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l etranger

VTS 4.0 - Live Multiplayer Mission Creating Tool for A3

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Don't be too long ... we need you coding !!!

Thanks for the earlier release :)

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VTS 4.0 beta 10 for Arma 3 is out : :yay:


Version beta 10:

-Fixed loading loadout on a shop with some item not in store would bug sometime (should now correctly item from the loadout not available in the shop).

-Brush should now be able to select plane & ship up to 5000 meters of altitude / depth .

-Delete should now be able to delete plane & ship up to 5000 meters of altitude / depth.

-Take control should now be able to take control up to 5000 meters of altitude / depth.

-Improved mouse over: When an unit in a group is a player, its name is displayed instead of the classname (better to track player groups).

-Fixed : Right Shift now also work for 3D Spawning & 3D displacement (to reduce rotation & height speed).

-Improved GM interface opening process : Opening GM UI should be faster, better and stronger.

-Revive fix : Workaround to stop people able to get up or reload even after behind injured.

-Fixed Tasks manager : Tasks updating would bug if a player changed class or GM used take control.

-AI Micro management improved : Not moving AI units will now cover & better hold territory when alerted.

-AI Micro management improved : AI units doing small distance patrols (under 150m of travel) will now cover & hold territory when alerted instead of leaving position and hunting (long distance patrol still go investigate when alerted)

-Improved Fill cargo function : Will now create a driver of another group from the cargo group, if the vehicle is empty.

-Fixed Plane spawn : Maned Plane would not get the right velocity on spawn

-Improved Transport unload : Now paradrop AI vehicle cargo if it's an Aerial vehicle flying above 125 meters.

-Fixed : Shop content of Resistance side & Civilian sides were not sync between GM & Players

-Fixed : Spectating camera not aiming at the correct height when a unit is not on the same height as ground.

-Improved : Payers > respawn, should now also teleport inside the base , if the base is in different height than the ground (eg : on a building)

-Fixed : sometime in 3d spawning, object where jumping before beeing spawned

-New feature : Unit properties (which can also be applied to the unit group) allow to change damage, ammo, fuel, stance etc of specific units .

-Improved : Saving loadout & loadout name, now also save profile next to avoid potential lose due to game crash.

-Fixed : Dead & Unconcious players could be able to open shop or change class in base.

-Fixed: Deads player were able to get up in certain circumstances.

-Fixed : Shops are no more accessible before the game data are loaded.

-Modified shortcut : Del, now only remove dead objects under the brush. (to avoid miss usage)

-New shortcut : Shift + Del & Ctrl + Del, now delete all objects under the brush. (more secure)

-Improved : When using Respawn and have no life left, if ACRE is used player will be swaped in spectator.

-Improved : Unit spawn selection listing is now sorted on alphabetical order

-Improved : Shops now display your class special ability

Edited by L etranger

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Thank you so much, will test it this afternoon.

Have a great time. :)

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would creating tasks still work?

Yes sure, it's just a weird move from BIS.

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Lots of bugs here L'Etranger. I'm running vanilla DEV version, updated today.

Error in expression <;

if (_vclass iskindof "Tracked_APC" or _vlass iskindof "APC" or _vlass iskindof>

Error position: <_vlass iskindof "APC" or _vlass iskindof>

Error Undefined variable in expression: _vlass

File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\Computer\console\gps_unit.sqf, line 52

Fresnel k must be >0, given n=2.51,k=0

Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x4cf8c040

Error in expression <r1) then {_name1=name user1};

if (alive user2) then {_name2=name user2};


Error position: <user2) then {_name2=name user2};


Error Undefined variable in expression: user2

File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Stratis\player_init.sqf, line 166

There are more that creep up on mouseover, but hope you can fix these first. Looks like a simple typo _vlass instead of _vclass

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Hello All,

How can I use this to get the AI to transport a helicopter of soldiers to a area and have them unload?

Thank you!

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Hello All,

How can I use this to get the AI to transport a helicopter of soldiers to a area and have them unload?

Thank you!

You can either use a getin waypoint on a landed helicopter or spawn a crewed helicopter and fill its cargo. Then just use the transport unload movement on the helicopter.

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Noone else getting crazy bugs with the latest release ? See ^^

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It seems in beta they are reporting error for empty variable (which usually is not much issue on A2). I'll take a look to catch all undefined variable so it's more efficient and error free.

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I'll try to put a new version soon to fix the invalid value spaming up. Can't promise anything, only have less than 30 minute per day to do stuff with it

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Excellent news mate .... I haven't been able to use VTS since the last few patches and have been waiting for you to get settled. Hope the new move has gone well!

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Superb ... I can finally get around to killing again :)

Thanks mate..... testing now.

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Just back from my holiday and will try it with the latest beta and let you know.

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Playing SMOOTH on Altis :)

Found one problem.... not sure if it was some of my mods but I got this

Error in expression <"UP";

_obj setUnitPos "UP";

_obj MoveTo _pos;

} else {

_obj setPos _pos;

_obj se>

Error position: <_pos;

} else {

_obj setPos _pos;

_obj se>

Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos

File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\functions\crB_HousePos.sqf, line 70

Cannot load sound 'buttonpushed.ogg'

Error in expression <oor(random count _bldgpos);

_obj MoveTo _pos;



Error position: <_pos;



Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos

File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\functions\crB_HousePos.sqf, line 84

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How do I copy the object placement data and put it in another mission?

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All you do is copy the .pbo then rename Stratis to Altis :) EASY !

I have found a bug however. When you have been shot and are awaiting a revive you are able to spin around and around. Could you disable this type of movement as it looks really odd!

Edited by Kremator

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Found an error when spawning an empty civ offroad vehicle.

Also when starting the mission on Altis it seems that we spawn in the ocean momentarily.

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Hi there, first post though i read those threads for a while now.

We've been playing with VTS since it was out, we know Letranger very well but can't reach him at the moment.

We seem to have a quite problematic desync issue on Altis and i was wondering if anybody had the same or do i have to search elsewhere.

When spawning units with "Patrol Buildings" behaviour, and these units enter in combat mode and/or die in some buildings, the server seems to have memory leaks.

This goes on until everything is Desync'd but nor the server or the clients have a message reporting this error.

Here's a VTS build that makes our server desync everytime :

[0,false,"WEST","BLU_F","Group","BUS_InfSquad",4,"AWARE","NORMAL","patrolbuildings.sqf",0.3,"NO CHANGE",0,175,[16974.7,12830.2,0],[16808.5,12696.5,0],"",""],
[0,false,"EAST","OPF_F","Group","OIA_InfSquad",12,"AWARE","NORMAL","patrolbuildings.sqf",0.3,"NO CHANGE",0,175,[16781.3,12573.9,0],[16814.9,12730.1,0],"",""],
[0,false,"RESISTANCE","IND_F","Group","HAF_InfSquad",4,"AWARE","NORMAL","patrolbuildings.sqf",0.3,"NO CHANGE",0,175,[16639.7,12744,0],[16849.6,12718.7,0],"",""]]

We've tried "Urban Patrol", No problem, "Fill Buildings", No problem, "Patrol Buildings" on Stratis, No problem...

Would you have any idea what causes it and how to avoid it ? (except not using Patrol Buildings).

By the way, do any of you guys use the VTS as a mission editor by saving the build and posting it somewhere for anybody to play his mission ? I've been wondering how much people use the VTS and if it'd be useful to share cool missions.

Thanks for reading and sharing if you have any idea !

Edited by Koj

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