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Hacked by a player with no ID

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It seem problem is solved by restarting the game, i tried with some friend, first time ( when we tried to join directly after server reboot ( cause he was " infected " ), the server was directly " infected ", we saw the message in the mission selection directly, but after server reboot and all arma game restart, the problem was " solved " )

But that not really a solution, just a simple guy can infect 40 other players.

So, what we gonna do now ? How really fix this problem ? Waiting ? Lock our servers for playing with restricted player nomber ?

We can just expect developper will awnser quickly about that now.

Its going to have to be hotfixed or the issue will just keep happening. The "hacker" will make sure of it. Remember seagullception? Although this is a bit more complicated I expect a hotfix soon.

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Yes it seems some dude was able to figure out how to hack into the scripting and screw up everyone's servers :(

---------- Post added at 02:37 ---------- Previous post was at 02:36 ----------

It such a shame hopefully this will be fixed by BIS ASAP before this really gets out of control.

---------- Post added at 02:38 ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 ----------

They might even have to make a new patch to adress this problem and all other potential problems... this sad instance could seriously affect ARMA 3's scripting power and uniqueness.

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It such a shame hopefully this will be fixed by BIS ASAP before this really gets out of control.

-It is out of control.

-It's been adressed mr uber hacker, can we have our game back now?

-YOu said: "I wont stop these attacks UNTIL ....discussed on forums." Well here it is. Nice find, maybe they will fix it....


Hows about hooking me up with some un-hacked game time? please. Its been a long day at work and i just put my son to bed.


Pvt. Pakalolo

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Has anyone else noticed you can't even play single player now. These hacked messages come up even there.

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First, for the people who've seen this in the other thread, I'm sorry. I meant to make my own topic, but I accidently posted it in that thread. Anyways, lets continue.

Okay guys, so I was talking with some server admins, and they said that the attacks are infectious and infect your client so that every server you join after that you infect. He's not hopping from server to server, you are, and it's coming with you. So to stop it, completely shut down your game everytime you jump into a server with it, then when you relaunch it just join a different server and hope it's not infected. Also, before leaving, alert everybody in the lobby they must completely restart their game if they want it to stop happening to them.

To whoever started this sh*t -

Those files probably have a perfectly valid reason, presumably it's so that when a hacker joins a server, and changes everybodies gear to a certain set of gear, they can kill all players and reset everybodies gear quickly. Now you abusing it does nothing. I understand you want that BIS sh*t gone, but why don't you come here and make a thread yourself rather than taking more time than you need to make a script that does your work for you? Not only that, but you could be ruining a hell of a lot of first impressions of this game, effectively killing the chances of community growth on a game you obviously love so dearly that you resort to doing this to fix something. You're not going about it the right way... Not at all are you going about it the right way.

back to the people who actually matter -

This is how you can slow it down guys, it won't be instantly, but if everybody knows this information, it will probably help to slow it down so that only the person who started it can do it. Sure there'll be other people who will be like "LOL KOOL BRUH THIS IS AWSUM LETS GO TRAWLLL LAWLAWLAWLAWL" but just ignore them... Good day.

Also, Bohemia can you try and fix this ASAP please?

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Hello there

Judging by the amount of threads on this I find it highly unlikely BIS will ignore the issue and will release a sticky of their own. Id post in the existing thread if I were you.



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Hello there

Judging by the amount of threads on this I find it highly unlikely BIS will ignore the issue and will release a sticky of their own. Id post in the existing thread if I were you.



I know they will but I wanted to get this information out there.

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Hello there

The info is "out there". I found the solution within minutes of a quick google. I appreciate your sentiments, but dont be surprised if this gets locked.



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Yes it seems some dude was able to figure out how to hack into the scripting and screw up everyone's servers

He didn't have to Hack anything. BIS gave him the tools (BIS_fnc_MP) to spread a simple script. Thats all.

this sad instance could seriously affect ARMA 3's scripting power and uniqueness.

They can put restrictions around what clients can do (in the actual scripting engine) and still retain both power and "uniqueness".

No client should be able to send scripts to clients to be executed. period.

---------- Post added at 03:39 ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 ----------

Has anyone else noticed you can't even play single player now. These hacked messages come up even there.

Restart the game.

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Has anyone else noticed you can't even play single player now. These hacked messages come up even there.

I play SP just fine (and MP for that matter - of course not on public servers)

In a (very twisted) way however these hacks do community a long overdue service.

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Hello there

The info is "out there". I found the solution within minutes of a quick google. I appreciate your sentiments, but dont be surprised if this gets locked.



What solution is this you speak of? As far as I knew there were no solution to fix this issue. I'm more than happy to be proven wrong so please elaborate how this can be fixed?

Thanks in advance.

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I will say that since I spent my 59 dollars or so for my version of the alpha, Im more then a bit upset with BI for not taking a more preemptive approach to this disgruntled hacker. All I know is, as a paying customer, major gamer, former military service member for the US, I DONT CARE what the solution is to this problem I just want a solution please. I am posting the phone Number the Bohemia offices in Florida that I found on line. I was told the Prague office is the office that is in charge of ALPA3 but I see it as this. There needs to be an uproar made about this so that it will be fixed in a timely manner.

