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SA80 Ris/L85 Ris Release (Finally!)

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Hello again Arma fans!

Kiory again with another release, this time it's the SA80/L85 with the RIS attachment, it has custom sounds, which aren't totally accurate, but the material I had to work with was utter trash, so you'll have to forgive me for that.



With Optics.


Optics and IR Laser


You can get a brief rundown on the video here, but as always, you'll just have to play around with it yourselves to see what's up.

You can download the Pbo and the source files here, so you can dissect it as much as you see fit! Just don't judge my scripting skills, I'm a complete noob.


I also forgot to credit Toadball in the video for his awesome m16A4 example, showed me some heavenly insight.

You can find his thread here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151659-M16A4-Example

Update 1

List of changes:

1. Made the model a little thicker, due to this being the number one complaint.

2. Magazine now reloads properly, moves down, hides, unhides and moves back up, as well as the bullets, which was a damn pain!

3. Moved the sight placement further down, reason being I found a nifty little attachment which I plan on creating at some point, you'll get an idea of what I mean here: http://ant-supplies.co.uk/siteimages/SA80-SIGHT-RAIL-TO-WEAVER-ADAPTER-MAIN.jpg It will keep the design consistent with Arma 3, so it's kind of a no brainer at this point.

4. Added original photoshop files to help with re textures, can't wait to see what you can all do!

I've replaced the old multiupload link with the new one, so just click on that.

I'll post another update when I have created the weaver attachment and got that all working etc. Oh and I've started on my tutorials over at youtube, I've made a thread about it here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152748-Modelling-tutorials!

See ya in a bit!

Edited by Kiory

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Wow, it was fantastic to see you model it live and now see the end-result with pretty much all Arma 3 functionality for rifles! Kudos to you and Thromp for also releasing the sources for others to learn from. Hope to see more content from you :)

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Great mod, gentlesir, it even reminded me to update the documentation of custom reload animations - it is rather easy to add a movement to the magazine and it adds a bit of immersion. Thanks a lot :icon_twisted:

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Could of done with that like, a week ago? XD

Cheers mate!


Booya! it works, awesome stuff, thanks again.

I'll update the files once I'm done with the tweaking.

Edited by Kiory

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@Kiory great release :). Will we see an grenade launcher version in the future?

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You can do what you want with it mate, it's released now so, yea got nuts.

As for a G launcher version, you won't see one from me any time soon, my list is chock full.

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I meant de-pbo it add the sounds give the pbo back to you so you can do a v2

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Dude, there's a PBO in the rar file and the source files, no need to de pbo. ;)

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LOL oh yeah. :o

By the way have you figured out what closure actually does? is the bolt cycling?

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Can't pretend to know what you're talking about, I'm a total gun noob.

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:D Ok no worries. For reference :

closure1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_6.wav", 3.16228, 1, 300};
closure2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_7.wav", 3.16228, 1, 300};
soundClosure[] = {"closure1", 0.5, "closure2", 0.5};

I think it should play the sound every time the bolt/cocking handle cycles with each fire of the weapon. I've tried to sound mod it myself but cannot find it audibly happening, so I'm guessing that its not working in the sound engine yet.

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Great work mate, Was in the British Army for 6 years, and its nice to see the SA80 in the game again!

Have to admit though that the Iron sight/carry handle and the fore sight are a tad big, Well they do look it, Going to test in game later!

Hope we can someday use those rails! :D.

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Awesome, cheers mate.

Having trouble with this

class magazine_reload_move_1


type = "translation";

source = "reloadMagazine";

selection = "magazine";

axis = "magazine_axis";

minValue = 0.145;

maxValue = 0.170;

offset0 = 0.0;

offset1 = 0.5;


All it does it translate the mag down the mag axis, it doesn't come back up at all.

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Praise Kiory! :D Awesome work! You got mentioned in the ArmA Sitrep! ;)

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Hey congrats on Release , was a fantastic thing watching the creation live as it happened ,

look forward to the next one ,it should be smoother process if its another gun :p .

about that animation , you will need another that sets the mag back to 0 so just replicate it and class it has magazine_reload_move_2

this time the offset will be oposite and the timing will need to be just after the mag is unhidden when the reload anim of the hand taps the magazine in.

its not my forte but i believe you might need some max min phase defines , however i`m sure a dev will help ya quicker than I :).

Fine job keep it up ( shitty cave getting closer )

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All it does it translate the mag down the mag axis, it doesn't come back up at all.

You have to write a full set of animations for each step, e.g. class magazine_reload_move_1 to move the magazine out of the mag-well, class magazine_reload_move_2 to hide the magazine, class magazine_reload_move_3 to make the magazine reappear after a certain amount of time and class magazine_reload_move_4 to translate the magazine back into the mag-well.

All four animations require using the source = "reloadMagazine"; but you use the minValue and maxValue parameters to start and end the individual stages of the animation at various points through the reloadMagazine cycle.

minValue = 0; would set the animation phase to begin as soon as the reloadMagazine cycle began, and maxvalue = 0.5; would make the animation end mid-way through the reloadMagazine cycle. The length of the reloadMagazine cycle is defined in the config.cpp by the magazineReloadTime = ; parameter, so to work out the various times in seconds that your model.cfg animations trigger, you have to multiply your various minValue/maxValue parameters by your magazineReloadTime value.

I think the minPhase/maxPhase values Thromp mentions are used to limit the range of motion of the animation for when certain sources are used to trigger them (like locking turrets in one direction or elevation when turned in or turned out, etc).

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(Shitty cave for under water noobs*)

I'll get round to that after I get some sleep, I need to prepare for the Scar Mk13.

Ahh awesome stuff Monkey, cheers for that mate!

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Top notch Kiory.

Enjoyed many hours watching the L85s progress.

You mentioned in the vid that you weren't sure if the bolt remained rearwards when the mag is empty? Yeah it does mate.

Looking forward to your next project:rthumb:

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Congrats bro! You finished that quietly haha!

Saw you got a mention on the BI Sitrep update :D

Edited by Ginga121

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Damn pretty cool.

Thx for the release!

@pettka: Also thanks to you for the update. Very helpful information in there

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Top work!

The fact that you released your source files for other to use, edit, and learn is amazing! A shining example for others to follow!

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