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When did they add diver model and blood trails?

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Blood trails has always been in as far as I noticed, yes they are cool :). I also noticed improved bullet hit decals on objects too. (Not improved visually, but they seem more numerous & longer lasting, which is often useful.)

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It wasn't in animations until recently and it is still not in the editor.

EDIT sorry my bad, it is under Men (Diver)

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First time I saw blood was getting shot up while prone and looked down to see blood everywhere.Freaky great effect!!

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Blood trails were in ArmA 2 as well, or was that just with ACE? Divers have been present since first public release, ala diving scenario.

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^Just ACE.

Sure it's a nice detail but...about time huh? Blood spatter on walls\objects (even CS can have some gory moments with that) would be nice but "texture in texture" doesn't seem to work well in RV.

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All this has been in since the alpha launch.

Source engine handles the blood spatter as decals, it's very possible in RV.

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