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Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

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Hello, I to have big problem playing MP mods like Esseker, Exile , Chernarus.

I'm having like 20-30 FPS and big framedrops with this spec:

AMD FX 6300 - 6 cores 3.5 GHZ
MSI nVidia GTX 650 Ti Boost
4GB RAM DDR 1333 mhz.
Game for me it's unplayable.

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20-30 FPS... Its not so bad.  But if its unplayable, try to play on other serwer with vanilla content only, also check this in single player (editor for example). Off course write about the resoult. Maybe serwer is configured wrong (long draw distance?). Take in account, that Arma 3 is not best optimalised, so 20-30 FPS is very good resoult, specially on your rigs.

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So I see I'm not the only one plagued by this issue. I have a 5960x @4.4Ghz and 2 Titan x's and I get around 50fps average. My cpu is only using around 10% and I have 64GB of ram. I did not read every post in this thread as there were many so forgive me if a solution has been posted but if so I would appreciate any responses as to how to fix this :)

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So I see I'm not the only one plagued by this issue. I have a 5960x @4.4Ghz and 2 Titan x's and I get around 50fps average. My cpu is only using around 10% and I have 64GB of ram. I did not read every post in this thread as there were many so forgive me if a solution has been posted but if so I would appreciate any responses as to how to fix this :)

You can't.


I would be pretty happy with keeping 50 fps in this game..

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Started on 05 March 2013 and with over 200 pages, the problem(s) discussed in this thread should finally been recognized by BIS.


The RV4 Engine does not run well on modern PCs and ArmA3 is a PC exclusive, not a shitty port from consoles.

I really like BIS and the Arma series, but as long as the performance (especially in multiplayer) is that low, i can't have fun playing A3 any longer, i always wonder "why does it only use 1 + 1/2 Core, why does it run that bad, why is it so poorly optimized for current systems, it's a PC exclusive game FFS"

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Started on 05 March 2013 and with over 200 pages, the problem(s) discussed in this thread should finally been recognized by BIS.


The RV4 Engine does not run well on modern PCs and ArmA3 is a PC exclusive, not a shitty port from consoles.

I really like BIS and the Arma series, but as long as the performance (especially in multiplayer) is that low, i can't have fun playing A3 any longer, i always wonder "why does it only use 1 + 1/2 Core, why does it run that bad, why is it so poorly optimized for current systems, it's a PC exclusive game FFS"

inb4 "i get 100+ fps multiplayer, ur pc sux"


Edit: Btw, where is the Physx part in arma?

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Hi to all Armaholic's =)


im new to the forums and i noticed that i cant open a new topic, so i decided to post it here and i hope you guys can help me.

i searched google and the forums but couldent find a solution for my problem.


Im using the Eden Editor and since the last update im getting this erorr message:




this message only appears after returning from in-game to the Eden Editor and after that message i cant ROTATE with the mouse in the 3D Eden Editor

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Hi to all Armaholic's =)


im new to the forums and i noticed that i cant open a new topic, so i decided to post it here and i hope you guys can help me.

i searched google and the forums but couldent find a solution for my problem.


Im using the Eden Editor and since the last update im getting this erorr message:




this message only appears after returning from in-game to the Eden Editor and after that message i cant ROTATE with the mouse in the 3D Eden Editor

As you are breaking basic rule - wrong place to put this question - there is topic "Question & Answers" for this - i will be nice beacuse you are fresh here. Its some of your mods fault - animation of some new content is propably the fault here. Otherwise, check this site, and try to use search option here : www.feedback.arma3.com/view_all_bug_page.php

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Started on 05 March 2013 and with over 200 pages, the problem(s) discussed in this thread should finally been recognized by BIS.


The RV4 Engine does not run well on modern PCs and ArmA3 is a PC exclusive, not a shitty port from consoles.

I really like BIS and the Arma series, but as long as the performance (especially in multiplayer) is that low, i can't have fun playing A3 any longer, i always wonder "why does it only use 1 + 1/2 Core, why does it run that bad, why is it so poorly optimized for current systems, it's a PC exclusive game FFS"

Oh boy your twitter post gave a good laugh. It should be BISsoft in the end ;) Testing a mission with many AI's and vehicles, good luck with that. Playing as a pilot on a multiplayer with 9fps is quite unpleasant, followed with fps drops and all. Probably have to overclock 8350 4-core to 5.5Ghz to run it stable 25fps on multiplayer...



Arma 4 "Made to be unplayable" 59.99$

Arma 4 DLC "Barely playable" 49.99$

Arma 4 DLC "When 4 fps isn't enough"  24.99$

Arma 4 DLC "Utilize more than 10% of your cpu but no more than 15%" 19.99$



Arma 5 "Oh we can utilize more than 1 core!?! :blink: "



Arma 6 "Now in 64-Bit"

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So is nothing going to be done about this? Wasn't it not that long ago that one of the Devs admitted that the FPS had nothing to do with the server?

