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City stutter fix (* That worked FOR ME)

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I've read about others experiencing issues with severe stuttering in areas with lots of buildings on decent to great hardware, but I have not seen this fix on the boards. I have had this problem for a very long time, especially on Chernarus, which was frustrating since I've been running an I7 @ 3.2ghz, 16gb system memory, and a GTX 560 with 2gb ddr5.

My fix was to set object detail to VERY HIGH. Before this, driving a HMMWV across Cherno would give me 50 fps with massive stuttering (10 or less fps) for +/- 10 seconds every 10 or so seconds. Now I don't drop below 30, ever.

With 2gb of vram and object detail maxed, to my logic, the engine can cache most if not all geometry. On normal-very low it is having to stream geometry, causing the stuttering. I suppose this wouldn't work for a more modest rig. I hope this helps someone out there, and if this has been posted before, my sincerest apologies.

Also, sorry if this seems stupid. My logic was always if it runs bad, lower the settings. This was a little counter intuitive for me since I've been running the game at very low object detail for years, and putting up with the stuttering.

**Edit** Don't use -winxp with this. I've been messing around with settings since posting this and I had major stutter issues with -winxp command...

Edited by blanchjo

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It is sometimes counter intuitive until we understand what's happening behind the scenes.

Forcing the game to run in lower detail modes often moves processing to the CPU.

For example, running shadows at anything above high makes the shadow calculations run on the GPU. Set it lower and they run on the CPU. So if you've got a weak CPU but a powerful GPU, setting shadows to low can really hurt performance. As I say, this is just an example, but it's indicative of how setting the game up properly is important for best results.

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-winxp still working fine here (win7) :j:

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-winxp still working fine here (win7)

Well -winxp is meant for SLI systems running on Vista or 7, so if your running SLI it would run better.

Interesting idea from the blanchjo though.

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i have massive lags driving near woods with very high/high details, on normal game feels fine.

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for shadows, high and veryhigh uses the vidcard, so if you have a good card ,use high shadows. VD is really a CPU thing. ObjectDetail is the clutter. -xp command is lame lol... but if it works dont fixit! Cherno is not very friendly to 24in/1900/1xxx~ displays if you are on a midrange card. Its not even nice to 680/7970s, you still need two sli/cf to get Vsync with quality filters.

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strangely, i have no performance issues in cities now, even on full server, but always in woods...

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wow i have the same gpu but lower cpu speed than you but i dont seem to have the same issue. gonna try the setting you proposed though, thanks!

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for shadows, high and veryhigh uses the vidcard, so if you have a good card ,use high shadows. VD is really a CPU thing. ObjectDetail is the clutter. -xp command is lame lol... but if it works dont fixit! Cherno is not very friendly to 24in/1900/1xxx~ displays if you are on a midrange card. Its not even nice to 680/7970s, you still need two sli/cf to get Vsync with quality filters.

Object detail = geometry (buildings, vehicles, trees)

Terrain detail = clutter (grass)

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