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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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First off great work.

couple of concerns...

1: while using the 3D editor we are not able to place the objects/men using the spacebar. Is there a new key we are supposed to be using?

2: When the MM gives Arty to the players they cant ever seem to call it in, they get an error and kicked out of the PDA console

3: Is there a way to show all AI to the MM all the time? Not just the few seconds from the Mark option.

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3D editor is still very broken. Mission Settings doesn't work either.

Nevermind apparently that even though we downloaded it manually off Armaholic 'n stuff it was still an old version, r7 here we go!


Oh, okay, the changelog doesn't have r7, so even though we thought we weren't on the latest... we actually were. So no, 3D editor is still broken, hotfix and all.

Edited by Tark

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I did use the 3D editor today (using mission version) and it worked for me with today's A3 update..

I did notice I had to create at least 1 (empty) zone, otherwise the 3D editor would not show any object

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Hello guys.

Finally got the time to release the new version. The major thing are the removal of CBA, adding a mission template and the new API and Init system.


I'll attend to the ideas and errors you guys posted in the upcoming days.


Mission versio

Mod version


- Removed CBA dependability for mission version.

- Removed CBA event handlers all is done using BIS MP functions.

- Added mission template for the mod version.

- Added F3 gear and units for mission template and mission version.

- Added SF team can select starting with diver gear, ghillie suits or normal uniforms - mission parameters.

- Added two sniper teams.

- Added API for using MCC functions in mission or in the 2D editor.

- Fixed disabling IED didn't blow the vehicle tyres.

- Fixed weather changing - finally :) rain still isn't working as it disabled in game.

- Fixed saving triggers was broken.

- Fixed 3D editor bug.

- Fixed players can swith to driver position in convoy's vehicle.

- Fixed menu crash after spawning an IED using 3D menu.

- Added v0.56 new fog system.

- Fixed hijacked unit didn't have Mission generator available once got hijacked.


you can overwrite this init by making your own init or changing it in the mission version:



//= Edit variables as you see fit.


//= Shay-Gman ©



//----------------------General settings---------------------------------------

//Default side that detect undercover units 0 -East, 1 - West

MCC_underCoverDetect = 0;

//Default AI skill

MCC_AI_Skill = 0.3;

//-----------------------BTC Revive - --------------------------------------------

//disable this line if you don't want it in the mission version - will not work on the mod version by default

//if (MCC_path == "") then {call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf"};

//----------------------IED settings---------------------------------------------

// IED types the first one is display name the second is the classname [displayName, ClassName]

MCC_ied_small = [["Plastic Crates","Land_CratesPlastic_F"],["Plastic Canister","Land_CanisterPlastic_F"],["Sack","Land_Sack_F"],["Road Cone","RoadCone"],["Tyre","Land_Tyre_F"]];

MCC_ied_medium = [["Wheel Cart","Land_WheelCart_F"],["Metal Barrel","Land_MetalBarrel_F"],["Plastic Barrel","Land_BarrelSand_F"],["Pipes","Land_Pipes_small_F"],["Wooden Crates","Land_CratesShabby_F"],["Wooden Box","Land_WoodenBox_F"],["Cinder Blocks","Land_Ytong_F"],["Sacks Heap","Land_Sacks_heap_F"]];

MCC_ied_wrecks = [["Car Wreck","Land_Wreck_Car3_F"],["BRDM Wreck","Land_Wreck_BRDM2_F"],["Offroad Wreck","Land_Wreck_Offroad_F"],["Truck Wreck","Land_Wreck_Truck_FWreck"]];

MCC_ied_mine = [["Mine Field AP - Visable","apv"], ["Mine Field AP - Hidden","ap"],["Mine Field AP Bounding - Visable","apbv"],["Mine Field AP Bounding- Hidden","apb"], ["Mine Field AT - Visable","atv"], ["Mine Field AT - Hidden","at"]];

MCC_ied_rc = [["SLAM","SLAMDirectionalMine"],["Trip Mine","APERSTripMine"]];

MCC_ied_hidden = [["Dirt Small","IEDLandSmall_Remote_Ammo"],["Dirt Big","IEDLandBig_Remote_Ammo"],["Urban Small","IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo"],["Urban Big","IEDUrbanSmall_Remote_Ammo"]];

//IED jammer vehicle, the first one is display name the second is the classname [displayName, ClassName]

MCC_IEDJammerVehicles = ["M2A3_EP1", "HMMWV_M1151_M2_CZ_DES_EP1", "HMMWV_M1151_M2_DES_EP1"];

//------------------------Convoy settings----------------------------------------

