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Green Sea Expansion Project Releases

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This isn't a new release but it is the other three terrains, with no significant modifications, with keys. Instead of splitting this up between three different posts I figured I would just make a new one and have the old 3 locked.

Moschnyi (Mediafire)

Zernovo (Mediafire)

Miroslavl' Beta (Mediafire)

Additionally, there is a new empty bonus terrain. By empty I mean there is a basic satellite mask and a 20km x 20km height map. There are no objects. I did enjoy doing some tank battles back when I first imported it into the game and thought others might be able to enjoy it as well. I had first starting working on this map while I was working on Miroslavl' and wanted to do some more heightmap and sat mask work to help me learn how to use L3DT. I don't intend on ever going back and finishing it due to other projects that are still incomplete with a higher level of importance to me. I just thought I would give you a bonus with the key release (and possibly torture you a little with the idea of a new 20km x 20km map).

Lake Beloe (Sendspace)

What the map was intended to be:

Terrain Resolution: 10m

Heightmap Resolution: 2048px x 2048px

Total Size: 20,480m (20.48km x 20.48km)

Sat/Mask Res: 20,480px x 20,480px

My Initial Visitor/L3DT Overlay/Plan


  • North: Hilly Forest
  • East: Hilly Forest
  • South: Plains / Steppe
  • West: Desert / Steppe
  • Center: Plains / Steppe / Farmland
  • Other:

Mountains flanking a large lake in the center

River running from the lake to the south-west

Population Centers:

Belozersk (like Sochi)

  • Former popular resort destination for high level Soviet Officials
  • Not an industrial city
  • Called "The Green Sea Paradise"
  • Large trainyard
  • Former drug gateway into the Soviet Union from Takistan


Takistan Airbase

  • Central western portion of the map.

Russian Airbase

  • Central northern portion.
  • Biggest on the map.
  • Newer fighter/bomber base.
  • Built after the fall of the Soviet Union to keep Takistan and Chernarus in check.

Russian Border Patrol Base

Chernarus Airport

  • South-East portion.

Chernarus Military Base

Chernarus Border Patrol Base

I'm sorry to tease you with all of that but I am the type of person who likes knowing what's going on behind the scenes and figured some of you guys might be as well. If anyone is interested in using it for a project PM me and I can send you the height map and if you want the mask and sat map but they are incredibly basic (mask is solid green).

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Very nice, I never heard about this before. Any plan to release any Takistan style maps..or well maps from that area? or even the height map and sat stuff so others can help.

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This isn't a new release but it is the other three terrains, with no significant modifications, with keys.

Any insignificant changes? :D

Best of luck with the rest of your projects - hope to see more of them soon.

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Very nice, I never heard about this before. Any plan to release any Takistan style maps..or well maps from that area? or even the height map and sat stuff so others can help.

I had a plan for one but I don't think I'm going to get to it. It is pretty far down the queue and I know for sure that I will be busy with other things until at least Christmas and probably well after. And then even when I am free from that I still have to finish up the Miroslavl' terrain. So I doubt I will be able to get to it sorry. There are a lot of other Takistan style terrains that I have seen released or being made though. A lot of them look quite good too.

Any insignificant changes? :D

Best of luck with the rest of your projects - hope to see more of them soon.

I think I toyed with the sat map on Zernovo a little bit but I didn't make any huge changes. Essentially I was just trying to learn how to use L3DT (terrain program). The other thing I remember changing is the sound of the water on Zernovo. It shouldn't sound like the ocean anymore but more of a creek. Additionally, there might be others that I don't remember making. By the way, if you like Zernovo, St. Adam in CWR2 was kind of supposed to be a Zernovo 2 only without the river.

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Thanks Jakerod, I use all your gsep maps, they stand as a great expansion to Chernarus, and sits nicely with Podagorsk etc, in feel and quality.

Sad about the empty map, you will not be finishing it, never mind, great to have another large open terrain for large tank or air battles.

Hope your not wondering away from map making as all your maps/terrains/islands are really high quality, certainly the ones I have are.

Anyway thanks for the new one and the updated or not gsep’s and good luck with your ongoing projects..:)

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Thanks Jakerod, I use all your gsep maps, they stand as a great expansion to Chernarus, and sits nicely with Podagorsk etc, in feel and quality.

Sad about the empty map, you will not be finishing it, never mind, great to have another large open terrain for large tank or air battles.

Hope your not wondering away from map making as all your maps/terrains/islands are really high quality, certainly the ones I have are.

Anyway thanks for the new one and the updated or not gsep’s and good luck with your ongoing projects..:)

Don't worry I'm not moving away from terrains. I'm happy to hear that you enjoy them.

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About miroslavl', the city itself is great and i have an idea for the rest of the map:

fill it with several roads and villages with farmlands and cover the rest with the chernarussian average dense forests, maybe several small military bases as well.

hope i have been helpful.

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This is an interesting concept. It will be good to see Takmyr all the way to Chermodorsk, and open many operational possibilities.

Unfortunately, most of Takistan is incomplete, according to the maps, with only Zargabad being modeled for the central and nothing northern. Additionally the only roads going to Takmyr are the two Hwy 3's, which run out of both Karachinar and Zargabad, with a distance of 81km between Karachinar to Takmyr. That is a lot of open ground to cover between Takistan and the border. An idea to quickly close the gap might be along the lines of the PMC Desert 51km map?

I look forward to seeing the future of this project.

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About miroslavl', the city itself is great and i have an idea for the rest of the map:

fill it with several roads and villages with farmlands and cover the rest with the chernarussian average dense forests, maybe several small military bases as well.

hope i have been helpful.

I had the same idea too.

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I made a mission on Zernovo years ago and would love to remake it in ArmA 3.

I recently watched a YT video from ArmA 3 ( THREE ) on Zernovo from 2014.


I done a quick search but never found an answer.

Has the terrain been ported to ArmA 3?


I'm away from my main PC so I cannot check...

Would Zernovo work with CUP?







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I've used that terrain recently, and the other terrains made by Jakerod. They work fine with CUP. Zernovo is an awesome terrain with one of the best rivers in Arma, possibly the only European themed terrain with a decent usable river besides Livonia, Weferlingen and Ruha I would say. Only one small issue with some of the bushes which don't render very well, so I put down a game logic to remove those bushes and all is fine.

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