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krizz kaliko

What Is the Best Way to Enjoy The Alpha?

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So I have been on the arma seen a long time. I never posted and even bothered to make an account since i didn't really know how to play right. I came from COD. So I sucked. For about 3 years I have enjoyed playing and am super excited for arma 3. I have about 82 hours in arma 3; but just wanted to ask y'all, What mod collection, or what mods do you use to make your single player, or co-op experience amazing, or at least fun?

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You should take a look at ACRE definitly, which makes COOP and TvT a lot more interesting... Else you´ll need some mature Players around you to make itg even more amazing! ;-)

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At the moment I only use @CBA,@FA_stance and shacktac fireteam hud. For game content I create my own missions at the moment and sometimes I look something what others have done. Sometimes MP as well.

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If you can afford it, get ArmA2 + OA (also known collectively as CO...) then you can use the AiA mod and play the rather excellent Chernarus & Takistan maps.

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I haven't had fun playing the alpha because people are only playing Wasteland, which is probably the most boring game mode ever.

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I haven't had fun playing the alpha because people are only playing Wasteland, which is probably the most boring game mode ever.

Check out the Squads and Fanpages sub forum. I'm sure you will find a group. Playing public is a bit of a gamble, due the high amount of "BRO's".

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I wouldn't recommend you getting mods if you want to join most servers, because they don't accept mods, although there are some domi servers that accept all mods.

If you insist on getting mods, I'd recommend R3F French weapon pack, it has high quality weapons with a lot of attachments. (Famas,M107,PAMAS Pistol,PGM Hectare, FELINE thermal/nv/normal scope)

AiA if you're interested in vehicles you can get AiA, but it comes with a lot of errors and I haven't seen a server that has it.

When the beta arrives soon, there will probably be more vehicles and weapons.

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At Reality Gaming, we use the R3F weapons pack, and the French Intervention Forces skins. Makes for a pretty bad-ass Special Ops teams ;)

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Have you tried the much under rated capture the island mode? Epic PvP +ai battles with a finance system to buy gear depending on how well u do.

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not related to mods, but my favorite thing to do in Stratis is to cruise around the coasts just above the water in a little bird. After flying over desert so much I really enjoy the island geography.

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You should take a look at ACRE definitly, which makes COOP and TvT a lot more interesting... Else you´ll need some mature Players around you to make itg even more amazing! ;-)

And this can be hard if you come home from work and join a public server. Many kids and hackers on many servers. Can´t wait for Battleye.

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And this can be hard if you come home from work and join a public server. Many kids and hackers on many servers. Can´t wait for Battleye.

I wouldn't say kids are a bad things as I've met kids who were really mature and adults who were really unmature while playing the game.bit just depends on the person really, not anything to do with age or gender.

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I haven't had fun playing the alpha because people are only playing Wasteland, which is probably the most boring game mode ever.

agreed. im originally from battlefield.... i hate wasteland. i think its good if u have a group of friends scavaging... other than that i think Arma3, i have been on the Goonies mixed map server... that has been fun

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What mod collection, or what mods do you use to make your single player, or co-op experience amazing, or at least fun?

I'm an SP-laptop guy and a fan of setup diversity in Flashpoint series of mission. I love it being dynamic and unique every time. Playing it on ArmA 3 is easy, thanks to the awesome AiA mod. Amazing experience so far with the lighting goodies, ragdolls, and hi-res textures at least

. Go lonewolf or as a squad member/ leader. I almost always play the mission with voice commands enabled, gives me control of the game and my squad members.

Others may have their own definition of 'fun'. :cool:

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As our beloved maionaze said, why not check out some Arma gaming communities that fit your gameplay style. Maybe even us at DC haha

Edited by MasterDon

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Joking answer: "Not sober".

Not-so-joking answer: "With a group, but with friends is even better".

Heck, just by hopping onto a Mumble channel with other people to play on the same Wasteland server we ended up coordinating vehicular transportation, "logistics" (or at least consolidation of supplies between vehicles) and at one point a vehicle towing due to a breakdown. Heck, at one point we won a thankfully brief firefight simply by possibly having had better communication/coordination than our would-be attackers.

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Joking answer: "Not sober".

ja...warm up the PC and cool down the G(raymatter)PU, mit gutem Deutsch bier :)

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I've found Capture the Island to be crazy fun. Sometimes it can be a little hard to love, but it has its moments, and they're totally worth waiting for.

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Join a community, one that has tactics involved preferably. You'll find some communities are really well organised.

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