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F3 Mission Development Framework (F2 for ArmA 3)

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F3 Mission Development Framework for ArmA 3

F3 v3-0-7 Released (now with ACRE)

From the ReadMe.md file:

3-0-7 | 14 SEP 2013

Changed default terrain to Altis.

Added Fireteam Member Markers component.

Added Buddy Team Colours component.

Partially re-enabled weather parameter in Mission Conditions Selector component.

Expanded F3 Folk ARPS Platoons component:

|- INDEPENDENT platoon can now be helibourne or mechanised.

|- BLUFOR platoon now has 1 x tank.

|- OPFOR platoon now has 1 x tank.

Implemented new functions-based approach to parameters, gear etc.

Updated F3 Folk ARPS Assign Gear Script component to support new NVG classnames.

Removed ShackTactical Fireteam Member Markers component.

Special thanks to comrade scripting heroes Head, Wolfenswan, Cam, new contributors turowicz and CaseMonster, and to all at Folk ARPS.

About F3

The F3 Mission Development Framework (F3) is the successor to the popular F2 and BAS f mission development frameworks for ArmA 2 and ArmA. The new framework contains many of the features you know from F2, updated to work with ArmA 3; new components which take advantage of the new game's special features are planned.

For downloads and to find out more please see our online manual:

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Did the latest A3 Stable branch break gear script or parts of it?

I am almost certain that CO and FTLs had binoculars before stable update but they do not now. Note, I am using v3-0-6 (not the latest 3-0-7). I can attempt a complete update but also don't want to destroy my entire mission. Perhaps I just need to update the gear scripts or something.

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I was testing the framework and encountered an error with the JIP system.

script f/common/folk_assingGear.sqf not found

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It's definitely something with Arma.


How do they miss something that large. Hopefully fixed soon. At least we know its not a F3 problem.

BTW, don't the standard loadouts in F3 contain optics as well? I'm not getting any weapon optics on any units either. I was pretty sure CO and or FTL's had optics on their weapons. I could be wrong though.

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The F3 standard loadouts are adapted to what we use in our community. They don't contain scopes for now, we're still experimenting.

Regarding the two aforementioned issues, they should be fixed now.

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Hey everyone,

the script errors for the JIP system and fn_setWeather will be fixed in the upcoming 3-0-8 release.

If you want to hotfix it yourself:

In f_JIP_reinforcementOptions.sqf in line 47


nul = [_loadout,player] execVM "f\common\folk_assignGear.sqf";


nul = [_loadout,player] execVM "f\common\fn_folk_assignGear.sqf";

In fn_setWeather remove both lines refering to simulSetHumidity.

Regarding scopes:

For now all units are using RCO/Red-Dot by default as it was in F2. Once we're finished with the gear script (which atm. mostly requires reducing and redistributing the load and weight which is still based on A3 Alpha values) we have some plans on introducing more options via parameters. For now if you want to replace the RCOs on rifles you can change the first class in the _attach string for each weapon in the assignGear files. (so for example in _rifle_attach = ["acc_pointer_IR","optic_Aco"]; replace "acc_pointer_IR" with whatever scope you want to give all units that get a regular non-eglm rifle that scope).

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Hey F3 crew,

Couple of F3-ACRE related things:

1st) Recognition overlay completely buggers ACRE. Must be some conflict in titles..? Anyway the yellow-black box in the down-right corner-screen for acre doesn't appear and changing radios is impossible when using Recog. Recog doesn't work either.

2nd) The [ fa_ACRE_assignGear.sqf ] seems not to function for [ _radio1 = "ACRE_PRC117F" ] on any of the classes. It does not appear in inventory. Could this be because of over-capacity loaded unit (no room in gear)? I haven't gotten it to work yet...

Thanks for the great work, it's really getting there!

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that is an ACRE related Error, the 117F Manpack is not working for Infantry as of now, only in vehicles. (AFAIK)

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The recognition overlay has been changed, and a new version will be available in 3-0-8.

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that is an ACRE related Error, the 117F Manpack is not working for Infantry as of now, only in vehicles. (AFAIK)

Ok, so two follow-up questions:

1) Is the 119 not working for infantry too?

2) What would be the best way to add a 117F to a vehicle (can I just put

null = [this,"v_car"] execVM "f\common\fa_ACRE_assignGear.sqf";

On every vehicle?)?

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Regarding 2, I haven't tested, I'd be grateful if you do. It should indeed add a 148 to the cargo of the vehicle (it won't add it to the vehicle itself, if that's possible).

It should be

null = ["v_car", this] execVM "f\common\fa_ACRE_assignGear.sqf";


As for the ACRE specific questions, you're probably better off asking in Nou's thread. You'll get some more informed answers.

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null = ["v_car", this] execVM "f\common\fa_ACRE_assignGear.sqf";

This had the desired effect of adding a 148 VHF to vehicleCargo on top of vanilla cargo like IFAKS, it even set the right frequencies. Also changing radio1 to [ _radio1 = "ACRE_PRC119"; ] gives a working long range!

We are now packing long range radios! Even CO's and SQL's. Our sessions just got better :)

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Hey guys,

We are experiencing horrible issues with players losing their uniform and its contents. This keeps happening since the last update.

I know they changed a lot of gear stuff but we haven't been able to identify the culprit. It seems to only happen on units who receive their uniform via script.

Does anyone know what the hell is happening since last update?

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We got the same thing with uniforms last night.

The problem is that every unit's init has a line like

nul = ["co",this] call f_fnc_folk_assignGear ;

which calls "fn_folk_assignGear.sqf" which has no JIP detection.

