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Dave wip

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Hey There

I have currently been working on Dave (direct attack vehicle enhanced) 1/2 days model work now just got to get it in game.





Edited by TxT
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Clearly a nice "buggy". Good luck for your project.

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Dose any one have a simple model.cfg for a ground vehicle for Arma 3 and works with physx?

Edited: Dont worry i am working on it right now making model config for ground vehicle

Edited by TxT
do not need model.cfg

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The code is not working on the testcar i got i have a headache off all of this.

#define _ARMA_

enum {
destructengine = 2,
destructdefault = 6,
destructwreck = 7,
destructtree = 3,
destructtent = 4,
stabilizedinaxisx = 1,
stabilizedinaxesxyz = 4,
stabilizedinaxisy = 2,
stabilizedinaxesboth = 3,
destructno = 0,
stabilizedinaxesnone = 0,
destructman = 5,
destructbuilding = 1

//Class C:/Work/Arma 3/Models/Offroad/config.bin{
class DefaultEventhandlers;
class CfgPatches
class A3_Soft_F_TestCar
	units[] = {"c_offroad","c_offroad_PA","C_offroad_RP","I_G_offroad","C_offroad_armed","I_G_offroad_armed"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"};
class WeaponFireGun;
class WeaponCloudsGun;
class WeaponFireMGun;
class WeaponCloudsMGun;
class CfgVehicles
class LandVehicle;
class Car: LandVehicle
	class HitPoints;
	class NewTurret;
class Car_F: Car
	class Turrets
		class MainTurret: NewTurret
			class ViewOptics;
	class HitPoints
		class HitLFWheel;
		class HitLBWheel;
		class HitRFWheel;
		class HitRBWheel;
		class HitBody;
		class HitGlass1{};
		class HitGlass2;
	class EventHandlers;
	class AnimationSources;
class TestCar_Base: Car_F
	mapSize = 6.12;
	_generalMacro = "TestCar_Base";
	displayName = "Test Car";
	nameSound = "veh_car";
	class Library
		libTextDesc = "$STR_A3_CfgVehicles_Offroad_Base_Library0";
	model = "\Test_car\Testcar";
	picture = "\A3\soft_f\offroad\Data\UI\offroad_base_CA.paa";
	Icon = "\A3\soft_f\offroad\Data\UI\map_offroad_CA.paa";
	accuracy = 0.25;
	transportSoldier = 5;
	transportMaxBackpacks = 0;
	armor = 32;
	cost = 50000;
	class TransportItems
		class _xx_FirstAidKit
			name = "FirstAidKit";
			count = 6;
	hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","camo2"};
	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\A3\soft_f\offroad\data\offroad_ext_co.paa","\A3\soft_f\offroad\data\offroad_ext_co.paa"};
	class AnimationSources: AnimationSources
		class Doors
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 1;
			initPhase = 0;
		class Proxy
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 1;
			initPhase = 1;
		class Beacons
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 1;
			initPhase = 0;
		class Destruct
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 0;
			initPhase = 1;
	class HitPoints: HitPoints
		class HitLFWheel: HitLFWheel
			armor = 0.125;
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitLF2Wheel: HitLBWheel
			armor = 0.125;
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitRFWheel: HitRFWheel
			armor = 0.125;
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitRF2Wheel: HitRBWheel
			armor = 0.125;
			passThrough = 0;
		class HitFuel
			armor = 0.5;
			material = -1;
			name = "palivo";
			visual = "";
			passThrough = 0.2;
		class HitEngine
			armor = 0.5;
			material = -1;
			name = "motor";
			visual = "";
			passThrough = 0.2;
		class HitBody: HitBody
			visual = "camo";
			passThrough = 1;
		class HitGlass1: HitGlass1
			armor = 0.25;
		class HitGlass2: HitGlass2
			armor = 0.25;
	steerAheadSimul = 0.5;
	steerAheadPlan = 0.35;
	predictTurnPlan = 0.8;
	predictTurnSimul = 0.6;
	precision = 10;
	brakeDistance = 50;
	turnCoef = 3.5;
	driverAction = "driver_offroad01";
	cargoAction[] = {"passenger_low01","passenger_flatground_leanleft","passenger_flatground_leanright","passenger_flatground_crosslegs","passenger_flatground_leanleft"};
	getInAction = "GetInLow";
	getOutAction = "GetOutLow";
	cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInLow"};
	cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutLow"};
	fireResistance = 5;
	wheelDestroyRadiusCoef = 0.75;
	soundGetIn[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\offroad-int-openclose.wav",1.0,1};
	soundGetOut[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\offroad-int-openclose.wav",1.0,1,40};
	soundDammage[] = {"",0.56234133,1};
	soundEngineOnInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_start.wav",1.0,1.0};
	soundEngineOnExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_start.wav",1.0,1.0,200};
	soundEngineOffInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_stop.wav",1.0,1.0};
	soundEngineOffExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_stop.wav",1.0,1.0,200};
	class Sounds
		class Idle_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_idle.wav",1.0,1,100};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(100/	3500),(600/	3500)])*0.15";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(100/	3500),(200/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(530/	3500),(380/	3500)]))";
		class Engine
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_2.wav",1.0,1,200};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(380/	3500),(840/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(380/	3500),(530/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(850/	3500),(650/	3500)]))";
		class Engine1_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_3.wav",1.0,1,225};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(660/	3500),(1130/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(650/	3500),(840/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1130/	3500),(940/	3500)]))";
