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das attorney

Jump MF - basic mod to unlock vaulting animation

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- While in Tactical Pace the climb animation should be the default one, not the jump..

Inclinded to agree, tactical pace seems to to be a fast walk, slow jog, this leap is better suited to run and sprint.

@ Das Attorney, you said you weren't sure of how to connect it to fatigue, am I requesting the same thing if I ask it to be related back to load? It would be good to have a weight restriction to the ability.

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Nice, but two crippling issues.

1. Does not work with custom keybind for vault (I use W+V). Edit: Tested further, custom single keybinds work but combinations don't.

2. Resets camera when activated.

Also I would suggest making it so when you are too tired to sprint then you also cannot jump vault, but instead use the step over.

Edited by Trauma.au

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Nice, but two crippling issues.

1. Does not work with custom keybind for vault (I use W+V). Edit: Tested further, custom single keybinds work but combinations don't.

2. Resets camera when activated.

Also I would suggest making it so when you are too tired to sprint then you also cannot jump vault, but instead use the step over.

Cool man; in reply to your issues:

1 - Please see first post. The scripting commands for user input are broken if you use (2 X KEY) or (KEY + MODIFIER). Nothing I can do about that I'm afraid until BIS fix their scripting commands. Maybe I will add a userconfig, but then if I go down that route, it may prove harder to integrate with the default "step over" command (because the scripting commands might not detect if the user has redefined "stepover", so will not understand which one has priority if there are any (2 X KEY) or (KEY + MODIFIER) etc)...

Or we could add extra key to game for vaulting, but then that means extra annoyance trying to find suitable keybind for some users. Ideal solution would be shared keybind, triggering different anims based on stance/speed imo.

2 - I'll have a poke about in the cfgMoves for the game and see if it's something I can change config side for the camera reset. I have TIR so it overrides the camera change, but I can see how it can be annoying for someone without.

Will be keeping an eye on what the general concensus is about jumping when tired, so no worries; your opinion has been noted.

Edited by Das Attorney

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Ah right, didn't read that, just the front page info on Armaholic. I agree with waiting for a BIS fix rather than adding extra stuff on.

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Yeah I might raise that as an issue in the morning (key inputs). Not sure if it will get much traffic, but it's something broken since Arma 2 so maybe something can be done in light of being Alpha etc. Doubtful though unless users vote it up.

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Well THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! I wonder where are all the raged fans who yelling that WE DON'T NEED JUMP IN ARMA!!!

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Will be keeping an eye on what the general concensus is about jumping when tired, so no worries; your opinion has been noted.

Please disable it when tired so we can only vault then.

I know BIS implemented a load system and I hope it will affect the stamina too. If/when it do that your mod will benefit from that as people with heavy load will get tired quicker.

Also have us use vault during tactical pace.

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Well THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! I wonder where are all the raged fans who yelling that WE DON'T NEED JUMP IN ARMA!!!

It's hardly a jump, more like a vault-whilst-moving.

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It's hardly a jump, more like a vault-whilst-moving.

Yeah, it plays the new animation, but doesn't change the actual height of the character. It would be really nice to have more of a real jump where you can tweak the values of the jump height. So for example you can jump on obstacles like in counter strike to get to higher ground. As a modeler & environment map designer I feel really limited being stuck to the ground.

Anyone else agree that it would be awsome if he could make it into more of a higher jump?

Edited by CyberpunkDev

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Yeah, it plays the new animation, but doesn't change the actual height of the character. It would be really nice to have more of a real jump where you can tweak the values of the jump height. So for example you can jump on obstacles like in counter strike to get to higher ground. As a modeler & environment map designer I feel really limited being stuck to the ground.

Anyone else agree that it would be awsome if he could make it into more of a higher jump?

My only fear is that with a full fledged jump animation bunny hoppers would start crowding servers...


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Yeah, we need a climb, not a jump.

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Well THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! I wonder where are all the raged fans who yelling that WE DON'T NEED JUMP IN ARMA!!!

I'm one of those. When you say 'jump' it makes me think of bunnyhopping/counterstrike, hell no. If you instead say proportionate conservation of forward momentum when vaulting... now we have something of value.

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I'm one of those. When you say 'jump' it makes me think of bunnyhopping/counterstrike, hell no. If you instead say proportionate conservation of forward momentum when vaulting... now we have something of value.

It depends, if you're not into modding then I understand, a realistic war scenario doesn't need it.

But if your making custom mods / maps and venturing into a more diverse genre such as sci fi or something that requires more freedom for climbing, jumping is a necessity. It's the easiest way to essentially 'climb'.

For example if you have an elevated window&floor, you have to run all the way around to the lower entrance to get in, instead of jumping on a few objects to get in. It makes mapping very limited

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This thread is about the jump addon by Das Attorney.

If you disagree with having jumping in Arma, the simple solution for you is to not use the addon. Arguing that jumping is unneeded in this thread is not appropriate and frankly quite rude. Das Attorney spent his spare time to provide you an option to make characters jump for free. Discuss the addon or take it elsewhere.

