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Trying new control schemes

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Well My ctrl is not taken up by anything except Stance Adjust.

Do you think that might be the case?


GetKeyState, state, LCtrl
if state = D
   keywait WheelUp 
   Send w

   keywait WheelDown 
   Send s

Your script is wrong.

Tried a few things, but I couldnt get change stance to work.

Usually this dose the trick, but this time it did not.

(Adjust stance was changed to h and I tried using another standard key to execute the action, y.)


Send, s



Send, {h down}

sleep 500

Send, w

sleep 500

Send, {h up}


...that sort of works. I say sort of because it still only works if I hold down Ctrl, despite specifying Shift (and yes, I've reloaded the script!) Even if I try

The part before :: is only what you need to press to produce the script.

Of course you need ctrl if you use the ^ before the key.


^q = ctrl+q or ^WheelUp::

If you can get it to work otherwise then you might be close.

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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The part before :: is only what you need to press to produce the script.

Of course you need ctrl if you use the ^ before the key.


^q = ctrl+q or ^WheelUp::

If you can get it to work otherwise then you might be close.

Ah OK. If I use

   Send w

   Send s

that lets the mousewheel work normally and sends w or s when holding Ctrl and scrolling the wheel. So in theory

   Send {Ctrl w}

   Send {Ctrl s}

EDIT: Actually Send ^w and Send ^s might be better. END EDIT

should work to adjust stance in A3 (with the default controls of course) and

   Send {PgUp}

   Send {PgDn}

will allow Shift+mousewheel to control the range. That still leaves me Alt+mousewheel to play with (for leaning maybe).

Edited by doveman

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Ah OK. If I use

   Send w

   Send s

that lets the mousewheel work normally and sends w or s when holding Ctrl and scrolling the wheel. So in theory

   Send {Ctrl w}

   Send {Ctrl s}

EDIT: Actually Send ^w and Send ^s might be better. END EDIT

should work to adjust stance in A3 (with the default controls of course) and

   Send {PgUp}

   Send {PgDn}

will allow Shift+mousewheel to control the range. That still leaves me Alt+mousewheel to play with (for leaning maybe).

Sounds nice in theory only problem is that arma doesn't accept it for some weird fucked up reason, other then trolling us.

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Sounds nice in theory only problem is that arma doesn't accept it for some weird fucked up reason, other then trolling us.

Hmm, haven't had a chance to test it in-game myself so not sure why it wouldn't work.

Perhaps using SendInput {PgUp} instead might work? Or try some of these tips and see if they help http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/FAQ.htm#games

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Thanks a million, Jojo! Making great progresse here!

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Yeah, tried my script and it doesn't work at all in Arma3 for some reason, so if anyone works it out please share!

By the way, I highly recommend KeyCodes http://www.delphiforfun.org/Programs/Utilities/KeyCodes.htm as it's a great way to see if the AHK script is performing as expected outside of ArmA at least, before testing it in-game.

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this is what i use now. for me it's the best way of having the arma 2 style.

sprint - double tap W (like in arma) or holding left shift (like in any shooter)

walk - holding left Ctrl

adjust - Space (i never use instant action so i felt this would be a much better use for space. i also have holding breath bind to space since i don't want my character runnning out of breath just by zooming in too much. also holding breath and adjust don't really interfere eachother)

i also have lower weapon and switching from scope to cqc sight on my 2 mouse thumb buttons.

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EDIT: Actually Send ^w and Send ^s might be better. END EDIT

should work to adjust stance in A3 (with the default controls of course)

Maybe I wasnt clear but

Before :: is what you need to press. After :: is the result you want.

If you want the output to be ctrl+something you need to have the ^ in the send part.

^A::B Means Pressing ctrl+A will produce B.

A:: Send, ^B Means pressing A, alone, will produce ctrl+B

^A:: Send, ^B Means pressing ctrl+A will produce ctrl+B

(You need to use Send command with ^ in the output. Just because, I dont know...)

That said, I could not get change stance to work.

Some times even the best scripts wont work on combination of keys because of how the game works.

I would argue it would be better at this stage to created a ticket to allow stand alone bindings for stance up and stance down similar to other controls. :)

Edited by JojoTheSlayer

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I don't even think vertical stance is so important but ever tried to combine stance to the right and lean right? Keeps your body all out of the line of sight.

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Maybe I wasnt clear but

Before :: is what you need to press. After :: is the result you want.

If you want the output to be ctrl+something you need to have the ^ in the send part.

Yeah, that's what I've done so I don't know why you think I don't understand.

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I play on different servers. Some rely on TS with whisperlists for communication, others use ACRE and some have VON activated. I'd like to have a setup which is good for the different types of communication.

I use a Logitech G19 keyboard and a G600 mouse which features many programmable G-Keys. I would like to use the G-keys on the mouse for communication, perhaps G9 for Teamspeak push-to-talk, G10 for VON ptt and in future G11 for ACRE ptt. Some of the other mouse G-Keys might serve as TS whisper keys. It was my idea to map these keystrokes to the numbers of the keyboard's numpad and use the Logitech software to translate these numpad keystrokes to the G-keys of the mouse.

My question is: Is there a way to completely unbind the keyboard numpad keys? Just as in ArmA2 they control both views and the ingame map. I can unbind the views in the control menu but not the map function. It it difficult to communicate map positions when the map is constantly moving around as you talk.