		class Engine2_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_4.wav",1.0,1,250};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(930/	3500),(1340/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1000/	3500),(1130/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1340/	3500),(1200/	3500)]))";
		class Engine3_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_6.wav",1.0,1,275};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1200/	3500),(1620/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1100/	3500),(1300/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1600/	3500),(1400/	3500)]))";
		class Engine4_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_8.wav",1.0,1,300};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1400/	3500),(2000/	3500)]) *0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1300/	3500),(1600/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2000/	3500),(1700/	3500)]))";
		class Engine5_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_9.wav",1.0,1,325};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1700/	3500),(2250/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1600/	3500),(2000/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2250/	3500),(2050/	3500)]))";
		class Engine6_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_11.wav",1.0,1,350};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2050/	3500),(2600/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1900/	3500),(2250/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2600/	3500),(2400/	3500)]))";
		class Engine7_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_12.wav",1.0,1,375};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2400/	3500),(3050/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(2300/	3500),(2600/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(3050/	3500),(2650/	3500)]))";
		class Engine8_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_14.wav",1.0,1,400};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2650/	3500),(3500/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*((rpm/	3500) factor[(2400/	3500),(3200/	3500)])";
		class IdleThrust
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_idle_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,200};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(100/	3500),(600/	3500)])*0.15";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(100/	3500),(200/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(530/	3500),(380/	3500)]))";
		class EngineThrust
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_2_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,250};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(380/	3500),(840/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(380/	3500),(530/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(850/	3500),(650/	3500)]))";
		class Engine1_Thrust_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_3_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,275};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(660/	3500),(1130/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(650/	3500),(840/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1130/	3500),(940/	3500)]))";
		class Engine2_Thrust_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_4_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,300};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(930/	3500),(1340/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1000/	3500),(1130/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1340/	3500),(1200/	3500)]))";
		class Engine3_Thrust_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_6_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,325};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1200/	3500),(1620/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1100/	3500),(1300/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1600/	3500),(1400/	3500)]))";
		class Engine4_Thrust_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_8_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,350};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1400/	3500),(2000/	3500)]) *0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1300/	3500),(1600/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2000/	3500),(1700/	3500)]))";
		class Engine5_Thrust_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_9_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,375};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1700/	3500),(2250/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1600/	3500),(2000/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2250/	3500),(2050/	3500)]))";
		class Engine6_Thrust_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_11_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,400};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2050/	3500),(2600/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1900/	3500),(2250/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2600/	3500),(2400/	3500)]))";
		class Engine7_Thrust_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_12_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,425};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2400/	3500),(3050/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(2300/	3500),(2600/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(3050/	3500),(2650/	3500)]))";
		class Engine8_Thrust_ext
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_ext_rpm_14_exhaust.wav",1.0,1,450};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2650/	3500),(3500/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/	3500) factor[(2400/	3500),(3200/	3500)])";
