wonder if that is the cause. I can play the command demo mission with no apparent problems.

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In that case I don't think there's much we can do about it except wait and see what the next update brings.

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In that case I don't think there's much we can do about it except wait and see what the next update brings.

Are you not getting the undefined variable script errors in latest Stable build -pretty sure I was :confused:

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Really nice script! Great fun just to boss around some AI on the map. Is it possible to run this script and disable the need for the sound pbo, im working on a mission that will probably be put on a public server and would like to let anyone play without the need for the sound addon? of course it would be possible to define the sound in the description ext, but as it adds ~750kb extra in missionsize it would be nice to just disable the sounds

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Are you not getting the undefined variable script errors in latest Stable build -pretty sure I was :confused:

No, I'm not. Was it an Arma 3 bug or DT bug? When did the errors occur?


I'll make the sound addon optional in the next update. Ideally I want to use default Arma 3 sounds for everything, but I don't know how to play them.

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Man I have to apologize -the missing comms/marker's etc were all my fault - I must have hit a bad switch in mission when I was trying to disable artillery. And undefined variable error is only in Dev build as well. Sorry if sent you on wild goose chase :o

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No problem. My favourite bugs are the ones that fix themselves :)

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I don't know if your having same issue but since last Arma update, all sidechat has disappeared including this mod for me. I just recently found that it requires

Showchat True
for each conversation to be shown. Edited by froggyluv

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First post updated with the latest version.


v0.4 Changelog:

  • Added an Air Support module
  • Added an option to re-clothe groups as generic guerrillas (Requires Hidden Identity, Kiory's Balaclava Expanded and PG PMCs)
  • Added support for AiA vehicles and civilians
  • Added a degree of automatically-detected vehicle names based on typeOf (check DT\Core\Functions\VehicleName.sqf)
  • Changed civilian spawning so a dummy is no longer needed (I'm so used to the OFP way of doing things :/)
  • Added the ability for types of civilians spawned by the Civs module to be set by the player in DT\Civs\Preferences.sqf (DT\AiA\Civilians.sqf is also related to this)
  • Changed the mounting script to automatically recognize any vehicle that is capable of holding infantry cargo (without needing vehicle types to be manually defined)
  • Made the sound addon optional (check dtSound in DT\Preferences.sqf)
  • Fixed using the Log Off button on the command menu not deactivating camera mode
  • Decreased the volume of the sounds in DrongosToolkit.pbo
  • Added a line in DT\xxx\Check.sqf to prevent dialogs from showing if the module is not activated in DT\Preferences.sqf
  • Added new DT types: dtTypesTrucks and dtTypesAFV
  • Added latest beta units to DT
  • Fixed some incorrect variables causing undefined variable bugs (I hope)

Pic of Swedish Forces Pack Wamako militia after using the guerrilla clothing script:

http://i40.tinypic.com/34pl4ex.jpg (185 kB)

The Guerrilla option requires the following addons:

PG Services PMCs

Kiory's balaclava expanded

Hidden Identity pack

In the next update I want to implement a waypoint system similar to the Air Support module into the Command Engine.

Edited by Drongo69

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Great change log and nice to see support for AiA.. Thanks Drongo!

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