MCC_convoyHVT = [["None","0"],["B.Commander","B_Soldier_lite_F"],["B. Pilot","B_Helipilot_F"],["O. Commander","O_Soldier_lite_F"],["O. Pilot","O_helipilot_F"],["Citizen","C_man_polo_1_F"]];

MCC_convoyHVTcar = [["Hunter","B_Hunter_F"],["Quadbike","B_Quadbike_F"],["Ifrit","O_Ifrit_F"],["Offroad","c_offroad"]];

//------------------------MCC Console--------------------------------------------

//AC-130 amo count by array [20mm,40mm,105mm]

MCC_ConsoleACAmmo = [500,80,20];

//string that must return true inorder to open the MCC Console - str "MCC_Console" + "in (assignedItems player)";

if (MCC_isMode) then {

MCC_consoleString = str "MCC_Console" + "in (assignedItems _this) && (vehicle _target == vehicle _this)";

} else {

MCC_consoleString = str "ItemGPS" + "in (assignedItems _this) && (vehicle _target == vehicle _this)";



MCC_artilleryTypeArray = [["DPICM","GrenadeHand",0],["HE 120mm","Sh_120_HE",1], ["Cluster 120mm","Cluster_120mm_AMOS",1], ["Cluster AP","Mo_cluster_AP",1],["Mines 120mm","Mine_120mm_AMOS_range",1],

["HE Laser-guided","Sh_120mm_AMOS_LG",3],["HE 82mm","Sh_82mm_AMOS",1], ["Incendiary 82mm","Fire_82mm_AMOS",1],

["Smoke White 120mm","Smoke_120mm_AMOS_White",1],["Smoke White 82mm","Smoke_82mm_AMOS_White",1],["Smoke Green 40mm","G_40mm_SmokeGreen",1], ["Smoke Red 40mm","G_40mm_SmokeRed",1],

["Flare White","F_40mm_White",2], ["Flare Green","F_40mm_Green",2], ["Flare Red","F_40mm_Red",2]];

MCC_artillerySpreadArray = [["On-target",0], ["Precise",50], ["Tight",100], ["Wide",200]]; //Name and spread in meters

MCC_artilleryNumberArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30];

//-------------------------Close Air Support----------------------------------------------

//Vehicle name and class

MCC_CASPlanes = [["AH-9","B_AH9_F"],["Ka-60","O_Ka60_F"]];

//-------------------------MCC Convoy presets---------------------------------------------

//The Type of units, drivers and escort in the HVT car

MCCConvoyWestEscort = "B_Soldier_F"; MCCConvoyWestDriver = "B_Soldier_SL_F";

MCCConvoyEastEscort = "O_Soldier_F"; MCCConvoyEastDriver = "O_Soldier_SL_F";

MCCConvoyGueEscort = "GUE_Soldier_1"; MCCConvoyGueDriver = "GUE_Soldier_CO";

MCCConvoyCivEscort = "C_man_1_1_F"; MCCConvoyCivDriver = "C_man_1_1_F";


mccPresets = [

['AI Artillery - Cannon', '[_this,1,2000,100,12,5,"Sh_82mm_AMOS",20] execVM "'+MCC_path+'scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf";']

,['AI Artillery - Rockets', '[_this,6,5000,150,4,2,"Sh_82mm_AMOS",120] execVM "'+MCC_path+'scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf";']

,['Ambient Artillery - Cannon', '[0,_this] execVM "'+MCC_path+'mcc\general_scripts\ambient\amb_art.sqf";']

,['Ambient Artillery - Rockets', '[1,_this] execVM "'+MCC_path+'mcc\general_scripts\ambient\amb_art.sqf";']

,['Forward Observer Artillery', '[0,_this] execVM "'+MCC_path+'mcc\general_scripts\artillery\bon_art.sqf";']

,['Ambient AA - Cannon/Rockets', '[2,_this] execVM "'+MCC_path+'mcc\general_scripts\ambient\amb_art.sqf";']

,['Ambient AA - Search Light', '[3,_this] execVM "'+MCC_path+'mcc\general_scripts\ambient\amb_art.sqf";']

,['Recruitable', '_this addAction [format ["Recruit %1", name _this], "'+MCC_path+'mcc\general_scripts\hostages\hostage.sqf",2,6,false,true];']

,['Make Hostage', '_this execVM "'+MCC_path+'mcc\general_scripts\hostages\create_hostage.sqf";']

,['Destroy Object', '_this setdamage 1;']

,['Flip Object', '[_this ,0, 90] call bis_fnc_setpitchbank;']

,['Join player', '[_this] join (group player);']

,['Set Empty (Fuel)', '_this setfuel 0;']

,['Set Empty (Ammo)', '_this setvehicleammo 0;']

,['Set Locked', '_this setVehicleLock "LOCKED";']

,['Set Renegade', '_this addrating -2001;']

,['Create Local Marker', '_this execVM "'+MCC_path+'mcc\general_scripts\create_local_marker.sqf";']




Create a logic and call the function as described:


// Create a virtual camera and broadcast a short PiP video to all clients for 15 seconds.