1-407-608-7000-flordia offices

420-226-219-964 Prague general offices

420-226-219-932 fax for Prague

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I will say that since I spent my 59 dollars or so for my version of the alpha, Im more then a bit upset with BI for not taking a more preemptive approach to this disgruntled hacker. All I know is, as a paying customer, major gamer, former military service member for the US, I DONT CARE what the solution is to this problem I just want a solution please. I am posting the phone Number the Bohemia offices in Florida that I found on line. I was told the Prague office is the office that is in charge of ALPA3 but I see it as this. There needs to be an uproar made about this so that it will be fixed in a timely manner.

1-407-608-7000-flordia offices

420-226-219-964 Prague general offices

420-226-219-932 fax for Prague

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I will say that since I spent my 59 dollars or so for my version of the alpha, Im more then a bit upset with BI for not taking a more preemptive approach to this disgruntled hacker. All I know is, as a paying customer, major gamer, former military service member for the US, I DONT CARE what the solution is to this problem I just want a solution please. I am posting the phone Number the Bohemia offices in Florida that I found on line. I was told the Prague office is the office that is in charge of ALPA3 but I see it as this. There needs to be an uproar made about this so that it will be fixed in a timely manner.

Really? For the alpha? Are you not overreacting far too much?

I am flabberghasted.



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Trust me i have been reading this thread since it was first posted. There is no real solution for it. only thing you can do is restart the game.... but for how long? As soon as someone that comes on a server or a co-op mission thats is already infected then you are infected again.

So there is no real solution for this yet....

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Hopefully this is (finally, since DayZ somehow wasn't) the kick in the pants BIS needs to actually pay attention to security.

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Hello there

Apologies, I did not mean a final complete solution, but how to cleanse one's PC.

Regardless as this thread is crossposted I would recommend using the large thread.



EDIT Thread was merged.

Edited by orlok

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read what I wrote twice ... they could do the same before in OA and that was stopped,

now they have just another function to exploit

claims like it's new or else is just fueled by these who have no experience on subject

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No one should have paid for the alpha... You paid for the game on its release and as an added bonus received the alpha to play until then.

I run my own server and this is extremely frustrating. But this is the point of the alpha... To fix the bugs before the retail ready version of the game is released.

That being said i do hope that this gets taken care of with the next update.

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Okay Bohemia time to step it up a notch.

Majority servers where injected with a hack that injects into players and is spread server to server.

It deal with fixing the issue for BIS_fnc_mp/spawn/MPEXEL for bls scripting library commands

basically has flooded the ARMA3 servers. This needs to be addressed ASAP




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okay, maybe some of you have seen the "I wont stop these attacks until the BIS_fnc_MP command or the BIS scripting library in general are discussed on the forums. No seriously. Go report it. Things will get worse otherwise."

If not look around, you'll see posts about it. Regardless, seeing this today in a server, then googling it, reading about it ect., made me realize some fundamental facts about arma.

The basic is, arma is all about being mod-able, and easily, relative to many games. This is freakin great. We love it, it's what we love about arma.

The Achilles’ heel of this awesome thing, is that it is also easy to script in a manner that affects the gameplay negatively.

We've all seen it, and it sucks. It sucks real bad. when you think about it, arma is made with us in mind. So that we can make the game so freakin dynamic. it's so long living, mod-able, open ended, just a crazy bang for your buck. And here we have some guys who instead of appreciating this, and using their skills to make the game awesome with user made content, are somehow getting satisfaction from server crashing? (party crashing, not literally crashing)

And now this new hack, has really just kinda blew me away. They, instead of just getting kicks from screwin with people, they intend to punish us and bohemian for trying to do an awesome thing for the gaming community. For making a game that IS mod-able, that CAN be played for YEARS rather than months because of user driven content. Really? I mean freakin really?

The logic behind this crap just blows me away. what do they want? more EA games on origin? Someone, like one of these hackers or their script kiddies that just downloaded it, just please explain to me you're trying to accomplish. I mean i get internet luls, yeah it can be fun, but if you bought the game, you either A: have played arma before and know it's potention, or B: bought it on a wim, but maybe at least understand the potential? and lasty.... i so blame dayz for all this, lol. that game really made scripting arma in bad ways popular.

anddddddd my post just got thrown in here...

Edited by Groundswell17

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read what I wrote twice ... they could do the same before in OA and that was stopped,

now they have just another function to exploit

claims like it's new or else is just fueled by these who have no experience on subject

Dear Sir,

Im happy to see that developers are actually paying attention to forums. My complaints simply lay in the fact that the alpha has been extremely stable, with exception to a few weeks where I was turned into a flying rat with wings (seagull) every time that someone came into the game. On one hand I am disappointed not being able to use what I have paid for and on the other hand, I am somewhat happy to see the problem of needing some type of stable anti hack being addressed.

I run a small company that provides a service to people, that I charge a fee for. I would not exspect my customers to fix my errors in MY business. This guy has effectively shut down alpha until the dev. team decides to put out a patch or anti hack to fix this.

I love this game, I think it has to be the best and well supported alpha so far. I would just love for someone to wake up who ever they need to over there in Prague and get this thing back up and running.

thank you.

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Really? For the alpha? Are you not overreacting far too much?

I am flabberghasted.



Yeah.. lets hide behind the "Alpha" Tag.

I paid my money.

I expect bugs.

I expect crashes.

But if I ever release such code, my peers would call me incompetent (and they'd be right).

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well if anyone is intrested in a ARMA2 wasteland map filter Mayhem762 Cheers\m/ hopefully this gets resolved soon. As stated regardless of what we do to prevent this, when someone else joins it reinfects the server.

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