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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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Thanks :), but yes would be hard step. I have enjoyed the community for near 10 years (played OFP from 2001) making friends and getting superb feedback and advices . Making community pay have extreme bad vibe in it. Have still worked very seriously too and long, didnt make the consept in few hours (wouldnt take long to rewrite everything but the learning have took the most time). If WLA would look proper own game and would get rid of performance issues (still not sure if its game or my scripts - still I blaim mostly the game ;D) then maybe maybe. ;)

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Thanks for updating RHS - Havent gone too deep into it previously but did notice alot of CSAT references still and also modern Civ vehicles. I know theres an Arma2 civ pack mod - rds I think? Possible to exclude modern cars and civs if this mod is enabled?

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With that though, are you open to donations? Honestly, if it wasn't for WLA I probably really wouldn't be playing Arma 3 as long as I have. I'm not really a multiplayer guy and usually just play single player. Thus I'd be more then willing to donate, as I really do enjoy Arma 3.

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WIll it be possible for you to change base AI configuration in that way that if a AI unit gets knocked out it respawns automatically after a time?

Its very annoying to remove all AI first in order to replace 1 dead.

Thanks for your continued fine work !!

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Thanks :),

more additions/tweaks coming to mod templates time to time. You can change appearing civs/cars from shift+1 mod section. Could try later to add some templates for that too. Having multiple templates activated at one time needs some more work but in plans. Not sure with the donations, those might not even fully legal in Finland. We are drowning into meaningless bureaucracy here. :)

Reseting post AI would be one thing to add too. Not much related, but just suggestion to make team-mates take less damage to keep them more alive. Will include it soon as optional feature, also would be nice to add somekind of revive in SP for team-mates.

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New Small WLA: Amalgamation update: Updated RHS template + tweaks.

Great video - but the UI really clashes with it.

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New WLA: Amalgamation update: Added Advanced FirstAid feature (enabled as default) - teammates can take more damage + can be revived (are automatically revived by other team-mates if autoMedic is on and there is no hold position command) + other related tweaks.

Thanks :), yes should make it hide. Still bit learning the videos, but hope to have proper trailer for the consept at some point.

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What was updated in the RHS template update? As far as i could see the same vehicles para drop and the troops all start with AK's and stuff.

I'm not sure if its just me but performance is horrible on this mission now, tried starting one earlier and it was so slow, menus took about 5 seconds to pop up etc. Is it just me? Halved my settings too but to no avail. I'm on Windows 10 now but i cant see that making too much difference especially since i play other stuff on arma completely fine. My rig is 3 years old now but it should be able to run it at a decent level of FPS i would've thought.

I'll test tomorrow completely mod free to see if i can improve it.

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Added missing RHS vehicles and units to appear, tweaking it more soon. Performance have been randomly poor for me too, especially if using mods. No idea what is going on, but somehow it seem to depend if player uses vehicles or not. Will try to search the bugs even could be game issue too. Around month ago disabled scripts one by one, but nothing seem to have negative effect on performance. Could be pathfinding, physX or some other stuff failing again.

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Switching to an older Version of PhysX helps in some Games. For example if you use the latest Nvidia Forceware 350.12 you can replace the Physx.dll of the Installation with a older one. (works in GTA V for example)

Of course it didnt work on Arma, this game cant be optimized so far that players would be able to enjoy playing with constant and stable framerates. Even Ultra High End Systems arent able to run this Game with constant Framerates.

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With new DEV-build, they release new debug commands. If using that build and getting slowdown you can write this in esc-menu and press exec:

copyToClipboard str diag_activeSQFScripts;

Then ctrl+V it to http://pastebin.com/ and post the link in this thread. Also looking testing now that command myself.

Edit: Adding scriptnames for next update so will be easier to read that data. Better wait it before possible posting to pastebin.

Edited by SaOk

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New WLA: Amalgamation update: Found and fixed bad performance dropping flaw.

Still testing but looking very positive. That diag_activeSQFScripts is a lifesavior. :)

Edit: Uploaded some more tweaks to enable Advanced FirstAid for purchased/rewarded/custom missionload units.+some more tweaks.

Edited by SaOk

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I have an issue when starting for the first time WLA. Once I skip the intro (the one with the subs) I enter in a bucle that never ends. This bucle starts with a view of a church's. I tried restarting and downloading again the pbo file. The version is 1.9921. How can I fix it?

Thank you!

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Yea i had noticed even online sometimes being in vehicles was unbearably bad.

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Hi, you most likely have some outdated or broken gamefiles. Try verifying your game in steam by right clicking arma3 -> properties -> few pages right -> verify.