// Example: [[netid soldier1, 0],"MCC_fnc_broadcast",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// soldier1: object - livefeed target

// 0: number - video mode 0: video, 1:night vision, 2:thermal



// Create an empty box with the given weapons and items

// Example: [[_pos, _dir, _weapons, _magazines,_items,_rucks],"MCC_fnc_boxGenerator",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// _pos: array position

// _dir: number - direction

// _weapons: array 1st: weapon class 2nd: ammount [["weaponClass1","weaponClass2"],[1,5]]

// _magazines: array 1st: magazine class 2nd: ammount [["magazineClass1","magazineClass2"],[5,5]]

// _items: array 1st: item class 2nd: ammount [["itemClass1","itemClass2"],[5,5]]

// _rucks: array 1st: ruck class 2nd: ammount [["ruckClass1","ruckClass2"],[5,5]]



// Create an artillery shell above the location

// Example:[[_pos, shelltype, shellspread, nshell,simulate],"MCC_fnc_artillery",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// _pos: array, position

// shelltype: string, vehicleClass ["GrenadeHand","Sh_120_HE","Cluster_120mm_AMOS","Mo_cluster_AP","Mine_120mm_AMOS_range","Sh_120mm_AMOS_LG","Sh_82mm_AMOS","Fire_82mm_AMOS","Smoke_120mm_AMOS_White","Smoke_82mm_AMOS_White","G_40mm_SmokeGreen","G_40mm_SmokeRed","F_40mm_White""F_40mm_Green","F_40mm_Red"];

// shellspread: number, 1st: weapon class 2nd: ammount [["weaponClass1","weaponClass2"],[1,5]]

// nshell: number, ammount of artillery per salvo

// simulate: number, shell simulation 0-DPICM, 1- bomb, 2 - flare, 3 - laser guided



// Move a vehicle across selected WP

// Example:[[[wp1,wp2,wp3], flyInHight, insertion, netid vehicle],"MCC_fnc_evacMove",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// [wp1,wp2,wp3]: array, waypoint positions

// flyInHight: number, if evac is a chopper flight hight, set to 5000 for land or sea vehicle

// insertion: number, for vehicles: 0 - engine on, 1 - engine off. For helicopters: 0 - engine on, 1 - engine off, 2 - hover, 3 - Helocasting

// vehicle: object, the evac vehicle



// Delete the given vehicle or it's driver

// Example:[[option, evac],"MCC_fnc_evacDelete",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// option number, 0- delete driver, 1 - spawn driver, 2- delete vehicle, driver and gunners.

// evac: object, the evac vehicle



// Spawn a vehicle with crew and gunners, mark it as an evac vehicle

// Example:[[vehicleClass, position],"MCC_fnc_evacSpawn",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// vehicleClass: string, vehicleClass to spawn

// position: array, spawn position



// Place a convoy up to 5 cars facing the direction stated with ot without an HVT

// Example:[[vehicle1, vehicle2, vehicle3, vehicle4, vehicle5,start, heading, side,VIPcalss,VIPcar],'MCC_fnc_placeConvoy',true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// vehicle1, vehicle2, vehicle3, vehicle4, vehicle5: string, vehicle class leave "" to not spawn a vehicle

// start: array, position, start location

// heading: array, position, where the convoy is heading

// side: string, convoy side "west", "east", "guar", "civ"

// VIPcalss: string, vip class if none "0"

// VIPcar: string, vehicle class if VIPclass = "0" will be ignored



// Make the convoy drive through the specific waypoints

// Example:[[[wp1, wp2, wp3], isVIP],'MCC_fnc_startConvoy',true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// [wp1, wp2, wp3]: array, waypoints positions

// isVIP: string, if = "0" no vip else there is a vip



// Make the convoy drive through the specific waypoints

//Example:[[action, pos,[WPType,WPcombat,WPformation,WPspeed,WPbehavior,WPcondition, WPstatment,WPtimeout], netID group],'MCC_fnc_manageWp',true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// action: number, 0 - add WP, 1- delete all WP

// pos: array, WP position

// WParray: array, WP declerations in format [WPType,WPcombat,WPformation,WPspeed,WPbehavior,WPcondition, WPstatment,WPtimeout]


// WPcombat: string, ["NO CHANGE", "BLUE", "GREEN", "WHITE", "YELLOW", "RED"]