		class Idle_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_idle.wav",0.31622776,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(100/	3500),(600/	3500)])*0.15";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(100/	3500),(200/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(530/	3500),(380/	3500)]))";
		class Engine_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_2.wav",0.1,1};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(380/	3500),(840/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(380/	3500),(530/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(850/	3500),(650/	3500)]))";
		class Engine1_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_3.wav",0.1,1};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(660/	3500),(1130/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(650/	3500),(840/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1130/	3500),(940/	3500)]))";
		class Engine2_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_4.wav",0.1,1};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(930/	3500),(1340/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1000/	3500),(1130/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1340/	3500),(1200/	3500)]))";
		class Engine3_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_6.wav",0.1,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1200/	3500),(1620/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1100/	3500),(1300/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1600/	3500),(1400/	3500)]))";
		class Engine4_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_8.wav",0.1,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1400/	3500),(2000/	3500)]) *0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1300/	3500),(1600/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2000/	3500),(1700/	3500)]))";
		class Engine5_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_9.wav",0.1,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1700/	3500),(2250/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1600/	3500),(2000/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2250/	3500),(2050/	3500)]))";
		class Engine6_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_11.wav",0.1,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2050/	3500),(2600/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1900/	3500),(2250/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2600/	3500),(2400/	3500)]))";
		class Engine7_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_12.wav",0.1,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2400/	3500),(3050/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(2300/	3500),(2600/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(3050/	3500),(2650/	3500)]))";
		class Engine8_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_14.wav",0.1,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2650/	3500),(3500/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*((rpm/	3500) factor[(2400/	3500),(3200/	3500)])";
		class IdleThrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_idle_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(100/	3500),(600/	3500)])*0.15";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(100/	3500),(200/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(530/	3500),(380/	3500)]))";
		class EngineThrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_2_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(380/	3500),(840/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(380/	3500),(530/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(850/	3500),(650/	3500)]))";
		class Engine1_Thrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_3_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(660/	3500),(1130/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(650/	3500),(840/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1130/	3500),(940/	3500)]))";
		class Engine2_Thrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_4_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.9	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(930/	3500),(1340/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1000/	3500),(1130/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1340/	3500),(1200/	3500)]))";
		class Engine3_Thrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_6_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1200/	3500),(1620/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1100/	3500),(1300/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1600/	3500),(1400/	3500)]))";
		class Engine4_Thrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_8_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1400/	3500),(2000/	3500)]) *0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1300/	3500),(1600/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2000/	3500),(1700/	3500)]))";
		class Engine5_Thrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_9_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(1700/	3500),(2250/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1600/	3500),(2000/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2250/	3500),(2050/	3500)]))";
		class Engine6_Thrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_11_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2050/	3500),(2600/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(1900/	3500),(2250/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2600/	3500),(2400/	3500)]))";
		class Engine7_Thrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_12_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2400/	3500),(3050/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*(((rpm/	3500) factor[(2300/	3500),(2600/	3500)])	*	((rpm/	3500) factor[(3050/	3500),(2650/	3500)]))";
		class Engine8_Thrust_int
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\offroad\landrover_int_rpm_14_exhaust.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = "0.95	+	((rpm/	3500) factor[(2650/	3500),(3500/	3500)])*0.2";