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Hi SaOK, first off, would like to say well done with the scenario/s. Been enjoying WLA and WLS a lot.

Just wanted to ask a quick question regarding construction. I cannot seem to build fortifications for WLA. I would stand beside the construction vehicle and open the construction tab but I do not see any options to construct any buildings or fortifications. I have no problems with WLS when it comes to construction but I cannot seem to find a work around for WLA.

I'd link a screenshot but I cannot post links yet as I am a new member to both the site and the game.

Many thanks for the help in advance and cheers!

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Thanks, :) very strange - I believe you have also outdated game files (see my previous post) or maybe WLA addon missing (do you get the hint message loop)?

Latest mission pbo is here:


Latest WLA addon:


Both can be found also in workshop.

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Hi, you most likely have some outdated or broken gamefiles. Try verifying your game in steam by right clicking arma3 -> properties -> few pages right -> verify.

Nah, ive tried all the usual stuff and its not a mission specific complaint, just agreeing with your earlier post about being in vehicles causing slowdown.

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Nope, meant that as reply for post before yours. :)

Uploaded some more tweaks, team-mates were dieing often when they meant to enter injured event.

Edit: New gameplay video played with RHS and blastcore

Edited by SaOk

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Would there be an easy way to kickstart a WLA game? Maybe add a couple thousand extra prestige in through the save file? I start new saves quite often. Also I'm just worried about the save integrity switching from version to version over and over. Don't want something you put 20 hours into becoming corrupt.

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Some pages before SaOk mentioned a prestige-cheat that you could use if you really want to.. (spoils the fun and the challenge imo)

As for the save games, just make use of WLA inbuild save game methods 0-0-0 or shift+1 and save your game there.

When ever you want to continue your game again, choose restart at the Arma 3 mission menu, and after the cinematic intro you will be asked to continue a saved game or want to create a new one.

That way your save will survive Arma 3 updates and WLA updates ofc too.

Be careful though when adding mods, and removing mods from those save files, as some of them might cause unforeseeable issues.

SaOk, I could check out the new revive method. It's kinda cool idea and adds a good new atmosphere to the game.

Unfortunately the screen get's spammed kinda often now with the new UI information pop ups.

It would be nice to have an option to toggle them off completely, or make them much less obvious, cluttered, and less nerving/annoying.

Would it be possible that AI can revive us too maybe? Let's say they have maximum 60 seconds and then the player is forced to respawn via the old respawn menu.

Mean time in the 60 seconds, the player can always chose to respawn at any time. That would be nice :)

And another idea, it would be great to drag people to safety before reviving them. In best case, this should be possible for AI too (maybe a range limit for dragging for the AI so they are not dragging bodies across the field :D )

On a side note, since the last 2-3 updates you have introduced a new bug (I think at the same time when you increased the build range in meters);

The vertical position of an object that is about to get placed is getting reset when moving/replacing its location.

Do you have reduced the amount of stationary weapons of guardposts from 2 to just 1 allowed stationary weapon?

I get a warning message now when ever I want to build a 2nd AI weapon at a guardpost.

Performance wise I have nothing to complain and is still smooth (since I disabled blastcore which seemed to me very taxing on my PC for WLA with all the stuff happening).


Edited by ChuWie

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Yes, you can add prestige By writing pisteet=10000; in esc-menu and pressing exec.

The pop up are still bit WIP (also the revive have still some issues especially with damage eventhandlers), will make the revive messages more rare. There could be tutorial mode parameter to toggle off most pop ups too.

Adding revive for player is possible, just need some more work. At least AI is already quite fast to revive units. The animations are bit clumsy, would need way to force unit fall on ground as ragdoll. But will work on player revive, also later hopefully on draging and carrying. Last year made function for dragging but AI got stucked much.

Will fix those construct bugs.

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What about the stationary weapons limitation? Is it a new change on purpose that you set the limitation to the amount of 1 unit/stationary weapon, which was before 2 at guardposts?

(limited build option enabled in WLA options menu.)

Before I could place 2 stationary weapons, now I can just place 1 stationary + 1 guard.

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New WLA: Amalgamation update: Player can be revived too now (if advanced firstAId setting is enabled).

That construct limit is some bug. Checking it next. Edit: The small bunker should allow 1 static and 2 guards so it could be normal at the end. Other fortresses allow 2 or more.

Edit: New upload - Green Camp Visit again works and fixed the construct system bug. Edited by SaOk

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New WLA: Amalgamation update: Added wounded dragging (press U), you can also point (with T), where you want AI drag wounded before they revive. (WIP, need to add still pathfinding for dragging, currently AI goes through objects)

Would add carrying too but it seem to be broken, you can vote related bug ticket here:


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