Freelancer 186 Posted December 24, 2012 (edited) Hello all, I wish to share with you guys community today A mod me and a few people have been working on.Frozen Skies:War In The East is a world war 2 eastern front mod now i'm aware there's been a few attempts to make a Eastern front mod but i believe all have failed (correct me if I'm wrong) apart from Iron Front:Liberation I've played Iron front and don't get me wrong but it's a good game but it won't what I hoped it to be.There was a lot missing In this mod I hope to add all what was missing into ArmA II and make a nice High quality mod for the community to enjoy. I'm very passionate about my work and so is the team they dedicate there free time into making nice new units.The first release planned for the mod is going to be set in the first months of Operation Barbarossa in the Ukraine,as time goes on it will progress further and take you right up to Stalingrad in the horrific cold.But the mod is still very early days so it's a long way before we're at Stalingrad :681: Some of you may be wondering what other sides will be in the mod? As you know Germany and Russia will be in the first release and that's it but within the first release you can expect to see some units from America and the British commonwealth.Later on in versions we hope to add sides like Finland,Romania, Italy,Poland and of course more British and american units. I believe I've said enough now I would like to show some early Work in progress screen shots with you all. Autsin K2Y Heavy Ambulance (British) German Radio Outpost. More Images coming soon... I would just like to were all new to modding ArmA II if anyone would like to help us we're currently looking for a 3D artist and a 2D artist and a coder.Also if anyone has any tutorials/tips on how to add the units into the game it would be a big help to us. ModDB: In the mean time I hope everyone will enjoy following the progress of the mod. Merry Christmas Edited December 24, 2012 by Freelancer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted December 24, 2012 Please check your picture size: §15) Do not hotlink images over 100kb (102400 bytes) in size Do not link images over 100kb using the IMG tags to display an image in your post. If you wish to post an image larger then 100 kb feel free to post the URL instead of hotlinking. Thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jw custom 56 Posted December 24, 2012 It looks great :cool: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
verde13 0 Posted December 25, 2012 Looking forward to it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4080 Posted December 25, 2012 Nice Idea, I'm always open for more WW2 mods! One question, the title Frozen Skies before I actually seen it was for a WW2 mod implied it was something for flying, a planes mod, or the sort, I thought it was for flying, its a good name dont get me wrong just it implies more of an air combat aspect to it then would a general war name or a name specific to WW2 in terms of area of combat. Just a thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Freelancer 186 Posted December 26, 2012 Hello all I'm pleased to see some nice feedback :) Me and the team have been talking and we think that it would be nice to have a map for the 1.0.As you know the first attack on Russia was massive.and for those of you that know about it's history you'll know that army group north,army group center an of course army group south was spread out way to large to include all in one map.We was thinking about places to make a map... We was thinking about making one larger map with a mixture of environment from towns/cities to rural countryside if we was to make a map like it would be average detail.but if we was to make a few smaller maps they can be a little higher detail.Myself and the team would like to know whats your opinion?We want to hear from the community what type of map they would like,a few smaller maps with higher detail or a large map with average detail @Günter Severloh:We came up with a few names for the mod but we thought this one was one of the better once's we will still talk possible changes but nothing can be promised. Apart from all this discussion with the team we have been working on some bits & bobs.In progress we have a TT33 handgun and as you know Russian forces used a lot of trains as transport so I've made a start on a little something... I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dogone 32 Posted December 26, 2012 (edited) "The Battles on Eastern Front" !!... Im liking the sound of this mod. Here are some idea's for names..."Frozen Fields"-War on the Eastern Front. ... "SteelCity"- War in the East. ... "EasternFront-1941". ... "Operation-SteelFront" Edited December 26, 2012 by DogOne Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stupidwhitekid75 11 Posted December 26, 2012 Great! Glad to see someone is working on this and hopefully we can see it in game. I love the Eastern Front. If you're interested in bringing U.S., British and German troops in game, see if you can cooperate with the Invasion 1944 team, they may be able to help you out (here is a link to their thread: I especially love the idea of Finnish, Romanian and Italian troops making it into the game some time. I would suggest that you make these factions have higher priority over the U.S. and British so that players can have something new and unique (there are already two existing WW2 mods for ArmA that have both U.S. and British factions...Invasion 1944 and Hell in the Pacific....however no released mods that I know of have Italian, Finnish or Romanian troops). As far as maps go, I would focus on an area during the beginning of Barbarossa. I would make a small map to go with your first release so that your project does not begin overly ambitious. Make it just large enough for decent infantry combat that is also capable of some light tank combat. If you check out Invasion 1944's "Battle of the Bulge" map, I believe that would probably be a good sized map to go off of. I think the name of this mod is fine as is, when I first saw it I originally thought it would be something to do with aircraft and the Eastern Front but it works. Keep up the good work guys, I'm really looking forward to this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4080 Posted December 26, 2012 Operation Barbarossa is a nice start for the Osfront, or Why We Fight: The Battle of Russia I'd start with a small map and then expand, maybe focusing on one army group and then going to the next, and make maps based on where they fought. You guys could also build maps and units and such based on the phases of how