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(0.4+(0.6*(thrust factor[0.1,1])))*((rpm/	3500) factor[(2400/	3500),(3200/	3500)])";
		class Movement
			sound = "soundEnviron";
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "0";
		class TiresRockOut
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_rock_final_2.wav",0.1,1.0,120};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "camPos*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresSandOut
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext-tires-sand1.wav",0.1,1.0,120};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "camPos*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresGrassOut
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_road_final_1.wav",0.1,1.0,120};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "camPos*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresMudOut
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext-tires-mud2.wav",0.1,1.0,120};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "camPos*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresGravelOut
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_rock_final_2.wav",0.31622776,1.0,120};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "camPos*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresAsphaltOut
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\ext_tires_road_final_1.wav",0.2818383,1.0,120};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "camPos*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class NoiseOut
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\noise_soft_ext_1.wav",0.1,1.0,120};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "camPos*(damper0 max 0.02)*(speed factor[0, 8])";
		class TiresRockIn
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_rock_final_2.wav",0.017782794,1.0};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "(1-camPos)*rock*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresSandIn
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int-tires-sand2.wav",0.017782794,1.0};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "(1-camPos)*sand*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresGrassIn
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_road_final_1.wav",0.017782794,1.0};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "(1-camPos)*grass*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresMudIn
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int-tires-mud2.wav",0.017782794,1.0};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "(1-camPos)*mud*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresGravelIn
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_rock_final_2.wav",0.014125375,1.0};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "(1-camPos)*gravel*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class TiresAsphaltIn
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\tires\int_tires_road_final_1.wav",0.017782794,1.0};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "(1-camPos)*asphalt*(speed factor[2, 20])";
		class NoiseIn
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\noise_soft_int_1.wav",0.017782794,1.0};
			frequency = "1";
			volume = "(damper0 max 0.03)*(speed factor[0, 8])*(1-camPos)";
		class breaking_ext_road
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04.wav",1.0,1,100};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 10])";
		class acceleration_ext_road
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02.wav",1.0,1,100};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])";
		class turn_left_ext_road
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02.wav",1.0,1,100};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
		class turn_right_ext_road
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02.wav",1.0,1,100};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
		class breaking_ext_dirt
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04.wav",1.0,1,100};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 10])";
		class acceleration_ext_dirt
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02.wav",1.0,1,100};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])";
		class turn_left_ext_dirt
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02.wav",1.0,1,100};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
		class turn_right_ext_dirt
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02.wav",1.0,1,100};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*camPos*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
		class breaking_int_road
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04_int.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 6])";
		class acceleration_int_road
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])";
		class turn_left_int_road
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
		class turn_right_int_road
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
		class breaking_int_dirt
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_04_int.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[2, 6])";
		class acceleration_int_dirt
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(LongSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[10, 0])";
		class turn_left_int_dirt
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[0.15, 0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
		class turn_right_int_dirt
			sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\soft\noises\slipping_tires_loop_02_int.wav",1.0,1};
			frequency = 1;
			volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(latSlipDrive Factor[-0.15, -0.3])*(Speed Factor[0, 10])";
	class RenderTargets
		class LeftMirror
			renderTarget = "rendertarget0";
