chortles 263 Posted June 27, 2013 In for some reason, especially starting with the Steamworks announcement, that's only made me root for BI more... Heck I played STO since day one, I know shitty communication but alas STO is consistent with its shit.Incorrect, STO was just consistently shit (even with Gozer gone). Food for thoughtThe rocket launcher values were different before. Why change them to the same? Perhaps a mistake when copypasta a large amount of work, who knows. See, this is where I differentiate between people with worst-case-scenario thinking -- you've allowed for the real possibility of a simple mistake, and I've already seen pettka admit that there was a mistake with today's dev build this morning, ETA for a fix should be tomorrow hopefully (not all helicopters supported eject/paradrop as claimed in today's changelog), so I'm perfectly willing to believe that copypasta mistakes can/do happen (though I really hope that someone at BI kept a backup of what was copied-over somewhere) and I'm glad to see that you're allowing for that too instead of going all sky-is-falling like others had.That means that feedback is useless. You can't win. Where is that "OH... SNAP!" GIF when I need it...*then sees the emoticon* I see what you did there... well played. Its like BIS is the smoking man.So that means that BI will be whatever they damn well want to be? No wonder they went 2035 and underwater! :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Masharra 10 Posted June 27, 2013 See, this is where I differentiate between people with worst-case-scenario thinking -- you've allowed for the real possibility of a simple mistake, and I've already seen pettka admit that there was a mistake with today's dev build this morning, ETA for a fix should be tomorrow hopefully (not all helicopters supported eject/paradrop as claimed in today's changelog), so I'm perfectly willing to believe that copypasta mistakes can/do happen (though I really hope that someone at BI kept a backup of what was copied-over somewhere) and I'm glad to see that you're allowing for that too instead of going all sky-is-falling like others had. Thats sort of what I mean with the inconsistency. I also saw that. He can say wups there but we have this issue here and silence. Its like hmmm thats odd. Mistake? Then why are they keeping quiet? Now I can accept there are a lot of maybes but I feel as if they create most of the maybe's. Its like watching a guy bump into someone he apologises and says it was a mistake and then he bumps into you and stares at you silently. It sorta feels like the communication up to and during the release of Colonial Marines aka shite in space. Agreed on the STO thats why I have a lifetime account. Want to buy? only 350usd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted June 27, 2013 i think we should keep up the nerd rage though, as long as we concentrate on certain parts of the game and don't drift into too much discussion about BI. this is about arma the game and what we think would make it better. the only thing the occasional mysterious dev posts show is that they are reading the stuff. that's enough for me. what goes on in there heads and leads to decisions we have no influence on anyways. let's just keep up the shitstorms about features and stuff. loud isn't always bad, if there's some content in there and a realistic possibility for a change, then it deserves to be heard. i mean pettka is the "config-guy" not the PR-guy. let's treat him accordingly. his job isn't to make satisfying public statements. his job is to make splendid configs;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
metalcraze 290 Posted June 27, 2013 (edited) Food for thought The rocket launcher values were different before. Why change them to the same? Perhaps a mistake when copypasta a large amount of work, who knows. Beta changelog? RPG-32 and NLAW should be of the same usability It's interesting that people who defend wrong BIS decisions the most - never actually follow changes and news. This happened only in your own mind. Of course it did Edited June 27, 2013 by metalcraze Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anachoretes 10 Posted June 27, 2013 It seems to me, or the game's success is based on GM6 lynx suddenly. What is the point in feedback tracker, if everyone starts to agitate their tickets. What if there are people who are trying to build a schedule based on human resources, goals and time. Let's wait for the cake and then we'll dig into the cherries. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
instagoat 133 Posted June 27, 2013 So many strawmen and red herrings in this thread. For example, re the AI. BI never promised any major improvements. From the start they said that the AI would only be tweaked and adjusted to make basic features work. I had devs telling me this in person at GC, even. As for the missiles, the fact that the RPG and NLAW are the same is irrelevant to me, because they are not properly simulated anyways. The lock on system for the Titan is also mega simplicistic. The Armor system is still the same as in OFP. Bodyarmour is just a mathematical modifier to the damage dealt, rather than properly simulated. The health kits are still insta-healing. Okay, so much for the bad, now what´s actually good. Because judging by this thread, we are headed for an OF:DR style ship-to-iceberg event. Improved AI values: On my rig, they use Handgrenades now, and do so competently. They are more reliable in finding cover (Far from perfect still, but a visible improvement.). They are not uber-precise anymore, but are still threatening enough to make you consider taking cover. Vehicles with TI will now spot you and kill you. They suppress more liberally, and maneuver aggressively. Granted, they still charge into enemy fire without consideration, do not cover each other or gather AT launchers from bodies when tanks show up, but by now I´ve given up on them ever