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About Groundswell17

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  1. Groundswell17

    Hacked by a player with no ID

    okay, maybe some of you have seen the "I wont stop these attacks until the BIS_fnc_MP command or the BIS scripting library in general are discussed on the forums. No seriously. Go report it. Things will get worse otherwise." If not look around, you'll see posts about it. Regardless, seeing this today in a server, then googling it, reading about it ect., made me realize some fundamental facts about arma. The basic is, arma is all about being mod-able, and easily, relative to many games. This is freakin great. We love it, it's what we love about arma. The Achilles’ heel of this awesome thing, is that it is also easy to script in a manner that affects the gameplay negatively. We've all seen it, and it sucks. It sucks real bad. when you think about it, arma is made with us in mind. So that we can make the game so freakin dynamic. it's so long living, mod-able, open ended, just a crazy bang for your buck. And here we have some guys who instead of appreciating this, and using their skills to make the game awesome with user made content, are somehow getting satisfaction from server crashing? (party crashing, not literally crashing) And now this new hack, has really just kinda blew me away. They, instead of just getting kicks from screwin with people, they intend to punish us and bohemian for trying to do an awesome thing for the gaming community. For making a game that IS mod-able, that CAN be played for YEARS rather than months because of user driven content. Really? I mean freakin really? The logic behind this crap just blows me away. what do they want? more EA games on origin? Someone, like one of these hackers or their script kiddies that just downloaded it, just please explain to me you're trying to accomplish. I mean i get internet luls, yeah it can be fun, but if you bought the game, you either A: have played arma before and know it's potention, or B: bought it on a wim, but maybe at least understand the potential? and lasty.... i so blame dayz for all this, lol. that game really made scripting arma in bad ways popular. anddddddd my post just got thrown in here...