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I see why you have a troll face as your avatar but please moderate properly and take the childish posts elsewhere. A simple "Please dont make this a jump argument thread" would have sufficed. We are discussing his addon, and how to expand upon it, which he seems open to, just like he made the animations broadcast over multiplayer after I asked, instead of client only.

I talked to Das in PM again and he asked me to make a post of my request for more of a jump than a vault in this thread- to specifically see if others would want it too. I guess your post along with the last few have shown us the answer, jumping is not something this community is fond of- we get it. Please relax, and keep modders in mind.

He said it's not something he is against, just doesn't have time to add an "upDegree" for now. Although I do know alot of the modders/mappers want it, especially for wasteland base building.

Shame that the regular hardcore military players voice their opinion more.

Edited by CyberpunkDev

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I'm not sure if you even read my post, but in addition to what I already said is not appropriate, your comment on my moderation is also not appropriate. Please take a moment to re-examine the forum rules. Thank you.

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Woops, didn't want to bring any anti-jump war here, was just really excited about this addon, my apologies.

It's hardly a jump, more like a vault-whilst-moving.

But can you, lets say, jump into first floor window using it? Away from my gaming computer for now, so can't check it out my self.

And did anyone try to shoot somebody during this animation - how does it look?

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Woops, didn't want to bring any anti-jump war here, was just really excited about this addon, my apologies.

But can you, lets say, jump into first floor window using it? Away from my gaming computer for now, so can't check it out my self.

And did anyone try to shoot somebody during this animation - how does it look?

You can't vault through windows unless he adds an updegree state. Aside from normal jumping, just vaulting a bit higher through a window would be a very nice addition. I talked to him about it in PM and he said post about it here, glad someone else feels the need for a higher vault too!

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1 - Please see first post. The scripting commands for user input are broken if you use (2 X KEY) or (KEY + MODIFIER). Nothing I can do about that I'm afraid until BIS fix their scripting commands. Maybe I will add a userconfig, but then if I go down that route, it may prove harder to integrate with the default "step over" command (because the scripting commands might not detect if the user has redefined "stepover", so will not understand which one has priority if there are any (2 X KEY) or (KEY + MODIFIER) etc)...

Don't know if you've tried it but I think BIS has already provided for this, if you use...

if ((InputAction "GetOver") != 0) then {
// Bunny Hop!

...in your keystroke handler you'll only respond when the action condition has been met i.e. in the second press of a double-tap bind (and presumably only when the required modifier key is also held down in a Ctrl-Key bind).

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Got home earlier that I thought so here's my feedback:

it resets your point of view whenever you do it - while jumping you end up looking straight ahead no matter where you were looking before - pretty annoying.

And another thing - it doesn't work correctly if I'm using it along with ShackTac Fireteam HUD. Freelook stops working and it becomes like there's an infinite aiming dead-zone is on, but only for a vertical movement.

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Currently the Mod breaks all movement key combination that rely on two keys pressed at the same time (W+S to sprint, for example)...


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Don't know if you've tried it but I think BIS has already provided for this, if you use...

if ((InputAction "GetOver") != 0) then {
// Bunny Hop!

...in your keystroke handler you'll only respond when the action condition has been met i.e. in the second press of a double-tap bind (and presumably only when the required modifier key is also held down in a Ctrl-Key bind).

Cool, thanks for that Defunkt.

I was doing it like this:

_key = _this select 1;

if (_key in ActionKeys "GetOver" and _other_conditions_ok) then
      // hoptacular!

But I'll deffo check that and if all is good, put an update out.

Currently the Mod breaks all movement key combination that rely on two keys pressed at the same time (W+S to sprint, for example)...


Works fine for me and I have lot's of multi-key combos going on. Are you sure you're not too fatigued to sprint? (Vaulting just once adds a lot of fatigue to your avatar).

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Works fine for me and I have lot's of multi-key combos going on. Are you sure you're not too fatigued to sprint? (Vaulting just once adds a lot of fatigue to your avatar).
You're right, sorry for the wrong call, that's just me calling issues way too fast...


EDIT: Found a real bug this time: if you do the vault jump with a hundgun, the charachter switches to the primary for the jump and the immediately back to the hundgun when he touches the ground... Quite funny actually!

Edited by Gliptal

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You're right, sorry for the wrong call, that's just me calling issues way too fast...


EDIT: Found a real bug this time: if you do the vault jump with a hundgun, the charachter switches to the primary for the jump and the immediately back to the hundgun when he touches the ground... Quite funny actually!

FYI, that's a limitation of the number of jumping animations made by BI, not this addon. I'm sure once BI makes more animations of this kind, this addon can be updated.

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Ok, right now the CMI Command Improvement Mod breaks, among this one, two more Mods (Mag Repack and TAO Folding Map): Outlawled (Mag Repack Mod creator) found the issue with his to be CMI using displaySetEventHandler instead of displayAddEventHandler... Could this be the same case with your Mod?

Also, if you could check this thread about compatibility we could keep the issue tracking organized: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?152461-Overall-Mod-compatibility-aka-Will-Mods-A-and-B-work-togheter


Edited by Gliptal

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