gaining those skills natively. Gear system and Weapon attachments. Building PMCs or Guerillias is not a matter of making completely new Units anymore. Need some kind of rebel fighter? Custom build em! The clothes in fact are best sorted right now, because any new Uniform can be thrown onto any Unit in the Editor, ditto for vests and headgear and the like. The problem is weapons attachments, which still have not been sorted out, so weapons will probably fall way short in moddabillity terms at release day. The weight system is still in, albeit it seems a bit castrated, but weighing yourself down with tons of kit will exhaust you quickly. Once protection is in, these things will become even more important. New movement system. If you look at the sheer amount of animations and animation states in the config editor or the animation viewer, you can understand what a humongous task it was and is to get this working. And the AI can use the basic functionalities of the movement system as well as they could before, and if it´s not a step back we can at least say it´s not gotten worse. The movement system is fantastic: you can move in combat fluidly, exploit cover, and be more effective in general. Plus, it does not feel like you´re a sedated sloth with its pants full of bricks on a skateboard anymore when moving. New lighting and atmospherics. Big improvement, and about as good as it gets. No other game simulates dynamic worlds on this scale, with such dynamic light situations as this. No pre-baked shadow maps here, sir. The clouds are a massive improvement too, whoever suggested that they were a simple copypaste needs to go ingame and look up. In Arma 2, the clouds are the same 2D maps pasted in three layers onto the sky. Which always move east, and only east, at the same speed, no matter the weather conditions. Everyone who has flown one of the Arma 2 jets in TKOH, on the east asia map knows what a huge effect these clouds can have towards improving the visuals. Now we also have properly done fog. And, troubling as it may be for some, but games sell on their visuals, not the correct amount of buttonpresses to lock a missile. Sound system: Actually, right now, I do not like this very much. While the actual sounds for the guns are good, the explosions are lackluster or downright boring, and the distance filtering makes everything sound as if it is blaring out of a set of cheap loudspeakers. A lot of tweaking will be necessary to get this right, but I think the Idea has a lot of potential. It just needs to be tweaked right: again, manpower and time. Bullet penetration has also been improved (idk if you noticed). Normal bullets get stopped by the doors of the pickup, for example, while 7.62 and the sniper rifle rounds will go straight through. Even soldiers do not offer hard cover anymore as they did before. I have once had a single .50 bullet from the GM6 kill three soldiers standing behind each other in a row in a test I did. I think one reason for the lack of brand new features or work intensive features at this point is that they need to make sure all their assets are functional in this regard, especially since the penetration modelling was touted as a feature at the first and second rounds of E3 conferences (not this time, though, afaik). Now, the setting itself remains problematic, because there still is a lot of unhappiness in the community because the core content of the game doesn´t appeal to the fans of the 20th century type of cold war setting. The only thing really that could draw these people, if the core game does not, is the promise of large scale and comparatively easy modding. And for people like me, who do not like content altering mods, a functional native game is massively important. I am starting to get worried that BI is trying to take too big of a bite again, but only time will tell. In the meantime, people should advertise this problem so it gets fixed, otherwise weapon mods will have a bad time: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alwarren 2767 Posted June 27, 2013 As for the missiles, the fact that the RPG and NLAW are the same is irrelevant to me I think the keywords here are "to me". Other people, other priorities. Calling them "strawmen" and "red herrings" for having a different opinion just proves inability to discuss. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HKFlash 9 Posted June 27, 2013 For example, re the AI. BI never promised any major improvements. From the start they said that the AI would only be tweaked and adjusted to make basic features work. I had devs telling me this in person at GC, even. Yes yet people continue to forget about this fact, . Sure it is frustrating to be one shot killed (like I've been multiple times) or have the AI character go through a wall but hopefully this will be tweaked before release. As for the missiles, the fact that the RPG and NLAW are the same is irrelevant to me, because they are not properly simulated anyways. The lock on system for the Titan is also mega simplicistic. The Armor system is still the same as in OFP. Bodyarmour is just a mathematical modifier to the damage dealt, rather than properly simulated. The health kits are still insta-healing. Okay, so much for the bad, now what´s actually good. Because judging by this thread, we are headed for an OF: DR style ship-to-iceberg event. I disagree here. In fact, I would like each faction to have unique weapons and equipment, from the NVGoogles to the simple Compass (hey one can dream). Different turrets for different vehicles with different thermal optics for example. I mean look at the SDV for example: all factions have it yet the only difference between them is the cammo pattern? Come on! Also after 12 years we still have non-reloadable rocket launchers actually reloadable! