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John Kozak

Forward-porting ArmA 2 content to ArmA 3

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Check out A2toA3 just released by SgtHunter. I haven't tested it yet but according to the info it can handle the A2 DLC's...

Nope, it doesn't touch any DLC files but it offers automatic hardlinking for them. You will still have to find a way to load them.

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ok so the a2toa3 tool created empty mod and addon folder in my arma3 dir.. isnt there supposed to be a link file of something, the maps dont appear in the list in the editor...

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And you have arma2OA installed? Sorry for asking this very basic question ;)

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what does the script copy "UIFonts.pbo" for?

the server that is running arma 3 chernarus wasteland is not accepting that file, i have to delete it manually after running the script.

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How do we setup the Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA content so that the Russian units are selectable? Takistani units seem to override the Russian ones in the editor menus right now.

edit: Now the Russian units are overriding the Takistani units.

No such issue for me... Are you sure you've set different modfolders for the A2 and A2OA content?

Thanks for the script! I notice that it overrides the Arma 3 voices. What files do I remove to get the default voices back?

No idea yet, unfortunately. You may experiment yourself by deleting voice pbos.

Does this method overide the smoke coming out of Fixed wing vehicles?

Nope :(

Came across this issue, anyone know how to fix?

bin/config.bin\CfgWeapons/G36_C_SD_eotech/Burst/: Cannot find base class 'Burst'

Do you have plain ArmA 2 installed? You need both A2 and A2OA

I love the idea of this script, but I'm having a hard time getting it to work. Everytime I run it, the dos script keeps saying access denied over and over again.

I've pasted my script below:

@echo off


set a2path=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

set a2oapath=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

set a2targetpath=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\@A2Backport

set a2oatargetpath=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\@A2OBackport

set a3path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3


if not exist "%a2path%\arma2.exe" (echo ArmA 2 content not found. Proceeding to ArmA 2

OA & goto a2oa)

echo Copying ArmA 2 content...

rd /S /Q "%a2targetpath%\Addons"

mkdir "%a2targetpath%\Addons"

dir /S /B "%a2path%\Addons\*" | find /V "anims" | find /V "editor" | find /V "missions"

| find /V "music" | find /V "ui" | find /V "water" | find /V "characters" >> %temp%


for /F "delims=," %%i in (%temp%\files.txt) do mklink /H "%a2targetpath%\Addons\%%~nxi"


del /Q %temp%\files.txt


if not exist "%a2oapath%\arma2oa.exe" (echo ArmA 2 OA content not found. Exiting. &

goto end)

echo Copying ArmA 2 OA content...

rd /S /Q "%a2oatargetpath%\Addons"

mkdir "%a2oatargetpath%\Addons"

dir /S /B "%a2oapath%\Expansion\Addons\*" | find /V "anims" | find /V "editor" | find

/V "missions" | find /V "music" | find /V "ui" | find /V "water" | find /V "characters"

>> %temp%\files.txt

for /F "delims=," %%i in (%temp%\files.txt) do mklink /H "%a2oatargetpath%\Addons\%

%~nxi" "%%i"

del /Q %temp%\files.txt


echo Finished. Starting ArmA 3

cd /D %a3path%

arma3 -nosplash -mod="%a2targetpath%;%a2oatargetpath%"


Can you try putting the modfolders to root? C:\A2Backport and C:\A2OABackport. Maybe the modstring is too long or I'm missing a quote somewhere.


I tried this, but Chernarus and Co. are not shown inside the editor menu.

My .bat with the code:

@echo off

set a2path=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2
set a2oapath=C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2
set a2targetpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@A2Backport
set a2oatargetpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@A2OABackport
set a3path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3

if not exist "%a2path%\arma2.exe" (echo ArmA 2 content not found. Proceeding to ArmA 2 OA & goto a2oa)
echo Copying ArmA 2 content...

rd /S /Q "%a2targetpath%\Addons"
mkdir "%a2targetpath%\Addons"
dir /S /B "%a2path%\Addons\*" | find /V "anims" | find /V "editor" | find /V "missions" | find /V "music" | find /V "ui" | find /V "water" | find /V "characters" >> %temp%\files.txt
for /F "delims=," %%i in (%temp%\files.txt) do mklink /H "%a2targetpath%\Addons\%%~nxi" "%%i"
del /Q %temp%\files.txt

if not exist "%a2oapath%\arma2oa.exe" (echo ArmA 2 OA content not found. Exiting.  & goto end)
echo Copying ArmA 2 OA content...

rd /S /Q "%a2oatargetpath%\Addons"
mkdir "%a2oatargetpath%\Addons"
dir /S /B "%a2oapath%\Expansion\Addons\*" | find /V "anims" | find /V "editor" | find /V "missions" | find /V "music" | find /V "ui" | find /V "water" | find /V "characters" >> %temp%\files.txt
for /F "delims=," %%i in (%temp%\files.txt) do mklink /H "%a2oatargetpath%\Addons\%%~nxi" "%%i"
del /Q %temp%\files.txt

echo Finished. Starting ArmA 3
cd /D %a3path%
arma3 -nosplash -mod="%a2targetpath%;%a2oatargetpath%"

I run it as admin, it says that they create a fix shortcut to the .pbo's... still I can't see anything in my game. Tried it with arma3 -nosplash -mod="%@a2targetpath%;%@a2oatargetpath%" instead without the @s. Not working. I tried to have my @A2Backport, @A2OABackport either in my A2 folder or my A3 folder. I can't see why it's not working.