// WPformation: string, ["NO CHANGE", "COLUMN", "STAG COLUMN", "WEDGE", "ECH LEFT", "ECH RIGHT", "VEE", "LINE", "FILE", "DIAMOND"]

// WPspeed: string, ["UNCHANGED", "LIMITED", "NORMAL", "FULL"]

// WPbehavior: string, ["UNCHANGED", "CARELESS", "SAFE", "AWARE", "COMBAT", "STEALTH"]

// WPcondition: string, condition for WP to be complete

// WPstatment: string, code will run after the WP is complete

// WPtimeout: number, waiting time between condition is made till the WP is set to complete

// group: the netID of the group



// Create an IED

//Example:[[pos,IEDkind,IEDVolume,IEDExplosionType,IEDDisarmTime,IEDJammable,IEDTriggerType,IEDdistance,IEDside,IEDMarkerName,IEDDir],'MCC_fnc_trapSingle',true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// pos: array, trap position

// IEDkind: string, any oject's vehicleClass

// IEDVolume: stirng, explosion radius - "small","medium","large"

// IEDExplosionType: number, explosion type: 0-deadly, 1 - disabling (will cripple vehicles and soldiers but will not kill) 2 - Fake, will not or lightly wound soldiers.

// IEDDisarmTime: number, time in second it will take to disarm the IED

// IEDJammable: boolean, true - if jammer vheicle (defined in MCC_IEDJammerVehicles) can jame this IED false if not

// IEDTriggerType: number, 0- Proximity, will explode if unit from the targer side will move faster then a slow crouch, 1- radio will explode if unit from the targer side will get close to it, if assigned to spotter the spotter must be alive, 2- manual detontion, only mission maker

// IEDdistance: number, minimum distance which target unit have to get close to the IED to set it off

// IEDside: side, [west, east, resistance, civilian]

// IEDMarkerName: string, custom marker name for the IED

// IEDDir: number, direction of the IED



// Create a mine field

//Example:[[iEDkind,IEDMarkerName,centerPos,minefieldSize],"MCC_fnc_mineSingle",true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// IEDkind: string, minefield type: "apv" - AP minefield with warining signs, "ap" - AP minefield without warining signs. "apbv" - AP bouncing minefield with warining signs, "apb"- AP bouncing minefield without warining signs, "atv" - AT minefield with warining signs, "at"- AT minefield without warining signs

// IEDMarkerName: string, custom marker name for the minefield

// centerPos: array, position center of the minefield

// minefieldSize: array, [x,y] size of the minefield in meters



// Create an armed civilian that will randomly open fire on target faction's units

//Example:[[pos,vehicleClass,side,markerName,direction],"MCC_fnc_ACSingle",true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// pos: array, armerd civilian position.

// vehicleClass: string, unit vehicle class

// side: side, [west, east, resistance, civilian]

// markerName: string, the name of the marker that will be deleted once the unit will die

// direction: number, the unit direction 0-360



// Create a suiside bombers that will randomly run ove and explode himself on target faction's units

//Example:[[pos,vehicleClass,explosionSize,explosionType,side,markerName],"MCC_fnc_SBSingle",true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// pos: array, armerd civilian position.

// vehicleClass: string, unit vehicle class

// explodionSize: stirng, explosion radius - "small","medium","large"

// explosionType: number, explosion type: 0-deadly, 1 - disabling (will cripple vehicles and soldiers but will not kill) 2 - Fake, will not or lightly wound soldiers.

// side: side, [west, east, resistance, civilian]

// markerName: string, the name of the marker that will be deleted once the unit will die



// Create a fake explosion, explosion dimiter will be decided by the _trapvolume

// Example: [_pos,_trapvolume] spawn IedFakeExplosion;

// _pos = position, center of the explosion.

// _trapvolume = string, "small", "medium", "large"



// Create a deadly explosion, explosion dimiter will be decided by the _trapvolume

// Example: [_pos,_trapvolume] spawn IedDeadlyExplosion;

// _pos = position, center of the explosion.

// _trapvolume = string, "small", "medium", "large"



// Create a disabling explosion, explosion dimiter will be decided by the _trapvolume

//Disabling explosion will disable vehicles without harming the troops inside or it will incapitate infantry

// Example: [_pos,_trapvolume] spawn IedDisablingExplosion;

// _pos = position, center of the explosion.

