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Arma II and Operation Arrowhead Islands successfully imported

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Thanks for the hard work, insofar. You might consider consulting with some of the island gurus out there *cough* Bushlurker, Raunhofer, etc *cough* to see if they can't lend you a hand regarding them clutter drop offs.

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I am looking forward to the release, dont give up or feel like it's time wasted! People like you are what makes this game and community so great!

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A valiant project, A2 islands do look stunning in A3, even A1 islands. I don’t think for one minute players are expecting this to be totally 100%. Why not release an unfinished version for the players to start experimenting with themselves, and help in identifying problems.

May take the weight off a little, a project with this much scope, could bog you down, I would imagine.

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to this, but as said, don’t let it get to you too much, if your getting a little fed up with it, let others help.


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A valiant project, A2 islands do look stunning in A3, even A1 islands. I don’t think for one minute players are expecting this to be totally 100%. Why not release an unfinished version for the players to start experimenting with themselves, and help in identifying problems.

May take the weight off a little, a project with this much scope, could bog you down, I would imagine.

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to this, but as said, don’t let it get to you too much, if your getting a little fed up with it, let others help.


agreed :)

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Lingor looks very good on A3. I wishes we could use it on A3. :(

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Lingor looks very good on A3. I wishes we could use it on A3. :(

Exactly my thoughts when I loaded it up trough AiA yesterday. too bad it crashes quite often when in the editor.

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Exactly my thoughts when I loaded it up trough AiA yesterday. too bad it crashes quite often when in the editor.

Yea considering that it does not assist the Rpt. errors

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I would like to see the arma 2 addon "FIJI" map in arma 3, it has underwater features like wrecks too (I know this should be in the addons thread, so forgive my post)

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where i can find the map? how works?

This mod is not release yet.

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What about the content release that happend some dayq ago.

Does it helps?

It's said islands datas are released and can be use with arma games.

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