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So is nothing going to be done about this? Wasn't it not that long ago that one of the Devs admitted that the FPS had nothing to do with the server?

 I was a believer until a year ago until one of the devs told us not to have any high hopes and only little can be done to improve some things slightly.

We have seen almost no improvement in FPS or optimizations the last year and that tells enough..

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For me game runs just fine now stable 25+fps, only on some minor missions with lot of Ai i have 15- FPS sometimes.

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For me game runs just fine now stable 25+fps, only on some minor missions with lot of Ai i have 15- FPS sometimes.

Well, if you consider 25 fps to "run fine"... then good for you i guess.


But some of us actually want a good experiance when playing, and that is not at 25 fps.

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The biggest game changer is still modes, you wont get a lot of frames in Koth etc.. 

In the rigtht mode you wont have problems with it.

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Well, if you consider 25 fps to "run fine"... then good for you i guess.


But some of us actually want a good experiance when playing, and that is not at 25 fps.

I writed 25+  ......That mean 25 is minimal, very, very rare situations it drops to 15.

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I writed 25+  ......That mean 25 is minimal, very, very rare situations it drops to 15.

So mininal should be 15 and not 25 ..

And if you are happy with that  then you should be able to enjoy all new games with your current rig for the next 5 years!! Unfortunately some (including myself) have higher expectations to enjoy a good game.

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So mininal should be 15 and not 25 ..

And if you are happy with that  then you should be able to enjoy all new games with your current rig for the next 5 years!! Unfortunately some (including myself) have higher expectations to enjoy a good game.

15 FPS i had when 6 vehicles explode in same time, larger firefights, and jets all over the sky. I had problems with FPS as well, but reinstalling windows with arma resolved issue for me. Also do not overclock anything CPU related - game have problems with that

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with a relative stable fps a game runs fine for me not with jumping fps between 60-15fps like A3 most of the time(would be ok if a lot happening ingame but is not so) ......but depends on each itself how he perceives it  




most annoying is fps drop affects the firing rate and is clearly noticeable and a old Arma prob




Game has one of worst overall Performance i see in the last Years. :lol:

Game Dev's decide to not response here or in feedbacktracker..that says enough about it xD

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with a relative stable fps a game runs fine for me not with jumping fps between 60-15fps like A3 most of the time(would be ok if a lot happening ingame but is not so) ......but depends on each itself how he perceives it  




most annoying is fps drop affects the firing rate and is clearly noticeable and a old Arma prob


My biggest gripe with 10-25 FPS gaming (which is ONLY Arma 3 ) is: Mouse movement. It's really jerky. That's a no-no in a SHOOTER.

I have never had as big problems aiming at anything in any game. That's why I have basically "downgraded" to Sniper rifles only. I don't HAVE TO be accurate within seconds, I have time to aim (2-3 secs).


The other thing that pisses me off to no end is Choppers. The Apache-types. When I send two of those into any combat area with let's say 5 tanks and 30-50 infantry, my FPS tanks to single digits as soon as those choppers start shooting.


The stutter, the jerky mouse movement etc, just a bad experience.

I have managed to tank the FPS to 3 FPS. All kindsa crap starts happening.



Instead time is spent on features that 1% of the playerbase ever even tests.

Well done, well done.

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15 FPS i had when 6 vehicles explode in same time, larger firefights, and jets all over the sky. I had problems with FPS as well, but reinstalling windows with arma resolved issue for me. Also do not overclock anything CPU related - game have problems with that

So tell us your what fps you usually have, in multiplayer ofcourse, with 40+ ppl and what mission.

Reinstalling windows will barely help for anyone. Placebo effect if something.

Why not overclock CPU?

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So tell us your what fps you usually have, in multiplayer ofcourse, with 40+ ppl and what mission.

Reinstalling windows will barely help for anyone. Placebo effect if something.

Why not overclock CPU?

I dont play multi often, but if i play i have 25-60 FPS but with 20 - 30 players max - never played with more people.

Well, reinstalling windows helped on my end a lot, i dont know what actually worked here - maybe i skipped some windows update after system reinstall (installed 100 updates, reset, checking effects, so the game FPS isnt too low, then another 100 updates and again check) i installed all necessary updates, not single optional , deleted updates to win 10 (this small icon next to the clock), did not installed Flashplayer, all microsoft visual C++ are the only i installed with arma 3, i instantly uninstalling libraries installed with other games. Only gaming platform installed on my PC is Steam and Rockstar Games Social Club (cannot use it other than updating GTA V). hmmm, what more..... updated drivers (newest AMD gived me 30% boost) and thats all.

