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ArmA 3: new ARG - Things we know so far.

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when you open the link you have this : Tady nic neni = there is nothing here

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I would really want some "dev/pr guy" here to confirm if this is acutally ARG or say "we dont know what the hell is that" :P

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  Redjevel said:
I would really want some "dev/pr guy" here to confirm if this is acutally ARG or say "we dont know what the hell is that" :P

We get it, you have no clue what's going on. Please, you don't have to remind us on every page. It's either an ARG or they were being clever with the hostname and credentials. Either way, cracking this gives the community something to do.

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  Redjevel said:
I would really want some "dev/pr guy" here to confirm if this is acutally ARG or say "we dont know what the hell is that" :P

It's not from bis. It's from the greek secret service, they are trying to capture even more spies... everyone contributing delivers proof of beeing a spy =P

Anyone interested in my high quality tin foil hats?

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If you don't think it's an arg, then don't play. Regardless, please only make posts relevent to solving the arg. If I find that any user is filling the thread with irrelevant, unrelated chatter, that user may find himself unable to participate. From our experience with the previous args, these threads quickly become totally impenetrable.

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ShackTac Server Spotted.


EDIT: Now 64 man server, What are you up to ShackTac...

Edited by MrFata

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This propably is just me grasping at straws, but m26.node-42.rv4a3 could be a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and/or Deep Thought

Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything (42)

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  batto said:
I've present for hungry milsimers :3

Install ActivePerl: http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/downloads

In ActivePerl install following modules:




Run this script http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=51QS2T1K and type _only_ passwords. It tries both users. It also tries some variations, so for "Martin And Ivan" it will try

Martin And Ivan

Martin and Ivan

martin and ivan






When you type correct one it'll let you know ;)

All tried passwords are stored in arma3arg_tried_pws.txt in your home directory (already tried are not tried again).

EDIT: Download again. Fixed bug.

Nice script! Sorry about earlier - I assumed you'd guessed the login details rather than bypassed them. How exactly does one 'run' your script? I've opened it with perl.exe, it opens a cmd window but doesn't do anything interesting. All of your suggested packages were installed by default, by the way.

edit: what about editing the script slightly so it runs through a dictionary file? I'd be willing to use my computing power for it ^_^

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All you need to do to run script is install perl in D:\perl and save script in same location and rename it yourfile.pl after that you run cmd

Once you have cmd open you should wrote these


cd perl



David does not know that the Sunnyvale phone number connects to WOPR, or "Joshua", at Cheyenne Mountain.

Any recall that phone number?

Edited by Sakinz

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Translation of the memorial homepage:

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Edited by [FRL]Myke
Putting quote in spoiler

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i've put the quote in spoilers because the text is quite long. No offence, just thought the thread will remain better readable this way.

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  JakeB said:
edit: what about editing the script slightly so it runs through a dictionary file? I'd be willing to use my computing power for it ^_^

I don't think we are supposed to find the login by brutal force. Also the ARG site seems to be hosted on a business site, a DDOS attack by a dictionary file might be unwelcome. Any advice from the MODs if the server can handle the load by dictionary attack?

  derdoe said:
Translation of the memorial homepage:

It's not a memorial homepage, main part is from an article in magazine "ΠΤΗΣΗ" (PTISI or Flight) July 1992. It has been going around the Greek blogosphere for years, each blog copying the previous, sometimes adding some parts and doing some cosmetic changes.

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  TonyGrunt said:
I don't think we are supposed to find the login by brutal force. Also the ARG site seems to be hosted on a business site, a DDOS attack by a dictionary file might be unwelcome. Any advice from the MODs if the server can handle the load by dictionary attack?

It's not a memorial homepage, main part is from an article in magazine "ΠΤΗΣΗ" (PTISI or Flight) July 1992. It has been going around the Greek blogosphere for years, each blog copying the previous, sometimes adding some parts and doing some cosmetic changes.

Thanks for clearing that up, i thought its a memorial site for the pilot that crashed/got killed in that incident.

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  JakeB said:

Back to the gamespy listing: it uses the IP address, which takes you to:


In the page title is "SahraniRadio - Airtime" - Sahrani radio was operated by Jerry Hopper, was it not?

Linkedin profile for Jerry Hopper.

Not sure if this has any relevant information - and judging from the picture I believe it could be a troll.

Posting it at any rate in case someone else can find something there that I can not.



He is also now listed as working for Embassy Freight Services, the domain name holder of rv4a3.org.

The domain information for the website(rv4a3.org) got updated just now according to the whois.

I'm not sure what has changed since I did not save a copy from earlier - but at least there are phone numbers and emails to the "admin", Marco.


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Edited by Nixxen

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Some things i think might help to solve this:

- we expect to find out the release date of ArmA3

- unknown importance of the phone numbers and the Molon Labe/Molon Lave term

- password might be joshua (War Games reference)

- melteme reference: apparently spelled Meltemi and leads to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meltemi which refers to the other term Etesian

- melteme strong north winds happening from Mid-May to Mid September (which is a first clue to the release date)

Information about the Taverna linked in the first post:

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Edited by derdoe

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