// _trapvolume = string, "small", "medium", "large"



// Draw a line on the map localy between two points

// Example: [MCC_pointA,MCC_pointB,MCC_IEDLineCount] call MCC_fnc_drawLine;

// MCC_pointA = position, start position of the line

// MCC_pointB = position, end position of the line

// MCC_IEDLineCount = integer, uniq number, can't have two markers with the same number



// will move the respawn marker to the current position of the unit while the unit is alive, if the unit dead will move the marker to the prvious location

// Example:[_dummy, _respawnMarker, _respawnStart"] call FNC_MOBILE_RESPAWN;

// _dummy = unit, the unit players will spawn in it.

// _respawnMarker = string "RESPAWN_WEST", "RESPAWN_EAST", "RESPAWN_GUERRILA"

// _respawnStart = position, the default respawn point if the mobile one is destroyed.



// returns a unit array consist of all the units from the given function and simulation in format [_cfgclass,_vehicleDisplayName]

// Example:_unitsArray = [_faction ,_sim] call FNC_MAKE_UNITS_ARRAY;

// faction = string, the faction to search in: "CIV" , "USMC", "INS", "CDF", "RU", "GUE" exc

// _sim = string, simulation type: "soldier", "car", "motorcycle", "tank", "helicopter", "airplane", "ship", "parachute"



// drop an object from a plane and attach paracute to it, thanks to BIS

// Example:[_planepos, _spawnkind, _pilot] spawn MCC_CreateAmmoDrop;

// _planepos = position, plane position

// _spawnkind = string, vehiclecClass to drop

// _pilot = plane's pilot



// drop a bomb that explode to some skeets with paracute the explode to some kind of CBU

// Example: [_bomb, CBU_type] spawn MCC_CBU;

// _bomb = position, bomb position




// drop a bomb that explode to some skeets that will search and destroy near by armor

// Example: [_planepos, _pilot] spawn MCC_SADARM;

// _planepos = position, plane position

// _pilot = unit, plane's pilot



// create a flying plane from the given type and return the plane , pilot and group.

// Example: _plane,_pilotGroup,_pilot = [_planeType, _spawn, _pos, _flyHight, _captive] call MCC_CREATE_PLANE;

// _planeType = string, vehicleClassName of the plane

// _spawn = position, position to spawn the plane

// _pos = position, waypoint for the plane

// _flyHight = integer, the fly hight for the plane

// _captive = boolean, true - to set the plane captive, false - for not.



// set a plane to move to a location and delete it once it come closer then 800 meters

// Example: [_pilotGroup, _pilot, _plane, _away] call MCC_DELETE_PLANE;

// _pilotGroup = group, the plane's pilot group

// _pilot = unit, the plane's pilot

// _plane = unit, the plane

// _away = position, waypoint for the plane



// Count the number of infantry, vehicles, tank, air, ships in a group

// Example: [_group1] call MCC_COUNT_GROUP;

// _group1 = group, the group name



// Create artillery strike with sounds on given spot

// Example: [_pos, _shelltype, _shellspread, _nshell, _sound] spawn MCC_ARTY_BOMB;

// _pos = position. Point of impact

//_shelltype = string. Ammuination class name

//_shellspread = integer. Spread radius.

// _nshell = integer. Number of shells per burst

// _sound = boolean, True - for impact wistle sound



// Create artillery strike with sounds on given spot

// Example: [_pos, _shelltype, _shellspread, _nshell, _sound] spawn MCC_ARTY_FLARE;

// _pos = position. Point of impact

//_shelltype = string. Ammuination class name

//_shellspread = integer. Spread radius.

// _nshell = integer. Number of shells per burst

// _sound = boolean, True - for impact wistle sound



// Create DPICM artillery barage

// Example: [_pos, _shelltype, _shellspread, _nshell, _sound] spawn MCC_ARTY_DPICM;

// _pos = position. Point of impact

//_shelltype = string. Ammuination class name

//_shellspread = integer. Spread radius.

// _nshell = integer. Number of shells per burst

// _sound = boolean, True - for impact wistle sound



// Draw a box on the map localy between two points

// Example: [MCC_pointA,MCC_pointB,boxMarkerName,boxType,boxColor,maxDist] call MCC_fnc_drawBox;

// MCC_pointA = Position, start position of the line

// MCC_pointB = Position, end position of the line

// boxMarkerName = Integer, uniq number, can't have two markers with the same number

//boxType = String, type of box

//boxWidth = Integer, width of the box

//boxColor = String, box color

//maxDist = Integer, maximum marker distance.