Same as above - can you try creating the target folders in root?

I have a question with this script. Does this work at all for the two small ACR islands? I know they're encrypted pbo files, so you can't unpack them, but my efforts of manually bringing them over to ArmA III has made them unable to load or be recognized properly by the title.

I suspect, this won't be possible, as DLCs have their PBOs encrypted.

what does the script copy "UIFonts.pbo" for?

the server that is running arma 3 chernarus wasteland is not accepting that file, i have to delete it manually after running the script.

Well, it doesn't screw up anything, so why not? I'd suggest the server admin publishing their own version of guide script to do it, if they use something different from the "reference" idea.

I've added it to the blacklist now, though. Script updated.

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No such issue for me... Are you sure you've set different modfolders for the A2 and A2OA content?

Thanks for the tip. I have all or most of the vehicles select-able now.


Does anyone know which one of the Arma 2 pbo files causes some of the explosion smoke to look blocky? The Bradley's default cannon round and the Refleks Missile on the T-90 are both good examples.

Edited by Bobby Budnick

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Does anyone know which one of the Arma 2 pbo files causes some of the explosion smoke to look blocky?

I used WARFX to fix override it, gives a bit to much smoke and dust but its better than the ugly blocky explosions.

Does anybody know how to fix the "damage smoke" coming out of jets? Setting allowdamage doesn't work..

This is a great script btw!

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I wonder if BI are planning to release something to merge the content.

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I am still unable to inport any of my Arma2OA content into Arma3 even after using all the methods described here. I have a Steam version of Arma2 and Standalone version of Arma2OA, as well as a Steam version of Arma3. After inserting all the correct directories into the application it DOES put 2 folders into my Arma3 Directory full of stuff from both the prior games. After Launching Arma3 the MOD's are listed under "Options" and "Expansions".. although i am unable to change the order. After loading the editor I do get 2 errors and close them. When I choose an air class unit, i am still only allowed to choose either AH-9, or MH-9 nothing else. Same goes for vehicles. Only Arma3 Vehicles? Am I missing something? Has anyone else had this issue of not being able to import ARMA2 objects into Arma3??


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I am still unable to inport any of my Arma2OA content into Arma3 even after using all the methods described here. I have a Steam version of Arma2 and Standalone version of Arma2OA, as well as a Steam version of Arma3. After inserting all the correct directories into the application it DOES put 2 folders into my Arma3 Directory full of stuff from both the prior games. After Launching Arma3 the MOD's are listed under "Options" and "Expansions".. although i am unable to change the order. After loading the editor I do get 2 errors and close them. When I choose an air class unit, i am still only allowed to choose either AH-9, or MH-9 nothing else. Same goes for vehicles. Only Arma3 Vehicles? Am I missing something? Has anyone else had this issue of not being able to import ARMA2 objects into Arma3??


Remember to select the faction before the wanted unit. The faction is set to A3 faction as default. Eg. if you want to place an CH-47F on the map, you have to select "US" as faction instead of default "Blue".

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Remember to select the faction before the wanted unit. The faction is set to A3 faction as default. Eg. if you want to place an CH-47F on the map, you have to select "US" as faction instead of default "Blue".

Well that seemed to work, but I dont see any Jets in there. Must be because I dont have "Combined Operations"

Thank you very much sir!

Much Appreciated!


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I remember reading several months ago that BIS were considering releasing an official tool to allow you to use this content in ArmA III. Has there been any further news on this?

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I remember reading several months ago that BIS were considering releasing an official tool to allow you to use this content in ArmA III. Has there been any further news on this?

I haven't heard anything about it, however there are lots of people hard at work porting A2 content over, so in time we will have everything in game anyways ;)

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I really really hope so! Arma II has so much great stuff. Tried a few times but being

new the hobby I gave up trying to port after way too many CTD. Future looks good!!

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Why does it say user received warning for this post? Also where can I get anything that helps me move or use arma 2 models for arma 3 mostly I want to use the OA terrorists

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Why does it say user received warning for this post? Also where can I get anything that helps me move or use arma 2 models for arma 3 mostly I want to use the OA terrorists
Ehhhhh... these days CUP might be the best bet due to how much needs redoing for characters compared to vehicles or weapons.

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^^ exactly what he said. Unless you know what your really doing. If you want terrorist clothes/gear either use one of several ports or create your own

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Kinda new to this again been away for awhile I never get to play as much as I would like. So I will google cup and arma but any links you know of for ports or cup I would appreciate.

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