So when anyone 'Joins-In-Progress' he will call the assignGear for every unit and mess their uniforms and loadouts.

Adding the following to the top of "fn_folk_assignGear.sqf" should fix it:

if ((!isDedicated) && (player != player))  exitWith {			//if you're a jip:
	_this spawn {											//spawn because of the waitUntil
		_unit = _this select 1;
		waitUntil {player == player};	//waitUntil JIP complete and assigned a unit
		waitUntil {!isnil "f_var_debugMode"};
		if (player == _unit) then {_this call f_fnc_folk_assignGear;};	//only modify gear on the local unit

Edit: Tested and should be working, just needed the waitUntil {!isnil "f_var_debugMode"};.

Edited by PabstMirror

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Pabst code should temporarily fix this issue. Another thing to check is if you use FIA at all. The uniform classnames were changed. It should be "U_BG_Guerilla1_1". The old name was U_IG_Guerilla1_1

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Where do i find the "fn_folk_assignGear.sqf" ??

EDIT: Ok i found it. But how i only load this script? i don´t want to change anything else. i just want to load this script for my mission

Edited by Spectrobr

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Tell me please, I have a multiplayer mission where there is a hospital that you want to capture. Red and blue appear in the sky with a parachute at 1,000. Put two spawn, separately for the blue and red with the parameter "BASE". But after the death of the players already appear on earth and not in the sky. How to set the height of spawn?? Sorry for my english:j:

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I tried to add your code in my SQF but it wont load my custom gear in MP

it works just in the editor

Officer Init :

nul = [this] call new_fnc_Mofficer;


class CfgFunctions
class new
	class loadout
		class Mofficer { file = "scripts\Mofficer.sqf" };




if ((!isDedicated) && (player != player))  exitWith {			//if you're a jip:
	_this spawn {											//spawn because of the waitUntil
		_unit = _this select 1;
		waitUntil {player == player};	//waitUntil JIP complete and assigned a unit
		waitUntil {!isnil "f_var_debugMode"};
		if (player == _unit) then {_this call new_fnc_Mofficer;};	//only modify gear on the local unit

_unit = _this select 0;   

removeAllWeapons _unit ; 
 removeGoggles _unit; 
 removebackpack _unit; 
 removeHeadgear _unit; 
 removeVest _unit; 
 removeUniform _unit; 
 removeAllAssignedItems _unit; 
_unit addHeadgear "H_mas_rus_beretu"; 
_unit addGoggles "G_Aviator"; 
_unit addUniform "U_mas_rus_O_Gorka_uniform_u"; 
_unit addVest "V_mas_rus_ChestrigO_rgr_b"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"; 
[_unit, "arifle_mas_aks74u_a" ,8 ,"30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
_unit removePrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; 
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "FHQ_optic_AIM"; 
_unit addHandgunItem "optic_Yorris"; 
_unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; 
_unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; 
_unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_T_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShell"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_T_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShell"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "HandGrenade"; 
_unit addMagazine "HandGrenade"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemMap"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemCompass"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemWatch"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemRadio"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemGPS"; 
_unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; 
_unit addweapon "Laserdesignator"; 
_unit linkItem "Laserdesignator";      

Edited by HaZZarD

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Guys this was a temporary fix for the F3 Mission Framework. Using it with other scripts may not work the way you want as it's calling functions and variables built into F3.

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Hazzard: the line waitUntil {!isnil "f_var_debugMode"}; will wait forever for a variable that it gets from F3, if your not using F3, then take that line out and it should work for you

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Hazzard: the line waitUntil {!isnil "f_var_debugMode"}; will wait forever for a variable that it gets from F3, if your not using F3, then take that line out and it should work for you

I tried this but nothing , it works in the editor but not in multy , it not works even for me as the host

maybe this line

if (player == _unit) then {_this call new_fnc_Mofficer;};

make it go in loop idk , I don't really know how to make this code work for me

if ((!isDedicated) && (player != player))  exitWith {			//if you're a jip:
	_this spawn {											//spawn because of the waitUntil
		_unit = _this select 1;
		waitUntil {player == player};//waitUntil JIP complete and assigned a unit
		if (player == _unit) then {_this call new_fnc_Mofficer;};	//only modify gear on the local unit

_unit = _this select 0;   

removeAllWeapons _unit ; 
 removeGoggles _unit; 
 removebackpack _unit; 
 removeHeadgear _unit; 
 removeVest _unit; 
 removeUniform _unit; 
 removeAllAssignedItems _unit; 
_unit addHeadgear "H_mas_rus_beretu"; 
_unit addGoggles "G_Aviator"; 
_unit addUniform "U_mas_rus_O_Gorka_uniform_u"; 
_unit addVest "V_mas_rus_ChestrigO_rgr_b"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"; 
[_unit, "arifle_mas_aks74u_a" ,8 ,"30Rnd_mas_545x39_mag"] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
_unit removePrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; 
_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "FHQ_optic_AIM"; 
_unit addHandgunItem "optic_Yorris"; 
_unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; 
_unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; 
_unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_T_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShell"; 
_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_545x39_T_mag"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShell"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "SmokeShellBlue"; 
_unit addMagazine "HandGrenade"; 
_unit addMagazine "HandGrenade"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit addMagazine "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemMap"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemCompass"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemWatch"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemRadio"; 
_unit linkItem "ItemGPS"; 
_unit addMagazine "Laserbatteries"; 
_unit addweapon "Laserdesignator"; 
_unit linkItem "Laserdesignator";      

Edited by HaZZarD

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