			class CameraView1
				pointPosition = "PIP0_pos";
				pointDirection = "PIP0_dir";
				renderQuality = 2;
				renderVisionMode = 0;
				fov = 0.7;
		class IntMirror
			renderTarget = "rendertarget1";
			class CameraView1
				pointPosition = "PIP1_pos";
				pointDirection = "PIP1_dir";
				renderQuality = 2;
				renderVisionMode = 0;
				fov = 0.7;
	driverLeftHandAnimName = "drive_wheel";
	driverRightHandAnimName = "drive_wheel";
	thrustDelay = 0.2;
	brakeIdleSpeed = 1.78;
	maxSpeed = 165;
	fuelCapacity = 45;
	wheelCircumference = 2.805;
	antiRollbarForceCoef = 0;
	antiRollbarForceLimit = 10;
	antiRollbarSpeedMin = 3;
	antiRollbarSpeedMax = 100;
	idleRpm = 400;
	redRpm = 3500;
	class complexGearbox
		GearboxRatios[] = {"R1",-2.575,"N",0,"D1",2.367,"D2",1.67,"D3",1.238,"D4",0.99,"D5",0.802,"D6",0.601};
		TransmissionRatios[] = {"High",6.0};
		gearBoxMode = "auto";
		moveOffGear = 1;
		driveString = "D";
		neutralString = "N";
		reverseString = "R";
		gearUpMaxCoef = 0.8;
		gearDownMaxCoef = 0.5;
		gearUpMinCoef = 0.45;
		gearDownMinCoef = 0.15;
		transmissionDelay = 2;
	simulation = "carx";
	dampersBumpCoef = 3.0;
	differentialType = "all_limited";
	frontRearSplit = 0.5;
	frontBias = 1.5;
	rearBias = 1.5;
	centreBias = 1.3;
	clutchStrength = 15.0;
	enginePower = 200;
	maxOmega = 370;
	peakTorque = 320;
	dampingRateFullThrottle = 0.08;
	dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged = 0.35;
	dampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged = 0.35;
	torqueCurve[] = {
		{ 0.0,0.0 },
		{ 0.25,0.65 },
		{ 0.3,0.8 },
		{ 0.5,0.95 },
		{ 0.7,1.0 },
		{ 0.8,0.9 },
		{ 0.9,0.8 },
		{ 1.0,0.5 }};
	changeGearMinEffectivity[] = {0.95,0.15,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95,0.95};
	switchTime = 0.31;
	latency = 1.5;
	class Wheels
		class LF
			boneName = "wheel_front_left_damper_land";
			steering = 1;
			side = "left";
			center = "wheel_front_left_axis";
			boundary = "wheel_front_left_bound";
			width = "0.2";
			mass = 30;
			MOI = 2.8;
			dampingRate = 0.5;
			maxBrakeTorque = 2000;
			maxHandBrakeTorque = 0;
			suspTravelDirection[] = {0,-1,0};
			suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_front_left_axis";
			tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_front_left_axis";
			maxCompression = 0.05;
			mMaxDroop = 0.1;
			sprungMass = 400;
			springStrength = 14400;
			springDamperRate = 1920;
			longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity = 10000;
			latStiffX = 25;
			latStiffY = 180;
			frictionVsSlipGraph[] = {
				{ 0,1 },
				{ 0.5,1 },
				{ 1,1 }};
		class LR: LF
			boneName = "wheel_rear_left_damper_land";
			steering = 0;
			center = "wheel_rear_left_axis";
			boundary = "wheel_rear_left_bound";
			suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_rear_left_axis";
			tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_rear_left_axis";
			maxHandBrakeTorque = 3000;
		class RF: LF
			boneName = "wheel_front_right_damper_land";
			center = "wheel_front_right_axis";
			boundary = "wheel_front_right_bound";
			suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_front_right_axis";
			tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_front_right_axis";
			steering = 1;
			side = "right";
		class RR: RF
			boneName = "wheel_rear_right_damper_land";
			steering = 0;
			center = "wheel_rear_right_axis";
			boundary = "wheel_rear_right_bound";
			suspForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_rear_right_axis";
			tireForceAppPointOffset = "wheel_rear_right_axis";
			maxHandBrakeTorque = 3000;
	class Exhausts
		class Exhaust1
			position = "exhaust1_pos";
			direction = "exhaust1_dir";
			effect = "ExhaustEffectOffroad";
		class Exhaust2
			position = "exhaust2_pos";
			direction = "exhaust2_dir";
			effect = "ExhaustEffectOffroad";
	class Damage
		tex[] = {};
		mat[] = {"A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\offroad_ext.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\offroad_ext_damage.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\offroad_ext_destruct.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\Offroad_int_base.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\Offroad_int_base_damage.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\Offroad_int_base_destruct.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\Offroad_int_board.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\Offroad_int_board_damage.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\Offroad_int_board_destruct.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\Offroad_ext_plastic.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\Offroad_ext_damage.rvmat","A3\soft_F\Offroad\Data\Offroad_ext_destruct.rvmat","A3\data_f\glass_veh.rvmat","A3\data_f\Glass_veh_damage.rvmat","A3\data_f\Glass_veh_damage.rvmat","A3\data_f\glass_veh_int.rvmat","A3\data_f\Glass_veh_damage.rvmat","A3\data_f\Glass_veh_damage.rvmat"};
	class Reflectors
		class Left
			color[] = {0.75,0.75,0.85};
			ambient[] = {0.0005,0.0005,0.0005};
			position = "L svetlo";
			direction = "konec L svetla";
			hitpoint = "L svetlo";
			selection = "L svetlo";
			size = 1;
			innerAngle = 35;
			outerAngle = 180;
			coneFadeCoef = 40;
			intensity = 400;
			useFlare = 0;
			dayLight = 0;
			flareSize = 0.75;
			class Attenuation
				start = 1;
				constant = 2.0;
				linear = 0.0;
				quadratic = 15.0;
		class Right: Left
			position = "P svetlo";
			direction = "konec P svetla";
			hitpoint = "P svetlo";
			selection = "P svetlo";
		class Right2: Right
			position = "R_light_flare";
			useFlare = 1;
		class Left2: Left
			position = "L_light_flare";
			useFlare = 1;
	aggregateReflectors[] = {
		{ "Left","Right","Left2","Right2" }};
class TestCar: TestCar_Base
	_generalMacro = "TestCar";
	scope = 2;
	crew = "C_man_1";
	side = 3;
	faction = "CIV_F";
	accuracy = 1.25;
	class Turrets{};