//Returns : marker name



// Do the transmitting feed animation

// Example: [_control] call MCC_fnc_pipOpen;

// _control = control name



// Setstime on all clients

// Example: [[year, month, day, hour, minute],"MCC_fnc_setTime",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// year: number, YYYY

// month: number, MM

// day: number, DD

// hour: number, HH

// minute: number, mm



// Sets weather on all clients - skip time by one hour to make the weather change

// Example: [[[ Overcast, WindForce, Waves, Rain, Lightnings,fog]],"MCC_fnc_setWeather",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// Overcast: number, 0-1

// WindForce: number, 0-1

// Waves: number, 0-1

// Rain: number, 0-1

// Lightnings: number, 0-1

// Fog: array, [fogValue, fogDecay, fogBase]



// Say sound on 3d on all clients

// Example: [[netid _unit, _sound], "MCC_fnc_globalSay3D", true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// _unit: object, sound's source

// _sound: string, sound define in config



// Broadcast a meesege on all clients

// Example: [[_hint],'MCC_fnc_globalHint',true,false]

// Params:

// _hint: string, messege to broadcast



// Global execute a command on selected clients or server

// Example: [[mode,code], "MCC_fnc_globalExecute", true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// mode: number, 0:clients only, 1: server only 2: all clients and server

// code: code, code to be executed



// Send chat across MP

// Example: [[netid _unit,_text,_local], "MCC_fnc_groupchat", true, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

// Params:

// _unit: object, brocadcasting unit

// _text: string, text to broadcast

// _local: bolean, false - all clients and server, true - only where the unit is local


Edited by shay_gman

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Everything's working peachy again. :D.

Also, anyone noticing some weird 3D-Editor spawning behaviour when dealing with some of the A3 fortifications? Like them spawning away from the cursor?

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Thanks Shay !!

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Hey shay its not loading up for me at all am i doing something wrong?

Disregard i got it to work

Edited by fullerpj

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Is it just me or do waypoints in the group generator seem to randomly place themselves or not place themselves? Also, setting the Time of Day will randomly kick forward the time another hour once you've already set it, bit weird.

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@Tark - have the same problem on the waypoints, cant see them on the map too ... will nodoubt be fixed

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I keep getting this error when spawning stuff

Create a zone before spawning stuff.

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Is there a way to give MCC permission to all units?

If you won't put the Access module on every unit can use MCC but only one mission maker can be logged in at a time.

First off great work.

couple of concerns...

1: while using the 3D editor we are not able to place the objects/men using the spacebar. Is there a new key we are supposed to be using?

2: When the MM gives Arty to the players they cant ever seem to call it in, they get an error and kicked out of the PDA console

3: Is there a way to show all AI to the MM all the time? Not just the few seconds from the Mark option.

Everything's working peachy again. :D.

1. – fixed/

2. – I'll check it out and fix it.

3. – No I don't want to give the mission maker super powers when he Is playing. The idea is that the mission maker will be part of the game and have fun with the team.

Also, anyone noticing some weird 3D-Editor spawning behaviour when dealing with some of the A3 fortifications? Like them spawning away from the cursor?

Which items? Most likely it something with the real center of the item and not MCC but I'll check it out.

Is it just me or do waypoints in the group generator seem to randomly place themselves or not place themselves? Also, setting the Time of Day will randomly kick forward the time another hour once you've already set it, bit weird.

The WP that you just put isn't shown only the next so if you put a group with 1 WP you won't see it if you put the second you'll see the first and if you put the third you'll see the first and second unless you'll click on the group name so it will refresh the UI.

I'll look into setting the time of day. The weather system push back the time one hour backward and then one hour forward to let the weather "build" but you should stay on the same hour with a few seconds.

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Im using the mission version of MCC. I have a few things here:

1. When I try to call the 120 mm HE artillery airstrike using the MCC panel directly on the map, nothing happens. The smaller one 80MM works. Also the 120MM cluster doesnt work for me.

2. On startup I receive a No entry config.bin/cfgweapons warning. I have no addons installed running vanilla 0.60

3. There is no function to delete everything within the zone, like all music, units etc. I need to go to 3d and manually remove all things, some things cannot be removed directly...Maybe a reset function would be nice to have.

4. When selecting the button Mission failed the mission ends. Then pressing continue and starting up the MCC I receive a warning "Picture pictureheal not found"

5. In Menu 2 hovering over the 3 waypoints button behind evac insertion section displays "Add artillery to the MCC console" this should be "Add 3 evac waypoints"

6. In the unit management section there is no option to manually set the rank and leader of a group, so you could place yourself under the command of an AI leader giving you orders to move etc.

7. When you as the mission maker get killed while in 3d modus you will respawn with the 3d UI still open, however you are not able to return to the "Tablet" modus.

Keep up the good work. This tool is much better to understand than the VTS one.

Edited by Darker

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Im using the mission version of MCC. I have a few things here:

1. When I try to call the 120 mm HE artillery airstrike using the MCC panel directly on the map, nothing happens. The smaller one 80MM works. Also the 120MM cluster doesnt work for me.