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Found a solution for binding mousewheel as stance adjust

just go into your .arma3alphaprofile



and add,


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Found a solution for binding mousewheel as stance adjust

just go into your .arma3alphaprofile



and add,


I haven't tried it but from looking at it I'm guessing that will have the side-effect of making the wheel move me forward/backwards, which will be a bit annoying when I'm trying to use the action menus.

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I haven't tried it but from looking at it I'm guessing that will have the side-effect of making the wheel move me forward/backwards, which will be a bit annoying when I'm trying to use the action menus.

It works because scroll menu is mapped on your mousewheel too so you wont move, you will just control scroll menu.

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It works because scroll menu is mapped on your mousewheel too so you wont move, you will just control scroll menu.

Well all it appears to have done for me is bind 2xNum+ to Move Forward and 2xNum- to Move Back so I'm not sure how that's supposed to make my mousewheel adjust stance.

If I bind mousewheel up and down to Move Forward and Move Back, I get



and I can adjust the stance by holding Ctrl and scrolling the mousewheel, although it does make me nudge forward/back when scrolling without holding Ctrl, to access the action menu.

---------- Post added at 14:41 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ----------

I found a little anomaly, in that if I bind Sec. Mouse Button to Zoom In Toggle, it zooms in but won't zoom out again. I have to also bind Sec. Mouse Button to Zoom Out Toggle as well to be able to toggle zoom in. In theory this shouldn't work as normally Zoom Out Toggle (2xNum-) will zoom out further back than the "Normal" position but I expect they'll fix this up before release.

Using the Aiming Deadzone and mapping Mouse left/right to Turn left/right works quite nicely except I find it a bit annoying that I can't change the centre aiming point. To explain, if I'm looking at a tree 100m away that is dead centre of the screen, I can obviously have my sights in the middle of the screen aiming at that. Now if I see something (say a bush) below that tree, say half-way from the middle to the bottom of my screen and I aim at it, I'm now obviously not looking straight ahead and so I'm looking at my sights at a diagonal down angle and seeing over the original tree over the top of them. However, I'd expect that if I crouch I could get the bush near the centre of the screen so that I'm looking directly at it but changing my stance doesn't seem to change the relative vertical position of the objects as much as I'd expect. It's obviously more pronounced if I'm not on the same vertical plane as the objects but even when I am it seems a bit strange.

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[snip]I found a little anomaly, in that if I bind Sec. Mouse Button to Zoom In Toggle, it zooms in but won't zoom out again. I have to also bind Sec. Mouse Button to Zoom Out Toggle as well to be able to toggle zoom in. In theory this shouldn't work as normally Zoom Out Toggle (2xNum-) will zoom out further back than the "Normal" position but I expect they'll fix this up before release.

Uh - I think that was a bug in A2, when you respawned while you had been a gunner with max zoom in. I am sure it was fixed in A2 (Edit: Was probably related to the 3rd person view, too). This happened to me sometimes in A2 when I was gunner in a Blackhawk or Chinook, both was somehow bugged.

Generally these toggles (for max zoom in and out) works in vehicles but not in infantry mode. May be dependant to difficulty settings, too.

Besides that: By using the win-systemsettings for mousewheel up/down by assigning (for example) PageUp/PageDown to it, you are able to use the pageUp/pagedown function of the mousewheel in Arma, too.

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Uh - I think that was a bug in A2, when you respawned while you had been a gunner with max zoom in. (I am sure it was fixed in A2). This happened to me sometimes in A2 when I was gunner in a Blackhawk or Chinook, both was somehow bugged.

Generally these toggles (for max zoom in and out) works in vehicles but not in infantry mode. May be dependant to difficulty settings too.

Besides that: By using the win-systemsettings for mousewheel up/down by assigning (for example) PageUp/PageDown to it, you are able to use the PageUp/PageDown function of the mousewheel in Arma, too.

Nah, I'm not spawning with max zoom in, it's just the toggle doesn't work as expected when bound to RMB. If I use 2xNum- or 2xNum+ it works perfectly as infantry.

I don't think Windows generally allows binding stuff to the mousewheel, although custom software for particular mice will. Even so, binding keys like PageUp/PageDown to it seems like a bad idea as then Scroll Up/Scroll Down won't be available, so it'd be better if we could bind Ctrl+Scroll Up/Down, Alt+Scroll Up/Down in Arma, which currently isn't possible unfortunately.

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I assume one can only adjust the Page Up/Page Down-function of the mouse wheel in Arma.

Edit: You can test your mouse in the internet eplorer.

Mousewheel use to be PageUp/-down and thumbkeys are forward/back.

Edited by Mirudes

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I just wish they'd let us put Stance Adjustment on Ctrl+Mouse Wheel or something.

:yeahthat: I figured this would have been possible by now, but obviously not. We can hope!!

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my new layout is

mouse left fire

mouse right zoom and optics and breat

mousewheel actions and interact

mouse 1 raise weapon

mouse 2 reload

mouse 3 first and third cam

mouse 4 freelook

mouse 5 fire mode

mouse 6 optic mode redot or scope

mouse 7 temporary optics ( vehicles )

all removed from near wasd to arrow keys or others free keys on keybord

1x space crouch next 1x space go up

2x space go prone

c stand up from all positions

alt left 1x combat peace

alt left 2x combat peace toggle

2xW run

alt right 1x gps

alt right 2x gps toggle

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I've found a new one I quite like:

Put View/Zoom Out on 2xS

This way if you retreat by double pressing S it enhances your FOV to improve your peripheral vision.

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