Why not to overclock? Tests made on GTA V answered this - overclocking helping with games, that optimialisation is fully finished. Now take in account, Arma 3 optimalisation engine is done 4 or more years back, people wasnt overclocking CPU back then so often. Maybe someone overclocking CPU will help, but on latest games i dont see this is helping. Off course there are occasional CPU's that this method is working, but if some guy have 3.Ghz and game is runing at 20 FPS and he overclock to 3.5 GHZ and ge will still have 20 FPS (maybe even 19) its not fault of his hardware, but game optimalisation. Game engine is just not fully supporting parts of his PC and overclocking will not change anything.

Keep that in mind, my PC is not super powered machine and also not the slowest one. Like it or not, my PC is getting old, and games (other than arma) was, and still are runing on max settings. Arma 3 begin to run smooth after last 3 or 4 update

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I dont play multi often, but if i play i have 25-60 FPS but with 20 - 30 players max - never played with more people.

Well, reinstalling windows helped on my end a lot, i dont know what actually worked here - maybe i skipped some windows update after system reinstall (installed 100 updates, reset, checking effects, so the game FPS isnt too low, then another 100 updates and again check) i installed all necessary updates, not single optional , deleted updates to win 10 (this small icon next to the clock), did not installed Flashplayer, all microsoft visual C++ are the only i installed with arma 3, i instantly uninstalling libraries installed with other games. Only gaming platform installed on my PC is Steam and Rockstar Games Social Club (cannot use it other than updating GTA V). hmmm, what more..... updated drivers (newest AMD gived me 30% boost) and thats all.

Why not to overclock? Tests made on GTA V answered this - overclocking helping with games, that optimialisation is fully finished. Now take in account, Arma 3 optimalisation engine is done 4 or more years back, people wasnt overclocking CPU back then so often. Maybe someone overclocking CPU will help, but on latest games i dont see this is helping. Off course there are occasional CPU's that this method is working, but if some guy have 3.Ghz and game is runing at 20 FPS and he overclock to 3.5 GHZ and ge will still have 20 FPS (maybe even 19) its not fault of his hardware, but game optimalisation. Game engine is just not fully supporting parts of his PC and overclocking will not change anything.

Keep that in mind, my PC is not super powered machine and also not the slowest one. Like it or not, my PC is getting old, and games (other than arma) was, and still are runing on max settings. Arma 3 begin to run smooth after last 3 or 4 update

Well, still. 25 fps is not "fine" for most I'm sure of. It's jsut that we have accepted the state of the game. 


This "fix" by reinstalling windows wont work for most of the people. Surely you had something else on the computer maybe, Did you actualy see a fps increase after the reinstallation on windows?




Tests made on GTA V answered this - overclocking helping with games, that optimialisation is fully finished

source please?

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Well if you Vasily.B can't overclock much or you can't see performance increase by doing that then it's likely a thing with older parts or something else. But OC CPU and RAM has helped a lot of people to get bit more performance out of Arma and there are tons of evidence, results, and talking about that.

You're the first guy that I've heard to say that CPU overclock doesn't help. The performance increase by doing overclock with Intel at least in Arma is around 0,5-1fps per 0,1GHz.

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Hi guys!
i got this problem:

the game is freezing every 1 sec
i tried to reinstall the game to ssd then to hdd
              defrag the hdd
              reinstall the vga driver to older one
              change resolution
              change the graphics


my specs: 
8320 oc 4Ghz
8Gb 1866 ram
asus r9 280x
intel ssd

I hope somebody can tell me what the hell i need to do :D
Thanks for the help
(sorry for bad english)

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Well, still. 25 fps is not "fine" for most I'm sure of. It's jsut that we have accepted the state of the game. 


This "fix" by reinstalling windows wont work for most of the people. Surely you had something else on the computer maybe, Did you actualy see a fps increase after the reinstallation on windows?


source please?

Source :


For me reinstalling windows helped but read it again - I DONT KNOW WHAT ACTUALLY WORKED HERE. For me and 6 people from Multiplayer session it helped. But it was after one of us done this trick. Remember, reinstalling windows also clearing registry, cleaning HDD, deleting all malwares/viruses/ restrore all to default values etc. I had personally overclocked GPU and had lower FPS than before OC, i restored default GPU state and problem was still present - so i decided i have nothing to loose - reinstalled system and it worked. After last update my FPS is little lower but still acceptable. 25 WAS LOWEST VALUE - read post with understanding ok? Now lowest value is around 17 FPS when there are lot of wrecks smoke and other particle effects

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