2. On startup I receive a No entry config.bin/cfgweapons warning. I have no addons installed running vanilla 0.60

3. There is no function to delete everything within the zone, like all music, units etc. I need to go to 3d and manually remove all things, some things cannot be removed directly...Maybe a reset function would be nice to have.

4. When selecting the button Mission failed the mission ends. Then pressing continue and starting up the MCC I receive a warning "Picture pictureheal not found"

5. In Menu 2 hovering over the 3 waypoints button behind evac insertion section displays "Add artillery to the MCC console" this should be "Add 3 evac waypoints"

6. In the unit management section there is no option to manually set the rank and leader of a group, so you could place yourself under the command of an AI leader giving you orders to move etc.

7. When you as the mission maker get killed while in 3d modus you will respawn with the 3d UI still open, however you are not able to return to the "Tablet" modus.

Keep up the good work. This tool is much better to understand than the VTS one.

1. 120 mm HE artillery is available as a class but most likely BIS didn't made the actual bomb yet so it spawn with nothing.

2. No entry is caused be the F3 gear script most likely when trying to add an item or a weapon that isn't exist anymore or has its class name changed. I didn't have the time to go over all the items and weapons for NATO and Iran and I will appretiate if you or someone else will find which item/weapon is missing. Just press continue there is no real error in there.

3. You can delete units via menu 4 by selecting the unit/group I'll add the delete brush as in MCC 2 later on.

4. "Picture pictureheal not found" is reletad to the fact that MCC go over the config files and adds a unit picture if exist to the dropdown menu (like the ranks near a commander and such). In this case the config relate to a picture that dosent really exist most likely BIS will fix it later on.

5. You are right, thanks, i'll fix it.

6. Always the unit/group you selected first will join the group/unit you selected second. But it's a good idea to set the rank and commander through menu 4, i'll do that.

7. Try not to get killed while in 3D menu. I"ll fix it.

Great debugg mate this info is really helpful.

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Thank you for your fast feedback on the things I discovered. Here are some other things you might want to look at:

1. It is wise to disable the AI at startup, otherwise you end up with a massacre in a few seconds.

2. The 3d module always uses night vision modus at startup, even though it is bright daylight. You end up snowblind when looking at a 100% white screen.

3. When just randomly selecting a unit and clicking on the spawn button, I receive two errors. First this one appears only 1 second very quickly: http://abload.de/img/2013-06-11_00003mij4t.jpg

Then this one appears after the first one for about 10 seconds: http://abload.de/img/2013-06-11_00001rjkgw.jpg

4. If you have no tasks made you cannot add waypoints. Clicking on the waypoints displays this error message: http://abload.de/img/2013-06-11_000042jjlf.jpg

Maybe tell the user first to make a task in a pop up message.

5. Markers are invisible when added to the map inside the "Tablet" I have selected the red color, but no markers appear eventhough it says marker added. You can create a brush, but placing a marker will make the brush dissapear.

6. When you are in 3d modus, you have to press 3x escape button to return to tablet modus because once you press the escape button, the Arma 3 Menu pops up. Another key to exit the 3d modus would be nice.

7. It would be nice if you add the version number somewhere. Then you can easily tell if you have the latest version or not. You could use it in the mission name or in the "Tablet ui"

8. On the beginning you can choose which role you want. It would take some time to switch between infantry and diver for example. It would be nice if you can just select your whole team and ajust everyones role (and so as their uniform, vest, and backpack) in a few clicks. People wont have to change their whole loadout then and everyone has the same equipment/uniform in a few clicks.

9. There is no option to save your uberawesome mission you created in 3 hours and want to play the next time with just a few adjustments. Or am I too demanding now :P

10. Zooming in very far while using the UAV modus will make your character'arms flicker

11. The UAV camera is not very sharp, hard to distinguish friend or foe.

12. Right-Mouse movement in UAV modus is very buggy and uncontrollable when you alt-tab to desktop and back. Better is the camera movement in the 3d modus with keys where your character remains frozen.

13. Future option: Dive team + boat to add in MCC

14. The PIP view to broadcast to other players is very very small and out of focus. I need a magnifying glass to see what someone is broadcasting.

15. For better understanding to new players, maybe it is usefull to frame the different sections within each menu. That you can see what parameters belong to what section. Now everything is just put on the page a bit grouped together.

If you have questions regarding these lines, please tell me. Thank you.

Edited by Darker

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Thanks for the new version, I just have one little question. Whenever I open MCC Sandbox it always tells me it can't load a profile picture? I just click OK and everything still works fine. Any thoughts?