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Thanks just got to work on the physx.

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Nice looking vehicle, what is the polycount though? if you exceed a certain number on the base model in oxygen light then it won't render ingame.

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Are you making the rear cargo area as seating positions for troops?

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Nice looking vehicle, what is the polycount though? if you exceed a certain number on the base model in oxygen light then it won't render ingame.

It is 64909 points 65937 faces i always make sure of that it is not to high.

Are you making the rear cargo area as seating positions for troops?

Yeah am going to have 2 guys on the back siting with there guns and can use them. so with the gunner it is 3 on the back.

maybe you could make a some more "used" tyres version aswell?

It is not done and it has no textures at the moment. But thanks for asking.

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This is looking really nice, I'm looking forward to using this for forward reconisance.

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I believe 65K is WAY too high. I accidentally exported my higher poly model of my weapon and Buldozer wouldn't show it at all. When I switched it with the lower poly version ~17K it showed up in the viewer, so I believe you can just check if it's going to show in-game by using the viewer.

Other than that, it looks pretty sweet.

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65k is far too high. The 'simplicity' of that vehicle should let you keep it under 15k.

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Yup, buldozer can't handle a single model with more than 2^15 (32,768) points. 65k is way beyond that and you'd have to start cutting major parts off, and loading them as proxies - which introduces its own set of limitations for re-skinning and animating.

For the main vehicle structure it's probably best to emulate the rough 'standards' for existing game assets (which tend to sit around the 15k-25k face mark IIRC), and use proxies for items that benefit from additional detail, like crew-served weapons and ancillary items. But if you want to forgo matching your work to the sort of values BIS seem to use, it's possible to 'fudge' your way around it like I said. :)

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65k is far too high. The 'simplicity' of that vehicle should let you keep it under 15k.

Yeah i am already working on it.

This is looking really nice, I'm looking forward to using this for forward reconisance.

Thanks :D

I believe 65K is WAY too high. I accidentally exported my higher poly model of my weapon and Buldozer wouldn't show it at all. When I switched it with the lower poly version ~17K it showed up in the viewer, so I believe you can just check if it's going to show in-game by using the viewer.

Other than that, it looks pretty sweet.

I always been working with the polycount in the end.

The buldozer is for arma 2 at the moment so there is the so i guess there are more higher polycount in arma 3.

Are you in maya or max?

Autodesk 3ds Max 2013.

Yup, buldozer can't handle a single model with more than 2^15 (32,768) points. 65k is way beyond that and you'd have to start cutting major parts off, and loading them as proxies - which introduces its own set of limitations for re-skinning and animating.

For the main vehicle structure it's probably best to emulate the rough 'standards' for existing game assets (which tend to sit around the 15k-25k face mark IIRC), and use proxies for items that benefit from additional detail, like crew-served weapons and ancillary items. But if you want to forgo matching your work to the sort of values BIS seem to use, it's possible to 'fudge' your way around it like I said. :)

Yeah thanks for the info.

here is the DAVE in arma 2 buldozer with no wheels

http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg19/Einar7/DAVE_buldozer_zps1cc68d23.jpg (147 kB)

Edited by TxT

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