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cpl_hicks 2 Posted June 27, 2013 Just to add my two cents, I am very concerned with this "balancing" talk as well. Being that this is a SIM, balancing should only be done at the mission/scenario level NOT at the physics/characteristics level. Vehicles and and weapons should act as close to real life as reasonably possible end of story. Adjust the story and or the scenario/circumstance of the map by using creativity but for goodness sakes don't compromise physics/characteristics! Lets face it, it's cheaper and faster to minimize and/or neglect research and implementation of hardcore simulation aspects of any game. So many times I have read about X company deciding to make games more "accessible" to the public by softening the harsh realism. Why not simply add it as an option/setting? answer= more time and money (I suspect) Am I accusing BI of this? Certainly not, but I am sure the pressure is there and one way of justifying it is the term, "balancing"............................ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted June 27, 2013 Thats sort of what I mean with the inconsistency. I also saw that. He can say wups there but we have this issue here and silence. Its like hmmm thats odd. Mistake? Then why are they keeping quiet? Now I can accept there are a lot of maybes but I feel as if they create most of the maybe's. Its like watching a guy bump into someone he apologises and says it was a mistake and then he bumps into you and stares at you silently.A better analogy would be for someone else to be the blank-staring one with both working for the same company.Agreed on the STO thats why I have a lifetime account. Want to buy? only 350usd.Unfortunately I lifetimed soon after launch myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
instagoat 133 Posted June 27, 2013 I think the keywords here are "to me". Other people, other priorities. Calling them "strawmen" and "red herrings" for having a different opinion just proves inability to discuss. You got me there. I was not specifically talking about saying that the RPG and NLAW aren´t done okay now. I was rather pointing towards the abundance of pessimism. I´ve got to admit that I am not happy about many of these things myself, and possibly I am trying to just hang on to the "good side" for the sake of it. Also, I am saying that they are irrelevant because missiles and armour penetration in general are not modelled correctly anyways. So I do think the argument stands: without proper simulation of the true differences between these systems (Handling, true Armor penetration, single-use launchers with detachable optics, etc.) it doesn´t matter that the NLAW and the RPG-42 are the same by stats. Putting in a difference for mere feel is maybe a good approximation, but I like to think that BI can reach higher standards than approximations by now. That does not mean that I do not care about the NLAW and RPG being modelled realistically from a personal and realism point of view, because I do. I just think it´s not worth the effort of putting in the mentioned approximations using an inherently unrealistic and overly simplified system. And overall, what I find most frustrating about this is that BI again tried to do too much, and now they´re really starting to cut corners. We have gotten a ton of improvements so far, though, and I do hope that the problems will not take the edge off of that. We have been promised hard-kill defensive system (Trophy, for example) at the last two games convention rounds. This time, no word. And considering how the (rather simple) armor system has not been changed, or the tab-lock system, or in fact the overly simple target aquisition for shoulder launched missiles, I am somewhat dreading to see what this kinda system would look like when done similarily simplicistic. Again, it comes down to how quickly and easily you can make changes to the engine. What a quick pipeline can do for you is shown by looking at OF:Red River. They whipped out a complete game in less than a year. Obviously they didn´t try to do half as much as BI, but I have the faint suspicion that a lot of the cutbacks come from the fact that we´re basically looking at a complete game, that has been adapted and added up upon over the course of more than ten years and no less than five iterations (not counting A3 and the DLCs). This is a behemoth, where there has partially been no oversight prior to the start of the development of the game (re the AI). "Balancing" really just means in this context to make the assets work to where the game is fun. The sheer amount of new detail features, inventory, movement, PP, weather, Islands and Missions has taken up so much time and space that I´m thinking that if we´ll ever see the hard and heavy features the community desires ingame, it will be with an OA style addon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Morrow 1 Posted June 27, 2013 I think you guys are going the wrong way with "How balance meats realism". I would take a look at Rising storm, the Americans have an M2A1-7 Flamethrower so how does this get balanced? Well the Japs get a special weapon also, the "Knee" Mortar. So all i'm saying is maybe instead of looking at gun stats look at the guns themselves? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cpl_hicks 2 Posted June 27, 2013 (edited) "Balancing" really just means in this context to make the assets work to where the game is fun. The sheer amount of new detail features, inventory, movement, PP, weather, Islands and Missions has taken up so much time and space that I´m thinking that if we´ll ever see the hard and heavy features the community desires ingame, it will be with an OA style addon. I agree, but I think focusing accuracy and realism is what makes a sim fun. What's more fun rolling down a hill in unrealistic cartoony car or in a realistic damage prone car that makes you feel like it really would happen that way if you were there but without getting hurt irl. Just saying Edited June 27, 2013 by CPL_HICKS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HKFlash 9 Posted June 27, 2013 This is a behemoth, where there has partially been no oversight prior to the start of the development of the game (re the AI). A behemoth so huge there's always work to be done to the point that if Bohemia wants they can continue the series for years to come. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anachoretes 10 Posted June 28, 2013 (edited) and now they´re really starting to cut corners. But it's correct. Since modders easier to build corners of the finished basement with walls. Rather than trying to build something sane from scratch. So happened that ArmA is a tandem between builders and interior designers. Just someone needs a little ease their whims and restore dialogue with developers to normal. Although I think someone wants to political battles, not the military. Edited June 28, 2013 by Anachoretes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted June 28, 2013 And overall, what I find most frustrating about this is that BI again tried to do too much, and now they´re really starting to cut corners.Realistically speaking, this should have been seen coming as early as last year with both all the verbal rolling back/retractions (even before the Greek incident and the change in project leads) and BI's "overambitiousness" habit that even Maruk talked about (i.e. re: "Game 2"). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TSAndrey 1 Posted June 28, 2013 Is this a joke? I mean, seriously BIS? Isn't it sad that pistols in games like Battlefield are more realistic than in Arma? I thought this was a realistic game.... Why are pistols so awfully underpowered?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sqb-sma 66 Posted June 28, 2013 Is this a joke? I mean, seriously BIS? Isn't it sad that pistols in games like Battlefield are more realistic than in Arma? I thought this was a realistic game.... Why are pistols so awfully underpowered?! <br> ;) That's absolutely ridiculous, a pistol round to the head should kill somebody, and if you're balancing it so that that's not the case... you're doing it wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anachoretes 10 Posted June 28, 2013 (edited) Isn't it sad that pistols in games like Battlefield are more realistic than in Arma? 1. Because you can make headshot from 200m in jump? Or few simple parameters representing damage? Do you make are ticket? 2. Would you explain why you showing video from Wasteland? 3. Can you go to the editor and look how pistol is actually work. Before starting the new debate. Edited June 28, 2013 by Anachoretes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reuben5150 2 Posted June 28, 2013 Is this a joke? I mean, seriously BIS? Isn't it sad that pistols in games like Battlefield are more realistic than in Arma? I thought this was a realistic game.... Why are pistols so awfully underpowered?! Ironic since this is a MILSIM, but I would suggest all future testing is done in pure ARMA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted June 28, 2013 See my sig, Reuben5150, right from a dev... but I'll agree that all future testing should be done in vanilla Arma, considering that it seems that the whole point of a "balancing?" thread is WRT unmodded Arma. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D_wolf 1 Posted June 28, 2013 Balancing? This is Arma not Battlefield. Arma should be as closer to real life as possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chortles 263 Posted June 28, 2013 (edited) Oh joy it's yet someone else who reflexively ignores what people have said about how balance exists in real life, you simply have to differentiate between artificial balancing and "natural balance" that stems from realistic simulation... :rolleyes: By the way, heads up, from today's changelog: Added parachutes to light helicopters Cargo of light helicopters is now able to eject and paradrop (the latter if they take parachute bags first) Weapons of CH-49 cargo no longer stick out of the roof Tweaked hit points of the CH-49 Mohawk Parachuting soldiers aren’t sad anymore Tweaked basic setting of the direction of grenade throws Changed magazine for Green faction pistol in equipment Aiming of the ACP-C2 has been adjusted ACP-C2 uses .45 magazines Improved ASRAAM behavior Tweaked recoils for Scorpion and Vermin I just took a look myself, and the ACP-C2 on dev build now is described as "ACP-C2 .45" and uses a nine (9) round magazine of .45 ACP (or so it claims anyway). No idea if they made any change to the magazine model, but here's what that looks like now.The Vermin has also been renamed to "Vermin SMG .45 ACP" and now uses ".45 ACP 30Rnd Vermin Mag" (as described elsewhere, this is not impossible). Edited June 28, 2013 by Chortles Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sqb-sma 66 Posted June 30, 2013 Oh joy it's yet someone else who reflexively ignores what people have said about how balance exists in real life, you simply have to differentiate between artificial balancing and "natural balance" that stems from realistic simulation... :rolleyes:By the way, heads up, from today's changelog:I just took a look myself, and the ACP-C2 on dev build now is described as "ACP-C2 .45" and uses a nine (9) round magazine of .45 ACP (or so it claims anyway). No idea if they made any change to the magazine model, but here's what that looks like now. The Vermin has also been renamed to "Vermin SMG .45 ACP" and now uses ".45 ACP 30Rnd Vermin Mag" (as described elsewhere, this is not impossible). Huzzah, and the .45 ACP pistol is fantastic. I much prefer having that firepower over the larger mag sizes of the 9mm pistols. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TSAndrey 1 Posted June 30, 2013 Balancing? This is Arma not Battlefield.Arma should be as closer to real life as possible. So that means that they cannot balance things to be closer to real life? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites