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ArmA 3 Alpha Units Extended

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This Mod was inspired by Python.au's Mod. So credits go to him for inspiring me to do this!

I realized that there were Civilian variants for the Quadbikes but those are not currently available in the Editor, so I decided to make a Mod similar to his but with the Quadbikes, however, I also took the time to add in some more variants of other vehicles while at it. In the end I ended up with 20 new vehicles, those are:


• A3A: Quadbike Blue

• A3A: Quadbike Red

• A3A: Quadbike White

• A3A: Quadbike Black


• A3A: MH9 Black

• A3A: MH9 Red/White

• A3A: MH9 Blue/White

• A3A: MH9 Independent


• A3A: AH9 Black

• A3A: AH9 Red/White

• A3A: AH9 Blue/White

• A3A: AH9 Independent


• A3A: KA-60 Independent

• A3A: KA-60 Blue/White

• A3A: KA-60 Black


• A3A: KA-60 Independent

• A3A: KA-60 Blue/White

• A3A: KA-60 OPFOR (OPFOR was only available as Armed Version, now Unarmed as well.)


• A3A: Speedboat Minigun Independent

• A3A: Sppedboat HMG Independent


Extract into the ArmA 3 Directory, by default this is located in:

32-Bit - C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/ArmA 3/

64-Bit - C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/ArmA 3/

After extraction it should look like this;

Steam/Steamapps/Common/ArmA 3/@a3a_units

Keys are inside the mod folder, in a folder called "Keys".

You'll also need add a Launch Parameter in Steam, in order to do so right-click on ArmA 3 Alpha and click Properties and then Set Launch Options. In the window that opens type in -mod=@a3a_units

Note: You can also use -nosplash to get rid of the splash art and intro videos.


In order to use those units you'll need to get access to the Empty Units(Vehicles that are not controlled by AI) inside the Editor, most people familiar with the Editor already know how to do this but if you in case do not, I'll go ahead to explain step-by-step on how to do this:

1. When inside the Editor, double-click anywhere on the map and place a Unit, for example "Rifleman".

2. Make sure the Unit is set as the "Player" and not "Playable" or "Non-Playable".

3. Now you're ready to place Emtpy Units!

4. Units in this Mod use "A3A:" as a Prefix so it will be easier to identify them.


Bisign and Bikey is included for use in Multiplayer.



[New] Added 2 new Quadbikes, Independent and Independent "Hunter"(Some weird Camouflage)

[New] Added all Offroads - though currently disabled. Read my last post for information.

[New] Added a new Group in the Editor, can be found under the Emtpy Faction. Decided to do this so it doesn't clutter the drop-down list as much.


4 New Quadbikes

4 New AH-9s

3 New Armed KA-60s

3 New Unarmed KA-60s

2 New Speedboats

Updated: 2 New Quadbikes

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Edited by Dealman

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Thanks, If I was any good at mission creating it would be great to have Quad bike races around the Island. If these are already in the game does only the mission creator require it installed to operate?

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Thanks, If I was any good at mission creating it would be great to have Quad bike races around the Island. If these are already in the game does only the mission creator require it installed to operate?

I did this with the AI, a race across the whole island.... but be warned, the AI are pretty damn fast :P

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Believe I saw a Racing Mission over at Armaholic for ArmA 3 Alpha. Could always ask the author for permission to edit it to your liking (:

Edit: If anyone creates a Racing Mission with my mod I'd love if you could link it in this thread - would love to try it out!

Edited by Dealman

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Any chance of adding OPFOR units that come with Tavors and BLUFORs with M14s? Far as I can tell no unit comes with those guns as default.

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This is great, sorta superseeds the post with just the littlebirds. Can't wait to see missions start using this.

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Any chance of adding OPFOR units that come with Tavors and BLUFORs with M14s? Far as I can tell no unit comes with those guns as default.

I might look into this later, for now you should be able to just enter some Init code for each Unit to give them a specific loadout - just replace their weapon and ammo with M14/Tavor.

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Hey Dealman, any chance you gonna update it with all the Variants of the 'Offroad' Vehicle? Currently its set to Randomize on load each time.

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Any chance of making some of those vehicles on independent side? Could use some vehicles to go with the Russian and Raven factions.

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I edited your mod myself to switch the vehicles you added with "Independent" in the name; added them to the Green- Russian faction. Now all those Russians need is some wheeled transport!

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Nice addition, i use these mainly for missions where HVT's are involved.

Different colours to mark certain targets.

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Sorry for the delay, I'll take a look at the Offroads later today, am going off to bed now. I also missed a texture for the Quadbike which I will add!


Updated the first post with new content.

Regarding the Offroads, I spent a few hours trying things but I can't seem to find a way to tell the Editor not to load the scripts that control the randomization on Offroads.

The scripts are located in "\A3\soft_F\offroad\scripts\" and are called randomize.sqf and randomize_doors.sqf. If someone know of a way to tell the Editor not to randomize the textures - that would be greatly appreciated.

The Offroads are still in the Config file but are for the moment commented out, I have not binarized this mod - so feel free to unpack the PBO and play around with it as your heart desire.

Edited by Dealman

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*reading comprehension fail* I didn't notice Dealman had already posted the location of the scripts. Couldn't you rewrite the init line that calls the randomize in your new config?

I can't seem to unrap the config.bin for them though to see how exactly it is put in.

Edited by Synnr

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I cant seem to find the vehicles in the editor. Could you maybe put them in a class of their own and they aren't showing up anywhere.

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