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Thank you for your fast feedback on the things I discovered. Here are some other things you might want to look at:

1. It is wise to disable the AI at startup, otherwise you end up with a massacre in a few seconds.

2. The 3d module always uses night vision modus at startup, even though it is bright daylight. You end up snowblind when looking at a 100% white screen.

3. When just randomly selecting a unit and clicking on the spawn button, I receive two errors. First this one appears only 1 second very quickly: http://abload.de/img/2013-06-11_00003mij4t.jpg

Then this one appears after the first one for about 10 seconds: http://abload.de/img/2013-06-11_00001rjkgw.jpg

4. If you have no tasks made you cannot add waypoints. Clicking on the waypoints displays this error message: http://abload.de/img/2013-06-11_000042jjlf.jpg

Maybe tell the user first to make a task in a pop up message.

5. Markers are invisible when added to the map inside the "Tablet" I have selected the red color, but no markers appear eventhough it says marker added. You can create a brush, but placing a marker will make the brush dissapear.

6. When you are in 3d modus, you have to press 3x escape button to return to tablet modus because once you press the escape button, the Arma 3 Menu pops up. Another key to exit the 3d modus would be nice.

7. It would be nice if you add the version number somewhere. Then you can easily tell if you have the latest version or not. You could use it in the mission name or in the "Tablet ui"

8. On the beginning you can choose which role you want. It would take some time to switch between infantry and diver for example. It would be nice if you can just select your whole team and ajust everyones role (and so as their uniform, vest, and backpack) in a few clicks. People wont have to change their whole loadout then and everyone has the same equipment/uniform in a few clicks.

9. There is no option to save your uberawesome mission you created in 3 hours and want to play the next time with just a few adjustments. Or am I too demanding now :P

10. Zooming in very far while using the UAV modus will make your character'arms flicker

11. The UAV camera is not very sharp, hard to distinguish friend or foe.

12. Right-Mouse movement in UAV modus is very buggy and uncontrollable when you alt-tab to desktop and back. Better is the camera movement in the 3d modus with keys where your character remains frozen.

13. Future option: Dive team + boat to add in MCC

14. The PIP view to broadcast to other players is very very small and out of focus. I need a magnifying glass to see what someone is broadcasting.

15. For better understanding to new players, maybe it is usefull to frame the different sections within each menu. That you can see what parameters belong to what section. Now everything is just put on the page a bit grouped together.

If you have questions regarding these lines, please tell me. Thank you.


1. Yes it is wise to disable AI at mission start. I leave the enable AI on so people can play with an AI if they want to but they should do it selectively and not just leave all the AI units there.

2. 3D module start NV when time is lower the 07:00 in the morning, depends on the map or the month it can be still a day light in 5 o'clock but most likely it will be dark. Set the time to noon and check it out.

3. This is because you didn't define a zone first. I will add a check to see if a zone is preset.

4. I'll add a check code to check if a task is created.

5. You should pick a marker that isn't the "empty" one and you should give a unique name to each marker/brush or it will just move the marker with the same name. When creating a brush you should pick the "empty" marker.

6. I'll add the Backspace as an exit key.

7. There is a version number in the config file, I'll see what can be done to add it to the UI.

8. MCC is trying effect as little as possible on mission design and keep it as simple as it can while using it with other addons and gameplay. That is why I made the mod version so people can just jump in with every mission/addon. Some people like this or other gear/uniforms/units the idea behind adding the F3 framework is just to give the player a quick "jump into action" option. For now I am not planning on going into micro-management players and their gear. But I might do that later if I'll find a way to do it without downgrading players that uses their own scripts and addons.

9. There is, press save/load mission and copy the text and save it into a txt file. Then paste it on a new mission and press load.

10. This is a BIS issue with mlod and PiP.

11. This is a BIS issue with PiP.

12. Try not to alt tab while you are controlling the UAV.

13. If you mean as an AI group, PM BIS or a modder to make custom groups. All MCC is doing is reading the config files of groups so if there isn't a group that defined like this it won't be available. Another option is to use the group generator. If you want this for the players: choose SF with diver presets and spawn an empty boat.

14. This is a BIS issue with PiP.

15. MCC 2 had frames then I thought it looks better without it with the new tablet look.

Thanks for the new version, I just have one little question. Whenever I open MCC Sandbox it always tells me it can't load a profile picture? I just click OK and everything still works fine. Any thoughts?

As mentioned before the config is pointing to a picture that isn't there, just ignore it untill BIS will fix it.

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Thank you for the feedback. If I find anything I will let you know.

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15. MCC 2 had frames then I thought it looks better without it with the new tablet look.

I've already spent some time reorganizing the layout of tab1

Feedback is welcome

mcc_newLayout.jpg (451 kB)

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