Barbarossa was done: Phase 1: The Frontier Battles (22 June 1941 – 3 July 1941) Phase 2: Battle for Smolensk (3 July 1941 – 5 August 1941) Phase 3: Kiev and Leningrad (5 August 1941 – 2 October 1941) Phase 4: Operation Typhoon (2 October 1941 – 5 December 1941) couple of names: "The Sovietâ€German War 1941–45" "Blitzkrieg Ostfront" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Freelancer 186 Posted December 27, 2012 Hello all :) Me and VirtualOneMedia (Co developer) have been talking about the name and we feel the name is quite unique and we wish to keep it. As I post this me and VirtualOneMedia have been hard working on 2 new models (Zis-5,Ba-6 Armored car) which we will finish in a hour or so. We plan to release some images of soon. And talk about the map has still not been fully discussed but when we do make the map (however big or small) we plan to do it in the Ukraine this could lead to a possibility of a 3rd fraction in 1.0.I can't really so much more until the next few days.In the week me and the team also wish to start attempting getting some of the units fully fictional in-game.If anyone has any experience and would like to help us and save us some much valuable time please feel free to send me a message. Now it's time for me to get back to work :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stupidwhitekid75 11 Posted December 27, 2012 Boy, you guys work fast! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virtualonemedia 1 Posted December 27, 2012 After 10 hours of straight work i almost finished one of the models here is a little demo preview. Feedback is really good so any suggestions please txt ill try to fix all the little things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stupidwhitekid75 11 Posted December 27, 2012 Wow, great work man. Can't wait to see what the infantry look like. Keep it up!!! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skelig 27 Posted December 27, 2012 Looking good just be careful of the poly count, you will need some LODs for a 10k+ poly model Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virtualonemedia 1 Posted December 27, 2012 Looking good just be careful of the poly count, you will need some LODs for a 10k+ poly model This is the high poly model. Its easier to take polys out later on then edit the whole model. its at about 8k+ but i can get it down to 4k without losing any details. maybe 2k+ on low poly model. Whats a good poly count for the game model trucks ??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skelig 27 Posted December 27, 2012 This is the high poly model. Its easier to take polys out later on then edit the whole model. its at about 8k+ but i can get it down to 4k without losing any details. maybe 2k+ on low poly model. Whats a good poly count for the game model trucks ??? I am not sure I just model and then the mod devs will tell me what to change, What I understand is that 32k polys is the limit of the arma engine it will not load a model over this, the arma 2 A-10 is around 32k I believe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virtualonemedia 1 Posted December 27, 2012 Right i was working on this true out the night. got to go to work in a hour still got it just about done. :yay: I did int include the doors in the render for display purpose. This is a high quality render please share or use this as your wallpaper. One again feedback is appreciated. i probably wont see you for a while so i hope freelancer will answer any questions you might have. Enjoy !!!! Original Download : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J. Schmidt 10 Posted December 27, 2012 Looking great, keep up the hard work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Frogman 0 Posted December 27, 2012 This looks great! I think your mod would be a HUGE hit if you had a map the size of the Fallujah map (Stalingrad maybe) and if someone would create a mission like insurgency/domination on it. Keep up the good work man! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
belgerot 33 Posted December 27, 2012 Great idea, very pleased to see it is already underway! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Freelancer 186 Posted December 28, 2012 Hello all, I'm very happy to see such great feed back. We've been discussing about the map and we well for 1.0 which takes place in 1941 we feel it's best for us to focus on "Army Group South" which had to take Ukraine.One of our plans of the map is to have quite a big map so we can include some variation with some nice country side and some nice towns.We fill one of these best place for this is Kiev (Ukraine) which saw 2 large battles there (1941,1943) So in 1.0 you can expect to see Kiev in the mod. I'm currently in the process of making a few new bits and also un-wrapping the Zis-5.VirtualOneMedia has also been working on another vehicle I'd like to share with you the willy's jeep lend lease from the USA. That's all I have to say for now. keep your eyes open for some more updates including: Zis-5,Mosin Nagant rifle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dogone 32 Posted December 29, 2012 Your idea's for the map sound great, looking foward to see them when complete, also models looking really nice. Well done so far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cyjanek 1 Posted January 6, 2013 (edited) I've waited for east front arma 2 mod! Contact me, if you need any infos or pictures. Question: Is VDV gonna be added? Edited January 6, 2013 by Cyjanek Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gilb 10 Posted January 8, 2013 Thats very good news that this project is started . Its a real coincidence last week i pondered if i do the same because i felt the missing of a Russian WW II mod got to be cured . Perhaps I can help you a little bit with your mod . I am just starting to learn Oxygen2,Blender etc maybe we can work together . My experience with Arma 2 starts from its release on , most time played Warfares and Ace related content . I have good knowledge of historic Russian Units and Weapons from WW II Tabletop Games where i play them . I strongly recommend that you focus on Russian units at first and try to achieve a cooperation with Invasion 1944 mod . I am german too . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cyjanek 1 Posted January 8, 2013 Hello, as newly recruited team member, i have honour to post progress update. Yesterday, freelancer worked on T-60: As Freelancer says: "All work is going at full speed VOM (VirtualOneMedia) is texturing a Granatwerfer 34 and I'm About to finsh un wrapping the ZiS" Greetings, Frozen Skies team Share this post Link to post Share on other sites